From a Generalized Tandem (i.e., Tandem Dancers, Facing Dancers, or
Back-to-Back Dancers) or other applicable formations.
- Zig-Zag:
- Leaders 1/4 Right (Zig) as Trailers 1/4 Left (Zag).
- A Generalized Tandem ends in a R-H Mini-Wave.
- Zag-Zig:
- Leaders 1/4 Left (Zag) as Trailers 1/4 Right (Zig).
- A Generalized Tandem ends in a L-H Mini-Wave.
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| før Zig-Zag | | efter
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| før Zag-Zig | | efter
Zig means 1/4 Right; Zag means 1/4 Left.
From a Generalized Tandem, the caller can give any combination
of these two words (i.e., Zig-Zag, Zig-Zig,
Zag-Zig, or Zag-Zag). The first word is directed
to the Leaders, and the second word is directed to the Trailers.
Zig-Zag always ends in a Right-hand setup, whereas
Zag-Zig always ends in a Left-hand setup.
An easy way to think about Zig-Zag is to just turn 1/4 to join
Right-hands with the other dancer in your Generalized Tandem.
If you do the call in this manner, you don't need to think about whether
you're a Leader or a Trailer and whether or not you need to do a 1/4 Right or
a 1/4 Left. Alternatively, on Zag-Zig just turn 1/4 to join
Left-hands with the other dancer in your Generalized Tandem.
To successfully dance calls such as Zig-Zag in real-time,
you need to have formation awareness.
This involves knowing where you are in the current formation, and your
relationship to the other dancers. You should know whether
you are a Leader or Trailer, Beau or Belle, End or Center, etc. from any
applicable formation.
From a One-Faced Column of 3,
the caller could give three words (e.g., Zig-Zag-Zag), in which case
the first word goes to #1, the second to #2, and the third to #3.
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| før Zig-Zag-Zag | | efter
Similarly, from a One-Faced Column of 4, the caller could give four words.
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| før Zig-Zag-Zag-Zig | | efter
- Zig-Zig:
- 1/4 Right.
- Zag-Zag:
- 1/4 Left.
Sidetrack [C3B] (Tim Scholl 1976):
From applicable formations.
Zig-Zag; Counter Rotate 1/4; Roll.
This is a 3-part call.
Single Turn To A Line [C3A]:
From Tandem dancers, Facing dancers, or Back-to-Back dancers.
As one movement, Zig-Zag, Step Thru, and turn 1/4 toward your initial turning direction.
Ends in a Couple or a Mini-Wave.