From Back-to-Back Couples.
- Chase Right:
- Belles Right-face U-Turn Back;
all Box Circulate twice.
Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box.
Chase Left:
- Beaus Left-face U-Turn Back;
all Box Circulate twice.
Ends in a L-H Mini-Wave Box.
Chase Left is often called as Left Chase so that the dancers initially hear
the word Left. Otherwise, the dancers may start moving to the right after hearing the word
Chase. Chase Right, on the other hand, is rarely called as Right Chase.
Chase Right | Left should be danced as one smooth fluid movement (i.e.,
don't U-Turn Back; pause; Box Circulate; pause; Box Circulate).
On Chase Right move clockwise (to your right) two positions within your box.
End next to the same dancer with whom you started, but on the other half of the Box.
After Chase Right you are holding Right-hands with that dancer; after
Chase Left you are holding Left-hands.
At the end of the call, only half the dancers can Roll.
The dancers moving straight ahead can not Roll.
- On Chase Right, only the original Belles can Roll.
- On Left Chase, only the original Beaus can Roll.
Chase Your Neighbor [C1] (Burt Rubenstein):
Aus Back-to-Back Couples.
Chase The 1/2 Tag
(Belles U-Turn Back nach rechts & alle Box Circulate); Follow Your Neighbor. Endet in einer L-H Wave.
Chase The (fraction) Tag [C3A] (Ron Schneider 1983):
Aus Back-to-Back Couples.
Belles U-Turn Back nach rechts, während Beaus 1/2 Box Circulate & Roll;
alle tanzen ein Extend zu der angegebenen fraction Tag Formation.
Wenn fraction nicht angesagt wird, dann mache ein volles Tag The Line.