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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Interlocked Diamond Formation [C1]
   (author unknown)
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An Interlocked Diamond FORMATION consists of the same footprints as normal Twin Diamonds or Point-to-Point Diamonds. The only difference is that each Centermost dancer is working with the 3 dancers in the far Diamond. EN: 10
En Interlocked Diamond FORMATION består af de samme pladser som en normal Twin-Diamond eller Point to Point Diamond. Den eneste forskel er at "Very Center" danserne arbejder sammen med de 3 dansere i den fjerneste Diamond. DK: 10

Examples of Interlocked DiamondsEN: 20
Eksempler på Interlocked DiamondsDK: 20

Interlocked (Twin) Diamonds Interlocked (Point-to-Point) Diamonds
(infrequently used) EN: 30
(Ikke så meget brugt) DK: 30

dancers work together in one Diamond as the EN: 40
dansere arbejder sammen i den ene Diamond mens DK: 40
dancers work together in another Diamond. EN: 50
dansere arbejder sammen i den anden Diamond. DK: 50

Interlocked Diamond Circulate [C1]:

From Twin Diamonds or Point-to-Point Diamonds. Diamond Circulate to the next position in your Interlocked Diamond. From Twin Diamonds, the traffic pattern has the Very Centers moving in front of the In-Facing Point. EN: 60
Fra Twin Diamonds eller Point-to-Point Diamonds. Udfør en Diamond Circulate til den næste plads i din Interlocked Diamond. Fra Twin-Diamonds er reglen at Very-Center går før infacing-Point danser. DK: 60

Interlocked Diamond Circulate

Interlocked Cut The Diamond [C1]:

(also known as Cut The Interlocked Diamond.) From Twin Diamonds. Centers Interlocked Diamond Circulate as Points Slide together and Trade. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 70
(Også Callet Cut The Interlocked Diamond). Fra Twin-Diamonds. Centers laver Interlocked Diamond Circulate mens Points glider sammen og laver en Trade. Ender sædvanligvis i Parallelle Lines. DK: 70

Interlocked Cut The Diamond

Interlocked Flip The Diamond [C1]:

(also known as Flip The Interlocked Diamond.) From Twin Diamonds. Centers Interlocked Diamond Circulate as Points Phantom Run (Flip in) toward each other. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 80
(Også Callet Flip The Interlocked Diamond). Fra Twin-Diamonds. Centers laver Interlocked Diamond Circulate mens Points Phantom Run (Flip in) mod hinanden. Ender sædvanligvis i Parallelle Lines. DK: 80

Interlocked Flip The Diamond

Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru [C1]:

From Twin Diamonds. Interlocked Diamond Circulate; Very Centers Trade; Centers Cast Off 3/4. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 90
Fra Twin Diamonds. Lav en Interlocked Diamond Circulate, Very Centers Trade og Centers laver Cast Off 3/4. Ender sædvanligvis i Parallelle Lines. I nedenstående er den afsluttende Cast Off 3/4 en Push-Cast DK: 90

Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru
Interlocked Diamond Circulate
Very Centers Trade
Centers Cast Off 3/4

Switch To An Interlocked Diamond [C1] (Sandy Knowles 1976):
From Parallel Lines|Waves. Centers Run as Ends (do your part) Interlocked Diamond Circulate. Ends in Twin Diamonds. EN: 397

See also

CALLERLAB definition for Interlocked Diamond Formation
CALLERLAB definition for Interlocked Diamond Circulate
CALLERLAB definition for Cut the Interlocked Diamond
CALLERLAB definition for Flip the Interlocked Diamond

Choreography for Interlocked Diamond Formation

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22-January-2025 18:51:05
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