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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Single Concept [C3A,C3B,C4]
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C3A: C3B: C4:     

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Single is a way to take an 8-dancer call and make it a 4-dancer call; or to take a 4-dancer call and make it a 2-dancer call. EN: 10
Single koncept je způsob, jak z figury pro osm lidí udělat figuru pro čtyři lidi, nebo jak z figury pro čtyři lidi udělat figuru pro dva lidi. CZ: 10

In the Single version of a call, each dancer executes the movement that would normally be done by a set of two dancers within the normal version of the call. Hence, for a call to have a Single version, it must be possible to group all dancers into sets of two, in which the dancers in each set are always facing the same direction thoughout the given call. The dancers in each set are usually dancing their portion of the call As Couples, In Tandem, Once Removed, or Twosome (or some combination of these concepts). EN: 20
V Single verzi figury provádí každý tanečník pohyb, který by byl normálně prováděn útvarem dvou tanečníků. Proto aby mohla mít figura Single verzi, musí být možné rozdělit všechny tanečníky do útvarů po dvou, ve kterých oba tanečníci během provádění figury vždy koukají stejným směrem. Tanečníci v každém útvaru většinou provádějí svou část As Couples, In Tandem, Once Removed, nebo Twosome (nebo nějakou kombinaci těchto konceptů). CZ: 20

You can think of Single as replacing each set of two dancers with a single dancer located exactly half-way between the two dancers. This single dancer then executes the given call always staying on a path located exactly half-way between where the two dancers would be in the normal version of the call. EN: 30
O Single můžete uvažovat v tom smyslu, že nahrazujete každou skupinu dvou tanečníků jedním, který stojí přesně uprostřed mezi nimi, a ten pak v takovém postavení provádí celou figuru, jakoby dělal normální verzi. CZ: 30

Here is a partial list of calls that might be done Single at C3B: EN: 40
Zde je uveden částečný seznam figur, které mohou být callerovány Single na C3B: CZ: 40

Bounce anyone Checkmate Circle By
Cross Chain & Roll Cross Chain Thru Divide The Ocean | Sea
Ferris Wheel Flare Out To A Line Polly Wally
Rotary Spin | anything Shakedown Shake & Rattle
Sidetrack Slant anything Split Swap
Strut Left | Right Travel Thru Turn & Deal
Turn To A Line Veer Left | Right  

In 1996, callers voted to restrict the usage of the Single CONCEPT at C3A to the following calls: EN: 50
V roce 1996 si calleři odhlasovali omezení použití Single CONCEPTU na C3A na následující figury: CZ: 50

In 2000, callers voted to drop the generalized Single CONCEPT from C3B. EN: 60
V roce 2000 si calleři odhlasovali vyřazení obecné definice Single CONCEPTU z C3B. CZ: 60

Single Ferris Wheel [C3A] (Walt Wentworth 1974):
From a Mini-Wave Box. Leaders do your part Single Wheel, as Trailers Extend & Single Wheel. Ends in a Zero-Tag (Single Starting Double Pass Thru Formation). Equivalent to Follow Thru & Roll. EN: 342
Z formace Mini-Wave Box. Leaders dělají svoji část Single Wheel, Trailers Extend & Single Wheel. Končí v Zero-Tag (Single Starting Double Pass Thru Formation). Ekvivalent je Follow Thru & Roll. CZ: 342

Single Ferris Wheel

Single Rotary Spin [C3A]:
From a Single Eight Chain Thru. Right Pull By; Centers Step To A L-H Mini-Wave and Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides Left-face U-Turn Back (Single Courtesy Turn) and Roll. Ends in a R-H Wave. EN: 343
Z formace Single Eight Chain Thru. Right Pull By; Centers Step To A L-H Mini-Wave and Cast Off 3/4, Outsides Left-face U-Turn Back (Single Courtesy Turn) and Roll. Končí v R-H Wave. CZ: 343

Single Rotary Spin
Right Pull By
a Centers Step To A L-H Wave
Outsides Single Courtesy Turn & Roll
jako Centers Cast Off 3/4

Single Shakedown [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1979):
From Back-to-Back Dancers. As one movement, Right Roll To A Wave & Roll. Ends in Facing Dancers. EN: 345
Z formace Back-to-Back Dancers. Jako jeden pohyb Right Roll To A Wave & Roll. Končí ve Facing Dancers. CZ: 345

Single Shakedown

Single Turn & Deal [C3A]:
From a Couple or a Mini-Wave. As one movement, 1/4 In, Touch, and turn 1/4 toward your initial turning direction. A Couple ends in Tandem dancers; a R-H Mini-Wave ends in Facing dancers; a L-H Mini-Wave ends in Back-to-Back dancers. From a Couple or R-H Mini-Wave, Single Turn & Deal is the same as Single Wheel [A2]; from a L-H Mini-Wave, Single Turn & Deal ends in Back-to-Back Dancers whereas Single Wheel ends in Facing Dancers. EN: 46
Z formace Couple nebo Mini-Wave. Jako jeden pohyb 1/4 In, Touch, and turn 1/4 stejným směrem jako na začátku. Couple končí v Tandem dancers; R-H Mini-Wave končí ve Facing dancers; L-H Mini-Wave končí v Back-to-Back dancers. F formací Couple nebo R-H Mini-Wave je Single Turn & Deal totéž jako Single Wheel [A2]; z formace L-H Mini-Wave končí Single Turn & Deal v Back-to-Back Dancers, zatímco Single Wheel končí ve Facing Dancers. CZ: 46

Z R-H Mini-Wave:

Single Turn & Deal
Z L-H Mini-Wave:

Single Turn & Deal
Z Couple:

Single Turn & Deal

  • As with Turn & Deal, remember to always pass Right Shoulders! EN: 70
    Pamatujte si, že stejně jako u Turn & Deal se míjíte pravými rameny! CZ: 70
  • From a Couple or a R-H Mini-Wave, Single Turn & Deal is identical to Single Wheel [A2]. EN: 80
    Z formace Couple a R-H Mini-Wave je Single Turn & Deal totéž co Single Wheel [A2]. CZ: 80
  • From a L-H Mini Wave, be sure to pass Right shoulders so that you end Back-to-Back! EN: 90
    Z formace L-H Mini Wave se musíte minout pravým ramenem, takže skončíte Back-to-Back! CZ: 90

Single Turn To A Line [C3A]:
From Tandem dancers, Facing dancers, or Back-to-Back dancers. As one movement, Zig-Zag, Step Thru, and turn 1/4 toward your initial turning direction. Ends in a Couple or a Mini-Wave. EN: 344
Z formace Tandem dancers, Facing dancers nebo Back-to-Back dancers. Jako jeden pohyb Zig-Zag, Step Thru, a otočka o 1/4 stejným směrem jako na začátku. Končí v Couple nebo Mini-Wave. CZ: 344

Z Tandem Dancers:

Single Turn To A Line
Z Back-to-Back Dancers:

Single Turn To A Line
Z Facing Dancers:

Single Turn To A Line

There are several calls that contain the word 'Single' but that do not follow the 'Single' definition. For example: EN: 100
Je několik figur, které v názvu obsahují slovo 'Single', ale netancují se podle 'Single' definice. Například: CZ: 100

For more information on Single, please read The Single Concept by J. Eric Brosius. EN: 110
Pro více informací ohledně Single si přečtěte The Single Concept or J. Eric Brosius. CZ: 110

CALLERLAB definition for Single Concept

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

C3A: C3B: C4:
11-February-2025 00:09:36
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