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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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 "Z" Concept -- [C3B]z.php  

"Z" Concept [C3B]:
A "Z" is a 2 x 2 that is offset by one position (e.g., the formation obtained from a Mini-Wave Box after 1/2 Press Ahead). Work in the Offset 2 x 2 and maintain the footprints. EN: 826

 1/4 (or 3/4) Cross -- [C4]  

1/4 (or 3/4) Cross [C4] (Lee Kopman 1970):
Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4); those in a Line|Wave Centers Cross Run. EN: 30

 1/4 (or 3/4) Mix -- [C3A]14mix.php  

1/4 (or 3/4) Mix [C3A]:
From a R-H Mini-Wave Box, a Diamond with the Centers in a R-H Mini-Wave, or other applicable formations. Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4); those in a Line|Wave Mix. Ends in a Line or Wave. This is a 3-part call. EN: 14

 1/4 In | Out -- [A1]quarterinout.php  

1/4 In | Out [A1] (Jim Faulkenberry und Clarence Watson 1959):
From a Couple or Mini-Wave. Individually turn 1/4 toward (1/4 In) or away from (1/4 Out) your Partner (the adjacent dancer). If you do not have a Partner, turn 1/4 toward or away from the center of the smallest applicable sub-formation you can find. EN: 111

 1/4 Stable CONCEPT -- [C4]  

1/4 Stable CONCEPT [C4] (Vic Ceder 1983):
Start the given call normally but after turning 90° do the remainder of the call Stable. EN: 209

 1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 Top -- [A1]123top.php  

1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 Top [A1]:
From a Thar, a Squared Set after everyone Face In, or from other applicable formations. Arm Turn 1/2; Move forward (Centers in a star, Outsides around the outside) in a Circular path to meet the n-th dancer, where n = 1 for 1/4 Top, n = 2 for 1/2 Top, or n = 3 for 3/4 Top. Ends in a Thar. EN: 140

 2 By 1 Something New -- [obsolete]  

2 By 1 Something New [obsolete]:
From Columns of 3. #1 and #2 dancers Couple Up as #3 dancer Circulate and U-Turn Back. EN: 286

 3 By 2 Acey Deucey -- [C1]3by2aceydeucey.php  

3 By 2 Acey Deucey [C1]:
From applicable formations. Outside Triangles Circulate (a Triangle is a 3-dancer formation) as the Very Center 2 Trade. EN: 20

 any Tagging call & Scatter Chain Thru -- [C3B]  

any Tagging call & Scatter Chain Thru [C3B]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scatter Scoot Chain Thru. Ends in Parallel Waves. Note: some callers say Chain Thru & Scatter instead of & Scatter Chain Thru. The word order in this case does not matter: it refers to the same movement. EN: 26

 any Tagging call (-er's) Delight | Dilemma -- [C3A]  

any Tagging call (-er's) Delight | Dilemma [C3A]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Extend; Delight | Dilemma. EN: 243

 any Tagging call Your Leader -- [C3A]  

any Tagging call Your Leader [C3A]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Follow Your Leader. EN: 216

 any Tagging Call Your Neighbor -- [C2]atcyourneighbor.php  

any Tagging Call Your Neighbor [C2]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Follow Your Neighbor. Ends in a Wave. For example, a Tag Your Neighbor is a 1/2 Tag; Follow Your Neighbor. EN: 436

 anyone 1 By n Shove Off -- [C4]  

anyone 1 By n Shove Off [C4]:
Designated dancer Phantom Run (one position away from their partner's position) as the n adjacent dancers move 1 position towards the designated dancer. EN: 565

 anyone 1 By n Tow Truck -- [C4]  

anyone 1 By n Tow Truck [C4]:
From a Line of 3 (or more). Designated End dancer Truck as other dancers move one position toward the designated dancer's vacated position without changing their facing direction. Previously known as anyone Tow Train [obsolete C4]. EN: 497

 anyone Cross Kick By {n} -- [C4]  

anyone Cross Kick By {n} [C4]:
From a Tidal Line in which the anyone dancers are the Very Centers. The Very Centers work toward the far End to Kick By n, not counting the other Very Center position. EN: 886

 anyone Run By {n} -- [C4]  

anyone Run By {n} [C4]:
From a Line of 3 or more. Designated dancers Run past n dancers, who individually move one position toward the designated dancer's original starting position. EN: 885

 anyone Scoot others Dodge -- [A1V]  

anyone Scoot others Dodge [A1V]:
From Facing Couples or other applicable 2x2. Those designated Scoot Back as Others Dodge. Ends in a 2x2. For example, from normal Facing Couples: Boys Scoot, Girls DodgeEN: 544

 anyone Tow Train Leave The Caboose -- [obsolete]  

anyone Tow Train Leave The Caboose [obsolete]:
Tow Train but the non-designated End dancer does not move. This is the same as anyone 1 By n-1 Tow Truck. EN: 498

 anything & Circle (fraction) -- [C2]anythingandcircle.php  

anything & Circle (fraction) [C2]:
From applicable formations. All or Center 4 do the anything call. Outside 6 move up one position as in Swing & Circle 1/4. The move up direction for the Outside 6 (clockwise or counter-clockwise) depends upon the facing direction of the dancer who becomes the end of the Center 4 after the anything call. After completion of & Circle 1/4, the Outside 4 adjust as necessary to become Couples facing in. Repeat the entire movement (including the anything call) for each 1/4 (e.g., if the fraction is 3/4, do the entire movement 3 times). If no fraction is given, do the entire movement 4 times. EN: 735

 anything 'Em Up -- [C3BV]lockemup.php  

anything 'Em Up [C3BV]:
Hinge; Centers Hinge as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit as Outsides Roll. I.e., do the last 3/4 of a Lock 'Em Up. EN: 816

 anything (Cross) Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B]  

anything (Cross) Nuclear Reaction [C3B]:
Do the anything call leaving off the final Extend, then do a full (Cross) Nuclear Reaction. The anything call is usually a Scoot Back variation of a Tagging call. EN: 789

 anything (Cross) Reactivate -- [C3B]  

anything (Cross) Reactivate [C3B]:
Do the anything call leaving off the final Extend, then do a full (Cross) Reactivate. The anything call is usually a Scoot Back variation of a Tagging call. EN: 759

 anything Like A Patch The anyone -- [C3AV]  

anything Like A Patch The anyone [C3AV]:
Do the anything call; designated dancers U-Turn Back. In this case, the caller must make sure that the designated dancers are unambiguous (e.g., Girls, Head Men, etc...). Otherwise, the dancers do not know who is to do the U-Turn Back (e.g., In Roll Circulate Like A Patch The Centers: do the original Centers or the resulting Centers do the U-Turn Back?). EN: 297

 anything Like A Recoil -- [C3AV]  

anything Like A Recoil [C3AV]:
Do the anything call; Step & Fold. EN: 174

 anything Like A Travel Thru -- [NOL]  

anything Like A Travel Thru [NOL]:
Do the anything call; As Couples 1/4 Right. EN: 171

 anything O-Late -- [obsolete]  

anything O-Late [obsolete]:
Do the anything call; Centers Spread as Ends U-Turn Back and Crossover Circulate. EN: 751

 anything Single The Wave -- [C4]  

anything Single The Wave [C4]:
From a Wave. Step Thru; do the anything call. The anything call should be a 4 (or fewer) dancer call, working with the dancers who were in your wave. EN: 676

 anything Stimulate -- [C3BV]  

anything Stimulate [C3BV]:
Do the anything call; 1/2 Circulate; Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 and 1/2 Press Ahead as Others Hinge & Grand Fan The Top (Center 4 Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides move up). The anything call replaces the first Circulate. EN: 797

 anything The Action -- [C4]  

anything The Action [C4]:
Do the anything call (which usually ends in a Trade By formation); Centers make a R-H Star (usually 1/2 Reverse Swap Around) and Star 1/4 as Outsides Hinge & Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up. Usually ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 147

 anything The Boat -- [C4]  

anything The Boat [C4]:
Do the anything call; Finish Load The Boat (i.e., do the last 3/4 of Load The Boat: Centers Face Out, Partner Trade, and Pass Thru as the Ends Pass 2 dancers right-shoulders and Face In). EN: 358

 anything The Cross Lock -- [C3B]  

anything The Cross Lock [C3B]:
Do the anything call; Cross Lockit. EN: 773

 anything The Key -- [C3B]  

anything The Key [C3B] (Dave Hodson):
Do the anything call; Counter Rotate 1/4; Hinge. The anything call replaces the Trade. EN: 802

 anything The Lock -- [C3A]  

anything The Lock [C3A]:
Do the anything call; Lockit. EN: 306

 anything The Pulley -- [C3A]  

anything The Pulley [C3A]:
Do the anything call, then Finish a Spin The Pulley (Triple Cross; Peel Off). Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 232

 anything The Pulley But anything -- [C3A]  

anything The Pulley But anything [C3A]:
Do the first anything call; Triple Cross; do the second anything call. EN: 233

 anything The Top -- [C4]  

anything The Top [C4]:
Do the anything call; Fan The Top. EN: 308

 anything(ers) Cover Up -- [C4]  

anything(ers) Cover Up [C4]:
Do the anything call; 1/2 Circulate; Centers Recycle as Outsides Any-Shoulder Pass In. The anything call replaces the first Circulate. EN: 509

 direction Anchor fraction -- [C4]anchor.php  

direction Anchor fraction [C4]:
From a Couple. Using the dancer nearest the given direction as the pivot point, Cast Off the given fraction toward the given direction. The pivot dancer starts and ends on the same floor spot. There is neither a default direction nor a default fraction for this call. EN: 258

 fraction Cast & Relay But anything -- [C3BV]  

fraction Cast & Relay But anything [C3BV]:
Do a fraction Cast & Relay but replace the final Centers Cast Off 3/4 with the Centers doing the anything call. EN: 748

 fraction Chain & Circulate In -- [C4]  

fraction Chain & Circulate In [C4]:
From applicable formations. Centers Cast Off the given fraction; Very Centers Trade; Centers Cast Off 3/4 & Spread as Ends Circulate and Crossover Circulate. EN: 746

 n Step(s) At A Time -- [C3B]stepsatatime.php  

n Step(s) At A Time [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1978):
From Columns. The First n dancers Peel Off to end in a Line of n, Step Ahead as necessary to form a Concentric Line of 2n and Bend The Line of 2n as the other dancers Extend (using Circulates) to form a compact formation, Trade, and Roll. n Step(s) At A Time can be fractionalized into thirds. EN: 817

 n/4 Stable CONCEPT -- [C4]  

n/4 Stable CONCEPT [C4] (Vic Ceder 1983):
Start the given call normally but after turning a cumulative total of n · 90° do the remainder of the call Stable. Note that the turning is cumulative: if you turn 90° right and then 90° left, it is considered that you have turned a total of 180° (not 0°). Ponder the difference between a 3/4 Stable Exchange The Diamond and a Stable 3/4 Exchange The Diamond. EN: 210

 All 8 Cross Cycle -- [obsolete]  

All 8 Cross Cycle [obsolete]:
From a 1/4 Line: Cross Concentric Cross Cycle. Ends in a 1/4 Line. Most callers instead say Cross Concentric Cross Cycle. All 8 Cross Cycle is analogous to All 8 Recycle [C1]. EN: 769

 An Anchor But anything -- [C4]  

An Anchor But anything [C4]:
Center 6 Trade; Outsides Step Thru, Ends Bend & Pass In as Centers do the anything call. This is the same as An Anchor except that the resulting Centers Replace the Center 4 Trade followed by Center 2 Trade with the anything call. EN: 505

 Anchor The anyone For anything -- [C4]  

Anchor The anyone For anything [C4]:
From applicable formations. Do the anything call with the designated dancer remaining on the same floor spot throughout the entire call. This frequently results in the ending formation being offset from the starting formation. EN: 480

 Bail Out But anything -- [C4]  

Bail Out But anything [C4]:
Centers replace the Counter Rotate 1/4 with the anything call. EN: 365

 Bias Trade Circulate -- [C4]  

Bias Trade Circulate [C4]:
From Parallel Waves. As one movement, Bias Circulate and Spread. Ends in opposite-handed Parallel Waves. Alternative definition: Leaders Crossover Circulate as Trailers Diagonal Box Crossover Circulate (using a L-H Star when starting from L-H Waves). EN: 24

 Box Transfer -- [A2]boxtransfer.php  

Box Transfer [A2] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From a 2 x 2. Leaders Box Circulate Twice and 1/4 In as Trailers Extend, Cast Off 3/4, and Extend. A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Mini-Wave Box. Split Transfer is a Box Transfer done within each 2 x 2 of a 2 x 4. Box | Split Transfer is the Single version of Transfer The Column. EN: 58

 Boxsome CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Boxsome CONCEPT [C4]:
A 2 x 2 Matrix of dancers and phantoms work as a 4-some. This concept is used from a 2n x 2m Matrix (usually 2 x 8 or 4 x 4), and is typically called as 'In Your 4 x 4 Matrix: work Boxsome...' EN: 808

 Brace Yourself -- [C4]  

Brace Yourself [C4]:
From a Couple consisting of one Boy and one Girl. Normal Couples Courtesy Turn as Half-Sashayed Couples U-Turn Back. Ends in a Normal Couple. This is the last half of Brace ThruEN: 122

 By Golly -- [C4]bygolly.php  

By Golly [C4] (Lee Kopman 1977):
From Facing Couples. This call must be preceded by a call which can be followed by a Sweep 1/4. Those closest to the flow direction Sweep 1/4 as the others Dodge and Any Shoulder Wheel Thru. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 747

 Central Concept -- [C3A]central.php  

Central Concept [C3A] (Bill Heimann):
Do the Centers part of the anything call. If the starting formation is a 2 x 4 and if the Centers part of the anything call can be done from either a 1 x 4 or a 2 x 2 (e.g., Counter or Detour), then work in the 2 x 2. For this case, the caller should specify in which setup the dancers are to do the call (e.g., Each Wave do a Central Counter). EN: 795

 Chain Reaction -- [A1]chain_reaction_a1.php  

Chain Reaction [A1] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag. Very Centers and the directly facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 (on the Outside); Centers of each side Hinge; Center 4 Star 1/4 as Outsides Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). Ends in Parallel Lines | Waves. EN: 145
Chain Reaction [A1,C1] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag. Very Centers and the directly facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 (on the Outside); Centers of each side Hinge; Center 4 Star 1/4 as Outsides Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). Ends in Parallel Lines | Waves. EN: 190

 Chain Reaction But anything -- [NOL]  

Chain Reaction But anything [NOL]:
Do a Chain Reaction, except the final Centers replace Cast Off 3/4 with the anything call. For example (from a R-H 1/4 Tag): Chain Reaction But Left Swing ThruEN: 540

 Change Jays -- [NOL]  

Change Jays [NOL]:
After doing a Jay call, work with the other Jay positions (Outsides work with the other Center positions, and Centers work with the other Outside positions). EN: 333

 Change Lanes -- [C3B]changelanes.php  

Change Lanes [C3B] (Kip Garvey):
From Parallel Lines with the Centers in a Mini-Wave Box or from other applicable formations. Centers Any Hand Remake & Spread as Ends Circulate & Crossover Circulate. Parallel Lines end in Parallel Lines. EN: 744

 Change The anything -- [NOL]  

Change The anything [NOL] (Vic Ceder 1992):
Arm Turn 1/2; Slip; Centers Cross Run; anything. (e.g., Change The Lock(it), Change The Ah So, etc.) Hence, Change The Centers would be a Change The Slip; Change The Wave would be a Change The SwingEN: 771

 Change The Centers | Wave -- [C3B]changethewave.php  

Change The Centers | Wave [C3B] (Dot Butler und Jerry Salisbury 1968):
From a Wave or Facing Couples.
Change The Centers: Arm Turn 1/2; Slip; Centers Cross Run; Slip.
Change The Wave: Arm Turn 1/2; Slip; Centers Cross Run; Swing.
Both calls end in a Wave and are 4-part calls.
 EN: 770

 Change Your Image -- [C3B]changeyourimage.php  

Change Your Image [C3B] (Dave Hodson und Lee Kopman 1979):
From a 2 x 4. Centers Phantom Columns Circulate twice as the Ends Split Circulate twice. Parallel Lines or Columns end in Columns; T-Bones end in various formations. Change Your Image is a 2-part call and can be fractionalized into quarters. EN: 785

 Checker formation anything -- [C4]  

Checker formation anything [C4] (Vic Ceder):
Leaders (who must be in Lines) Trade with each other as the others do the anything call working in a distorted formation. The designated formation is a 4-dancer formation such as a Diamond, Single 1/4 Tag, or "Z". Hence, Checker Board could alternatively be called as Checker Column, Checker Line, or Checker Wave. EN: 291

 Checkpoint anything By anything -- [C2]checkpoint.php  

Checkpoint anything By anything [C2] (Lee Kopman 1982):
From a 1 x 8, Point-to-Point Diamonds, or any other applicable formation in which there are Centers of each side. The Centers of each side work together, concentrically, around the Very Center dancers, to do the first anything call (if possible ending so that they have changed the long axis of the starting formation); Remaining Outsides (2 or 4 dancers) move into the Center (without changing their facing direction) and work with the original Centermost dancers to do the second anything call. EN: 756

 Choice -- [C3A]  

Choice [C3A]:
From a Generalized Tidal Line or other applicable formations. Center Line|Wave Lockit and Hinge as others Trade and Step & Fold. A Tidal Line ends in Parallel Waves or Parallel Two-Faced Lines. This is a 2-part call. EN: 253

 Circle (fraction) To A Two-Faced Line -- [C4]circletoa2fl.php  

Circle (fraction) To A Two-Faced Line [C4]:
From Facing Couples. Circle Left 1/2 (or the given fraction); Veer Left. Ends in a R-H Two-Faced Line. Same as As Couples Single Circle To A Wave. EN: 593

 Circle (fraction) To A Wave -- [C2]circletoawave.php  

Circle (fraction) To A Wave [C2] (Lee Kopman 1976):
From Facing Couples. Circle Left 1/4 (or the given fraction); Beaus Walk as Belles Dodge. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 592

 Clear Out -- [C4]  

Clear Out [C4] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From applicable formations. Circulate; Lead End U-Turn Back; Centers Box Circulate; Out-Facing Centers Concentric U-Turn Back. From Columns, Clear Out is equivalent to FancyEN: 226

 Contour The Line -- [C4]  

Contour The Line [C4]:
From a Generalized Line. Hinge; Box Circulate twice; Hinge. Ends in a Wave or Inverted Line. This is a 4-part call. EN: 780

 Coordinate To A Diamond -- [C4]  

Coordinate To A Diamond [C4]:
Coordinate; Centers Hinge. Columns end in Twin Diamonds. EN: 719

 Counter -- [C2]counter.php  

Counter [C2] (Lee Kopman):
From a 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Centers Cast Off 3/4 and Counter Rotate 1/4 as Outsides Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold. A R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Waves; a L-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 241

 Cover Up But anything -- [C4]  

Cover Up But anything [C4]:
Circulate; 1/2 Circulate; Outsides Any-Shoulder Pass In as Centers do the anything call. This is the same as Cover Up except the resulting Centers Replace the Recycle with the anything call. EN: 510

 Criss Cross n Step(s) At A Time -- [C4]  

Criss Cross n Step(s) At A Time [C4]:
First n dancers Trail Off, Step Ahead, and (Concentric) Bend The Line of 2n as others Extend to form a compact formation & Slither, Trade, and Roll. EN: 819

 Criss Cross Clover And anything -- [NOL]  

Criss Cross Clover And anything [NOL]:
Out-Facing Couples Cross Cloverleaf and Half Sashay as Others (move in and) do the anything call. EN: 139

 Criss Cross Follow To A Diamond -- [C4]  

Criss Cross Follow To A Diamond [C4]:
From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Trailers Cross Your Neighbor & Spread as Leaders Box Circulate and Cross Extend. A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Diamond. EN: 314

 Criss Cross Scoot Apart -- [C4]  

Criss Cross Scoot Apart [C4]:
From a Mini-Wave Box. Trailers Cross Extend, Trade & Spread as Leaders Box Circulate & Cross Extend. A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Two-Faced Line. EN: 271

 Criss Cross The Diamond -- [C4]  

Criss Cross The Diamond [C4]:
From Parallel Waves. Criss Cross The Deucey; Centers Hinge; Diamond Circulate; Centers Hinge. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 754

 Criss Cross The Shadow -- [C2]crisscrosstheshadow.php  

Criss Cross The Shadow [C2] (Ross Howell 1974):
From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem or from Promenade (in which case designated dancers act as Leaders in Parallel Two-Faced Lines). Ends 1/2 Zoom & Slide, Cast Off 3/4 and Spread as Out-Facing Centers Cloverleaf and Slither as In-Facing Centers Cross Extend, Arm Turn 1/4, & Extend. Adjust as necessary to end in Parallel Lines. EN: 149

 Criss Cross Wind The Bobbin -- [C4]  

Criss Cross Wind The Bobbin [C4]:
#1 and #3 Trail Off as #2 and #4 Cross Extend; Outsides Circulate twice as Centers Fan Chain Thru. EN: 199

 Cross anyone Hop -- [C4]  

Cross anyone Hop [C4]:
Designated dancers Cross Walk (Split Trade Circulate) as others Dodge; all Hinge. This is a 2-part call. EN: 304

 Cross n Step(s) At A Time -- [C3B]  

Cross n Step(s) At A Time [C3B]:
First n dancers Trail Off instead of Peel Off. EN: 818

 Cross Breed Thru -- [C4]  

Cross Breed Thru [C4]:
From applicable Facing Couples (or an applicable R-H Wave). Pass Thru; Normal Couples Left-Shoulder Partner Tag as Half-Sashayed Couples 1/4 Out. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 123

 Cross By -- [C1]crossby.php  

Cross By [C1] (Lee Kopman 1969):
From Parallel Waves or a Thar. As one movement, 1/2 Circulate and Slide (nose-to-nose). A Thar ends in an opposite-handed Thar; Parallel Waves end in a Thar. EN: 82

 Cross Chain Reaction But anything -- [C3AV]  

Cross Chain Reaction But anything [C3AV]:
Centers replace the final Cast Off 3/4 with the anything call. EN: 289

 Cross Chuck-A-Luck -- [C3B]chuckaluck.php  

Cross Chuck-A-Luck [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1971):
From Parallel Lines with the Centers facing out. Centers Cross Run and Pass In as Ends Face In, Step Forward, and Cross Trail Thru. Ends in an Eight Chain Thru formation. EN: 138

 Cross Expand The Column -- [NOL]  

Cross Expand The Column [NOL]:
Centers Trade & Spread (Reverse Cut) as Outsides Column Circulate twice. EN: 323

 Cross Flare Out And anything -- [C4]  

Cross Flare Out And anything [C4]:
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Cross Flare Out To A Line; Center 4 do the anything call. EN: 318

 Cross Flare Out To A Line -- [C4]  

Cross Flare Out To A Line [C4]:
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Leaders Any Shoulder Turn & Deal and Veer in flow direction to become the Outside Couple of a Tidal Line as Trailers 1/2 Circulate. Cross Flare Out To A Line is equivalent to Leaders Couples Twosome Trail Off as Trailers 1/2 Circulate. EN: 317

 Cross Follow To A Diamond -- [C4]  

Cross Follow To A Diamond [C4]:
From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Trailers Cross Your Neighbor & Spread as Leaders Box Circulate once and a half. A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Facing Diamond. EN: 313

 Cross Horseshoe Turn -- [C4]crosshorseshoeturn.php  

Cross Horseshoe Turn [C4]:
From a 2 x 4 with the Ends in Columns facing Out. Ends Cross Cloverleaf (as one movement, Half Sashay and Cloverleaf) as the Centers 1/4 In and Cross Trail Thru. Generalized Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru. This is a 2-part call for the Centers. EN: 95

 Cross Lock 'Em Up -- [C3BV]  

Cross Lock 'Em Up [C3BV]:
Cross Lockit; Hinge; Centers Hinge as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit as Outsides Roll. EN: 815

 Cross Lock The Hinge -- [C3B]  

Cross Lock The Hinge [C3B]:
Cross Lockit; Hinge. EN: 310

 Cross Locker's Choice -- [C3B]  

Cross Locker's Choice [C3B]:

 Cross Lockit -- [C3B]crosslockit.php  

Cross Lockit [C3B] (Lee Kopman):
From a Wave or a Two-Faced Line. As one movement, Lockit and Spread. Ends in a Wave or Two-Faced Line. EN: 106

 Cross Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B]nuclearreaction.php  

Cross Nuclear Reaction [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1988):
Same as Nuclear Reaction except that the Very Centers Diagonal Pass Thru with the diagonally-facing outside dancers. EN: 788

 Cross Reach Out -- [NOL]  

Cross Reach Out [NOL]:
Trailers 1/2 Box Circulate and Phantom Cross Run (Trade and Spread) as Leaders Box Circulate 1 & 1/2. Equivalent to Scoot Apart (defined below). EN: 268

 Cross Reactivate -- [C3B]  

Cross Reactivate [C3B]:
From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag. Same as Reactivate, except that the Very Centers Diagonal Pass Thru with the diagonally-facing Outside dancers. Ends in Parallel Lines or Parallelogram Parallel Lines. EN: 758

 Cross Reset -- [C4]  

Cross Reset [C4]:
From a Mini-Wave Box. 1/2 Cross Zoom (Leaders Trail Off as Trailers 1/2 Circulate); Hinge; 1/2 Cross Zoom; Hinge. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 805

 Cross Scoot Apart -- [C4]  

Cross Scoot Apart [C4] (Jim Davis 1977):
Trailers Cross Extend, Trade & Spread as Leaders Box Circulate 1 & 1/2. A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Wave. EN: 270

 Cross Scoot Back -- [C4]  

Cross Scoot Back [C4]:
From a Single 1/4 Tag. Cross Extend; Arm Turn 1/2; Extend. Ends in an opposite-handed Single 3/4 Tag. EN: 494

 Cross The "K" -- [C2]crossthek.php  

Cross The "K" [C2] (Bill White 1970):
From Facing Lines, Eight Chain Thru, or other applicable formations. Cross Trail Thru; Centers Trade as Ends U-Turn Back by turning away from the Center (i.e., 1/4 Out & Roll). EN: 136

 Cross Trail -- [obsolete]  

Cross Trail [obsolete]:
From a Couple. Left-shoulder Partner Tag. Ends in Back-to-Back Dancers. EN: 141

 Cross Wind The Bobbin -- [C4]  

Cross Wind The Bobbin [C4]:
#1 and #3 Trail Off instead of Peel Off. EN: 198

 Cross Your Neighbor -- [C1]crossyourneighbor.php  

Cross Your Neighbor [C1] (Gus Greene 1969):
From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Leaders 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back as Trailers Cross Extend & Arm Turn 3/4. A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Two-Faced Line. EN: 434

 Crossover Circulate -- [A1]crossovercirc.php  

Crossover Circulate [A1] (Holman Hudspeth 1968):
From a Generalized 2 x 4, Generalized Thar, or other applicable formations. As one movement, Circulate & Half Sashay. EN: 79

 Curli-Cross -- [C4]  

Curli-Cross [C4] (Lee Kopman 1968):
From Facing Couples or a R-H Wave. Curlique (Touch; Boy does his part Right Arm Turn 1/4 as Girl Left-face 3/4 Turn to end in the Boy's original starting position); Trailers diagonal L-H (outside hand) pull by. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. This is a 2-part call. Curli-Cross, which was once on the A1 list, was the inspiration for anything & CrossEN: 120

 Curli-Pass -- [C4]  

Curli-Pass [C4] (Lee Kopman 1976):
From applicable formations. Those designated (or those facing) Curlique; those facing Pass Thru. This is a 2-part call. The Pass Thru usually involves an inactive dancer(s). EN: 878

 Curlique -- [C4]curlique.php  

Curlique [C4] (Clarence Watson 1961):
From Facing dancers of opposite sex (or a R-H Mini-Wave). Using Right hands, the lady places the back of her hand into the man's raised palm: Touch; man does his part Right Arm Turn 1/4 as lady Left-face 3/4 Turn to end in the man's original starting position. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave. EN: 877

 Cycle And anything -- [C4]  

Cycle And anything [C4]:
From applicable formations. Mini-Wave dancers Recycle as Others do the anything call. For example, (from a 3 & 1 Line) Cycle And Turn & Deal; (from Parallel 3 & 1 Lines) Cycle And Ferris Wheel. EN: 133

 Detour -- [C2]detour.php  

Detour [C2] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem, or from other formations with the Ends in Tandem. Outsides 1/2 Zoom & Hinge as Centers Counter Rotate 1/4. Parallel Lines end in Columns. EN: 696

 Diamond Circulate -- [Plus]diamondcirc.php  

Diamond Circulate [Plus] (Dewey Berry 1972):
From a Diamond. Walk forward to the next position in the Diamond while turning 90° toward the center of the Diamond. Centers become Points and vice-versa. Dancers facing along the Circulate path pass Right-Shoulders with each other. EN: 482

 Diamond Inlet -- [C4]  

Diamond Inlet [C4]:
From Parallel Waves, 3 By 1 Lines, or other applicable formations. In-Facing Ends and adjacent do an Inlet, as Out-Facing Ends and adjacent dancers do a 2/3 Recycle. Ends in Twin Diamonds. Same as Outeractives (Out-Facing Ends and adjacent dancers) go 2/3, all Inlet. EN: 853

 Disperse -- [obsolete]  

Disperse [obsolete] (Lee Kopman 1984):
Same as Disband but Centers Reverse Cut (Trade & Spread) instead of Reverse Flip. EN: 697

 Divide & Pair -- [C4]  

Divide & Pair [C4]:
From a Starting Double Pass Thru, Trade By, or other applicable formations. Centers Pair Off as Ends 1/4 Out and Cross Fold. Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru formation. EN: 115

 Divide The Ocean | Sea direction | anything -- [C3B]dividetheocean.php  

Divide The Ocean | Sea direction | anything [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1979):
From a Generalized Tidal Line. Outside 4 Cast Off 3/4 and Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag (if Ocean) or Cross Concentric Vertical Left 1/2 Tag (if Sea) as the others Hinge, Partner Tag, Press Ahead, and individually turn 1/4 toward the given direction or do the anything call. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 760

 Double Play -- [NOL]  

Double Play [NOL]:
is a Triple Play from Columns of 3. #1 Transfer as Others 1/2 Circulate & Trade; Center 4 do a Leaders Transfer as Trailers Extend and Hinge; Very Centers 'Extend' to end between the Outsides. Ends in Parallel Inverted Lines of 3. I personally prefer to call this as Center 6 Triple PlayEN: 178

 Evenly CONCEPT -- [C3B]random.php  

Evenly CONCEPT [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
Do the even-numbered parts applying any CONCEPT and the odd-numbered parts normally. EN: 838

 Expand The Butterfly -- [NOL]  

Expand The Butterfly [NOL]:
From a Butterfly. Centers Phantom Run as Ends Butterfly Circulate twice. EN: 324

 Explode The Diamond -- [C3B]explodethediamond.php  

Explode The Diamond [C3B] (Dave Hodson 1974):
From Twin Diamonds, a 3/4 Tag, or other applicable formations. Centers Explode The Wave as Ends Circulate and the Lead End U-Turn Back. Twin Diamonds end in Parallel Inverted Lines. EN: 128

 Explode The Top -- [C3A]explodethetop.php  

Explode The Top [C3A] (Holman Hudspeth 1969):
From Parallel Lines. Explode; End Beau Circulate 1 & 1/2 as End Belle Circulate, Veer inward, and U-Turn Back as Centers Touch 1/2 and the Very Centers Cast Off 3/4 while the other Center Step Ahead to form a R-H Star (Hint: the Center who Stepped Ahead should raise their Left hand to indicate that they are leading the Unwrap The Star); turn the Star 1/4 and the leader of the Unwrap walks forward as everyone else follows to Unwrap The Star, and everyone Face In to end in Facing Lines. EN: 129

 Fan Chain The Line -- [C3B]fan.php  

Fan Chain The Line [C3B]:
From a Tidal Line or Facing Lines (in which case dancers first step to a R-H Tidal Wave). Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4 and Spread as Very Centers Trade; Very Ends and Very Centers Slide together and Cast Off 3/4. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 207

 Fan Concept -- [C3B]fan.php  

Fan Concept [C3B]:
The Fan CONCEPT is used on calls which begin with an Arm Turn 1/2 (Swing) followed by a Centers Cast Off 3/4. Omit the initial Arm Turn 1/2 and do the given call. EN: 784

 Fan The Top -- [Plus]fanthetop.php  

Fan The Top [Plus] (Deuce Williams 1967):
From a Line or Diamond with the Centers in a Mini-Wave; or from Facing Couples, in which case dancers first Step To A Wave. Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends walk forward in an arc, turning 90°, to move up 1/4 of a circle around the center of the 4-dancer formation. A Wave or Facing Couples ends in a Wave. EN: 355

 Fan Thru -- [C4]  

Fan Thru [C4] (Tom Tarleton 1967):
From Facing Couples or a R-H Wave. Step to a Wave if necessary; Centers Trade; all Step Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. Fan Thru is choreographically equivalent to Reverse Swap Around and, in our opinion, a smoother call. EN: 66

 Fancy But anything -- [C3AV]  

Fancy But anything [C3AV]:
the Center Two-Faced Line does the anything call. EN: 227

 Finally Concept -- [C3A]finally.php  

Finally Concept [C3A] (Vic Ceder 1994):
Do the entire anything call applying the given CONCEPT only to the last part of the anything call. EN: 319

 Flip The Line -- [C1]fliptheline.php  

Flip The Line [C1] (Jack Lasry 1973):
From a Wave. As one movement, Centers Run and all Any Shoulder Tag The Line to the given fractional Tag formation. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. EN: 651

 Flip The Top -- [C3B]  

Flip The Top [C3B]:
From Parallel Waves. 3/4 Flip The Line; Centers Spin The Top as Outsides Face and Touch 1/2 (or Left Touch 1/2 if starting formation was a L-H setup). Ends in a Tidal Wave. EN: 185

 Flowing anything -- [C4]  

Flowing anything [C4]:
Do a With The Flow; then Finish the anything call (i.e., Replace the first part of the anything call with a With The Flow). EN: 716

 Fly The Coop -- [C4]  

Fly The Coop [C4] (Vic Ceder):
From Tidal Wave or Line.

  1. Very Centers Grand Cross Run (work toward the far end and cross run around everyone);
  2. Everyone Trade;
  3. Very Centers Grand Cross Run;
  4. Everyone Trade;

4-part call.

Also possible from Wave of 6.

From Point-to-Point Diamonds: 1/2 Fly The Coop EN: 956

 Follow To A(n) formation -- [C4]  

Follow To A(n) formation [C4]:
From Parallel Waves. Trailers Follow Your Neighbor & Spread as Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate and Phantom formation Circulate. The given formation can be an Hourglass, Interlocked Diamond, or Magic Diamond. EN: 312

 Fractal CONCEPT -- [C4]fractal.php  

Fractal CONCEPT [C4] (Vic Ceder 1998):
Replace each Arm Turn 1/4 with an Arm Turn 3/4 and vice-versa. EN: 642

 Go First Class -- [C4]  

Go First Class [C4]:
From Parallel Waves and other applicable formations. Leaders Switch the Wave as Center Trailers Concentric (Box) Crossover Circulate as End Trailers Split Circulate. Parallel Waves end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 164

 Grand 1/4 (or 3/4) Mix -- [C3A]  

Grand 1/4 (or 3/4) Mix [C3A]:
From R-H Columns (or other applicable formations). Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4); all Grand Mix. This is a 3-part call. EN: 160

 Grand Cross Roll To A Wave -- [C4]  

Grand Cross Roll To A Wave [C4]:
From a Generalized Tidal Line. Center Pairs of dancers Grand Cross Run (like a Grand Slip-Slide) as very End dancers Run. Grand Cross Roll To A Wave is the same as Grand Working As Centers Cross Roll To A WaveEN: 601

 Grand Erase -- [C4]  

Grand Erase [C4]:
From applicable formations (usually a Tidal Line). Very Outside 2 dancers Counter Rotate 1/4 as the others U-Turn Back. EN: 451

 Grand Follow Your Neighbor -- [A1]grandfyn.php  

Grand Follow Your Neighbor [A1]:
From Columns or other applicable formations. Out-Facing Ends 1/2 Split Circulate & U-Turn Back as the others 1/2 Circulate & Arm Turn 3/4. Columns end in a Tidal Wave. EN: 6

 Grand Left Swing Thru (or Left Grand Swing Thru) -- [Plus]  

Grand Left Swing Thru (or Left Grand Swing Thru) [Plus]:
From a Wave of more than 4 dancers, Facing Lines of 3 or more, or from other applicable formations. Those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2; those who can Right Arm Turn 1/2. Ends in a Wave of more than 4 dancers. EN: 722

 Grand Mix -- [C3A]grandmix.php  

Grand Mix [C3A]:
From a Generalized Tidal Line. Center pairs of dancers (3 pairs from an 8-dancer Tidal Line, 2 pairs from a 6-dancer Tidal Line) Grand (Working As Centers) Cross Run (like a Grand Slip-Slide); new Center pairs of dancers Trade (Grand Slip). Ends in a Tidal Line. This is a 2-part call. EN: 16

 Grand Scoot & Dodge -- [NOL]  

Grand Scoot & Dodge [NOL]:
From Mini-Wave Columns. #1 dancers Dodge, as the Others Grand Scoot Back (Grand Extend, Trade, and Grand Extend). Ends in Columns with the Ends are facing out. EN: 11

 Grand Square Chain Thru -- [C4]  

Grand Square Chain Thru [C4]:
From Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). Right Pull By and 1/4 In; Grand Left Swing Thru; Left Turn Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Lines. EN: 77

 Grand Swap Around -- [NOL]  

Grand Swap Around [NOL]:
From appropriate Columns of 3 or 4 (e.g., a L-H 1/4 Box). Belles Circulate as Beaus Run. EN: 546

 Grand Swing & Mix -- [C3A]  

Grand Swing & Mix [C3A]:
From Facing Lines or a Tidal Wave: Arm Turn 1/2 (Swing); Grand Mix. This is a 3-part call. EN: 287

 Grand Switch To A Diamond -- [C4]  

Grand Switch To A Diamond [C4]:
From a Generalized Tidal Line. The #2 dancers (adjacent to the Very Ends) Run as the others Grand (Working As Ends) Diamond Circulate. EN: 600

 Gruesome Twosome CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Gruesome Twosome CONCEPT [C4]:
Usually from a 2 x 8. Same as Phantom Couples Twosome working in Parallel Waves. Also known as Couples Twosome Phantom Waves. EN: 807

 Hinge The Cross Lock -- [C3B]  

Hinge The Cross Lock [C3B]:
Hinge; Cross Lockit. EN: 309

 Hinge The Lock -- [C3A]hingethelock.php  

Hinge The Lock [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From an applicable non T-Bone 2 x 2. Hinge; Lockit. Ends in a Wave. EN: 103

 Hocus Pocus -- [C2]hocuspocus.php  

Hocus Pocus [C2] (Norm Poisson 1979):
From applicable formations including all 2 x 4 setups, Twin Diamonds, 1/4 Tag, etc. Outside 4 dancers do two Phantom "O" Circulates as Center 4 Trade. EN: 396

 Initially Concept -- [C3A]initially.php  

Initially Concept [C3A] (Vic Ceder 1994):
Do the first part of the anything call applying the given CONCEPT; then do the remainder of the anything call without the given CONCEPTEN: 327

 Initially | Secondly | etc Use A(n) anything1 For A(n) anything2 -- [C4]  

Initially | Secondly | etc Use A(n) anything1 For A(n) anything2 [C4]:
Replace the given part of the anything2 call with the anything1 call. E.g., from R-H Columns: Thirdly Use An Ah So for a Swing The Fractions: all Right Arm Turn 1/4; those who can left Arm Turn 1/2; everybody Ah So; those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2; all Right Arm Turn 1/4. EN: 839

 Interlocked Counter -- [C3B]interlockedcounter.php  

Interlocked Counter [C3B]:
From a 3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag, or other applicable formations. Outsides Counter (Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold) as Centers Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 and (normal) Counter Rotate 1/4. A R-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Waves; a L-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 766

 Interlocked Extend -- [NOL]  

Interlocked Extend [NOL]:
From a 1/4 Line. Everyone except the Very Centers do a normal Extend the Tag as the Very Centers (as one movement) back-to-back Slither and Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 278

 Interlocked Follow Thru -- [NOL]  

Interlocked Follow Thru [NOL]:
From a 1/4 Line. 1/2 Interlocked Scoot Back (Interlocked Extend and Arm Turn 1/4). Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 279

 Interlocked Rally -- [C3B]interlockedrally.php  

Interlocked Rally [C3B]:
From a Generalized 1/4 Line or other applicable formations. Outsides Rally as the Centers Step And Cross Fold (Interlocked Little) and Peel & Trail. A Generalized 1/4 Line ends in a Tidal Line. This is a 2-part call for the Centers. EN: 777

 Interlocked Rally But anything -- [C3B]  

Interlocked Rally But anything [C3B]:
Centers Replace the Peel & Trail with the anything call. EN: 778

 Interlocked Scoot & Little -- [C3A]  

Interlocked Scoot & Little [C3A]:
From a 1/4 Line. Interlocked Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold and Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Cross Fold. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 300

 Interlocked Scoot & Plenty -- [C3A]  

Interlocked Scoot & Plenty [C3A]:
From a 1/4 Line. Interlocked Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold and Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Cross Fold; Split Circulate twice; Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 and Roll as the Centers Concentric 1/2 Zoom. Ends in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 223

 Interlocked Scoot Chain Thru -- [C4]  

Interlocked Scoot Chain Thru [C4]:
From a 1/4 Line. Interlocked Extend; Swing; Slip; Swing; as one movement, Extend and Very Centers Slither. Ends in a 3/4 Line. EN: 280

 Interlocked Scoot The Diamond -- [C3AV]  

Interlocked Scoot The Diamond [C3AV]:
From a 1/4 Line. Interlocked Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold; all Interlocked Diamond Circulate. Ends in Interlocked Diamonds. EN: 281

 Isolate -- [C4]  

Isolate [C4]:
Counter Rotate 1/4 with respect to the center of your Line or Diamond. EN: 448

 Latch On (fraction) -- [C3A]latchon.php  

Latch On (fraction) [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From a Generalized Tandem. Right Roll to a Wave, Arm Turn 1/4 (or the designated fraction). Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave. This is a 2-part call. EN: 101

 Leader | Trailer -- [MSV]  

Leader | Trailer [MSV]:
From a generalized Tandem (a 1x2), a 2x2, or other applicable formation. The Leader is the out-facing dancer and the Trailer is the in-facing dancer. EN: 15

 Left 3/4 Tag -- [PLV]  

Left 3/4 Tag [PLV]:
From a Line of 4. Turn 1/4 toward the center of the Line, step forward passing left-shoulders to a Left-Handed Single 3/4 Tag formation. EN: 479

 Left Mini-Chase -- [C3A]  

Left Mini-Chase [C3A]:
Beaus Left Shakedown as Belles Partner Tag. EN: 166

 Left Touch -- [NOL]  

Left Touch [NOL]:
From Facing Dancers. Step forward and to the Right to end side-by-side with Left-hands joined. EN: 159

 Left Track 2 -- [NOL]  

Left Track 2 [NOL]:
Do the Mirror Image of a Track 2. That is, Beaus go inside as Belles go outside, passing left-shoulders, to end in Parallel L-H Waves. EN: 360

 Left Travel Thru -- [C3A]  

Left Travel Thru [C3A]:
Left-shoulder Pass Thru, As Couples 1/4 Left. Note: the original definition of Left Travel Thru had a Right-shoulder Pass Thru, hence some dancers may try to pass Right-shoulders and some dancers may try to pass Left-Shoulders. To be explicit as to which shoulder to pass, the caller should say Mirror Travel ThruEN: 170

 Left Turn Thru -- [Mainstream]turnthru.php  

Left Turn Thru [Mainstream] (Wayne Moyers 1964):
From Facing Dancers or a L-H Mini-Wave. Left Arm Turn 1/2 then (drop hands) and Step Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Dancers. EN: 73

 Lift Off -- [C3B]liftoff.php  

Lift Off [C3B] (Ron Schneider und Lee Kopman 1976):
From a Static Set with two opposite couples Facing Out or from the 2 x 4 formation obtained from a Static Set after Heads Pass Thru. Leaders As Couples 1/4 Right as others Left Dodge; Belles Distorted Box Circulate; As Couples Extend; Couples Circulate. Ends in Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 765

 Lift Off But anything -- [C3BV]  

Lift Off But anything [C3BV]:
Replace Couples Circulate with the anything call. EN: 768

 Like A anything -- [C4]  

Like A anything [C4]:
Do the last part of the anything call. EN: 571

 Line To Line But anything -- [C4]  

Line To Line But anything [C4]:
Line To Line, replace the final Pass In with the anything call. EN: 694

 Linear (fraction) Tag -- [C4]  

Linear (fraction) Tag [C4]:
From a Wave or applicable Line of 4. Hinge; Leaders Fold; Extend to the given fractional Tag position. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. EN: 590

 Linear Flow -- [C4]  

Linear Flow [C4]:
From Parallel Waves or applicable Lines. Linear 1/2 Tag (Hinge; Leaders Fold, Extend to Parallel Waves); Split Circulate Twice; Centers Trade. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 589

 Link Up But anything (Linking anything) -- [C4]  

Link Up But anything (Linking anything) [C4] (David Schmitz):
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Leaders Link Up as Trailers Step Ahead to form a compact formation ("normalize") and do the anything call. This is analogous to Busy anything [C3B]. EN: 257

 Little -- [C1]little.php  

Little [C1] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From a 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Fold. A R-H 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Waves, a L-H 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 302

 Lock 'Em Up -- [C3B]lockemup.php  

Lock 'Em Up [C3B] (Bill Davis 1982):
From applicable Tidal Lines or applicable Parallel Lines. Lockit; Hinge; Centers Hinge as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit as Outsides Roll. This is a 4-part call. EN: 107

 Lock The anything -- [C3A]  

Lock The anything [C3A]:
Lockit; do the anything call. EN: 307

 Lock The Hinge -- [C3A]hingethelock.php  

Lock The Hinge [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From a Wave or a Two-Faced Line. Lockit; Hinge. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 104

 Locker's Choice -- [C3A]lockerschoice.php  

Locker's Choice [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1981):
From Parallel Waves. Lockit; Center Wave Lockit as Others Trade; Center Wave Hinge as Others Step & Fold (Centers Step Ahead as Ends Fold). Ends in opposite-handed Parallel Waves. This is a 3-part call. EN: 105

 Loop & (fraction) Tag -- [C3B]loopandtag.php  

Loop & (fraction) Tag [C3B] (Emanuel Duming 1972):
From a Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable "Z". Leaders Peel Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem (Peel The Deal); Extend to the given fractional Tag position. EN: 820

 Magic Change Your Image -- [C3BV]  

Magic Change Your Image [C3BV]:
From a 2 x 4 with the Ends in Generalized Columns. Centers Phantom Columns Magic Column Circulate twice as Ends Magic Column Split Circulate twice. EN: 786

 Magic Diamond Concept -- [C4]magicdiamond.php  

Magic Diamond Concept [C4] (Dave Hodson 1979):
From Twin Diamonds. A Magic Diamond is a Distorted Diamond in which the Centers of one Diamond work with the points of the other Diamond. EN: 776

 Magic Expand The Column -- [C3A]  

Magic Expand The Column [C3A]:
Centers Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) as Outsides Magic Column Circulate twice. EN: 322

 Magic Line | Wave Concept -- [C4]magicline.php  

Magic Line | Wave Concept [C4] (Dave Hodson 1979):
From Parallel Lines | Waves. A Magic Line | Wave is a Distorted Line | Wave in which the Ends of one Line work with the Centers of the other Line. EN: 800

 Magic Quick Step -- [C3A]  

Magic Quick Step [C3A]:
#2 dancer Magic Press Out (ending next to the inconvenient dancer of the outside couple) and Phantom Ah So with that dancer as the Others Magic Column Circulate. EN: 213

 Mini-Busy -- [A2]minibusy.php  

Mini-Busy [A2] (Ron Schneider 1978):
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Leaders Any Shoulder Turn & Deal as Trailers 1/2 Circulate; Very Centers Hinge; Flip The Diamond. Ends in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 273

 Mirror Concept -- [C3B]mirror.php  

Mirror Concept [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
The Mirror CONCEPT is accomplished by executing the definition of the given call and replacing: Right with Left and vice-versa; and Beau with Belle and vice-versa. EN: 781

 Mirror Recycle -- [C3B]  

Mirror Recycle [C3B]:
From Facing Couples. Belles Extend and Left-Face U-Turn Back as Beaus Dodge into the Belle's original starting position and Veer Right. Ends in a L-H Wave. Historically known as Reverse RecycleEN: 782

 Mystic CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Mystic CONCEPT [C4]:
Center 4 work Mirror as the Outer 4 work normal, and all do the given call. If the call involves the Centers eventually working with the original Outsides, then the completion of the call procedes in a normal manner (i.e., the original Centers no longer work Mirror). In this case, it would be better if the caller said Initially MysticEN: 783

 Nice & Easy -- [C4]  

Nice & Easy [C4]:
From applicable formations. Outsides Zing as Centers Trade & Roll. EN: 330

 Nuclear Reaction -- [C3B]nuclearreaction.php  

Nuclear Reaction [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1988):
From a Generalized 1/4 Tag in which the Very Centers are directly facing an outside dancer. Very Centers and directly-facing outside dancers Pass Thru; Center 4 Cast Off 1/4 and Roll and Spread to become Ends of Lines as the Others Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag; all Counter Rotate 1/4. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 787

 Oddly Concept -- [C3B]random.php  

Oddly Concept [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
Do the odd-numbered parts applying any CONCEPT and the even-numbered parts normally. EN: 837

 Oddly | Evenly Concept -- [C3B]random.php  

Oddly | Evenly Concept [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
Oddly: Break up the anything call into its component parts. Do the odd-numbered parts working any Concept and the even-numbered parts normally.
Evenly: Break up the anything call into its component parts. Do the even-numbered parts working any Concept and the odd-numbered parts normally.
 EN: 811

 On Your Own anything By anything -- [obsolete]  

On Your Own anything By anything [obsolete] (Lee Kopman 1986):
Outside 4 dancers do their part of the first anything call as the Center 4 dancers do their part of the second anything call. This is the same as Own The Outsides anything By anything. On Your Own was the original call but was dropped in favor of Own The anyone since the latter is more generalized and the caller can explicitly name those doing the first anything call. EN: 275

 Open Up And | But anything -- [C3A]  

Open Up And | But anything [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1976):
From Columns. #1 dancer Trail Off & Roll as #2 dancer Circulate, Peel Off & Roll as #3 and #4 dancers Circulate and do the anything call. This is analogous to Transfer And anything [A2]. EN: 252

 Open Up The Column -- [C3A]openupthecolumn.php  

Open Up The Column [C3A] (Lee Kopman):
From Columns. #1 dancer Trail Off & Roll as #2 dancer Circulate, Peel Off & Roll as #3 and #4 dancers Circulate; Centers Cast Off 3/4; all Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 60

 Partner Trade -- [Basic]trade.php  

Partner Trade [Basic]:
From a Mini-Wave or Couple. Walk forward, while turning 180°, to exchange places with the adjacent dancer. When starting from a Couple, pass right-shoulders as you go. A Mini-Wave ends in a Mini-Wave, a Couple ends in a Couple. EN: 97

 Pass "Z" Axle -- [C3B]  

Pass "Z" Axle [C3B] (Dave Hodson 1980):
From the "Z" obtained from a Two-Faced Line after the Ends Fold. Pass Thru; Outsides Cross Cast Back; all Trade; Centers Trade. Ends in a Wave. This is a 4-part call. EN: 619

 Pass Right | Left -- [NOL]  

Pass Right | Left [NOL]:
From Facing Dancers or a R-H Mini-Wave. Pass Thru; Face Right | Left (individually turn 1/4 in place to the Right | Left). Ends in a R-H | L-H Mini-Wave. EN: 109

 Pass The Ocean -- [Mainstream]passtheocean.php  

Pass The Ocean [Mainstream] (Holman Hudspeth 1965):
From Facing Couples. Pass Thru; 1/4 In; Touch (Step To A R-H Wave). Ends in a R-H Wave. EN: 157

 Peel The Deal -- [C4]  

Peel The Deal [C4] (Vic Andrews 1963):
From a Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable "Z". As one movement, Leaders Peel Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem (i.e., Step Ahead, Peel Off, & Roll). Ends in a Single Double Pass Thru (Zero Tag) formation. Cheat: Tandem 3/4 Out. EN: 725

 Peel To A Diamond -- [C2]peeltoadiamond.php  

Peel To A Diamond [C2] (Bill Trench 1973):
From an applicable 2 x 2 or "Z". Leaders Peel Off as Trailers Extend if necessary and Hinge. Ends in a Diamond. EN: 723

 Phantom Columns | Lines | Waves Concept -- [C3B]phantomclw.php  

Phantom Columns | Lines | Waves Concept [C3B] (Keith Gulley 1977):
From a 4 x 4 Matrix, visualized as 4 adjacent Columns | Lines | Waves. Inside Columns | Lines | Waves work together in a 2 x 4 Matrix as the Outside Columns | Lines | Waves work together in a (Disconnected) 2 x 4 Matrix. EN: 803

 Plenty -- [C1]plenty.php  

Plenty [C1] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From a Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Little (Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Fold); Split Circulate twice; Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 and Roll as the Centers Concentric 1/2 Zoom. Usually ends in a 1/4 Tag. EN: 224

 Quadruple formation Concept -- [C3B]quadruple.php  

Quadruple formation Concept [C3B]:
Quadruple formations consist of four adjacent formations some of which have positions occupied by phantoms. Typically, the given formation is a 4-dancer formation such as a Box, Column, Diamond, Line, or Wave. EN: 836

 Rally But anything -- [C3A]  

Rally But anything [C3A]:
Centers Replace the Peel & Trail with the anything call. EN: 246

 Ramble -- [C1]ramble.php  

Ramble [C1] (Norm Poisson 1973):
From a 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Outsides Cast Back as Centers Fold to face each other (danced as a Single Wheel); all Slide Thru. A 3/4 Tag ends in Generalized Columns. EN: 552

 Randomize Between any CONCEPT And any CONCEPT anything -- [C4]  

Randomize Between any CONCEPT And any CONCEPT anything [C4] (Vic Ceder):
Do the odd-numbered parts using the first given CONCEPT and the even-numbered parts using the second given CONCEPTEN: 812

 Reactivate -- [C3B]reactivate.php  

Reactivate [C3B]:
From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag. Very Centers and directly-facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 around the outside; Center 6 Trade; Very Outsides and the Very Centers Phantom Hourglass Circulate. Ends in Parallel Lines or Parallelogram Parallel Lines (if dancers come to the same spot). EN: 757

 Release The Column -- [obsolete]  

Release The Column [obsolete]:
From Mini-Wave Columns. #2 and #4 Press Out; all Finish Ferris Wheel. Ends in Starting Double Pass Thru. This was the original 'Release' call. EN: 238

 Reset -- [C3B]reset.php  

Reset [C3B] (Keith Gulley und Russ McGowan):
From a Mini-Wave Box (or other applicable 2 x 2 if fractionalized). 1/2 Zoom; Hinge; 1/2 Zoom; Hinge. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. Reset is a 4-part call. EN: 804

 Retain Your Lane -- [obsolete,C4]  

Retain Your Lane [obsolete,C4] (John Marshall):
Centers Any Hand Remake as Ends Circulate twice. Retain Your Lane is jokingly referred to as Change Lanes & SpreadEN: 745

 Reverse Cut The Galaxy -- [C1]reversecutthegalaxy.php  

Reverse Cut The Galaxy [C1]:
From a Galaxy. Centers Trade & Spread as Points Galaxy Circulate. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 870

 Reverse Explode [from a Wave] -- [C1]reverseexplode_c1.php  

Reverse Explode [from a Wave] [C1]:
From a Wave or Inverted Line. As one movement, Step Thru & 1/4 Out. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 541

 Reverse Flip The Galaxy -- [C1]reversecutthegalaxy.php  

Reverse Flip The Galaxy [C1]:
From a Galaxy. Centers Phantom Run as Points Galaxy Circulate. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 871

 Reverse Order Concept -- [C3B]reverseorder.php  

Reverse Order Concept [C3B]:
Break up the call into its component parts, and do the parts in reverse order. EN: 794

 Reverse Split Swap -- [C2]splitswap.php  

Reverse Split Swap [C2] ("Skinny" Hall 1968):
From Facing Couples. As one movement, Beaus Circulate & 1/4 Left as Belles 1/4 Left & Circulate. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 742

 Reverse The Pass -- [C3B]reversethepass.php  

Reverse The Pass [C3B] (Carl Rund 1972):
From Tandem Couples. Leaders Trade; all Pass Thru; Original Trailers Trade. Ends in Tandem Couples. EN: 772

 Reverse The Top -- [C3B]reversethetop.php  

Reverse The Top [C3B] (Holman Hudspeth):
From a Wave, Facing Couples, or other applicable formations. Fan The Top; Swing. Ends in a Wave. This is a 2-part call. EN: 814

 Revolve To A Wave -- [C3B]revolvetoawave.php  

Revolve To A Wave [C3B] (Jim Davis 1979):
From a non T-Bone 2 x 2. Trailers do their part of a Facing Recycle as the Leaders (as one movement) do their part of a Mini-Chase and Hinge. Ends in a R-H Wave. EN: 823

 Rip Off -- [C3B]ripoff.php  

Rip Off [C3B] (Kip Garvey 1975):
From a 2 x 2. Leaders do a Beaus Run, Belles Zoom as Trailers do a Beaus Walk, Belles Dodge. Ends in a 2 x 2. EN: 813

 Ripple (The Line | Wave) | n -- [C2]ripple.php  

Ripple (The Line | Wave) | n [C2] (Royce Waugh 1966):
From a Line or Alamo Ring. Those designated start toward the Center of the Line and successively do a Partner Trade with each dancer until reaching the far end of the Line. Ripple n means to Trade with a total of n dancers. n can include a fraction (e.g., Ripple 2 & 1/2 means to Partner Trade with 2 successive dancers and then 1/2 Partner Trade with the third dancer). EN: 678

 Rotary Circulate -- [C4]rotarycirc.php  

Rotary Circulate [C4] (Willard Orlich):
From Parallel Waves. Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate, Circulate twice, and do the last half of a Split Circulate as Trailers Extend, Hinge, Box Circulate twice, Hinge, and Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 779

 Round & Cross -- [C4]  

Round & Cross [C4] (Fred Christopher 1968):
Round Off and Half Sashay.

Dancewise, the movement is "blended" - that is, the Half Sashay is done before the Round Off is completed. EN: 635

 Round The Horn -- [C4]  

Round The Horn [C4] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From Parallel Lines. Ends Round Off and Pass Thru as Centers Face Out, Split Counter Rotate 1/4 (2/3 Round Off) and Pass Thru. Ends in a T-Bone 2 x 4. EN: 636

 Same Jay -- [NOL]  

Same Jay [NOL]:
After doing a Jay call, do the next call working with the same dancers in the same Distorted Box. EN: 334

 Scatter Follow To A Diamond -- [C4]  

Scatter Follow To A Diamond [C4]:
From Parallel Waves (or applicable 2 x 4 T-Bone). Trailers Follow Your Neighbor & Spread as Leaders (all 8) Circulate once and a half. Parallel Waves end in Twin Diamonds. EN: 315

 Scoot & Stampede -- [C3AV]  

Scoot & Stampede [C3AV]:
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; Stampede. Ends in an Eight Chain Thru. EN: 162

 Scoot & Cross Counter -- [C3A]  

Scoot & Cross Counter [C3A]:
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; Cross Counter. Ends in Parallel Waves or Parallel Two-Faced Lines. This is a 4-part call. EN: 240

 Scoot & Fancy -- [C3A]  

Scoot & Fancy [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1976):
Grand Scoot Back (Triple Scoot); Fancy. EN: 228

 Scoot & Rally -- [C3A]  

Scoot & Rally [C3A]:
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold, Counter Rotate 1/4 and (Leaders) Inward (Right or Left) Roll To A Wave as Centers Step & Fold and Peel & Trail. Ends in a Tidal Wave. EN: 247

 Scoot Apart -- [C4]  

Scoot Apart [C4] (Jim Davis 1977):
From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2. Trailers Extend, Trade & Spread as Leaders Box Circulate 1 & 1/2. A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 269

 Scoot Chain Thru -- [A2]scootchainthru.php  

Scoot Chain Thru [A2] (Vince Di Caudo 1971):
From Parallel Waves: Leaders Split Circulate as Trailers Extend, Swing, Slip, Swing, & Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves. From a 1/4 Tag: Extend, Swing, Slip, Swing, & Extend. Ends in a 3/4 Tag. EN: 27

 Scoot Chain Thru The Diamond -- [NOL]  

Scoot Chain Thru The Diamond [NOL]:
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Chain Thru; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold; all Diamond Circulate. Ends in Twin Diamonds. EN: 266

 Scoot Reaction -- [C3A]anythingreaction.php  

Scoot Reaction [C3A]:
From Parallel Waves. Scoot Back but the Centers hold on after the Arm Turn 1/2 as the Outsides slide together to form a Couple; all Chain Reaction. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 146

 Scoot The formation -- [NOL]  

Scoot The formation [NOL]:
Scoot Back; Outsides (those not ending with the handhold after the Scoot Back) 1/4 to the handhold; all formation Circulate. EN: 262

 Scoot The Exchange The Diamond -- [NOL]  

Scoot The Exchange The Diamond [NOL]:
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold; all Exchange The Diamond. Ends in Twin Diamonds. EN: 265

 Scoot The Magic Diamond -- [NOL]  

Scoot The Magic Diamond [NOL]:
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold; all Magic Diamond Circulate. Ends in Twin Diamonds. EN: 264

 Scoot The Triangle -- [NOL]  

Scoot The Triangle [NOL]:
From a Wave-Based Triangle with the Apex facing toward the Base. Scoot Back; Apex dancer 1/4 to the handhold; all Triangle Circulate. EN: 263

 Scoot Your Leader -- [C3A]  

Scoot Your Leader [C3A]:
From a 1/4 Tag. Scoot Back; outsides 1/4 to the handhold and Tandem Cross Fold as Centers Arm Turn 3/4; all Tandem Extend. EN: 218

 Scramble -- [C3B]scramble.php  

Scramble [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1971):
From Back-to-Back Lines or other applicable formations. Outsides do an Ends Bend and Turn Thru as Centers 1/4 In and Cross Trail Thru. Back-to-Back Lines end in Back-to-Back Lines. EN: 137

 Secondly | Thirdly | Fourthly anyConcept anything -- [C3B]secondly.php  

Secondly | Thirdly | Fourthly anyConcept anything [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
Do the anything call, applying the given CONCEPT only to the second | third | fourth part of the call. EN: 320

 Shadow formation anything -- [C4]  

Shadow formation anything [C4]:
From applicable Parallel Lines, applicable Twin Diamonds, or other applicable formations. Outsides Cast A Shadow But Don't Spread (1/2 Zoom, Cast Off 3/4) as Centers do the anything call. Formation is the name of the center formation. For example, from Twin Diamonds, a Shadow Wave Spin The Top has the Ends Cast A Shadow But Don't Spread as the Center Wave does a Spin The Top. EN: 153

 Shadow The Column -- [C4]  

Shadow The Column [C4] (Jack Lasry):
From Columns. #1 and #3 dancers act as Ends while #2 and #4 dancers act as Centers of Parallel Two-Faced Lines, and all Cast A ShadowEN: 151

 Shadow To A Diamond -- [C4]  

Shadow To A Diamond [C4]:
From applicable Parallel Lines. Ends Cast A Shadow as Lead Centers Run & Extend (making a wide arc as in Cast A Shadow) as Trailing Centers 1/2 Circulate & Trade. Ends in Twin Diamonds. The Centers' part of Shadow To A Diamond is an exaggerated Peel & TrailEN: 152

 Shakedown -- [C1]shakedown.php  

Shakedown [C1] (Lee Kopman 1976):
From Back-to-Back Couples or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2 (all Leaders). As one movement, Belles 1/4 Right & Run as Beaus Run & 1/4 Right (Roll). Ends in Facing Couples. EN: 167

 Short & Sweet -- [C4]  

Short & Sweet [C4] (Lee Kopman 1979):
From a 2 x 2. Leaders do their part of a Mini-Chase as Trailers do their part of a Short Cut [C4] (Beaus Phantom Touch 1/4 as Belles Partner Tag). Ends in a 2 x 2. EN: 168

 Short Cycle -- [C4]  

Short Cycle [C4] (Lee Kopman 1982):
From a Wave. As one movement, Centers U-Turn Back by turning away from the Center of the Wave; Couples Hinge. Ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 822

 Single Concept -- [C3A,C3B,C4]single.php  

Single Concept [C3A,C3B,C4]:
In the Single version of a call, each dancer executes the movement that would normally be done by a set of two dancers within the normal version of the call. For a call to have a Single version, it must be possible to group all dancers into sets of two, in which the dancers in each set are always facing the same direction thoughout the given call. The dancers in each set are usually dancing their portion of the call As Couples, In Tandem, Once Removed, or Twosome (or some combination of these concepts). You can think of Single as replacing each set of two dancers with a single dancer located exactly half-way between the two dancers. This single dancer then executes the given call always staying on a path located exactly half-way between where the two dancers would be in the normal version of the call. EN: 36

 Single Divide The Ocean | Sea direction | anything -- [C4]  

Single Divide The Ocean | Sea direction | anything [C4]:
From a Generalized Line. Ends 3/4 Out (Single Cast Off 3/4), Step Ahead and Touch (if Ocean) or Left Touch (if Sea) as Centers Hinge, Partner Tag, Press Ahead and individually turn 1/4 toward the given direction or do the anything call. Usually ends in a Line. EN: 761

 Single File anything -- [C4]  

Single File anything [C4]:
From a 1 x 4 Column (usually a Single Double Pass Thru). Do the anything call with the Centers acting as the dancers who would (in the 2 x 2 version of the call) be the first to reach the Center of the 2 x 2, and the Ends doing the other part of the call. EN: 293

 Single File Recoil -- [C3A]  

Single File Recoil [C3A]:
From a Single Double Pass Thru. Single File Recycle; Step & Fold. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 175

 Single Peel Off -- [C4]  

Single Peel Off [C4]:
From a Couple or Mini-Wave. U-Turn Back by turning away from your partner. EN: 724

 Single Ping Pong Circulate -- [C4]  

Single Ping Pong Circulate [C4]:
From a Single 1/4 Tag. As one movement, Extend twice and the new Ends U-Turn Back. Ends in a Single 1/4 Tag. The direction toward which to do the U-Turn Back is undefined, hence it is inappropriate to follow this movement with a RollEN: 583

 Single Polly Wally -- [C3A]  

Single Polly Wally [C3A]:
From a 1 x 4 Column. Outsides Mirror Single Turn To A Line as Centers Left Roll To A Wave and Extend. Ends in a 2 x 2. EN: 249

 Single Shake & Rattle -- [C3BV]  

Single Shake & Rattle [C3BV]:
From Tandem dancers, Facing dancers, or Back-to-Back dancers. Leaders Single Shakedown (Right Roll To A Wave and Roll) as Trailers Single Reverse Split Swap (Touch and 1/4 Out). EN: 743

 Single Sidetrack -- [C3B]  

Single Sidetrack [C3B]:
From a 1 x 4 Column. Zig-Zag; Lockit (i.e., Counter Rotate with respect to the 1 x 4); Roll. Ends in a Single Double Pass Thru. EN: 791

 Single Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) -- [C3B]  

Single Strut Right | Left (And Right | Left) [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1977):
From a Single Double Pass Thru, a Single R-H 1/4 Tag, or other applicable formations. Centers Pass Thru, Single Right|Left Turn To A Line and Spread as the others Step Ahead and Single Veer Right|Left. Usually ends in a Wave or Line. EN: 825

 Skewsome CONCEPT -- [C4]  

Skewsome CONCEPT [C4] (Vic Ceder 1989):
Diagonal dancers work as a Twosome. EN: 809

 Slide -- [A2]slipslideswingslither.php  

Slide [A2] (Lee Kopman 1966):
From a Wave or other applicable 4-dancer formation. Ends and adjacent Centers slide nose-to-nose past one another to exchange places. EN: 904

 Slim Down -- [C4]  

Slim Down [C4]:
From any 2 x 4 or other applicable formation. Without turning, Centers move one position toward the nearest unoccupied outside position as Outsides move one position toward the center. Everyone does either a sidestep right, sidestep left, step forward, or step backward. From Parallel Lines with the Centers facing out, Slim Down is the same as Step & SlideEN: 71
Slim Down [C4]:
From any 2 x 4 or other applicable formation. Without turning, Centers move one position toward the nearest unoccupied outside position as Outsides move one position toward the center. Everyone does either a sidestep right, sidestep left, step forward, or step backward. From Columns, Slim Down is the same as SpreadEN: 905

 Snap -- [C4]  

Snap [C4]:
Partner Tag. EN: 99

 Snap, Crackle & Pop -- [C4]  

Snap, Crackle & Pop [C4]:
From Parallel Lines. Partner Tag (Snap); Centers Touch & Lockit as Outsides Hinge (Crackle); all Explode The Wave (Pop). Ends in Trade By. EN: 236

 Spin Chain And Anything -- [C4]  

Spin Chain And Anything [C4]:
From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4; Very Centers Trade; Centers Cast Off 1/4 as others U-Turn Back. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 606

 Spin Chain And Circulate The Gears -- [C4]  

Spin Chain And Circulate The Gears [C4]:
Same as Spin Chain The Gears except that after each U-Turn Back, those doing the U-Turn Back do a Circulate around the outside. EN: 623

 Spin Chain The Gears -- [Plus]spinchainthegears.php  

Spin Chain The Gears [Plus] (Whit Whitcomb und Jay King 1971):
From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru (in which case dancers first step to Parallel Waves). Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides U-Turn Back; Very Centers Trade; all Star 3/4; Very Centers Trade; Center Wave Cast Off 3/4 as Others U-Turn Back by turning away from the center of the set. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 622

 Spin Chain The Line But anything -- [C3AV]  

Spin Chain The Line But anything [C3AV]:
Resulting Centers replace the final Cast Off 3/4 with the anything call. EN: 206

 Spin Chain The Star -- [C4]  

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