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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Triple Box Formation [C1]
   (autor neznámý 1978)
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Triple Box is the name of a formation consisting of three adjacent 2 x 2 setups, some of which contain phantom positions. When doing Triple Box calls, work with the phantoms and real dancers in your 2 x 2. Keep track of the phantoms and allow space for them upon completion of the call. EN: 10

Triple Box je jméno formace, která je tvořena třemi boxy 2 x 2, z nichž některé obsahují fantómy. Při provádění figur ve formaci
Triple Box pracujete s tanečníky a fantomy ve své formaci 2 x 2. Udržujte si přehled o fantómech a nechávejte jim ve formaci místo. CZ: 10

Who works with whom in a
Triple Box EN: 20
Kdo s kým pracuje v
Triple Box CZ: 20

Triple Box Circulate
Triple Box Pass The Ocean
Triple Box Counter Rotate 1/4
Triple Box Peel & Trail

Viz také Triple Column | Line | Wave FORMATION [C1].

CALLERLAB definition for Triple Box/Column/Line/Wave Concept

Choreography for Triple Box Formation

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

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10-February-2025 01:17:26
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