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C3A definitions from the Ceder Chest of C3.
Ends in a Line or Wave. Line $B$^$?$O(B wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i en Line eller Wave. Končí v Line nebo Wave.
1/4 (or 3/4) Mix is a 3-part call. 1/4 ($B$^$?$O(B 3/4) Mix $B$O(B 3 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9(B. 1/4 (eller 3/4) Mix är ett 3-delars call. Figura 1/4 (nebo 3/4) Mix má tři části.
1/4 The Deucey: Arm Turn 1/4; Centers Cast Off 1/4 as the Lead End Circulate as the Trailing End 1/2 Circulate; Center Star turn 1/4; those who meet (Center Wave) Cast Off 1/4 as lonesome Center move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate) to become the End of a Wave. Ends in Parallel Waves. Arm Turn 1/4 $B$r$7$F(B, Centers $B$,(B Cast Off 1/4 $B$r$9$k4V$K(B, Lead End $B$O(B Circulate $B$r(B, Trailing End $B$O(B 1/2 Circulate $B$r$7$F(B, Center Star $B$,(B turn 1/4 $B$r$7(B, $B2q$C$??M$,(B (Center Wave) Cast Off 1/4 $B$r$7$F(B, lonesome Center $B$O(B move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate) $B$r$7(B Wave $B$N(B End $B$K$J$j$^$9!%J?9T$J(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Arm Turn 1/4; Centers Cast Off 1/4 medan Lead End Circulate och Trailing End 1/2 Circulate; Center Star vrid 1/4; de som möts (Center Wave) Cast Off 1/4 medan den ensamma Center går upp (Phantom Hourglass Circulate) för att bli End på en Wave. Slutar i Parallel Waves. Arm Turn 1/4; Centers Cast Off 1/4, Lead End Circulate, Trailing End 1/2 Circulate; Center Star turn 1/4; ti, co se potkají (Center Wave), Cast Off 1/4, osamocení Centers move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate) a stanou se koncoví ve vlně. Končí v Parallel Waves.
3/4 The Deucey: Same as 1/4 The Deucey except each of the four 1/4 turns is replaced with a 3/4 turn. $B3F!9$N(B 1/4 turn $B$,(B 3/4 turn $B$K$J$k0J30$O(B 1/4 The Deucey $B$HF1$8$G$9!%(B Samma som 1/4 The Deucey utom att var och en av de fyra 1/4 vridningarna byts ut mot en 3/4 vridning. Totéž co 1/4 The Deucey, akorát každé ze čtyř 1/4 turns je nahrazeno 3/4 turn.
Från en L-H Two-Faced Line. Left Cast 1/4 (för att sluta i Facing Couples); Finish Wheel The Ocean | Sea. (Ocean: Belles gör en diagonal Right Pull By; Sea: Belles Walk medan Beaus Dodge.) Slutar i en Mini-Wave Box. (Ocean: R-H Box; Sea: L-H Box.) Z formace L-H Two-Faced Line. Left Cast 1/4 (skončit ve Facing Couples); Finish Wheel The Ocean | Sea. (Ocean: Belles diagonal Right Pull By; Sea: Belles Walk, Beaus Dodge.) Končí v Mini-Wave Box. (Ocean: R-H Box; Sea: L-H Box.)
1/4 (or 3/4) Wheel The Ocean | Sea is a 2-part call. 1/4 ($B$^$?$O(B 3/4) Wheel The Ocean | Sea $B$O(B 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B 1/4 (eller 3/4) Wheel The Ocean | Sea är ett 2-delars call. 1/4 (nebo 3/4) Wheel The Ocean | Sea má dvě části.
The anything call is usually a Scoot Back variation of a Tagging call. $BIaDL(B anything call $B$O(B Tagging call $B$N(B Scoot Back $B%P%j%(!<%7%g%s$G$9!%(B Anything callet är vanligen en Scoot Back variant av ett Tagging call. Figura anything je obvykle Scoot Back variace nějaké Tagging figury.
Ends in Parallel Waves. $BJ?9T$J(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Waves. Končí v Parallel Waves.
Leaders Circulate as Trailers Star 1/2 (R-H Star from R-H Waves, L-H Star
from L-H Waves), and adjust to become Leaders in Wave (R-H Waves if
R-H Star, L-H Waves if L-H Star). Leaders $B$O(B Circulate $B$r(B, Trailers $B$O(B Diagonal Box Circulate $B$r$7$^$9!%(B
$B1&$N(B Wave $B$+$i$O(B Trailers $B$O1& Parallel Waves end in Parallel Waves. $BJ?9T$J(B Wave $B$+$i$O(B, $BJ?9T$J(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Parallel Waves slutar i Parallel Waves. Parallel Waves končí v Parallel Waves.
Execute the given call working within Distorted Parallel Lines. At the
completion of the call, each dancer must occupy one of the footprints of the
original formation. $BM?$($i$l$?%3!<%k$r(B Distorted Parallel Lines
$B3F!9$N?M$O%*%j%8%J%k$N(B formation
$B$N0LCV(B ($BLu
Ends Cast Off 3/4 as Centers Box Counter Rotate 1/4 and 1/2 Box Circulate; Center Line does the anything call (if the anything call is a number such as 1, 2, or 3, then Cast Off that many quarters) as the others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). Ends $B$O(B Cast Off 3/4 $B$r(B, Centers $B$O(B Box Counter Rotate 1/4 $B$r$7$F(B 1/2 Box Circulate $B$r$7$^$9!%(B $B$=$7$F(B, Center Line $B$,(B anything call ($B$b$7(B anything call $B$,(B 1, 2, 3 $B$N$h$&$J?t$@$C$?$i(B, 1/4 $B$K$=$N?t$r3]$1$?(B Cast Off 1/4, Cast Off 2/4$B!J(B1/2$B!K(B, Cast Off 3/4) $B$r$7(B, $BB>$N?M$O(B move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate) $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Ends Cast Off 3/4 medan Centers Box Counter Rotate 1/4 och 1/2 Box Circulate; Center Line gör anything callet (om anything callet är en siffra som 1, 2 eller 3, Cast Off så många kvartar) medan de andra går upp (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). Ends Cast Off 3/4, Centers Box Counter Rotate 1/4 and 1/2 Box Circulate; Center Line provede figuru anything (pokud je anything číslo 1, 2 nebo 3, pak udělají Cast Off tolik čtvrtí). Mezitím ostatní move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate).
Usually ends in Parallel Lines, Twin Diamonds, or an Hourglass depending upon the anything call. anything call $B$K$h$j$^$9$,(B, $BIaDL(B Parallel Lines, Twin Diamonds $B$^$?$O(B Hourglass $B$G=*$o$^$9!%(B Slutar vanligen i Parallel Lines, Twin Diamonds, eller ett Hourglass beroende på anything callet. Obvykle končí v Parallel Lines, Twin Diamonds nebo Hourglass v závislosti na figuře anything.
Square Thru n To A Wave; do the anything call; Step & Fold. Square Thru n To A Wave $B$r$7(B, anything call $B$r$7$F(B, Step & Fold $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Square Thru n To A Wave; gör anything callet; Step & Fold. Square Thru n To A Wave; provést figuru anything; Step & Fold.
Ends in various formations. $B$$$m$$$m$J(B formations $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i varierande formationer. Končí v různých formacích.
Do the Centers part of the anything call. anything $B%3!<%k$N(B centers $B$N%Q!<%H$r9T$$$^$9(B. Gör Centers del av anything callet. Všichni provedou tu část anything, kterou normálně dělají Centers.
If the starting formation is a 2 x 4 and if the Centers part of the anything call can be done from either a 1 x 4 or a 2 x 2 (e.g., Counter or Detour), then work in the 2 x 2. For this case, the caller should specify in which setup the dancers are to do the call (e.g., Each Wave do a Central Counter). $B$b$7;O$a$N(B formation $B$,(B 2 x 4 $B$G(B, anything $B%3!<%k$N(B centers $B$N%Q!<%H$,(B 1 x 4 $B$H(B 2 x 2 $B$N$I$A$i$+$i$G$b=PMh$k$H$-(B ($BNc$($P(B, Counter $B$d(B Detour) $B$O(B, 2 x 2 $B$GF0$-$^$9(B. $B$3$N>l9g(B, $B%3!<%i!<$O%@%s%5!<$K$I$A$i$N(B setup $B$GF0$/$+(B ($BNc$($P(B, Each Wave do a Central Counter) $B$r;X<($9$Y$-$G$9(B. Om startformationen är en 2 x 4 och om Centers del av anything callet kan göras från antingen en 1 x 4 eller en 2 x 2 (t.ex, Counter eller Detour), arbeta då i en 2 x 2. För detta fall bör callern specificera i vilken uppställning dansarna skall göra callet (t.ex, Each Wave do a Central Counter). Pokud je výchozí formace 2 x 4 a část figury anything pro Centers může být provedena buď v matici 1 x 4 nebo 2 x 2 (např. Counter nebo Detour), pak pracujte v 2 x 2. Caller by měl v takovém přípdě raději specifikovat, v jaké formaci má být figura provedena (např. Each Wave do a Central Counter).
From Back-to-Back Couples. $BGXCf9g$o$;$N%+%C%W%k$+$i(B. Från Couples rygg mot rygg. Z formace Back-to-Back Couples.
Belles Right-face U-Turn Back as Beaus Fold; all Extend to the given fractional Tag formation. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. Belles $B$O1&2s$j$K(B U-Turn Back, Beaus Fold $B$r$7(B; $BA40w$GM?$($i$l$?(B fractional Tag formation $B$^$G(B Extend $B$7$^$9(B. $B$b$7(B fraction $B$,$J$+$C$?$H$-$O(B, full Tag The Line $B$r9T$$$^$9(B. Belles U-Turn Back åt höger medan Beaus Fold; alla Extend till den givna fractional Tag formationen. Om ingen fraction ges, gör en full Tag The Line. Belles Right-face U-Turn Back, Beaus Fold; všichni Extend do dané fractional Tag formace. Pokud fraction není řečeno, jedná se o úplný Tag The Line.
In the following diagrams, $B I följande diagram, betecknar Na následujícím diagramu designates the Leaders in each Line as $B$O(B each Line $B$N(B Leaders $B$r<($7(B, Leaders i varje Line medan označuje Leaders v každé Line a designates the other dancers.
The dancers designated by $B$OB>$N%@%s%5!<$r<($7$^$9!%(B betecknar de andra dansarna.
Dansarna som är betecknade med označuje ostatní tanečníky. Tanečníci označení can be
facing in any direction other than the same direction as the $B$G<($5$l$??M$O(B, 1 x 4 $B$G(B kan titta åt vilket håll som helst utom i samma riktning som se mohou koukat libovolným směrem kromě toho, kam se koukají dancers in their 1 x 4. $B$N?M$HF1$88~$-$G$J$1$l$P$I$3$r8~$$$F$$$F$b$+$^$$$^$;$s!%(B dansarna i sin 1 x 4. v jejich 1 x 4.
Leaders in a
R-H Wave setup... Leader $B$,(B
$B1&$N(B Wave $B$N(B setup... Leaders i en
R-H Wave uppställning... Leaders v
v pravé vlně... a L-H Wave setup... $B:8$N(B Wave $B$N(B setup... en L-H Wave uppställning... levé vlně... a R-H 2FL setup... $B1&$N(B 2FL setup... en R-H 2FL uppställning... pravé 2-faced line... a L-H 2FL setup. $B:8$N(B 2FL setup. en L-H 2FL uppställning. levé 2-faced line.
Box Circulate; Leaders U-Turn Back (toward the Center of the 2 x 2). Box Circulate $B$r$7(B, Leaders U-Turn Back (2 x 2 $B$NCf?4$NJ}$X(B) $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Box Circulate; Leaders U-Turn Back (mot mitten på 2 x 2). Box Circulate; Leaders U-Turn Back (směrem ke středu 2 x 2).
Ends in a 2 x 2. 2 x 2 $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i en 2 x 2. Končí v 2 x 2.
Couple Up is a 2-part call. Couple Up $B$O(B 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Couple Up är ett 2-delars call. Couple Up má dvě části.
Very Centers Diagonal Pass Thru with diagonally facing outside dancers as the
End of the Center Line
Counter Rotate 1/4
(around the outside); Centers of each side Hinge;
Centers Star Circulate as Outsides Trade; Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4
as the others Phantom Hourglass Circulate. Very Centers $B$, Counter Rotate 1/4 ($B30B&$r2s$k(B) $B$r$7$F(B, each side $B$N(B Centers $B$,(B Hinge $B$r$7(B,
Centers $B$,(B Star Circulate $B$r$9$k4V$K(B Outsides $B$O(B Trade $B$r$7(B, each side $B$N(B Centers $B$,(B Cast Off 3/4 $B$r$9$k4V$KB>$N?M$O(B Phantom Hourglass Circulate $B$r$7$^$9!%(B
Ends in Parallel Lines. $BJ?9T$J(B Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Lines. Končí v Parallel Lines.
Centers Trade The Wave, Cast Off 3/4 and Counter Rotate 1/4 as the Outsides Cross Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold. Centers $B$O(B Trade The Wave, Cast Off 3/4 $B$r$7(B, Counter Rotate 1/4 $B$r$7$^$9!%30B&$N?M$O(B Cross Cast Back, Touch 1/2 $B$r$7(B, Step & Fold $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Centers Trade The Wave, Cast Off 3/4 och Counter Rotate 1/4 medan Outsides Cross Cast Back, Touch 1/2, och Step & Fold. Centers Trade The Wave, Cast Off 3/4 and Counter Rotate 1/4 , Outsides Cross Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold.
A R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines; a L-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Waves. $B1&$N(B 3/4 Tag $B$+$i$O(B, $BJ?9T$J:8$N(B Two-Faced Lines $B$K$J$j(B, $B:8$N(B 3/4 Tag $B$+$i$O(B, $BJ?9T$J:8$N(B Waves $B$K$J$j$^$9!%(B En R-H 3/4 Tag slutar i Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines; en L-H 3/4 Tag slutar i Parallel L-H Waves. R-H 3/4 Tag končí v Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines; L-H 3/4 Tag končí v Parallel L-H Waves.
Cross Counter is a 3-part call. Cross Counter $B$O(B 3 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Cross Counter är ett 3-delars call. Cross Counter má tři části.
Outsides 1/4 Right (if Delight) or 1/4 Left (if Dilemma) and Circulate twice as the Centers Swing, Slip twice, and Cast Off 3/4. Outsides $B$O(B 1/4 Right (Delight $B$N$H$-(B) $B$^$?$O(B 1/4 Left (Dilemma $B$N$H$-(B) $B$r$7$F(B, Circulate twice $B$r$7(B, Centers $B$O(B Swing, Slip twice, Cast Off 3/4 $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Outsides 1/4 Right (om det är Delight) eller 1/4 Left (om det är Dilemma) och Circulate två gånger medan Centers Swing, Slip två gånger och Cast Off 3/4. Outsides 1/4 Right (v případě Delight) nebo 1/4 Left (v případě Dilemma) and Circulate 2x, Centers Swing, Slip 2x, and Cast Off 3/4.
Usually ends in Parallel Lines. $BIaDL(B, $BJ?9T$J(B Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar vanligen i Parallel Lines. Obvykle končí v Parallel Lines.
The Center's part of Delight | Dilemma is a 4-part call. Delight | Dilemma $B$N(B Center $B$N%Q!<%H$O(B, 4 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Centers del av Delight | Dilemma är ett 4-delars call. Center's part figur Delight | Dilemma má čtyři části
Ends Split Circulate twice as Out-facing Centers Crossover Circulate and Circulate as In-facing Centers Circulate and Crossover Circulate. Ends $B$O(B Split Circulate twice $B$r$7(B, Centers $B$G30$r8~$$$F$$$k?M$O(B Crossover Circulate and Circulate $B$r$7(B, Centers $B$GCf$r8~$$$F$$$k?M$O(B Circulate and Crossover Circulate $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Ends Split Circulate två gånger medan Out-facing Centers Crossover Circulate och Circulate medan In-facing Centers Circulate och Crossover Circulate. Ends Split Circulate 2x, Out-facing Centers Crossover Circulate and Circulate, In-facing Centers Circulate and Crossover Circulate.
Ends in a 2 x 4. 2 x 4 $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i en 2 x 4. Končí v 2 x 4.
Drift Apart is a 2-part call. Drift Apart $B$O(B 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Drift Apart är ett 2-delars call. Figura Drift Apart má dvě části.
Outsides Zing as Centers (Concentric) Circulate and Face In. Outsides $B$O(B Zing $B$r(B, Centers $B$O(B (Concentric) Circulate $B$r$7(B Face In $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Outsides Zing medan Centers (Concentric) Circulate och Face In. Outsides Zing , Centers (Concentric) Circulate and Face In.
Parallel Lines end in a Double Pass Thru. $BJ?9T$J(B Line $B$+$i$O(B Double Pass Thru $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Parallel Lines slutar i en Double Pass Thru. Parallel Lines končí v Double Pass Thru.
Outsides Grand Chain Eight and Roll as Centers do the anything call (working in the Center). Outsides $B$O(B Grand Chain Eight and Roll $B$r$7(B, Centers $B$O(B anything $B$N%3!<%k$r$7$^$9(B (Center $B$GF0$-$^$9(B)$B!%(B Outsides Grand Chain Eight och Roll medan Centers gör anything callet (arbetar i Center). Outsides Grand Chain Eight and Roll, Centers provedou anything (pracují uprostřed).
Ends in various formations. $B$$$m$$$m$J(B formation $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i varierande formationer. Končí v různých formacích.
Do a total of four Split Circulates, except that when you become an
In-facing Center do your next Circulate to your diagonal opposite position
(crossing over into the other Box). Exchange The Box can be
fractionalized into fourths. Split Circulate $B$r9g7W(B 4 $B2s9T$$$^$9$,(B, $BCf$r8~$$$?(B Center $B$H$J$C$?$H$-$O $N(B box $B$X(B cross over $B$7$^$9(B)$B!%(BExchange The Box $B$O(B 4 $B$D$N%Q!<%H$KJ,$1$i$l$^$9!%(B
Traffic pattern: when crossing to the other Box, stay outside of those who are still in their original Box. The In-facing Centers lead the Exchange and, from a normal setup, everyone else in their Box can follow them. $BB>$N(B box $B$X(B cross $B$9$k$H$-$NDL$jJ}$G$9$,(B, $B$^$@<+J,$N%*%j%8%J%k$N(B box $B$K$$$k?M$N30B&$rDL$j$^$9!%Cf$r8~$$$?(B Centers $B$,(B Exchange $B$N%j!<%@!<$H$J$j(B, $BIaDL$N>l9g(B box $B$NB>$N?M$O$=$N?M$K$D$$$F9T$/$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!%(B Trafikmönstret är sådant att när du korsar över till den andra boxen, måste du hålla dig på utsidan av de som fortfarande är i sin ursprungliga Box. In-facing Centers leder denna Exchange och vanligen kan alla i deras Box följa efter. Popis pohybu: když přecházíte do dalšího boxu, jděte venkem kolem těch, kteří jsou stále ve svém původním boxu. In-facing Centers vede Exchange a (v normálním postavení) ho všichni ostatní následují.
Do a total of three Triangle Circulates except that when you become 1) the Apex
dancer (for Apex-to-Apex Triangles), or 2) the In-Facing Base dancer
(for Base-to-Base Triangles); do your next Circulate to the other Triangle.
(From Apex-to-Apex Triangles, the Circulate is an Interlocked Triangle
Circulate; from Base-to-Base Triangles, the Circulate is to the diagonal
opposite position.) Exchange The Triangle can be fractionalized into
thirds. $B$N(B Triangle $B$X(B Circulate $B$7$^$9!%(B
(Apex-to-Apex Triangles $B$+$i$N(B Circulate $B$O(B Interlocked Triangle Circulate $B$H$J$j(B, Base-to-Base Triangles $B$+$i$N(B Circulate $B$O Exchange The Triangle $B$O(B 3 $B$D$N%Q!<%H$KJ,$1$i$l$^$9!%(B
Centers Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) as the Outsides Column Circulate twice. Centers $B$O(B Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) $B$r(B, $B30B&$N?M$O(B Column Circulate twice $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Centers Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) medan Outsides Column Circulate två gånger. Centers Phantom Run (Reverse Flip), Outsides Column Circulate 2x.
Columns end in Parallel Lines. Columns $B$+$i$OJ?9T$J(B Line $B$K$J$j$^$9!%(B Columns slutar i Parallel Lines. Columns končí v Parallel Lines.
Trailers (#2 and #4 dancers) Press Out; Trailing Couple 1/2 Press Ahead; Outsides work Phantom, and all Any Shoulder Turn & Deal. Trailers (#2 $B$H(B #4 dancers) $B$,(B Press Out $B$r$7$F(B, Trailing Couple $B$O(B 1/2 Press Ahead $B$r$7(B, Outsides work Phantom: all Any Shoulder Turn & Deal $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Trailers (#2 och #4 dansarna) Press Out; Trailing Couple 1/2 Press Ahead; Outsides arbetar Phantom: alla Any Shoulder Turn & Deal. Trailers (tanečníci #2 a #4) Press Out; Trailing Couple 1/2 Press Ahead; Outsides pracují Phantom a takto všichni Any Shoulder Turn & Deal.
Ends in a Double Pass Thru (phantoms disappear). Double Pass Thru formation $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i en Double Pass Thru. Končí ve formaci Double Pass Thru (fantómové se ztratí).
Finally anyConcept anything Do the anything call but only apply the given CONCEPT to the last part of the call. Anything call $B$rIaDL$K;O$a(B, $B:G8e$N%Q!<%H$N$_M?$($i$l$?(B CONCEPT $B$G9T$$$^$9!%(B Gör anything callet men använd bara det CONCEPT som har angetts på den sista delen av callet. Dělejte figuru anything, na její poslední část aplikujte daný CONCEPT.
Leaders work away from the Center of the Set to do a Turn To A Line as Trailers 1/2 Circulate. Leaders $B$O%;%C%H$NCf?4$+$iN%$l$k$h$&$K(B Turn To A Line $B$r9T$$(B, Trailers $B$O(B 1/2 Circulate $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Leaders arbetar bort från Center på uppställningen och gör en Turn To A Line medan Trailers 1/2 Circulate. Leaders udělají směrem od středu čtverylky Turn To A Line , Trailers 1/2 Circulate.
Parallel Two-Faced Lines end in an As Couples Wave. $BJ?9T$J(B Two-Faced Lines $B$+$i$O(B As Couples Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Parallel Two-Faced Lines slutar i en As Couples Wave. Parallel Two-Faced Lines končí v As Couples Wave.
Trailers Follow Your Neighbor & Spread as Leaders Box Circulate once and a half. Trailers $B$O(B Follow Your Neighbor & Spread $B$r(B, Leaders $B$O(B Box Circulate once and a half $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Trailers Follow Your Neighbor & Spread medan Leaders Box Circulate en och en halv. Trailers Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Leaders Box Circulate 1 & 1/2.
A R-H or L-H Mini-Wave Box ends in a Diamond, a T-Bone 2 x 2 usually ends in a Wave. $B1&$^$?$O:8$N(B Mini Wave $B$N(B Box $B$+$i$O(B Diamond $B$G=*$o$j(B, T-Bone $B$N(B 2 x 2 $B$+$i$OIaDL(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B En R-H eller L-H Mini-Wave Box slutar i en Diamond, en T-Bone 2 x 2 slutar vanligen i en Wave. R-H nebo L-H Mini-Wave Box končí v Diamond, T-Bone 2 x 2 obvykle končí ve Wave.
Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate and Tandem Cross Fold as Trailers Follow Your Neighbor (Extend and Arm Turn 3/4); all Tandem Extend. Leaders $B$,(B 1/2 Split Circulate $B$r$7$F(B Tandem Cross Fold $B$r$9$k4V$K(B, Trailers $B$O(B Follow Your Neighbor (Extend and Arm Turn 3/4) $B$r$7(B, $BA40w$G(B Tandem Extend $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate och Tandem Cross Fold medan Trailers Follow Your Neighbor (Extend och Arm Turn 3/4); alla Tandem Extend. Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate and Tandem Cross Fold, Trailers Follow Your Neighbor (Extend and Arm Turn 3/4); všichni Tandem Extend.
Ends in Columns. Column $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Columns. Končí v Columns.
Center pairs of dancers (3 pairs from an 8-dancer Tidal Line, 2 pairs from a 6-dancer Tidal Line) Grand (Working As Centers) Cross Run (like a Grand Slip-Slide); new Center pairs of dancers Trade (Grand Slip). Center pairs $B$N?M(B (8$B?M$N(B Tidal Line $B$G$O(B 3 pairs, 6$B?M$N(B Tidal Line $B$G$O(B 2 pairs) $B$O(B, Grand (Working As Centers) Cross Run (Grand Slip-Slide $B$N$h$&$K(B) $B$r$7(B, new Center pairs $B$,(B Trade (Grand Slip) $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Centerparen av dansare (3 par från en 8-dansare Tidal Line, 2 par från en 6-dansare Tidal Line) Grand (Working As Centers) Cross Run (som en Grand Slip-Slide); de nya Centerparen Trade (Grand Slip). Středové páry tanečníků (3 páry v Tidal Line osmi tanečníků, 2 páry v Tidal Line šesti tanečníků) Grand (Working As Centers) Cross Run (jako Grand Slip-Slide); nové středové páry Trade (Grand Slip).
Ends in a Tidal Line. This is a 2-part call. Tidal Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Slutar i en Tidal Line. Detta är ett 2-delars call. Končí v Tidal Line. Tato figura má dvě části.
Both calls are 2-part calls. $BN>J}$H$b(B 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Båda callen är 2-delars call. Obě figury mají dvě části.
Designated dancers Walk as others Dodge; all Hinge. $B;X<($5$l$??M$,(B Walk, $BB>$N?M$,(B Dodge $B$r$7$F(B, $BA40w$G(B Hinge $B$r$7$^$9!%(B De utpekade dansarna Walk medan de andra Dodge; alla Hinge. Označení tanečníci Walk, ostatní Dodge; všichni Hinge.
Ends in a Wave or Inverted Line. This is a 2-part call. Wave $B$^$?$O(B Inverted Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Slutar i en Wave eller Inverted Line. Detta är ett 2-delars call. Končí ve Wave nebo Inverted Line. Figura má dvě části.
Initially anyConcept anything Do the first part of the anything call using the given CONCEPT; then do the remainder of the anything call (i.e., without using the given CONCEPT). anything $B$N%3!<%k$N;O$a$N%Q!<%H$r(B, $BM?$($i$l$?(B CONCEPT $B$G9T$$$^$9!%$=$7$F(B, anything $B$N%3!<%k$N;D$j$r9T$$$^$9(B ($B$9$J$o$A(B, $BM?$($i$l$?(B CONCEPT $B$r;H$o$:$K(B)$B!%(B Utför den första delen av anything callet och använd det CONCEPT som angivits; utför sedan resten av anything callet (dvs, utan att använda detta CONCEPT). Proveďte první část figury anything tak, že použijete daný CONCEPT; zbytek figury už pak uděláte normálně (tzn. bez použití daného CONCEPT).
Outsides 1/4 Right and Counter Rotate 1/4 (i.e., Little) as Centers Step And Cross Fold (Ends Cross Fold as Centers 1/2 Press Ahead). Outsides $B$O(B 1/4 Right $B$r$7$F(B Counter Rotate 1/4 ($B$9$J$o$A(B, Little) $B$r$7(B, Centers $B$O(B Step And Cross Fold (Ends $B$,(B Cross Fold, Centers $B$O(B 1/2 Press Ahead) $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Outsides 1/4 Right och Counter Rotate 1/4 (dvs., Little) medan Centers Step And Cross Fold (Ends Cross Fold medan Centers 1/2 Press Ahead). Outsides 1/4 Right and Counter Rotate 1/4 (tzn. Little), Centers Step And Cross Fold (Ends Cross Fold, Centers 1/2 Press Ahead).
A Generalized 1/4 Line ends in Parallel Lines. $B0lHL2=$5$l$?(B 1/4 Line $B$+$i$OJ?9T$J(B Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B En generaliserad 1/4 Line slutar i Parallel Lines. Generalized 1/4 Line končí v Parallel Lines.
Usually ends in a 1/4 Tag. $BIaDL(B 1/4 Tag $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar vanligen i en 1/4 Tag. Obvykle končí ve formaci 1/4 Tag.
This is a 3-part call. Detta är ett 3-delars call. Tato figura má tři části.
Scoot Back with the dancers in your Interlocked Single 1/4 Tag (the dancers occupying the Interlocked Diamond footprints). $B<+J,$N(B Interlocked Single 1/4 Tag $B$N?M(B (Interlocked Diamond $B$N0LCV$K$$$k?M(B) $B$G(B Scoot Back $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Scoot Back med dansarna i din Interlocked Single 1/4 Tag (de dansare som står på Interlocked Diamond footprints). Scoot Back s tanečníky ve své formaci Interlocked Single 1/4 Tag (tanečníci na pozicích formace Interlocked Diamond).
Ends in a 3/4 Line. 3/4 Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i en 3/4 Line. Končí ve 3/4 Line.
Work in a Distorted Box with the dancers with whom you would normally Jay Walk. At the end of the call re-establish the footprints of those four positions. Jay Walk $B$r$9$k?M$?$A$N(B Distorted ($B$f$,$s$@(B) Box $B$GF0$-$^$9!%%3!<%k$N=*$o$j$G(B, $B$3$l$i$N(B 4 $B$D$N(B footprint $B$N0LCV$r:F9=@.$7$^$9!%(B Arbeta i en distorderad Box med de dansare du normalt skulle göra Jay Walk med. Vid slutet av callet, återetablera samma fyra positioner. Pracujte ve formaci Distorted Box s těmi tanečníky, se kterými byste normálně dělali Jay Walk. Na konci figury se postavte na ty samé pozice, na kterých byl box na začátku.
Leaders Couples Circulate With The Flow as Trailers 1/2 Circulate, Very Centers Hinge, Flip The Diamond, Step & Fold. Leader $B$O(B Couples Circulate With The Flow $B$r$7(B, Trailers $B$O(B 1/2 Circulate, Very Centers Hinge, Flip The Diamond, Step & Fold $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Leaders Couples Circulate With The Flow medan Trailers 1/2 Circulate, Very Centers Hinge, Flip The Diamond, Step & Fold. Leaders Couples Circulate With The Flow , Trailers 1/2 Circulate, Very Centers Hinge, Flip The Diamond, Step & Fold.
Ends in Parallel Waves. This is a 4-part call for the Trailers. $BJ?9T$J(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(BTrailer $B$K$H$C$F$O(B 4 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Waves. Detta är ett 4-delars call för Trailers. Končí v Parallel Waves. Pro Trailers má tato figura čtyři části.
Right Roll To A Wave, Arm Turn 1/4 (or the designated fraction). Right Roll To A Wave $B$r$7$F(B, Arm Turn 1/4 ($B$"$k$$$O;X<($5$l$?(B fraction) $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Right Roll To A Wave, Arm Turn 1/4 (eller den givna fraction). Right Roll To A Wave, Arm Turn 1/4 (nebo určenou část (fraction)).
Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave. This is a 2-part call. $B1&$N(B Mini-Wave $B$G=*$o$j(B, 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Slutar i en R-H Mini-Wave. Detta är ett 2-delars call. Končí v R-H Mini-Wave. Tato figura má dvě části.
Leaders Cast Off 1/4 using the Outside dancer as the pivot point
Ends in Parallel Waves. $BJ?9T$J(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Waves. Končí v Parallel Waves.
Ends in opposite-handed Parallel Waves. This is a 3-part call. $B5U$N
Belles Shakedown as Beaus Partner Tag. Belles $B$O(B Shakedown $B$r(B, Beaus $B$O(B Partner Tag $B$r9T$$$^$9!%(B Belles Shakedown medan Beaus Partner Tag. Belles Shakedown , Beaus Partner Tag.
Back-to-Back Couples end in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. $BGXCf9g$o$;$N%+%C%W%k$+$i$O(B, $B1&$N(B Mini Wave $B$N(B Box $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Back-to-Back Couples slutar i en R-H Mini-Wave Box. Back-to-Back Couples končí v R-H Mini-Wave Box.
#1 dancer Trail Off & Roll as #2 dancer Circulate, Peel Off & Roll as #3 and #4 dancers Circulate; Centers Cast Off 3/4; all Extend. 1 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B Trail Off $B$r$7$F(B Roll $B$r$7(B, 2 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B Circulate, Peel Off $B$r$7$F(B Roll $B$r$7(B, 3 $BHVL\$H(B 4 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B Circulate, Centers Cast Off 3/4 $B$r$7(B, $BA40w$G(B Extend $B$r$7$^$9!%(B #1 dansaren Trail Off & Roll medan #2 dansaren Circulate, Peel Off & Roll medan #3 och #4 dansarna Circulate; Centers Cast Off 3/4; alla Extend. Tanečník #1 Trail Off & Roll, tanečník #2 Circulate, Peel Off & Roll, tanečník #3 a #4 Circulate; Centers Cast Off 3/4; všichni Extend.
Ends in Parallel Waves. $BJ?9T$J(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Waves. Končí v Parallel Waves.
Hinge; designated dancers U-Turn Back in flow direction (Roll twice). Hinge $B$r$7$F(B, $B;X<($5$l$??M$,(B flow $B$NJ}$X(B U-Turn Back (Roll twice) $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Hinge; de utpekade dansarna U-Turn Back i flytriktningen (Roll två gånger). Hinge; označení tanečníci U-Turn Back ve směru rotace (2x Roll).
Ends in a Couple or Mini-Wave. This is a 2-part call. $B%+%C%W%k$^$?$O(B mini wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%$3$l$O(B 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Slutar i ett Couple eller Mini-Wave. Detta är ett 2-delars call. končí v Couple nebo Mini-Wave. Figura má dvě části.
Note: Determine who are the designated dancers before doing the Hinge, not after. For example, from a Couple: Patch The Beaus is a Partner Hinge (now both dancers are Beaus) followed by original Beau U-Turn Back. Similarly, from Parallel Lines: Patch The Ends refers to the original Ends, not those who become Ends after the Hinge. $BCm Kommentar: Avgör vilka som är de utpekade dansarna innan du gör Hinge, inte efter. Till exempel, från ett Couple: Patch The Beaus är en Partner Hinge (nu är båda dansarna Beaus) följt av en ursprunglig Beau U-Turn Back. Liknande, från Parallel Lines: Patch The Ends refererar till de ursprungliga Ends, inte till de som blev Ends efter Hinge. Poznámka: Zjistěte si, kdo jsou označení tanečníci před tím, než uděláte Hinge, ne potom. Například z formace Couple: Patch The Beaus je Partner Hinge (teď jsou oba Beaus) a následně původní Beau U-Turn Back. Podobně z Parallel Lines: Patch The Ends znamená původní Ends, ne ti, co se stanou Ends po Hinge.
Centers Arm Turn 1/2 and Slip as Outsides Cast Back and Touch 1/2; Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4 as others do their part of Fan The Top. Centers $B$O(B Arm Turn 1/2 $B$r$7$F(B Slip $B$r$7(B, Outsides $B$O(B Cast Back $B$r$7$F(B Touch 1/2 $B$r$7(B, each side $B$N(B centers $B$,(B Cast Off 3/4 $B$r$7(B, $BB>$N?M$O(B Fan The Top $B$N<+J,$N%Q!<%H$r$7$^$9!%(B Centers Arm Turn 1/2 och Slip medan Outsides Cast Back och Touch 1/2; Centers på varje sida Cast Off 3/4 medan de andra gör sin del av Fan The Top. Centers Arm Turn 1/2 and Slip, Outsides Cast Back and Touch 1/2; Centers na každé straně Cast Off 3/4, ostatní udělají svou část Fan The Top.
A Trade By or R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Waves;
a L-H 3/4 Tag ends in a Parallelogram. Trade By $B$^$?$O1&
Centers Touch 1/4, Cross Concentric Vertical Tag The Line, Leaders Peel Left, Trailers Peel Right to end as a Couple (as in Sets In Motion) as the Outsides Circulate once and a half, Hinge, Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag, and Face In. Centers $B$O(B Touch 1/4 $B$r$7$F(B, Cross Concentric Vertical Tag The Line $B$r$7(B, Lead $B$N?M$O(B Peel Left, Trailer $B$N?M$O(B Peel Right $B$r$7$F%+%C%W%k$G=*$o$j$^$9(B (Sets In Motion $B$N$h$&$K(B)$B!%(B $B$=$N4V$K(B Outsides $B$O(B Circulate once and a half, Hinge, Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag $B$r$7$F(B, Face In $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Centers Touch 1/4, Cross Concentric Vertical Tag The Line, Leaders Peel Left, Trailers Peel Right för att sluta som ett Couple (som i Sets In Motion) medan Outsides Circulate en och en halv, Hinge, Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag, och Face In. Centers Touch 1/4, Cross Concentric Vertical Tag The Line, Leaders Peel Left, Trailers Peel Right a skončí jako Couple (stejně jako u Sets In Motion), Outsides Circulate jeden a půl, Hinge, Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag, and Face In.
Facing Lines ends in a Double Pass Thru. $B8~$+$$9g$C$?(B Line $B$+$i$O(B Double Pass Thru $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Facing Lines slutar i en Double Pass Thru. Facing Lines končí v Double Pass Thru.
Ends Mirror Turn To A Line ('Turn & Deal' toward Promenade direction) as Centers do a Leads U-Turn Back (by turning toward the Left), Veer Right, and As Couples Extend. Ends $B$O(B, Mirror Turn To A Line (Promenade $BJ}8~$X(B 'Turn & Deal') $B$r$7(B, Centers $B$O(B Leads U-Turn Back ($B:82s$j$K(B), Veer Right, As Couples Extend $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Ends Mirror Turn To A Line ('Turn & Deal' mot Promenade riktningen) medan Centers gör en Leads U-Turn Back (genom att vrida sig åt vänster), Veer Right, och As Couples Extend. Ends Mirror Turn To A Line ('Turn & Deal' do směru Promenade), Centers dělají Leads U-Turn Back (točí se doleva), Veer Right a As Couples Extend.
Ends in Parallel Lines. $BJ?9T$J(B Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Lines. Končí v Parallel Lines.
Quick Step [C3A]: From a 1/4 Box or other applicable formations. #2 dancer Press Out and Phantom Ah So with the adjacent dancer as the Others Circulate. A 1/4 Box ends in Columns. 1/4 Box $B$^$?$OB>$NE,@Z$J(B formation $B$+$i!%(B2 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B Press Out $B$r$7$F(B, $BNY$N?M$H(B Phantom Ah So $B$r$7(B, $B$=$NB>$N?M$O(B Circulate $B$r$7$^$9!%(B1/4 Box $B$+$i$O(B Column $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Från en 1/4 Box eller andra tillämpliga formationer. #2 dansaren Press Out och Phantom Ah So med dansaren bredvid medan de andra Circulate. En 1/4 Box slutar i Columns. Z formace 1/4 Box a dalších vhodných formací. Tanečník #2 Press Out a Phantom Ah So s tanečníkem vedle sebe, ostatní Circulate. 1/4 Box končí v Columns.
Quick anything [C3A]:
From a 1/4 Box or other applicable formations.
#2 dancer Press Out and do the anything call with
the dancer they meet
(working Phantom if necessary) as the Others Circulate. 1/4 Box $B$^$?$O(B Column
$B$+$i!%(B2 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B Press Out $B$r$7$F(B, $B2q$C$??M$H(B ($BI,MW$J$i(B Phantom $B$H(B) anything $B$N%3!<%k$r$7(B, $B$=$NB>$N?M$O(B Circulate $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Från en 1/4 Box eller Columns.
#2 dansaren Press Out och gör anything callet med dansaren
de möter (om nödvändigt, arbeta Phantom) medan de andra
Circulate. Z formace 1/4 Box a dalších vhodných formací.
Tanečník #2 Press Out a anything s tanečníkem, kterého potká.
(v případě potřeby se pracuje s fantómy). Ostatní Circulate. Phantoms that end up between the Outsides and the Centers are removed
at the end of the call. Outsides $B$H(B centers $B$N4V$K(B Phantom $B$,$G$-$k$H$-$O(B, $B%3!<%k$N=*$o$j$G
Centers Step & Fold, Peel & Trail as Outsides 1/4 Right, Counter Rotate 1/4, and Inward (Right or Left) Roll To A Wave. Centers $B$O(B Step & Fold $B$r$7$F(B Peel & Trail $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Outsides $B$O(B 1/4 Right $B$r$7$F(B, Counter Rotate 1/4 $B$r$7(B, $BCf$X(B (Inward, Right $B$^$?$O(B Left $B$N(B) Roll To A Wave $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Centers Step & Fold, Peel & Trail medan Outsides 1/4 Right, Counter Rotate 1/4, och (Right eller Left) Roll To A Wave inåt. Centers Step & Fold, Peel & Trail, Outsides 1/4 Right, Counter Rotate 1/4, and Inward (dovnitř doprava nebo doleva) Roll To A Wave.
A Generalized 1/4 Tag ends in a Tidal Line. This is a 2-part call for the Centers. $B0lHL2=$5$l$?(B 1/4 Tag $B$+$i$O(B Tidal Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Centers $B$K$H$C$F$O(B 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B En generaliserad 1/4 Tag slutar i en Tidal Line. Detta är ett 2-delars call för Centers. Generalized 1/4 Tag končí v Tidal Line. Pro Centers má figura dvě části.
Trailers 1/2 Box Circulate and Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) as Leaders Box Circulate 1 & 1/2. Trailers $B$O(B 1/2 Box Circulate $B$r$7$F(B, Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) $B$r$7(B, Leaders $B$O(B Box Circulate 1 & 1/2 $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Trailers 1/2 Box Circulate och Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) medan Leaders Box Circulate 1 & 1/2. Trailers 1/2 Box Circulate and Phantom Run (Reverse Flip), Leaders Box Circulate 1 & 1/2.
A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Wave; a T-Bone 2 x 2 usually ends in a Diamond; Tandem Couples ends in a One-Faced Line. Mini-Wave $B$N(B Box $B$O(B Wave $B$H$J$j(B, 2 x 2 $B$N(B T-Bone $B$OIaDL(B Diamond $B$H$J$j(B, Tandem Couple $B$O(B One-Faced Line $B$H$J$j$^$9!%(B En Mini-Wave Box slutar i en Wave; ett T-Bone 2 x 2 slutar vanligen i en Diamond; Tandem Couples slutar i en One-Faced Line. Mini-Wave Box končí ve Wave; T-Bone 2 x 2 končí obvykle v Diamond; Tandem Couples končí ve One-Faced Line.
Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. This is a 2-part call. Mini-Wave $B$N(B Box $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Slutar i en Mini-Wave Box. Detta är ett 2-delars call. Končí v Mini-Wave Box. Figura má dvě části.
The End of the Center 4 Press Ahead as the unapproached Outside dancer (12-Matrix) Press Out; Outsides work with Phantoms (if necessary) and all do the anything call. Center 4 $B$N(B ends $B$O(B Press Ahead $B$r(B, $BNY$K?M$,$3$J$+$C$?(B Outside $B$N?M$O(B (12-Matrix $B$G(B) Press Out $B$r$7$^$9!%(B $B$=$7$F(B, Outsides $B$O(B, $B$b$7I,MW$J$i(B phantom $B$H9T$$(B, $BA40w$G(B anything $B$N%3!<%k$r$7$^$9!%(B End på Center 4 Press Ahead medan Outside dansaren på andra sidan (12-Matrix) Press Out; Outsides arbetar med Phantoms (om nödvändigt) och alla gör anything callet. Koncoví z Center 4 Press Ahead a ten venkovní tanečník, ke kterému nikdo nedostupuje, udělá (12-Matrix) Press Out; Outsides pracují s Phantoms (v případě potřeby) a všichni udělají figuru anything.
Note: Phantoms that end between the Outside dancers and the Center are removed at the end of the call unless the anything call involves a concept which specifically includes phantoms (e.g., Release Triple Wave Ah So retains the Phantoms whereas Release Ah So doesn't). $BCmanything $B$N%3!<%k$,(B phantom $B$r4^$`%3%s%;%W%H$N%3!<%k$G$"$k$H$-0J30$O(B, Outsides $B$H(B centers $B$N4V$N(B phantom $B$O%3!<%k$N=*$o$j$G$$$J$/$J$j$^$9!%(B $BNc$($P(B, Release Triple Wave Ah So $B$G$O(B phantom $B$r;D$7$^$9$,(B, Release Ah So $B$G$O$H$j=|$-$^$9!%(B Notera: Phantoms som slutar mellan Outside dansarna och Center tas bort vid slutet av callet såvida inte anything callet involverar ett Concept som specifikt innehåller Phantoms (t.ex, Release Triple Wave Ah So behåller Phantoms medan Release Ah So inte gör det). Poznámka: fantómové, kteří skončí mezi Outsides a Centers, se na konci figury vypouštějí, pokud figura anything fantómy vyloženě neobsahuje (např. Release Triple Wave Ah So fantómy ponechá, zatímco Release Ah So ne).
Ends Split Circulate as Out-facing Centers Crossover Circulate as In-facing Centers Concentric (Box) Crossover Circulate. Ends $B$O(B Split Circulate $B$r(B, $B30$r8~$$$?(B Centers $B$O(B Crossover Circulate $B$r(B, $BCf$r8~$$$?(B Centers $B$O(B Concentric (Box) Crossover Circulate $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Ends Split Circulate medan Out-facing Centers Crossover Circulate medan In-facing Centers Concentric (Box) Crossover Circulate. Ends Split Circulate, Out-facing Centers Crossover Circulate, In-facing Centers Concentric (Box) Crossover Circulate.
Parallel Two-Faced Lines end in Parallel Waves. $BJ?9T$J(B Two-Faced Line $B$+$i$O(B, $BJ?9T$J(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Parallel Two-Faced Lines slutar i Parallel Waves. Parallel Two-Faced Lines končí v Parallel Waves.
Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold; all Diamond Circulate. Scoot Back $B$r$7$F(B,
Outsides $B$,(B handhold ($B$H$C$F$$$k Ends in a Diamond. Diamond $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i en Diamond. Končí v Diamond.
In the Single version of a call, each dancer
executes the movement that would normally be done by a set of two dancers
within the normal version of the call. Hence, for a call to have a Single version,
it must be possible to group all dancers into sets of two, in which the dancers
in each set are always facing the same direction thoughout the
given call. The dancers in each set are usually dancing their portion of the call
You can think of Single as replacing each set of two dancers with a single dancer located exactly half-way between the two dancers. This single dancer then executes the given call always staying on a path located exactly half-way between where the two dancers would be in the normal version of the call. Single $B$r(B, 2 $B?M$N%@%s%5!<$N=8$^$j$r(B 2 $B?M$N%@%s%5!<$N??$sCf$K$$$k(B 1 $B?M$N%@%s%5!<$GCV$-49$($k(B, $B$H9M$($k$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!%(B $B$3$N(B single $B$N%@%s%5!<$O(B, $B%3!<%k$rIaDL$KF0$$$F$$$k(B 2 $B?M$N$A$g$&$I??$sCf$N0LCV$K$$$D$b$$$FF0$/$3$H$K$J$j$^$9!%(B Du kan tänka på Single som att ersätta varje grupp om två dansare med en singeldansare som befinner sig exakt mitt emellan de två dansarna. Denna singeldansare utför sedan det givna callet och följer det spår, exakt halvvägs mellan där de två dansarna skulle vara i normalversionen av callet. O Single můžete uvažovat v tom smyslu, že nahrazujete každou skupinu dvou tanečníků jedním, který stojí přesně uprostřed mezi nimi, a ten pak v takovém postavení provádí celou figuru, jakoby dělal normální verzi.
Leaders Box Circulate twice and 1/4 In (Box Transfer) as Trailers Box Circulate, 1/4 In, and Box Circulate. Leaders $B$O(B Box Circulate twice $B$r$7$F(B 1/4 In (Box Transfer) $B$r(B, Trailers $B$O(B Box Circulate - 1/4 In - Box Circulate $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Leaders Box Circulate twice und 1/4 In (Box Transfer), während Trailers Box Circulate, 1/4 In und Box Circulate. Leaders Box Circulate två gånger och 1/4 In (Box Transfer) medan Trailers Box Circulate, 1/4 In, och Box Circulate. Leaders Box Circulate 2x and 1/4 In (Box Transfer), Trailers Box Circulate, 1/4 In, and Box Circulate.
Ends in a 2 x 2. 2 x 2 $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Endet in einer 2 x 2. Slutar i en 2 x 2. Končí v 2 x 2.
Single File Recycle [C3A]: From a Single Double Pass Thru. Centers act as Beaus while Ends act as Belles to do a facing Recycle (i.e., Centers Touch and Right-face U-Turn Back as Ends Veer Left to become the Ends of a R-H Wave). Single Double Pass Thru $B$+$i!%(BCenters $B$O(B Beaus $B$NLr$r(B, Ends $B$O(B Belles $B$NLr$r$7$F(B facing Recycle $B$r$7$^$9(B ($B$9$J$o$A(B, Centers $B$O(B Touch $B$r$7$F1&2s$j$K(B U-Turn Back $B$r$7(B, Ends $B$O(B Veer Left $B$r$7(B, $B1&$N(B Wave $B$N(B Ends $B$H$J$j$^$9(B)$B!%(B Från en Single Double Pass Thru. Centers agerar Beaus medan Ends agerar Belles för att göra en facing Recycle (dvs, Centers Touch och U-Turn Back åt höger medan Ends Veer Left för att bli Ends på en R-H Wave). Z formace Single Double Pass Thru. Centers fungují jako Beaus zatímco Ends jako Belles a takto udělají Facing Recycle (tzn. Centers Touch and Right-face U-Turn Back, Ends Veer Left a stanou se koncoví v R-H Wave).
Single File Recoil [C3A]: From a Single Double Pass Thru. Single File Recycle; Step & Fold. Ends in a L-H Mini-Wave Box. This is a 2-part call. Single Double Pass Thru $B$+$i!%(BSingle File Recycle $B$r$7(B, Step & Fold $B$r$7$^$9!%:8$N(B Mini-Wave $B$N(B Box $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Från en Single Double Pass Thru. Single File Recycle; Step & Fold. Slutar i en L-H Mini-Wave Box. Detta är ett 2-delars call. Z formace Single Double Pass Thru. Single File Recycle; Step & Fold. Končí v L-H Mini-Wave Box. Tato figura má dvě části.
Trailers Dodge inward to form Facing Couples and take the first anything call (working in the center) as Leaders do their part of the second anything call. Trailers $B$OCf$NJ}$X(B Dodge $B$r$7$F8~$+$$9g$C$?%+%C%W%k$H$J$j(B, $B;O$a$N(B anything $B$N%3!<%k$r$7(B (center $B$GF0$-$^$9(B), Leaders $B$O(B 2 $BHVL\$N(B anything $B$N%3!<%k$N<+J,$N%Q!<%H$r$7$^$9!%(B Trailers Dodge inåt för att bilda Facing Couples och gör det första anything callet (arbetar i mitten) medan Leaders gör sin del av det andra anything callet. Trailers Dodge dovnitř, zformují Facing Couples a provedou první figuru anything (pracují uprostřed), Leaders udělají svou část druhé figury anything.
Ends in Back-to-Back Lines. $BGXCf9g$o$;$N(B Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Lines rygg mot rygg. Končí v Back-to-Back Lines.
#1 and #2 dancers Couple Up as #3 dancer 1/2 Circulate and U-Turn Back as #4 dancer Circulate and Veer Out. 1 $BHVL\$H(B 2 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B Couple Up $B$r$7(B, 3 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B 1/2 Circulate - U-Turn Back $B$r$7(B, 4 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B Circulate - Veer Out $B$r$7$^$9!%(B #1 och #2 dansarna Couple Up medan #3 dansaren 1/2 Circulate och U-Turn Back medan #4 dansaren Circulate och Veer Out. Tanečníci #1 a #2 Couple Up , tanečník #3 1/2 Circulate and U-Turn Back, tanečník #4 Circulate and Veer Out.
Ends in a 1/4 Tag. 1/4 Tag $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i en 1/4 Tag. Končí v 1/4 Tag.
Alternative definition: First Two Couple Up as the Last Two Circulate & the Leader Inwardly Roll To A Wave. $BJL$NDj5A(B: $B;O$a$N(B 2 $B?M$O(B Couple Up $B$r$7(B, $B8e$m$N(B 2 $B?M$O(B Circulate $B$r$7$F(B Leader $B$,Cf$X(B Roll To A Wave $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Alternativ definition: De första två Couple Up medan de två sista Circulate & Leader Roll To A Wave inåt. Alternativní definice: První dva Couple Up, poslední dva Circulate & Leader Roll To A Wave směrem dovnitř.
Arm Turn 1/2; Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4 and Spread as Very Centers Trade; Very Ends and Very Centers slide together and Cast Off 3/4. Arm Turn 1/2 $B$r$7$F(B, each side $B$N(B Centers $B$O(B Cast Off 3/4 and Spread $B$r$7(B, Very Centers Trade, Very Ends $B$H(B Very Centers $B$O6aIU$$$F(B Cast Off 3/4 $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Arm Turn 1/2; Centers på varje sida Cast Off 3/4 och Spread medan Very Centers Trade; Very Ends och Very Centers glider samman och Cast Off 3/4. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers na každé straně Cast Off 3/4 and Spread, Very Centers Trade; Very Ends a Very Centers sestoupí k sobě a udělají Cast Off 3/4.
Ends in Parallel Lines. $BJ?9T$J(B Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Lines. Končí v Parallel Lines.
Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Spin The Pulley is a 3-part call. $BJ?9T$J(B Two-Faced Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Spin The Pulley $B$O(B 3 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9(B. Slutar i Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Spin The Pulley är ett 3-delars call. Končí v Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Spin The Pulley má tři části.
Split the 4 x 4 Matrix into two sets of adjacent Columns | Lines | Waves
and work in the resulting
Centers Trade The Wave, Hinge & Cross (Trailers diagonal Pull By
using the outside hand) as the Ends
Cross Cast Back
and Pass In. Centers $B$O(B Trade The Wave - Hinge & Cross (Trailers $B$,(B, $B30B&$N
A 3/4 Tag ends in an Eight Chain Thru. This is a 3-part call for the Centers and a 2-part call for the Ends. 3/4 Tag $B$+$i$O(B Eight Chain Thru $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(BCenters $B$K$H$C$F$O(B 3 $B%Q!<%H(B, ends $B$K$H$C$F$O(B 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B En 3/4 Tag slutar i en Eight Chain Thru. Detta är ett 3-delars call för Centers och ett 2-delars call för Ends. 3/4 Tag končí v Eight Chain Thru. Pro Centers má figura tři části a dvě části pro Ends.
Outsides 1/2 Zoom and Trade as the Very Centers
Cast Off 3/4 as the Other Centers
Strip The Diamond ends in a Tidal Line, Strip The Hourglass ends in a 3 By 1 Diamond. Strip The Diamond $B$O(B Tidal Line $B$G=*$o$j(B, Strip The Hourglass $B$O(B 3 By 1 Diamond $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Strip The Diamond slutar i en Tidal Line, Strip The Hourglass slutar i en 3 By 1 Diamond. Strip The Diamond končí v Tidal Line, Strip The Hourglass končí v 3 By 1 Diamond.
Ends in Parallel Waves. This is a 4-part call. $BJ?9T$J(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B4 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Waves. Detta är ett 4-delars call. Končí v Parallel Waves. Figura má čtyři části.
Ends 1/2 Circulate and Hinge as Centers (working in the Center) do a Beaus Run as Belles Dodge. Ends $B$O(B 1/2 Circulate - Hinge $B$r$7(B, Centers $B$O(B (Center $B$G(B) Beaus Run - Belles Dodge $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Ends 1/2 Circulate och Hinge medan Centers (arbetar i Center) gör en Beaus Run medan Belles Dodge. Ends 1/2 Circulate and Hinge, Centers (uprostřed) dělají Beaus Run a Belles Dodge.
Ends Circulate twice as the Centers Any Hand 3/4 Thru and Trade The Wave; all Cut The Diamond. Ends $B$,(B Circulate twice $B$r$9$k4V$K(B, Centers $B$O(B Any Hand 3/4 Thru , Trade The Wave $B$r$7(B, $BA40w$G(B Cut The Diamond $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Ends Circulate två gånger medan Centers Any Hand 3/4 Thru och Trade The Wave; alla Cut The Diamond. Ends Circulate 2x, Centers Any Hand 3/4 Thru and Trade The Wave; všichni Cut The Diamond.
Ends in Parallel Lines. $BJ?9T$J(B Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Lines. Končí v Parallel Lines.
Centers Touch the first given fraction and Spread as
Others step forward; new Centers Touch the second given fraction or do
the anything call. Usually ends in a R-H Diamond or a R-H Two-Faced
Line. There are no default fractions for this call. Centers $B$,;O$a$N(B fraction $B$N(B Touch $B$r9T$$(B Spread $B$7$FB>$N?M$OA0?J$7(B, new Centers $B$Ofraction $B$N(B Touch $B$r9T$&$+(B anything $B$N%3!<%k$r9T$$$^$9!%$3$N%3!<%k$G$O(B fraction $B$,>JN,$5$l$?$H$-$N%G%U%)%k%H$O$"$j$^$;$s!%(B
Centers Trade and Spread as the Ends Crossover Circulate. Centers $B$O(B Trade and Spread $B$r(B, Ends $B$O(B Crossover Circulate $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Centers Trade och Spread medan Ends Crossover Circulate. Centers Trade and Spread, Ends Crossover Circulate.
Ends in a R-H Two-Faced Line. This is a 2-part call. R-H Two-Faced Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B 2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Slutar i en R-H Two-Faced Line. Detta är ett 2-delars call. Končí v R-H Two-Faced Line. Figura má dvě části.
#1 dancer Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In) as others 1/2 Circulate and Trade; in the new Center Columns #1 dancer Transfer (Trail Off & Roll) as the others 1/2 Circulate and Hinge; all Extend. 1 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In) $B$r$7(B, $BB>$N?M$O(B 1/2 Circulate and Trade $B$r$7$^$9!%(B $B$=$7$F(B, $B?7$?$J(B Center Columns $B$N(B 1 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B Transfer (Trail Off & Roll) $B$r(B, $BB>$N?M$O(B 1/2 Circulate and Hinge $B$r$7(B, $BA40w$G(B Extend $B$r$7$^$9!%(B #1 dansaren Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In) medan de andra 1/2 Circulate och Trade; i de nya Center Columns #1 dansaren Transfer (Trail Off & Roll) medan de andra 1/2 Circulate och Hinge; alla Extend. Tanečník #1 Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In), ostatní 1/2 Circulate and Trade; v nové Center Columns první tanečník Transfer (Trail Off & Roll), ostatní 1/2 Circulate and Hinge; všichni Extend.
Ends in Parallel Waves. $BJ?9T$J(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Waves. Končí v Parallel Waves.
Ends Cross Fold and Roll as Centers (Concentric) 1/4 Out and Trade. Ends $B$O(B Cross Fold and Roll $B$r$7(B, Centers $B$O(B (Concentric $B$K(B) 1/4 Out and Trade $B$r$7$^$9!%(B Ends Cross Fold och Roll medan Centers (Concentric) 1/4 Out och Trade. Ends Cross Fold and Roll, Centers (Concentric) 1/4 Out and Trade.
Parallel Lines end in Facing Lines. This is a 2-part call. $BJ?9T$J(B Line $B$+$i$O(B, $B8~$+$$9g$C$?(B Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B2 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9!%(B Parallel Lines slutar i Facing Lines. Detta är ett 2-delars call. Parallel Lines končí ve Facing Lines. Figura má dvě části.
A Twosome consists of two dancers working as a unit and obeying the following set of rules: Twosome $B$G$O(B, 2 $B?M$,$R$H$^$H$^$j$GF0$-(B (working as a unit), $B0J2<$N%k!<%k$K=>$$$^$9(B: Ett Twosome består av två dansare som arbetar som en enhet och följer följande uppsättning regler:
The caller will usually designate who is to work as a Twosome by saying Couples Twosome, Tandem Twosome, or Siamese Twosome. If it is unambiguous as to which dancers are paired, the caller may simply say Twosome. $B%3!<%i!<$O(B, $BIaDL(B Couples Twosome, Tandem Twosome, $B$^$?$O(B Siamese Twosome $B$H8@$$(B, $BC/$H0l=o$KF0$/$+$r;X<($7$^$9(B. $B$b$7(B, $BC/$H%Z%"$K$J$k$+$,$"$$$^$$$G$J$1$l$P(B, $B%3!<%i!<$O(B, $BC1$K(B Twosome $B$H8@$&$3$H$b$"$j$^$9(B. Callern pekar vanligen ut vilka som skall arbeta som ett Twosome genom att säga Couples Twosome, Tandem Twosome eller Siamese Twosome. Om det är otvetydigt vilka dansare som är hopparade, kan callern helt enkelt säga Twosome.
#1 and #3 Peel Off and Circulate twice (around the Outside) as #2 and #4 1/2 Circulate, Cast Off 3/4, Very Centers Trade, and Cast Off 3/4. 1 $BHVL\$H(B 3 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B Peel Off and Circulate twice (around the Outside) $B$r$7(B, 2 $BHVL\$H(B 4 $BHVL\$N?M$O(B 1/2 Circulate - Cast Off 3/4 - Very Centers Trade - Cast Off 3/4 $B$r$7$^$9!%(B #1 och #3 Peel Off och Circulate två gånger (på utsidan) medan #2 och #4 1/2 Circulate, Cast Off 3/4, Very Centers Trade, och Cast Off 3/4. Tanečníci #1 a #3 Peel Off and Circulate 2x (venkem), tanečníci #2 a #4 1/2 Circulate, Cast Off 3/4, Very Centers Trade, Cast Off 3/4.
Ends in Parallel Waves. $BJ?9T$J(B Wave $B$G=*$o$j$^$9!%(B Slutar i Parallel Waves. Končí v Parallel Waves.
Adjust as necessary to end in the given formation. $B=*$o$j$GI,MW$G$"$l$P(B, $BM?$($i$l$?(B formation $B$K(B Adjust $B$7$^$9!%(B Justera om nödvändigt för att sluta i den givna formation. V případě potřeby se zarovnejte do dané formace (formation).