- Proveďte první danou figuru až do určeného místa;
- proveďte druhou figuru;
- od místa přerušení dokončete první figuru.
Příklady Interrupt CONCEPT:
Square Thru Interrupt on the 3rd hand with a Swing Thru:
- Square Thru but on the 3rd hand do a Swing Thru, pak dokončete
Square Thru (Right Pull By & 1/4 In; Left Pull By).
Scoot & Plenty Interrupt before the Split Circulates
with an Acey Deucey:
- Scoot & Little;
Acey Deucey; Split Circulate twice (2x);
Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll,
Centers Concentric 1/2 Zoom.
Alter & Circulate
Interrupt before Flip The Diamond with a
6 By 2 Acey Deucey:
- Arm Turn 1/2;
Centers Cast Off 3/4, Ends U-Turn Back;
Very Centers Trade, Outer 4 Circulate; Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2;
6 By 2 Acey Deucey;
Flip The Diamond.
Pass The Axle Interrupt after 1/2 with a
Split Trade Circulate:
- Pass Thru;
Centers Pass Thru, Outsides Cross Cast Back;
Split Trade Circulate;
Centers Trade.
Poznámka: před dokončením druhé figury znovu vyhodnoťte svou roli v první figuře a formaci, ve které budete pracovat.
VŠIMNĚTE SI ROZDÍLU (např. z Parallel R-H Waves):
Interrupt after each part with In Roll Circulate, Remake:
- Right Arm Turn 1/4; In Roll Circulate; Centers Left Arm Turn 1/2; In Roll Circulate;
Right Arm Turn 3/4; In Roll Circulate.
Interrupt between each part with In Roll Circulate, Remake:
- Right Arm Turn 1/4; In Roll Circulate; Centers Left Arm Turn 1/2; In Roll Circulate;
Right Arm Turn 3/4.
Viz také Replace CONCEPT [C1V].
| Page translated by David Tesař. |