From Parallel Lines.
Explode; End Beau Circulate 1 & 1/2 as End Belle Circulate, Veer inward,
and U-Turn Back as Centers Touch 1/2 and the Very Centers Cast Off 3/4
while the other Center Step Ahead to form a R-H Star
(Hint: the Center who Stepped Ahead should raise their Left hand to indicate
that they are leading the Unwrap The Star); turn the Star 1/4 and the
leader of the Unwrap walks forward as everyone else follows to
Unwrap The Star, and everyone Face In to end in Facing Lines.
EN: 129 Z formace Parallel Lines.
Explode; End Beau Circulate 1 & 1/2, End Belle Circulate, Veer inward,
and U-Turn Back as Centers Touch 1/2 and the Very Centers Cast Off 3/4,
zatímco druhý Center Step Ahead do formace R-H Star
(Rada: ten Center, který dělá Step Ahead, by měl zvednou svou levou ruku, aby dal najevo, že on vede Unwrap The Star); turn the Star 1/4 and the
leader of the Unwrap jde rovně, ostatní ho následující a dělají
Unwrap The Star, pak všichni udělají Face In a skončí ve Facing Lines.
CZ: 129