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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Slant {anything} (By {anything}) [C3A]
   (Glenn Zeno 1979)
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From Parallel Two-Faced Lines and other applicable formations. EN: 10
Z formace Parallel Two-Faced Lines a dalších vhodných formací. CZ: 10

Trailers Dodge inward to form Facing Couples and take the first anything call (working in the center) as Leaders do their part of the second anything call. EN: 20
Trailers Dodge dovnitř, zformují Facing Couples a provedou první figuru anything (pracují uprostřed), Leaders udělají svou část druhé figury anythingCZ: 20

  • If the second anything call is 'Wheel' do a Wheel & Deal. EN: 30
    Pokud je druhá figura anything 'Wheel', jedná se o Wheel & Deal. CZ: 30
  • In general, Slant means to adjust by Dodging inward to form Facing dancers and then do the anything call (e.g., from Parallelogram Facing Lines: Slant Relay The Shadow). EN: 40
    Obecně Slant znamená zarovnání se úkrokem dovnitř, zformování Facing formace a pak provedení anything (např. z formace Parallelogram Facing Lines: Slant Relay The Shadow). CZ: 40

Slant Fan The Top By Shakedown:

Slant Fan The Top
Slant Grand Swing Thru:

Slant Grand Swing Thru
adjusting to face EN: 50
zarovnání se CZ: 50
Grand Swing Thru
3 By 1 Slant Touch 1/4 By 1/2 Circulate:

3 By 1 Slant Touch 1/4
1/2 Circulate

CALLERLAB definition for Slant Anything (By Anything)

Choreography for Slant anything (By anything)

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

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10-September-2024 06:33:54
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