
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=8689   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Heads 1/2 Square Thru,
All 1/2 Square Thru,
Partner Trade,
Reverse Flutter Wheel
(Zero Line)
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=7097   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Heads Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru,
First Couple Left, Next Couple Right
(Zero Line)
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=7020   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Heads Touch 1/4,
Same Ladies U Turn Back,
Centers Pass Thru,
Circle Four 3/4
(Zero Line)
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=6782   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Heads Pass Thru,
Separate Around 1,
 Come Into The Middle & Pass Thru,
Circle Four 3/4
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=7082   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
   Same 4 1/2 Square Thru,
Swing Thru,
Men Run,
Bend The Line
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 10 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=8518   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Same 4 1/2 Square Thru,
Pass Thru,
Trade By,
Circle Left 3/4
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=8494   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Same 4 1/2 Square Thru,
Right & Left Thru,
Two Ladies Chain,
Square Thru 4,
Bend The Line
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 3 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=8492   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Same 4 Star Thru & California Twirl,
Circle Left 1/4
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=8490   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Same 4 Star Thru,
 Pass Thru,
All Star Thru,
Right & Left Thru,
Two Ladies Chain
(Zero Line)
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=6973   Print 
Head Ladies Chain, Rollaway,
Circle Eight,
Ladies Forward & Back,
 Same 4 Square Thru 5 Hands (= Pass Thru),
Both Turn Left Promenade Single File,
 First Around Two, Next Around One To A Line
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=6788   Print 
Heads Lead Right,
Star Thru,
2 Ladies Chain,
Right & Left Thru
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=8509   Print 
Heads Lead Right,
Veer Left,
Wheel & Deal,
Star Thru,
Two Ladies Chain
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 5 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=8485   Print 
Heads Lead Right,
Veer Left,
Chain Down The Line,
Two Ladies Chain,
Same Four Circle 1/2
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 5 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=8501   Print 
Heads Lead Right,
Pass Thru,
Wheel Around,
Two Ladies Chain,
Star Thru
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=6786   Print 
Heads Right & Left Thru, Backaway,
Sides Lead Right,
Right & Left Thru,
All Star Thru,
2 Ladies Chain,
Pass Thru,
Bend The Line
(Zero Line)
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=6975   Print 
Heads Right & Left Thru,
   Same Ladies Chain & Rollaway,
Circle Eight,
Four Men Forward & Back,
Square Thru Five Hands (= Pass Thru),
Both Turn Right Single File,
 First Around Two, Next Around 1 To A Line
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Medium   ID=4554   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Heads 1/2 Square Thru,
Circle To A Line
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 8 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Medium   ID=7052   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Heads Square Thru,
Swing Thru,
Ends Trade,
Centers Trade,
Centers Run,
Bend The Line
(Zero Line)
Basic - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Medium   ID=7129   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Heads Pass Thru,
Separate Around 1 To A Line,
Pass Thru,
Wheel & Deal,
Ladies Square Thru 3/4,
Star Thru,
Couples Circulate,
Bend The Line
(Zero Line)
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Medium   ID=6835   Print 
*** not validated ***
Heads Right & Left Thru, Backaway,
Side Ladies Chain,
Side Ladies Chain 3/4 & Rollaway,
Lines Of Three Forward & Back,
Lonesome Men Turn Half Right,
Pass Thru,
Both Turn Right,
Around 3 To A Line
(Zero Line)
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Medium   ID=6976   Print 
*** not validated ***
Couples 1 & 4 Right & Left Thru,
New Couple In Position #1 Go Across The Square,
Star Thru With Couple #3,
Same Ladies Chain,
Other Couples Join The Line (ZL),
All Forward & Back,
Pass Thru Wheel & Deal,
Center Ladies Chain & Rollaway,
Centers U-Turn Back (ZB),
Left Allemande
(Zero Line) -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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