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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Release {anything} [C3A]
   (Dick Kenyon 1980)
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From a Generalized 1/4 Tag or Generalized 1/4 Diamond. EN: 10
Z formací Generalized 1/4 Tag a Generalized 1/4 Diamond. CZ: 10

The End of the Center 4 Press Ahead as the unapproached Outside dancer (12-Matrix) Press Out; Outsides work with Phantoms (if necessary) and all do the anything call. EN: 20
Koncoví z Center 4 Press Ahead a ten venkovní tanečník, ke kterému nikdo nedostupuje, udělá (12-Matrix) Press Out; Outsides pracují s Phantoms (v případě potřeby) a všichni udělají figuru anythingCZ: 20

Note: Phantoms that end between the Outside dancers and the Center are removed at the end of the call unless the anything call involves a concept which specifically includes phantoms (e.g., Release Triple Wave Ah So retains the Phantoms whereas Release Ah So doesn't). EN: 30
Poznámka: fantómové, kteří skončí mezi Outsides a Centers, se na konci figury vypouštějí, pokud figura anything fantómy vyloženě neobsahuje (např. Release Triple Wave Ah So fantómy ponechá, zatímco Release Ah So ne). CZ: 30

Release Cycle & Wheel
Cycle & Wheel
removing phantoms EN: 40
odstranění fantómů CZ: 40

Release Offset Waves Out Roll Circulate

Offset Waves Out Roll Circulate
Offset Waves Out Roll Circulate

Varianty: Magic Release anything [NOL].

Magic Release Ah So

Magic Release Ah So
Magic Release
Ah So a
removal of phantoms EN: 50
odstranění fantómů CZ: 50


On a Magic Release, the Outside 6 act as if in Distorted Magic Columns of 3. #2 dancer Magic Press Out (a long way to go) as unapproached Outside dancer Magic Column Circulate; all do the anything call. EN: 60
Při Magic Release pracuje Outside 6 jakoby v Distorted Magic Columns of 3. Tanečník #2 Magic Press Out (jde delší cestu), venkovní tanečník, ke kterému nikdo nedostoupil, dělá Magic Column Circulate; všichni udělají figuru anythingCZ: 60

Release The Column [obsolete]:
From Mini-Wave Columns. #2 and #4 Press Out; all Finish Ferris Wheel. Ends in Starting Double Pass Thru. This was the original 'Release' call. EN: 238
Z formace Mini-Wave Columns. Tanečníci #2 a #4 Press Out; všichni Finish Ferris Wheel. Končí ve Starting Double Pass Thru. Tato verze je původní figura 'Release'. CZ: 238

CALLERLAB definition for Release Anything

Choreography for Release anything

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

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12-February-2025 15:19:42
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