Interlocked Diamond FORMATION consists of the same footprints as
normal Twin Diamonds or Point-to-Point Diamonds. The only difference is that
each Centermost dancer is working with the 3 dancers in the far Diamond.
EN: 10 Interlocked Diamond FORMATION je tvořena stejnými pozicemi jako formace Twin Diamonds nebo Point-to-Point Diamonds s tím rozdílem, že oba Very Centers pracují se třemi tanečníky vzdálenějšího diamantu.
CZ: 10
Examples of Interlocked Diamonds: EN: 20 Příklady Interlocked Diamonds: CZ: 20
| |
| Interlocked (Twin) Diamonds | | Interlocked (Point-to-Point) Diamonds
(nepoužívá se příliš často) CZ: 30 |
 dancers work together in one Diamond as the EN: 40 tito tanečníci pracují v jednom Diamond, CZ: 40
dancers work together in another Diamond. EN: 50 tito tanečníci v druhém. CZ: 50
Interlocked Diamond Circulate [C1]:
From Twin Diamonds or Point-to-Point Diamonds. Diamond Circulate to the next position in your
Interlocked Diamond. From Twin Diamonds, the traffic pattern has the Very
Centers moving in front of the In-Facing Point.
EN: 60 Z formací Twin Diamonds a Point-to-Point Diamonds. Diamond Circulate na další pozici v
Interlocked Diamond. Z Twin Diamonds mají Very Centers přednost před In-Facing Point.
CZ: 60
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| před Interlocked Diamond Circulate | | po
Interlocked Cut The Diamond [C1]:
(also known as
Cut The Interlocked Diamond.)
From Twin Diamonds.
Centers Interlocked Diamond Circulate as Points Slide together and Trade.
Usually ends in Parallel Lines.
EN: 70 (známo i pod názvem
Cut The Interlocked Diamond.)
Z formace Twin Diamonds.
Centers Interlocked Diamond Circulate, Points úkrok k sobě (Slide together) and Trade.
Obvykle končí v Parallel Lines.
CZ: 70
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| před Interlocked Cut The Diamond | | po
Interlocked Flip The Diamond [C1]:
(also known as
Flip The Interlocked Diamond.)
From Twin Diamonds.
Centers Interlocked Diamond Circulate as Points Phantom Run (Flip in)
toward each other.
Usually ends in Parallel Lines.
EN: 80 (známo i pod názvem
Flip The Interlocked Diamond.)
Z formace Twin Diamonds.
Centers Interlocked Diamond Circulate, Points Phantom Run (Flip in) směrem k sobě.
Obvykle končí v Parallel Lines.
CZ: 80
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| před Interlocked Flip The Diamond | | po
Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru [C1]:
From Twin Diamonds.
Interlocked Diamond Circulate; Very Centers Trade; Centers Cast Off 3/4.
Usually ends in Parallel Lines.
EN: 90 Z formace Twin Diamonds.
Interlocked Diamond Circulate; Very Centers Trade; Centers Cast Off 3/4.
Obvykle končí v Parallel Lines.
CZ: 90
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond [C1] (Sandy Knowles 1976):
From Parallel Lines|Waves.
Centers Run as Ends (do your part) Interlocked Diamond Circulate.
Ends in Twin Diamonds.
EN: 397 Z formace Parallel Lines|Waves.
Centers Run, Ends dělají svoji část Interlocked Diamond Circulate.
Končí v Twin Diamonds.
CZ: 397
Viz také
| Page translated by David Tesař. |