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How do I edit my record? 
  1. Note: Anonymous records may not be edited. A record may only be edited if you are listed in our Caller and Cuers, and if you created the record.
  2. Locate the record to edit (i.e., do a Query and select search parameters so that your data is displayed);
  3. Click the ID=nnn link to display the entire record;
  4. Click the 'edit' link;
  5. Enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN) for your entry in Callers and Cuers;
  6. Make the appropriate changes, then click the 'Save Changes' button.

More questions? 

Check out the FAQ Database pages for the Choreography Database.

If you have any further questions or comments, please Contact Vic
15-February-2025 20:50:59
Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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