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Swing Along [C2]
   (Lee Kopman 1975)

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From a Tidal Wave, Facing Lines, or a 1 x 8 Inverted Line. EN: 10
Z formac Tidal Wave, Facing Lines nebo 1 x 8 Inverted Line. CZ: 10

Arm Turn 1/2; Center pairs of dancers Hinge and (Columns of 3) Circulate as the Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; Center pairs of dancers Grand Peel & Trail (#1 Peel Off, others Extend and Trade) as the others Extend. EN: 20
Arm Turn 1/2; Vnitřn tři pry Hinge a (Columns of 3) Circulate. Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; Center 6 Grand Peel & Trail (#1 Peel Off, ostatn Extend and Trade), mezitm venkovn Extend. CZ: 20

A Tidal Wave or Facing Lines ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 30
Proveoden z Tidal Wave a Facing Lines konč v Parallel Waves. CZ: 30

Swing Along
Arm Turn 1/2
Center 6 Hinge & Circulate
jako Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4
Center 6 Grand Peel & Trail
jako Others Extend

Along [C2] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From a Tidal Line. Center pairs of dancers Hinge and (Columns of 3) Circulate as the Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; Center pairs of dancers Grand Peel & Trail (#1 Peel Off, others Extend and Trade) as the others Extend. Usually ends in Parallel Waves, but can also end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines or a Parallelo EN: 901
Z formace Tidal Line. Prostřednch est tanečnků Hinge a (Columns of 3) Circulate, mezitm Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; est tanenčků uprostřed Grand Peel & Trail (#1 Peel Off, ostatn Extend a Trade), koncov Extend. Obvykle konč ve formaci Parallel Waves, ale můe skončit i ve formaci Parallel Two-Faced Lines nebo Parallelogram. CZ: 901

Center 6 Hinge & Circulate
jako Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4
Center 6 Grand Peel & Trail
jako Others Extend

Hint: If you are a Very Center for the Hinge, you will do the Peel Off at the end of the call. EN: 40
Rada: Pokud jste při Hinge na mstě Very Center, budete na konci figury dělat Peel Off. CZ: 40

CALLERLAB definition for Along
CALLERLAB definition for Swing Along

Choreography for Swing Along

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

12-February-2025 09:30:43
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