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Change Your Image [C3B]
   (Dave Hodson a Lee Kopman 1979)
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From a 2 x 4. EN: 10
Z formací 2 x 4. CZ: 10

Centers Phantom Columns Circulate twice as the Ends Split Circulate twice. EN: 20
Centers Phantom Columns Circulate 2x. Ends Split Circulate 2x. CZ: 20

Parallel Lines or Columns end in Columns; T-Bones end in various formations. EN: 30
Parallel Lines a Columns končí v Columns; T-Bones končí v různých formacích. CZ: 30

Change Your Image is a 2-part call and can be fractionalized into quarters. EN: 40
Change Your Image má dvě části a figura může být rozdělena na čtvrtiny. CZ: 40

Change Your Image

  • To avoid traffic problems, the Ends should sometimes wait before moving until the Centers have cleared the Center. EN: 50
    Ends musí občas počkat, až Centers pro ně uvolní místo, jinak by se srazili. CZ: 50
  • Be careful if the caller says Change Your Image 1 & 1/2 or twice. Re-evaluate Ends and Centers after the first Change Your Image. EN: 60
    Opatrně, pokud calle řekne Change Your Image 1 & 1/2 nebo Twice. Po prvním Change Your Image je potřeba vyhodnotit novou výchozí formaci. CZ: 60
  • From Parallel Lines, Change Your Image is a shape-changer (i.e., The call ends in Columns rotated 90° from the starting spots); From Columns, Change Your Image is not a shape-changer. EN: 70
    Z formace Parallel Lines je Change Your Image shape-changer (tzn. figura končí ve formaci Columns otočené o 90° proti výchozí formaci); Z formace Columns Change Your Image shape-changer není. CZ: 70

Magic Change Your Image [C3BV]:
From a 2 x 4 with the Ends in Generalized Columns. Centers Phantom Columns Magic Column Circulate twice as Ends Magic Column Split Circulate twice. EN: 786
Z formacĂ­ 2 x 4 s Ends v Generalized Columns. Centers Phantom Columns Magic Column Circulate 2x. Ends Magic Column Split Circulate 2x. CZ: 786

Magic Change Your Image

Choreography for Change Your Image

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

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12-February-2025 01:42:21
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