SQROT 5.30 was released on
8 November 2018 -- (changes shown below)
Terminology change:
Note: The term 'Master Database' has changed to 'Dancer Table'.
'Database' now refers to the MDB database itself, which contains
the Dancer Table, rotation tables, and other information.
1) Barcodes window (from main window, press the 'Barcode' button):
a) Cosmetic changes
b) Added tab control with 2 options:
i) Multiple Barcodes - to print several barcodes at once
to a standard printer.
ii) Invididual Barcode - to print a single barcode to a
(ZPL) barcode printer.
2) Added function codes:
a) Toggle Always Sqr N
b) Cancel In N, Out M (i.e., Always Available)
c) In 1, Out 1
d) In 2, Out 1
e) In 3, Out 1
f) In 1, Out 2
g) In 1, Out 3
h) In 2, Out 2
1) Fixed bug that sqrot.crd had been deleted from the download folder.
This caused new user not to be able to access the 'Cards' section.
Dancer Table:
1) Global Database (downloadable from www.ceder.net):
a) Added 'Tag' field.
2) Global Database menu:
a) Add Dancer(s) to Dancer Table:
i) Added more columns to the selection grid.
b) Added 'AACE - Print Barcode by AACE ID' which will download AACE
rotation data for a specific AACE ID, update the global database,
then allow printing the barcode(s) for the given dancer(s).
c) Renamed 'Global Database - Download from Web' to 'Download from Web'.
3) Tools menu:
a) Import and Export to/from CSV or TSV now act upon all records and
fields in the Dancer Table:
i) 'Import from CSV or TSV file', renamed from 'Import from CSV file'
ii) 'Export to comma-separated values (CSV) file'
iii) Added 'Export to tab-separated values (TSV) file'
4) Edit selected dancer:
a) If a change is made to the First Name or Last Name field,
the Short Name field is updated accordingly.
b) Preferences tab: Renamed the first two lists. Added two more.
This section does not yet work. Please do not use it at this time.
c) Cosmetic changes
5) Toolbar:
a) Added 'Add from Global Db'.
6) After a dancer that is in one or more rotations is edited,
a prompt appears whether to update this dancer's information in all rotations.
1) Version increased from 18 to 23.
Help Database:
1) File | Auto update from web: Fixed bugs.
2) Cosmetic changes.
3) Many changes to the help files themselves. Please download the
latest changes via the Help Database menu option: 'File | Auto
update from web'. Debbie is working on further enhancing the documentation.
Main Window:
1) File menu and buttons to reflect name changes with respect
to 'database' and 'dancer table'.
2) Database Tools:
a) Added 'Upload to ceder.net'. This uploads the entire database to
www.ceder.net for debugging purposes.
3) File menu:
a) Added 'Run previous version of program'.
1) "<" and ">" are no longer allowed as part of a dancer's name (e.g.,
first name, last name, couple name, short name, etc.) since this messes
up the Tip Display window, which is in HTML format.
2) Uploaded global barcodes to the www.ceder.net online database.
AACE dancers may now print their own barcodes and update some of their
rotation preferences if desired.
3) Dancer state data is now saved to the database before each tip is generated.
This is for future debugging purposes.
Preferences - Global:
1) Added tab 'Scanner'
a) Added 'Scanner terminator code' (previously on 'Miscellaneous' tab).
b) Added 'Always On' option, to always enable the scanner.
c) Added 'Popup fade out time', the time during which the Scanner Popup
window will fade out and self-close.
2) Changed background color of tab contents (from 'control' to 'window').
3) Tip Generation tab:
a) Added 'Ignore In N Out M if more than X minutes' (since last tip was
generated). Setting this to a value such as 50 minutes makes it such
that dancers with this attribute will be ready to dance the first tip
of the next session.
Rotation window:
1) Edit menu:
a) Added new menu items:
i) Un-Optimize names
ii) Add dancer by Global ID
b) Print Barcode for selected dancer(s):
i) Renamed from 'Barcode for selected dancer'.
ii) Can now be used if multiple dancers are selected.
c) Added button 'Edit - in Dancer Table'.
2) Display menu:
a) Moved options 'All Fields', 'Default Fields', and 'Minimal Fields'
up one level. Renamed 'Fields' to 'Specific Fields'.
3) Scanner Emulator:
a) Cosmetic changes
b) Added functions:
i) Toggle Always Sqr N
ii) Cancel In N, Out M (i.e., Always Available)
iii) In 1, Out 1
iv) In 2, Out 1
v) In 3, Out 1
vi) In 1, Out 2
vii) In 1, Out 3
viii) In 2, Out 2
c) Added access to dancers in Global Database.
4) File menu:
a) Added 'Scanner | How to use the Scanner - for Dancers'. This item
was also added to the popup menu invoked by clicking the 'Scanner'
region on the status bar (lower right portion of Rotation window).
5) Status bar (bottom of window):
a) Ready and Sitout counts now take into account if dancers are In or Out
for the next tip, dependent upon "In N, Out M".
6) Standard Display:
a) When a dancer is to be out next tip due to "In N, Out M", their status
is now displayed as "Out Next" with an orange background.
1) Scanning a barcode no longer brings up the 'Scanner trace'
window with a history of all scans so far, but instead brings up a
'Last Scan' window with the scanned dancer's information
in a large font.
2) Scanning can now be done while the Tip Display window and a few
other windows are active. Barcode scans are immediately applied
to the next tip (or the current tip if the tip is undone by the
Tip Display:
1) Display | Sitout by Request Text:
a) Added option '<null>' which causes no additional text
to be displayed to the right of the dancer's name in the
square grid when the dancer requested a sitout.
2) Fixed bug with '=== empty name ==='. This text is no longer displayed.
3) Popup menu invoked by clicking on a dancer name:
a) Added 'Edit in Dancer Table'.
4) Edit menu:
a) Added 'Swap roles in a couple'.
5) When first displaying tip data, program now checks to see if
the entire contents of the page fit within the window. If not,
a message box appears saying "Rotation data does fit in window"
and "Use controls in upper right to fix the issue".
Tip Generation:
1) Error message 'Unable to generate tip - infinite loop
determining sitouts.':
a) Improved the message by adding specific suggestions to correct
the issue.