From a 3/4 Line or other applicable formations.
Cast Back
as Centers Once Removed Fold (danced as an Any Shoulder Turn & Deal);
all Slide Thru.
A 3/4 Line ends in Generalized Columns.
This is a 2-part call.
In the following diagrams,
= Boy and
= Girl.
Outsides do a normal Ramble [C1].
Some glossaries define the Outside's part of Ramble as a
Divide (1/4 Out & Ends Bend) instead of a Cast Back (or
Peel Off),
hence you might encounter a caller calling Interlocked Ramble from
a setup in which some of the Outsides start facing in.
Ramble [C1] (Norm Poisson 1973):
Z formace 3/4 Tag a dalších vhodných formací.
Outsides Cast Back, Centers Fold čelem k sobě
(tancováno jako Single Wheel); všichni Slide Thru.
3/4 Tag končí v Generalized Columns.