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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Block Formation [C1]
   (Holman Hudspeth)

   edit def

A Block FORMATION consists of two overlapping Boxes of 4. Typically, one of the corners of one Box is positioned at the very center of the other Box, and vice-versa. Dancers in each Box work together in a disconnected setup, independent of the dancers in the other Box. EN: 10
En Block FORMATION består af to overlappende Boxe af 4. Typisk vil én af hjørnerne i den ene Box være i the Very Center af den anden Box, og visa versa. Danserne i hver Box arbejder uafhængigt af danserne i den anden Box. DK: 10


Who works with whom in a Block. EN: 20
Hvem der arbejder med hvem i en Block. DK: 20

  • Dancers must remain in their own Block. At the end of the given call, each dancer should be on one of the original footprints in their Block. EN: 30
    Dansere skal blive i deres egen Box. Ved afslutningen af kaldet skal hver danser være på en af de oprindelige pladser (footprints) i deres egen Box. DK: 30
  • If you connect all four dancers in one Box by drawing imaginary lines from each dancer to the next adjacent dancer, and then separately draw lines connecting the four dancers in the other Box, a Block FORMATION would look like the familiar interlocking squares that symbolize square dancing. EN: 40
  • To help identify who is working within your Box of 4, it is customary to point to the two nearest dancers in your Block. Use one arm to point to the dancer beside you in your Box, and the other arm to point to the dancer either in front of or behind you in your Box. It is important not to turn your shoulders to accomplish this, as you might forget which wall you are facing or confuse others as to your facing direction. Therefore, we recommend that you use your closest arm to point to the dancer beside you (i.e., use your R-H if the dancer beside you is to your Right; use your L-H if the dancer is to your Left), and use your other arm to point to the dancer in front of or behind you. If the dancer is behind you, bend your arm at the elbow and tuck your hand behind your back to point, so that you do not twist your shoulders. EN: 50
    For at hjælpe med til at identificere hvem der er i din Box er det almindeligt at pege på de 2 nærmeste danser i din Box, så peg på danseren ved siden af dig og danseren der befinder sig enten foran eller bag dig. Undgå at dreje kroppen da det let kan få dig til at miste orienteringen. DK: 50
  • Within the Block FORMATION there is a diagonal of four dancers which contains two dancers from each Box. This diagonal is used as a landmark for re-establishing the Block FORMATION after completion of a complicated call. The slant of the diagonal never changes; it is always either a North-West to South-East or a South-West to North-East slant. EN: 60
    I hele Block FORMATIONen er der en diagonal af 4 dansere (2 fra hver Box). Denne diagonal kan anvendes som pejlemærke når man re-etablerer Block FORMATIONen efter et kompliceret kald. Retningen på denne diagonale linie er altid den samme - enten Nord-Vest til Syd Øst eller Syd-Vest til Nord-Øst. DK: 60
  • Blocks are alternatively known as Interlocked Blocks or C1 BlocksEN: 70

Calls done within your Block must require 4 or fewer dancers to do the call, and must start and end in a 2 x 2. Shape changing calls are not allowed. EN: 80
I Blocks kan kun udføres 4-personers kald (eller sekvenser af kald) som starter og ender i 2 x 2 formationer. DK: 80

(In Your) Block Swap Around

At C1, the caller often gets the dancers into Blocks from Parallel Waves by saying: 'Leads Press Ahead (& Trade), check Blocks'. Then, after executing a series of calls in Blocks, the caller may get back to normal Lines by saying 'Outsides Press Ahead to make Lines'. This terminology is problematic in that technically there are no Outside 4 dancers in a Block; there are 2 Very Outsides (the Ends of the diagonal) or 6 Outside dancers. A Block is a four-dancer Box, having no Centers and no Ends. Being partially overlapped by another four-dancer Box, Interlocked Blocks gives the illusion of being an eight-dancer formation. In the Blocks shown below, all dancers except EN: 90
På C1 vil Calleren ofte få dansere i Block Formation fra Parallelle Waves ved at sige 'Leads Step Ahead (& Trade), check Blocks'. Efter at have udført en række kald i Blocks, vil Calleren ofte komme tilbage til normale Lines ved at sige 'Outsides Step Ahead to make Lines'. Der er et problem med denne terminology, da der teknisk set ikke er 4 Outside dansere i en Block; der er 2 Very Outsides (Ends i diagonalen) eller 6 Outside dansere. En Block er en 4-danser Box, hvor der hverken er Centers eller Ends. Da Box'en er delvist overlappet af en anden 4-danser Box giver denne formation en illusuíon af at være en 8 danser formation. DK: 90
could be considered Outside dancers (in particular, dancers EN: 100
, , , og
are all equally distant from the Center of the Set). EN: 110

Here, dancers EN: 120
Her kan danserne DK: 120
, , , og
can Press Ahead to Lines EN: 130
lave Step Ahead to Lines DK: 130
Here, dancers EN: 140
Her kan danserne DK: 140
, , , og
can Press Ahead to Lines EN: 150
lave Step Ahead to Lines DK: 150

To determine who should Press Ahead to make Lines, there are two things to know: EN: 160
De 2 regler der gælder for hvem der kan lave 'Step Ahead To Make Lines' er som følger: DK: 160
  1. You must be facing the center of the set. If you are not facing the center of the set, you can not move toward it, therefore you are not active for the Press Ahead. EN: 170
    Du skal have ansigtsretning mod Center af formationen. Hvis du ikke kigger på Centeret kan du ikke gå imod det og derfor er du ikke aktiv i denne Step Ahead. DK: 170
  2. You must not cross the center line. If your Press Ahead would put you past the center line, you are not active for the Press Ahead. EN: 180
    Du må ikke krydse Center Linien. Hvis en Step Ahead fører dig over Center linien er du ikke aktiv i denne Step Ahead. DK: 180

When doing calls within Blocks, traffic patterns vary. For simple calls that do not require interaction with more than one other dancer at a time, execute each part of the call within the footprints of your individual Block (e.g., Square Thru, Touch 1/4). On more complicated calls (e.g., In Your Block Square Chain Thru), start the execution of the call to the footprints of your individual Block, and when it becomes necessary to interact with more than one dancer at a time, the dancers closest to the center of the set should cross the center line to join the other dancers in their Block to complete the call on each side. Once the call is completed, re-establish the Block footprints by having the appropriate dancers move to re-create the original slant of the diagonal (i.e., NW-SE or SW-NE) and the other dancers move to appropriate Block footprints. Note: Some dancers need not move at all to re-establish footprints (typically, only four or six dancers need to move)! EN: 190
Når man laver kald i Blocks vil trafikmønsteret variere. I simple kald der ikke involverer aktion med mere end én danser af gangen, udføres kaldet per footprints i din individuelle Box. (f. eks. Square Thru, Touch 1/4). I mere komplicerede kald (f. eks. In Your Block Square Chain Thru), starter udførelsen af kaldet per footprints i din individuelle Box, og når det bliver nødvendigt at arbejde med mere end én danser af gangen, skal danserne tættest på Centeret krydse Center linien og arbejde sammen med de andre dansere i deres Box og færdiggøre kaldet på hver side. Når kaldet er færdiggjort re-etableres Block footprints ved at de relevante dansere genskaber diagonal-linien (dvs. NV-SØ eller SV-NØ) og de andre dansere går til de relevante Block footprints. NB: Nogle dansere skal slet ikke justere for at re-etablere Block formationen - typisk skal kun 4 eller 6 dansere justere. DK: 190

Doing a complicated call from Blocks: EN: 200
Udførelse af et kompliceret kald fra Blocks: DK: 200

Start the given call
working to footprints... EN: 210
Start kaldet med at
gå til footprints... DK: 210
When the call becomes complicated,
blend into a formation that
removes the Interlocked aspect. EN: 220
Når kaldet bliver kompliceret
glid ind i en formation hvor
Boxene er separeret DK: 220
Upon completion of the call,
re-establish the
Block footprints. EN: 230
Når kaldet er færdiggjort
re-etableres Block-footprints. DK: 230

In Your Block Square Chain Thru

In Your Block Square Chain Thru
Right Pull By & 1/4 In
Step To A L-H Wave
(removing the Interlocked aspect) EN: 240
(Boxene er separeret) DK: 240
Left Swing Thru &
Left Turn Thru
re-restablishing Block footprints EN: 250
re-etablering af Block footprints DK: 250


The following is a partial list of calls that might be done from Blocks at C1. These calls start and end in a 2 x 2. EN: 260
Det følgende er en liste over kald der kan gøres fra Blocks på C1. Disse kald starter og ender alle i en 2 x 2. DK: 260

anything & Cross Pair Off Split Square Thru (n)
1/4 In|Out|Right|Left Partner Tag Square Chain The Top
Box The Gnat Pass In Square Chain Thru
Box Transfer Pass Out Square Thru (n)
Chase Right | Left Pass Thru Star Thru
Circle By fract By anything Reverse Cross & Turn Swap Around
Circulate Reverse Flutter Wheel Touch 1/4
Counter Rotate fraction Reverse Swap Around Turn Thru
Cross & Turn Right & Left Thru Vertical Tag Back
Cross Trail Thru Rollaway With A Half Sashay Walk & Dodge
Double Star Thru Scoot Back Wheel Fan Thru
Flutter Wheel Shakedown Wheel Thru
Brace Thru Slide Thru Zag-Zig
Half Sashay Split Dixie Style To A Wave Zig-Zag
Left Wheel Thru Split Square Chain The Top Zing
  Split Square Chain Thru Zoom

Note: When the given call is a call that normally requires 8 dancers (e.g., Circulate or Counter Rotate), do the 4-dancer version of that call. EN: 270

Other types of Blocks: EN: 280

Inner & Outer Blocks;
also known as EN: 290
Concentric Blocks
also known as EN: 300
Interlocked Boxes

See also Stagger CONCEPT [C2].

CALLERLAB definition for Block Formation

Choreography for Block Formation

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by Arne Pedersen og Britta Bertel.

17-January-2025 04:31:01
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