How to - Use the Scanner - for Dancers

Each dancer receives a barcode to control their status within the rotation.

Dancers scan their code, sometimes preceded by a function code, to effect a change.

Each dancer must individually scan their barcode.

How to scan a barcode

Hold the printed barcode a few inches beneath the scanner so that the red line emitted from the scanner horizontally bisects the barcode.

On a successful scan, the scanner will beep, and assuming the rotation program is currently accepting scans, a large banner will appear on the computer screen indicating the result of the scan.

Do not wave the barcode back and forth or up and down, as the scanner will not be able to read it.

Dancer Code

Function Code followed by Dancer Code

Scan a function code, then scan your code.

Sitout -- set your status to 'Sitout' next tip. You will sitout one tip, then automatically be marked as 'Ready' for the following tip.

Must Dance -- set your status to 'Must Dance' next tip.

Role --> Boy -- set your role to 'Boy'.

Role --> Girl -- set your role to 'Girl'.

Role --> Any, No Preference -- set your role to 'Any'. You are willing to dance as either a Boy or a Girl.

Role --> Any, Prefer Boy -- set your role to 'Any'. You are willing to dance as either a Boy or a Girl, but you prefer to dance as a Boy.

Role --> Any, Prefer Girl -- set your role to 'Any'. You are willing to dance as either a Boy or a Girl, but you prefer to dance as a Girl.

Category --> Normal -- set your category to 'Normal'. This is the usual case.

Category --> Student -- set your category to 'Student'. Depending upon program settings, you may dance every tip, and/or you may not dance with other students.

Category --> Angel -- set your category to 'Angel'. Depending upon program settings, you may dance only if needed, and/or you may not dance with other angels.

Split Couple -- splits you and your partner into two singles.

OK w/Single -- you are willing to dance with a single, if required.

Not OK w/Single -- you are not willing to dance with a single. You will only be paired with your partner. If your partner is sits out or is absent, you will also sitout. Please allow yourself to dance with singles. If you are partnered with another dancer, the program will only split you up if it needs to, to allow singles to dance an equitable amount of time.

Toggle Always Sqr N -- you will only dance in the square designed by N. N is usually 1, but can be changed by the operator via preferences. Only one dancer in the entire rotation can have this attribute.

Cancel In N, Out M -- cancels your request to be in N tips followed by out M tips.

In N, Out M -- lets you be in N tips, followed by out M tips. There are 6 different combinations for this option.

Function Code followed by Two Dancer Codes

Scan a desired function code, then scan your code and another dancer code.

Join Two Dancers -- joins two dancers into a couple. You will be paired with this partner when possible. If either one of you were already coupled with another dancer, that couple pairing is disolved.

Function Code Only

Scan a function code.

Generate Next Tip -- generates the next tip.

Generate Star Tip A -- generates star tip A.

Generate Star Tip B -- generates star tip B.

Undo Last Tip -- undoes the last generated tip.

Undo All Tips -- undoes all tips.

All to Absent -- sets the status of all dancers to 'Absent'.

All to Ready -- sets the status of all dancers to 'Ready'.

View Current Tip -- shows the tip display for the current tip.

Cancel Current Function -- cancels the current function that is waiting for a barcode to be scanned. -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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