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Switch To An Interlocked Diamond [C1]
   (Sandy Knowles 1976)
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From applicable Parallel Lines (usually Parallel Waves). EN: 10
Från tillämpliga Parallel Lines (vanligen Parallel Waves). SE: 10

Centers Run as Ends do your part Interlocked Diamond Circulate. EN: 20
Centers Run medan Ends gör sin del av Interlocked Diamond Circulate. SE: 20

Switch To An Interlocked Diamond

Alternative definition: As one movement, Switch To A Diamond & Very Centers Slither. EN: 30
Alternativ definition: Som en rörelse, Switch To A Diamond & Very Centers Slither. SE: 30

Switch To A Diamond [A2] (Ron Schneider 1973):
From a Wave (or any other Line of 4). Centers Run as Ends do your part Diamond Circulate. Ends in a Diamond. EN: 399
Från en Wave (eller vilken som helst Line om 4). Centers Run medan Ends gör sin del av Diamond Circulate. Slutar i en Diamond. SE: 399

Switch To An Hourglass [A2] (Sandy Knowles 1975):
From Parallel Waves (or applicable Parallel Lines). Centers Run as Ends do your part Hourglass Circulate (Lead Ends 1/2 Circulate as Trailing Ends Veer Inward to end in a Mini-Wave with their opposite). Ends in an Hourglass. EN: 382
Från Parallel Waves (eller tillämpliga Parallel Lines). Centers Run medan Ends gör sin del av Hourglass Circulate (Lead Ends 1/2 Circulate medan Trailing Ends Veer inåt för att sluta i en Mini-Wave med sin opposite). Slutar i ett Hourglass. SE: 382

Se också Interlocked Diamond FORMATION [C1].

CALLERLAB definition for Switch to an Interlocked Diamond

Choreography för Switch To An Interlocked Diamond

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09-February-2025 04:02:22
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