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Relay The Shadow [C1]
   (Lee Kopman 1975)
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From a Tidal Wave, Facing Lines, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Från en Tidal Wave, Facing Lines, eller andra tillämpliga formationer. SE: 10

Arm Turn 1/2; Center 6 Cast Off 3/4 as Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; resulting Center Wave Hinge & Spread (to become Ends of Parallel Waves) as Others do the Centers part of Cast A Shadow (Leaders Cloverleaf as Trailers Extend; Hinge; Extend). EN: 20
Arm Turn 1/2; Center 6 Cast Off 3/4 medan Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; resulterande Center Wave Hinge & Spread (för att bli Ends på Parallel Waves) medan de andra gör Centers del av Cast A Shadow (Leaders Cloverleaf medan Trailers Extend; Hinge; Extend). SE: 20

Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 30
Slutar i Parallel Waves. SE: 30

Relay The Shadow
Arm Turn 1/2
Center 6 Cast Off 3/4
medan Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4
Center 4 Hinge & Spread
Others do the Centers
part of Cast A Shadow EN: 40
de andra gör Centers
del av Cast A Shadow SE: 40


Note: To smoothly dance Relay The Shadow, those doing the Hinge & Spread often lightly tap hands as they go by each other, rather than pause at the handhold, Hinge, then slide apart. EN: 50
Kommentar: För att dansa Relay The Shadow med flyt, ger de dansare som gör Hinge & Spread ofta bara en lätt klapp med handen när de går förbi varandra och stannar inte med handfatting, Hinge, och sedan glider isär. SE: 50

Relay The Shadow anyone Criss Cross [C2V]:
From Facing Lines or a Tidal Wave. Do a Relay The Shadow, but those doing the Center's part of Cast A Shadow (the anyone dancers) do the Center's part of Criss Cross The Shadow [C2] instead. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 530
Från Facing Lines eller en Tidal Wave. Gör en Relay The Shadow, men de som skall göra Centers del av Cast A Shadow (anyone dansarna) gör Centers del av Criss Cross The Shadow [C2] i stället. Slutar i Parallel Two-Faced Lines. SE: 530

CALLERLAB definition for Relay the Shadow

Choreography för Relay The Shadow

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13-February-2025 07:39:23
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