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Spin Chain The Line [C3A]
   (Vince Di Caudo 1973)

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From a Tidal Wave, Facing Lines, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Z formací Tidal Wave, Facing Lines a dalších vhodných formací. CZ: 10

Arm Turn 1/2; Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4 and Spread as Very Centers Trade; Very Ends and Very Centers slide together and Cast Off 3/4. EN: 20
Arm Turn 1/2; Centers na každé straně Cast Off 3/4 and Spread, Very Centers Trade; Very Ends a Very Centers sestoupí k sobě a udělají Cast Off 3/4. CZ: 20

Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 30
Končí v Parallel Lines. CZ: 30

Spin Chain The Line
Arm Turn 1/2
Centers of each side EN: 40
Centers na každé straně CZ: 40

Cast Off 3/4 a Spread
jako Very Centers Trade
Very Ends a Very Centers
Slide together EN: 50
úkrok k sobě CZ: 50
& Cast Off 3/4

  • The Very Ends and Very Centers should wait until the Centers of each side have completed the call before sliding together for the final Cast Off 3/4. EN: 60
    Než se Very Ends a Very Centers sestoupí k sobě, tak musí počkat, dokud Centers na každé straně nedokončí svoji část. Teprve pak lze provést poslední Cast Off 3/4. CZ: 60
  • The most common dancer mistake we see is that the dancers who become the Very Ends after the initial Arm Turn 1/2 start wandering. If you become one of the Very Ends, stay in place and wait for a few beats until you are met by one of the Very Centers for the final Cast Off 3/4. Sometimes the hardest part of a call is waiting for something to happen. EN: 70
    Nejčastější chyba, kterou vídáme, je, že Very Ends po prvním Arm Turn 1/2 někam odejdou. Jestliže se stanete Very Ends, zůstaňte na místě a čekejte pár dob, dokud k vám nepřijde Very Center pro poslední Cast Off 3/4. Někdy ta nejtěžší část figury je čekání na to, až se něco stane. CZ: 70

Spin Chain The Line But anything [C3AV]:
Resulting Centers replace the final Cast Off 3/4 with the anything call. EN: 206
Výslední Centers místo posledního Cast Off 3/4 udělají figuru anythingCZ: 206

Fan Chain The Line [C3B]:
From a Tidal Line or Facing Lines (in which case dancers first step to a R-H Tidal Wave). Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4 and Spread as Very Centers Trade; Very Ends and Very Centers Slide together and Cast Off 3/4. Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 207
Z formací Tidal Line a Facing Lines (v takovém případě tanečníci nejprve dostoupí do R-H Tidal Wave). Centers na každé straně Cast Off 3/4 and Spread, Very Centers Trade; Very Ends a Very Centers úkrok k sobě a Cast Off 3/4. Končí v Parallel Lines. CZ: 207

CALLERLAB definition for Spin Chain The Line

Choreography for Spin Chain The Line

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

10-February-2025 02:12:02
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