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Alter & Circulate [C2]
   (John Saunders och Ken Orr 1971)

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From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru. EN: 10
Från Parallel Waves eller Eight Chain Thru. SE: 10

  1. Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends U-Turn Back; EN: 20
    Centers Cast Off 3/4 medan Ends U-Turn Back; SE: 20
  3. Outside 4 Circulate as Very Centers Trade; EN: 30
    Outside 4 Circulate medan Very Centers Trade; SE: 30
  4. varje Diamond gör en Counter Rotate 1/2SE: 40
  5. Flip The Diamond.

Ends in (opposite-handed) Parallel Waves. Alter & Circulate is a 5-part call. EN: 50
Slutar i (med motsatt hand) Parallel Waves. Alter & Circulate är ett 5-delars call. SE: 50

  • The Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 is also referred to as Star 1/2. The caller can modify the amount to turn the Diamond (usually 1/4 or 3/4). If you are a Center, be sure to retain handholds throughout the Diamond Counter Rotate. If you are an End, don't stick your hand into the "star," or you may cause confusion as to who should Flip into the Center. EN: 60
    Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 brukar också kallas Star 1/2. Callern kan modifiera hur långt man skall vrida sin Diamond (vanligtvis 1/4 eller 3/4). Om du är en Center, försäkra dig om att du behåller handfattningen under hela Diamond Counter Rotate. Om du är en End, stick inte in handen i "stjärnan" för då kan du skapa förvirring om vem som skall göra Flip in mot Center. SE: 60
  • Wait until there are four dancers in your Diamond before you start the Counter Rotate. EN: 70
    Vänta tills det är fyra dansare i din Diamond innan du börjar med Counter Rotate. SE: 70
  • Alter & Circulate is the same as Alter The Wave [C1] Interrupt after part 2 with the Ends Circulate as the Very Centers Trade. EN: 80
    Alter & Circulate är samma som Alter The Wave [C1] Interrupt (avbryt) efter del 2 med Ends Circulate medan Very Centers Trade. SE: 80

Alter & Circulate
Arm Turn 1/2
Centers Cast Off 3/4
medan Ends U-Turn Back
Very Centers Trade
medan Outside 4 Circulate
Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2
Flip The Diamond


Star 1/4 or Star 3/4 (ends in a Tidal Wave); Don't turn the Star. Alternatively, the caller could say Alter & Circulate But Counter Rotate The Diamond 1/4 (or 3/4)EN: 90
Star 1/4 eller Star 3/4 (slutar i en Tidal Wave); 'Don't turn the Star'. Alternativt, kan callern säga Alter & Circulate But Counter Rotate The Diamond 1/4 (or 3/4)SE: 90

Spin Back [C4] (Norm Wilcox 1972):
From Facing Couples or a Wave. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends U-Turn Back. Ends in a Diamond. EN: 727
Från Facing Couples eller en Wave. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4 medan Ends U-Turn Back. Slutar i en Diamond. SE: 727
This is the first 2/5 of Alter & CirculateEN: 100
Detta är de första 2/5 av Alter & CirculateSE: 100

{i - j - k} Alter & Circulate [C4]:
From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru: Alter & Circulate replace the Arm Turn 1/2 with an Arm Turn i/4; replace the Centers Cast Off 3/4 with a Cast Off j/4; and replace the Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 with a Diamond Counter Rotate k/4. Ends in Parallel Waves or a Tidal Wave. EN: 729
Från Parallel Waves eller Eight Chain Thru: Alter & Circulate byt ut Arm Turn 1/2 mot en Arm Turn i/4; byt ut Centers Cast Off 3/4 mot en Cast Off j/4; och byt ut Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 mot en Diamond Counter Rotate k/4. Slutar i Parallel Waves eller en Tidal Wave. SE: 729

Se också Alter The Wave [C1].

CALLERLAB definition for Alter and Circulate

Choreography för Alter & Circulate

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12-January-2025 20:38:50
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