C2  AND  Validated  --  200 items  --  2024-12-06

C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   ID=10101
Heads Left Touch 1/4,
Heads Walk And Dodge,
Circle To A Wave,
Tandem Alter The Wave,
Tandem Switch To A Diamond,
Once Removed Circulate,
Concentric Circulate,
Scoot Back (3 dancer star),
Circulate, Girls Roll,
Ends Counter Rotate,
Partner Tag,
Left Allemande (3/8 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   ID=10100
Heads Wheel Thru,
All Reverse Split Swap The K,
Load The Boat,
Pass In,
Touch 1/4,
Walk Out To A Wave,
Cross Concentric Follow Your Neighbor,
Sock It To Me,
Chain Down The Line,
Spin Chain And Exchange The Gears,
Inlet And Circle 1/4,
Dixie Grand,
Left Allemande (at home)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9587
All 4 Couples Circle To A Wave,
Swing The Fractions Heads 4/5,
All 8 Recycle,
Scoot & Counter,
1/2 Crazy Circulate,
Cross The "K",
Pass Thru,
1/2 Tag,
Boys Run,
Pass In Centers Roll,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9531
Heads Split Catch 3,
Swing The Fractions,
Diamond Circulate,
Reverse Cut The Diamond,
Swing Along,
Boys Kick Off,
Tandem Trade,
Girls Press Ahead,
In Your Block Zing,
Outsides Press Ahead,
Brace Thru,
Dixie Style To A Wave,
L.A. 1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10507
Heads Split Catch 4,
Invert The Column 1/2,
Sets In Motion,
Centers Explode,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5322
Heads Split Square Chain The Top,
Centers Cross Kick Off,
New Centers Swing Thru,
Scoot & Counter,
Relay The Top,
Centers Cross Kick Off,
New Centers Turn Thru,
Circle To A Wave,
Finish Alter The Wave,
Cross By,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9580
Heads Split Swap,
Boys Kick Off,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
The K,
Walk Out To A Wave,
Boys Start Alter & Circulate,
Alter The Wave Replace Flip The Diamond With Drop In,
Trade Circulate,
8 Circulate,
Tandem Girls Run,
Checkmate The Column,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9526
Heads Split Swap,
Boys Kick Off,
Twist The Line,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
The "K",
Magic 3 By 1 Transfer The Column,
Sock It To Me,
Cycle & Wheel Centers With The Flow & Spread,
Centers Turn Thru,
Explode And Centers Double Star Thru & Roll,
1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9568
Heads Split Swap,
Boys Kick Off,
Boys 2/3 All Mini-Busy,
Girls Flip The Diamond,
Linear Action,
Girls Kick Off,
Dixie Diamond,
Cut The Diamond,
Switch The Line,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
Grand Left 3/4 Thru,
Explode Touch 1/4,
Trailers 1/4 Out & Roll,
Left Shakedown Centers Twice Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9555
Heads Split Swap,
All Boys Kick Off,
Switch Motivate,
Trade Circulate,
Swap The Wave,
3/4 Flip The Line & Counter,
Boys 3/4 Thru,
Girls Zing,
Scoot & Counter,
Lead Boys Run,
Ends 1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10506
Heads Split Swap,
Catch 4, R.L.G
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10478
Heads Split Swap,
Pass Thru,
Wheel The Ocean,
Walk Out To A Wave,
[Remake] Er's Motivate,
Girls Kick Off,
Double Pass Thru,
Zig Zag,
Cross Back,
Alter And Circulate,
Pass To The Center,
Centers 1/4 In,
At Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10484
Heads Split Swap,
Rotary Spin,
Cross Ramble,
Magic Transfer And Single Cross And Wheel,
Those Facing Pass Thru,
Hocus Pocus,
In Roll Circulate 1 & 1/2,
Very Centers Squeeze,
Galaxy Circulate,
Centers Hinge,
Center Diamond Drop In While The Others Single Wheel,
Out Roll Circulate,
Belles U-Turn Back,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5328
Heads 1/2 Square Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Split Counter Coordinate,
Girls Run,
Fan The Top,
Grand Swing Thru,
Swap The Wave,
Ends Cross Fold,
Catch 3,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5327
Heads 1/2 Square Thru,
Cross Chain Thru, Go Double,
Touch 1/4,
Split Counter Coordinate,
Ferris Wheel,
Triple Grand Chain Eight,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9552
Heads Star Thru & Spread,
Cross The "K",
Here Comes The Judge,
Girls Press Ahead & Trade,
Girls Kick Off (not in your block),
In Your Block Scoot & Dodge,
Outsides Trade & Extend,
Once Removed Peel Off,
Wrong Way Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9918
Heads Star Thru,
Triple Grand Chain Eight,
Centers Touch 1/4,
Head Boys Run,
Grand Trail Off,
Very Centers Trade,
Center 6 Only Grand Peel & Trail,
Centers Reverse Swap Around,
Left Swing Thru,
Cross By,
Reverse Explode & Trade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9582
Heads Veer Right,
Girls Jaywalk,
Wave Based Triangle Remake,
Funny 3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Outside Boys Kick Off,
Siamese Switch To A Diamond,
Inside Triangle Substitute,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Drop In,
Checkmate The Column,
Ferris Wheel,
Centers Slide Thru & Backaway Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9528
Heads Veer Right,
Girls Jaywalk,
Wave-Based Triangle Remake,
Funny 3 By 2 Acey Deucey Chain Thru,
The Axle,
Belles Do Your Part Follow Your Neighbor & Spread Girls Dodge Extend,
Diamond Circulate,
Unwrap The Diamond,
Grand Cross Back,
Split Counter Motivate,
Acey Deucey,
Explode The Wave,
Here Comes The Judge, Sides Roll,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10477
Heads Vertical 1/2 Tag & Weave,
Scoot & Little More,
Linear Action But [2/3 Recycle],
Split Counter Rotate,
Cross Back,
Peel To A Diamond,
Inside Interlocked Triangles Circulate,
Drop In,
Follow Your Neighbor,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9551
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Half Crazy Partner Tag,
Boys U-Turn Back,
Concentric Peel Off,
Concentric Diamond Circulate,
Boys Kick Off,
All 8 Dixie Style To A Wave,
All 8 Recycle Sides Roll,
Heads Pass The Ocean,
The "K",
Inside Triangle Chain Thru,
Wrong Way Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9573
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Pass The Ocean,
Chisel Thru,
Cross The "K",
1/2 Crazy Reverse Flutter Wheel,
Pass Thru,
Here Comes The Judge & Roll,
File To A Line,
Centers Tandem: All Centers Run,
Spin The Windmill Forward,
Concentric Peel The Top,
Sides Explode,
Inside Triangle Funny Circulate 2,
Centers Recycle,
Concentric Cycle & Wheel,
Centers Reverse Swap Around,
All Box The Gnat,
R.L.G.,1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5320
Heads Wheel Thru,
Fan The Top,
Grand Swing Thru,
Switch To A Diamond,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Checkpoint Counter Rotate 1/4 By Swing Thru,
Outletters Motivate,
Trade & Roll,
Dixie Grand,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9565
Head Boys Kick Off,
Funny O Circulate 3 & 1/2 (odd),
Boys Squeeze,
Ignore Side Girls For Triangle Circulate,
Inside Triangle 3/4 Thru,
Chisel Thru,
Cross & Wheel,
As Couples Peel & Trail,
Concentric Wheel And Deal,
Centers Slide Thru & Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9527
Head Boys Kick Off,
Funny O Circulate 3,
Squeeze The "O",
Funny Butterfly Circulate 1,
Triple Box Or Wave Left Swing Thru,
Linear Action,
Split Counter Coordinate,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Alter & Circulate,
Centers Counter Rotate,
Concentric Walk & Dodge,
All 1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9581
Head Boys Kick Off,
Funny O Circulate 3,
Squeeze The O,
Concentric Partner Tag,
Butterfly Zing,
Press Ahead,
Single Bounce The Girls,
Ignore Center Belles For Press Left,
1 By 3 Couples Hinge,
Checkpoint Wheel & Deal By Swing Thru,
Cross By,
Boys Counter Rotate,
All Explode Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9530
Head Boys Kick Off,
Funny O Circulate 3,
O Zing,
Press Ahead,
Center 4 Start Grand Chain Eight,
Rotary Spin,
File To A Line,
Left Tag The Line,
Tandem Hinge,
Outsides Face In,
Other Boys U-Turn Back,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9595
Head Girls Kick Off,
Boys Press Ahead,
Boys In Your Diagonal Wave Cross Roll,
In Your Block Split Swap,
Girls In Your Diagonal Line Mix,
In Your Block Shakedown,
Girls Press Ahead,
Touch 1/4,
End Girls Right Loop 1,
Make Magic,
Boys Trail To A Diamond,
Funny Square Thru 3,
Leads Run,
Split Circulate 1 & 1/2,
End Boys Ripple 2 Centers Roll,
All 1/4 In Centers Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9579
Head Girls Kick Off,
Funny O Circulate 3,
O Zing,
Press Ahead,
Any Hand Swing The Fractions,
Wheel The Ocean,
Tandem Trail To A Diamond,
Walk & Dodge,
8 Circulate,
Funny Square Thru 3,
Centers Recycle,
Outsides Trade,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9592
Heads Reverse Single Rotate 1/4,
Sides Split Swap,
Crossover Circulate,
Sets In Motion,
Make Magic,
Turn To A Line,
Centers Pass The Ocean,
Funny 6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Cut The Diamond,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
Split Recycle,
End Girls Ripple The Wave,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9588
Heads Single Rotate 1/4,
Sides Split Swap & Girls Roll,
Centers Follow Your Neighbor,
Funny 6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Flip The Hourglass,
Linear Cycle,
Touch 1/4,
Boys Dixie Style To A Wave,
Very Outsides Girl Cross Cast Back,
Diamond Circulate,
Drop Right,
Eight Chain 4,
Centers 1/4 In & Backaway Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9591
Heads Single Rotate 1/4,
Sides Touch 1/4,
Alter & Circulate,
Sets In Motion,
Boys Kick Off,
Right Roll To A Wave,
End Boys Ripple 2,
Sock It To Me,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Slip Slide,
Motivate, Star 3/4 & Spread,
Lead Boy Run,
Ends 1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9572
Heads Catch 2,
Make Magic,
Magic Column Circulate,
Magic 3 By 1 Transfer The Column,
End Girls Ripple 2,
Fan The Top,
Sock It To Me,
Triple Trade,
Concentric Wheel & Deal,
Once Removed Slide Thru,
Vertical Tag The Line 3/4 & Plenty,
Centers Left Tag Your Neighbor,
Outsides Half Sashay,
Chain Reaction,
Trailers 1/4 Out & Roll,
Left Shakedown Centers Twice Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=3737
Heads Catch 3,
Sides Reverse Single Rotate 1/2,
Swing Thru,
Perk Up,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Boys Kickoff,
Ladies Catch 3,
Boys Reverse Single Rotate 1/4,
Swing Thru,
Dodge Circulate,
Linear Cycle,
Square Chain Thru,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6286
Heads Catch 4,
Centers Walk & Dodge,
All File To A Line,
Chisel Thru,
Pass Thru,
Step & Slide,
Turn To A Line,
Square The Bases,
Slide Thru,
Couples Circulate,
Tag Your Neighbor,
Extend And Left Plenty,
Center 4 Recycle,
Centers Pass Thru,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9590
Heads Divide & Touch 1/2,
Zip Code 1 & 1/2,
Relay The Shadow,
Single Bounce The Girls,
Ends Kick Off,
Funny Square Thru 2,
Hocus Pocus,
Ah So,
Girls Walk & Dodge,
Zip Code 3,
Girls Load The Boat,
Boys Fan The Top,
Scoot And Weave,
Counter Rotate,
Ends Circulate,
Explode Outsides Roll Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9492
Heads Dixie Diamond,
Boys Jaywalk,
Very Centers Hinge,
Center 6 Grand Left 1/4 Thru,
Spin The Windmill Forward,
Wave-Based Triangle Remake,
Ignore Head Girls For Jaywalk,
Tandem-Based Triangle Lateral Substitute,
Cut The Hourglass,
Boys Fold The Axle,
Girls Pass The Ocean,
Diamond Chain Thru,
3/4 Tag & Little,
In Tandem Swing Thru,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9529
Heads Dixie Sashay,
Boys Jaywalk,
3 By 1 Triangle Circulate,
Hocus Pocus,
Outside Triangle Solid All Switch To A Diamond,
Squeeze The Hourglass,
Galaxy Circulate,
Reverse Cut The Galaxy,
Girls Kick Off,
Transfer And Scoot & Weave,
& Circle 1/4,
Spin The Windmill Right,
Reverse Explode,
Ends Bend,
All 1/4 In Centers Backaway Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9577
Heads Dixie Sashay,
Jaywalk The Windmill In,
Chisel Thru,
Cross The "K",
Catch 3,
Perk Up,
Bounce The Boys,
Transfer And Box Recycle,
Funny 3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Outsides Start Left 1/4 Thru,
Cycle & Wheel,
Cross Trade & Wheel,
Single Rotate 1/4,
Vertical Tag The Line,
Partner Trade, Centers Roll,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9589
Heads Face,
O Dixie Style To A Wave,
Funny O Circulate,
O Chase Right,
Squeeze The "O",
Butterfly Split Counter Rotate,
Reverse Truck,
Stack The Line,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Girls Spread,
In Your Block Boys 1/4 In,
In Your Block Split Square Thru 2,
Boys Trade & Press Ahead,
Swing Thru,
Centers Box Counter Rotate,
All 1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9919
Heads Flutter Wheel & Backaway,
All Four Couples Alter The Wave,
Sides Hinge,
Chain Reaction,
Perk Up,
Cross & Wheel,
Cast Back,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
Single Cross & Wheel,
Centers Cast Right 3/4,
Outsides Zing,
Stretch Recycle,
Centers Slide Thru & Backaway Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1238
Head Ladies Chain Across,
Sides Left Split Dixie Diamond,
Out-Point Triangle Circulate,
Relocate The Diamonds,
Unwrap The Diamonds,
Crossover Circulate,
Leads Start Wheel The Sea,
Alter And Circulate,
Acey Deucey & Spread,
Hubs Trade Half Circulate,
Squeeze The Galaxy,
Cut The Hourglass,
Stretch 2/3 Recycle,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Allemande Left
Also stirs the bucket.
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5086
Heads Left Wheel Fan Thru,
All Pass In,
Cross The K & Roll,
Double Pass Thru,
Cross Clover And 1/4 In,
Centers Cross Trail Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Follow Your Neighbor & Spread,
Acey Deucey & Spread,
Spin Chain And Exchange The Gears,
Allemande Left
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10483
Heads Pair Off,
Pass To The Center,
Zip Code 4,
Centers Do Your Part, Percolate,
Here Comes The Judge,
Slide Thru, Boys Roll,
Funny Square Thru 2,
Center Boys Jaywalk,
1/4, Invert The Column,
Centers Slip And Slide,
Chain Reaction,
Alter And Circulate,
Counter Rotate,
Peel The Top,
Swing Along,
Circulate 1 & 1/2,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9593
Heads Pass In,
Turn To A Line,
3 By 1 Shakedown,
Girls Pass & Roll Your Neighbor & Spread,
Boys Touch 1/4,
Center 6 Any Hand Grand 1/4 Thru,
Center Diamond Flip The Diamond,
Concentric Cycle & Wheel,
Split Catch 3,
Turn To A Line,
Fan The Top,
End Boys Ripple 2,
Cross By,
All 8 Spin The Top,
Boys,Counter Rotate,
All 8 Recycle Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9575
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Center 6 Girls Walk Boys Dodge,
3 By 1 Triangle Circulate,
Center Wave Mix,
Chain Reaction,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
As Couples Cross Your Neighbor,
Triple Trade,
Twist The Line,
Pass Thru 1/4 In Left Touch 1/4,
Triple Wave Turn & Deal,
Stretched Box Trail Off & Roll,
Triple Grand Chain Eight,
Centers Backaway Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9163
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction,
Switch The Wave,
Sets In Motion,
Jay Walk,
Boys Trade,
Jay Walk,
Clover And,
Centers 1/2 Tag The Line,
Make Magic,
Magic Column Circulate,
Those Facing Pass Thru,
Trade By,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=3738
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Swap The Wave,
The Axle,
Pass The Ocean,
Perk Up,
Leads Begin Wheel The Sea,
Trade Perk Up,
All Turn & Deal,
Pass In,
Load The Boat,
Brace Thru,
Pass Thru,
Right Roll To A Wave,
Girls Circulate,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=3648
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Swing Thru,
Crazy Scoot Back,
Boys Run,
Ferris Wheel,
Dixie Grand,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6294
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Girls Trade,
Veer Left,
Centers Hinge,
Lines Swing Thru Thru Chain Thru,
Wrong-Way Promenade Home
Thru Thru Thru
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9574
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Funny Pass Thru Twice,
Cross Ramble,
Checkmate The Column,
Sock It To Me,
Chisel Thru 2/3,
Cross Your Neighbor,
Diamond Circulate,
Boys Left Tag Your Neighbor,
Girls Zing,
Scoot & Little More,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6745
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Outlet And Weave,
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
1/2 Reverse Crazy Tag Back,
Split Counter Rotate 1/4,
Split Recycle,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5321
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Little,
1/4 Thru,
Swap The Wave,
Spin The Top,
Grand Swing Thru & Spread,
Checkpoint Single Wheel By Trade The Wave,
Swing & Circle 1/4,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6287
Heads Pass The Sea,
Flip Your Neighbor,
Swing Thru,
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru,
Crossover Circulate,
Vertical Tag Your Neighbor,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Couples Circulate,
Left Tag Back,
All 8 Counter Rotate 1/4,
Allemande Left
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=3739
Heads Pass The Sea,
(L) Scoot & Plenty,
   Replace The Split Circulates With A Tally Ho,
Switch And Circle 1/4,
Chain Reaction,
Vertical Grand Chain 8,
Lines Reverse Split Swap Thru,
Boys Do An Ends Bend,
Split Trade Circulate,
Boys Cross Kick Off,
On A Double Track Left Dixie Diamond,
Cut The Diamond,
Switch The Line,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=4117
Heads Reverse Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4,
File To A Line,
Pass Thru,
Sock It To Me & Roll,
Ladies Peel To A Diamond,
Boys Work Thru The Diamond And Touch 1/4 & Spread,
Funny Hourglass Circulate Twice,
Cut The Hourglass,
Parallelogram In Roll Circulate,
Parallelogram Trade Circulate,
Triple Box Walk & Dodge,
Step & Slide,
Turn To A Line,
Pass Thru,
Wheel & Deal & Roll,
Allemande Left
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9571
Heads Reverse Split Swap,
1/2 Crazy Pass In,
Hocus Pocus,
Leaders Kick Off,
Grand Cross Trade & Wheel,
Heads Crossover Circulate,
Bounce The Girls,
Dixie Diamond,
6x2 Acey Deucey,
Drop In,
Cross By,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5057
Heads Right And Left Thru,
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Little More,
Split Counter Coordinate,
Bend The Line,
Touch 1/4,
Peel To A Diamond,
Diamond Chain Thru,
2/3 Recycle,
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
Interlocked Flip The Diamond,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=9594
Heads Shazam,
Make Magic,
The Windmill In,
Boys Jaywalk,
Interlocked 3 By 1 Triangles Circulate,
All 8 Cycle & Wheel,
Linear Action,
Triple Box Trailers Circle By 1/4 By 1/4,
Trailing Ends Ripple 2,
Reverse Explode,
Ends Bend,
All 1/4 In Centers Backaway Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9541
All Four Couples Split Swap Around,
Heads Trade & Roll,
O Axle,
Sides Circle By 1/4 & 1/4,
Crossover Circulate,
Trailing Ends Ripple 2 & 1/2,
Phantom Centers Do Your Part Criss Cross The Shadow,
Wave-Based Triangle Circulate,
Split Counter Rotate,
Hocus Pocus,
Cut The Diamond,
Parallelogram Cross Back,
Phantom Wave Of 6 In Roll Circulate,
Acey Deucey,
Explode & Centers Flutter Wheel,
Heads 1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9550
All 4 Couples Square Chain Thru,
Boys Kick Off,
Sides Squeeze,
Sets In Motion,
Linear Action,
Sock It To Me,
Centers Shakedown Others Reverse Explode,
Wheel The Sea,
Magic Column Funny Circulate,
(just the girls can),
Stretched Box Trail Off & Roll,
2/3 Dixie Grand,
All 8 Fan The Top,
Explode Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9539
All 4 Couples Touch 1/4,
Swing The Fractions Sides 4/5,
Single Cross & Wheel,
Walk Out To A Wave,
Switch To A Interlocked Diamond,
Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru,
Girls Ripple 1 & 1/2,
Squeeze The Diamond,
Checkpoint Walk & Dodge By Recycle,
Reverse Wheel And,
Once Removed Touch 1/4,
Boys Ripple 2,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9557
All 4 Couples Circle To A Wave,
Swing The Fractions Heads 4/5,
Boys Kick Off,
Outpoint Triangle Solid All Cross Your Neighbor,
Hocus Pocus,
Interlocked 3 By 1 Triangles Circulate,
Chain Reaction Boys With The Flow,
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond,
Interlocked Diamond Drop In,
Out Roll Circulate,
Criss Cross Your Neighbor,
1/2 Crazy Spin The Top,
All 8 Linear Cycle,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4118
All Four Couples Right And Left Thru,
All Four Couples Square Chain Thru,
Original Heads Partner Trade,
   Sides U-Turn Back,
All Four Couples Square Chain The Top To A Wave,
All Eight Fan The Top,
Remake The Thar,
Original Heads Shazam,
Sides (In Your Wave) Mix,
Chain Reaction,
Bend The Line,
Slide Thru, Boys Roll,
Ladies Walk & Dodge,
(Boys start) Left Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9596
All 8 Vertical 1/2 Tag,
Swing The Fractions Sides 4/5,
Triple Trade,
Swing & Circle 1/4,
Scoot & Ramble,
Magic Column Circulate,
Zip Code 1,
Funny Square Thru 2,
Boys Zing,
Siamese Circulate Twice, Boys Individually Roll,
Walk Out To A Wave,
Split Counter Rotate,
Stretch Recycle,
Centers Slide Thru & Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9534
All 8 Dixie Diamond,
Outsides Counter Rotate,
Head Leaders Cast A Shadow,
Hinge Percolate,
Grand Cross Trade & Wheel,
Bounce The Girls,
Concentric Pass The Ocean,
Switch The Line,
Crazy Counter Rotate,
Left Split Square Chain The Top To A Wave,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10057
Heads Spin The Top & Circle 1/4,
Boys Spin The Top,
Jaywalk The Windmill Right,
Finish Motivate,
Cross By,
Girls Hinge,
Chain Reaction,
Tandem Mix, Individually Roll Concentric With The Flow,
Magic Transfer The Column,
Stretch Walk And Dodge,
Concentric Left Shakedown,
Ends 1/4 In Centers Backaway Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9549
Heads Spin The Top & Circle 1/4,
Boys Spin The Top,
Outside Triangle Funny Circulate 2,
Hocus Pocus,
Interlocked Diamond Funny Circulate 2,
Cut The Diamond,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
Grand Cross Back,
Touch 1/4 & Cross,
Centers Fan The Top,
Outsides Concentric Shakedown,
Centers Trade & Explode,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5326
Heads Spin The Top & Circle 1/4,
Boys Spin The Top,
Outside Triangle Funny Circulate,
Everybody Trade,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Hocus Pocus, Centers 1 & 1/2,
Left Swing Thru,
Sets In Motion,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10107
Heads Spin The Top,
Scoot And A Little More,
Boys Kickoff,
Split Circulate 1 & 1/2,
Squeeze The Diamond,
Drop Inners Perk Up,
Veer Left,
Trade By,
Pass Thru,
Girls Run,
3/4 Cross Invert The Column,
Columns Of 3 1/3 Invert The Column,
Outside Triangles Reshape,
Split Counter Rotate 1/2,
Diamond Circulate,
Drop Right,
Left Allemande (5/8 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9921
Heads Split Catch 3,
Swing The Fractions,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Girls Kick Off,
Heads 1/4 Right,
Sides Dixie Diamond,
Heads, Concentric Wheel & Deal,
Funny 3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Outside Triangle Left Remake,
Girls Cut The Diamond,
Hocus Pocus,
Drop Right,
Stretch Shakedown,
Dixie Grand,
1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5337
Heads Split Catch 4,
Transfer And Remake,
Centers Criss Cross Your Neighbor,
Chain Reaction, Star 1/2,
Spin The Top,
(L) Swing Along,
Left Swing Thru & Roll,
Turn To A Line & Roll,
Dixie Grand,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10105
Heads Split Catch 4,
Zip Code 3,
Girls Scoot And Dodge,
Girls Run,
Grand Chain 8,
Chain The Square,
Acey Deucey,
Scoot And Cross Ramble,
Catch 3,
Trail To A Diamond,
Relocate The Diamonds,
3/4 Exchange The Diamonds,
Interlocked Cut The Diamond,
Tag Back, Centers To A Wave,
Dixie Grand,
Left Allemande (1/4 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9538
Heads Split Catch 4,
Invert The Column 1/2,
Scoot & Counter,
Head Boys Ripple 2,
Triple Box Circulate 2,
End Girl Right Loop 3,
Once Removed Brace Thru,
Vertical 1/2 Tag,
Recycle Twice,
Right & Left Grand On 3 Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5341
Heads Split Dixie Sashay,
As Couples Follow Thru,
Checkpoint Bounce The Belles By Single Wheel,
Triple Scoot,
Grand 1/4 Thru,
Swing Along,
Cross Your Neighbor,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5324
Heads Split Dixie Style,
Trade Percolate,
As Couples Chase Right,
Cast A Shadow,
Acey Deucey,
Centers Kick Off,
Double Pass Thru,
Turn To A Line,
Pass Thru,
Tag Back,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5332
Heads Split Square Thru 3,
Vertical Tag Your Neighbor,
Relay The Top,
Trade Perk Up,
Bounce Nobody,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5343
Heads Split Square Thru 3,
Boys Single Wheel,
Siamese Scoot & Weave,
Girls Cross Roll To A Wave,
All 3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Centers Counter,
All Relay The Top,
Extend & Counter,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5323
Heads Split Square Thru 3,
Ends Cross Kick Off,
Lines Fan The Top Thru,
Centers Single Wheel,
Split Dixie Sashay,
Couples Circulate,
Leads Start Wheel The Ocean The "K",
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5352
Heads Split Swap,
Swing Thru,
Recycle With The Flow,
Cross Back,
1/2 Cross Invert The Column,
Grand Cross Trade & Wheel,
Centers Swing Thru,
Chain Reaction,
Single Hinge,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9560
Heads Split Swap & Girls Roll,
Funny Slide Thru 3 Times,
Girls Peel & Trail,
Tandem-Based Triangle Solid All Cut The Diamond,
Siamese Cross Roll To A Wave,
Single Wheel & Boys Roll,
Swing The Fractions,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Very Ends Ripple 2 & 1/2,
Boys 1/2 Tag,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
Funny Pass Thru 2,
Horseshoe Turn,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10110
Heads Split Swap,
All Reverse Split Swap,
The K(ers) Percolate,
Split Circulate 1 & 1/2,
Grand Swing Thru,
Swap The Wave,
Cross And Wheel,
Couples Circulate,
Switch To A Diamond,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate (crash),
Concentric Cycle And Wheel,
Split Grand Chain 8,
Wheel Thru,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5334
Heads Split Swap,
Catch 3,
Cross Invert The Column 3/4,
Center 4 Cross Roll To A Wave,
All 6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Center Wave Left Swing Thru,
3 By 1 Triangle Circulate,
Columns Of 3: 2/3 Invert The Column,
1/2 Reverse Crazy Ah So,
Grand 1/4 Thru & Spread,
Ah So,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5331
Heads Square Chain Thru,
Swing Thruers Percolate,
Stretch Shakedown,
   Centers Veer Left & Circle 1/4,
Fan The Top,
Relay The Shadow,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10132
Heads Square Thru 2,
Fan The Top,
Single Bounce The Boys,
Split Circulate,
1/2 Reverse Crazy,
   Reverse Single Rotate 1/4,
Girls Run,
Chain Down The Line,
Slide Thru,
Finish Rotary Spin,
Split Circulate,
Circulate, Boys Go 1 & 1/2,
Squeeze The Hourglass,
Boys Concentric Shazam,
Girls Box Circulate,
Galaxy Circulate,
Reverse Flip The Galaxy,
All 8 Recycle,
Dixie Grand,
Left Allemande (1/2 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5347
Heads Star Thru & Spread,
All Pass Thru,
Cross & Wheel,
In Tandem: Single Wheel,
Grand Remake,
Walk Out To A Wave,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10130
Heads Star Thru,
Zip Code 3 & 1/2,
New Centers Touch 1/4,
Checkpoint Shazam By Circulate,
Galaxy Circulate,
Reverse Flip The Galaxy,
Chain Down The Line,
Touch 1/4,
Invert The Column 1/4,
3x1 Triangle Circulate,
Partner Trade & Roll,
Touch 1/4 And Circle 1/4,
Scoot And A Little More,
In Roll Motivate,
Turn Thru,
Left Allemande (3/8 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10108
Heads Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru,
Peel To A Diamond,
Drop Right,
Single Cross And Wheel,
Boys Box Circulate,
Stack The Line,
Swing Thru,
Out Roll Circulate,
Heads Trade, Sides Hinge,
Phantom Circulate,
Phantom Walk And Dodge,
Partner Trade,
At Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10120
Heads Touch 1/4 & Spread,
Lines Swap Around Thru,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
Triple Box Leads U-Turn Back,
Star Thru,
Parallelogram Crossover Circulate,
Cross Roll,
Triple Box Cross Back,
Outroll Circulate,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5338
Heads Touch 1/4,
Triple Cross,
3 By 1 Transfer The Column,
Sets In Motion,
Funny Pass & Roll,
1/4 Thru,
Split Circulate,
Scoot & Counter,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10129
Heads Touch 1/4,
Heads Walk And Dodge,
Cross And Turn,
Hocus Pocus,
Split Trade Circulate,
Tally Ho,
Single Cross Trade And Wheel,
Grand Single,
   Cross Trade And Wheel,
Single Cross Trade And Wheel,
Grand Single Cross And Wheel,
Boys Right Loop 1,
Parallelogram In Roll Circulate,
Girls In Loop 1,
Acey Deucey, Centers 1 & 1/2,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9559
Heads Touch 1/4,
Trailers Kick Off,
Sets In Motion,
Ignore Center Girls For Press Left,
Wheel The Ocean,
End Boys Ripple 2 & 1/2,
Sides Start Funny Square Thru 2,
Ignore End Girls For Out Roll Circulate,
Counter Rotate,
Swing Thru, Ends Roll,
Centers Box Counter Rotate, Roll, And Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5333
Heads Touch 1/4 & Cross,
Swing Thru,
Trade Perk Up,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Chain Down The Line,
Touch 1/4,
3 By 1 Checkmate,
Lead Boy Run,
Square Chain Thru To A Wave,
Centers Ripple 1 & 1/2,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9545
Heads Touch 1/4 & Cross,
Swing Thru,
Trade Perk Up,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Fan The Top & Hinge,
3 By 1 Checkmate The Column,
Lead Boys Run,
Square Chain Thru To A Wave,
Centers Ripple 1 & 1/2,
1/2 Crazy Counter Rotate 3/4,
1/2 Reverse Crazy Counter Rotate 1/4,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9562
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Wheel Thru & Roll,
8 Circulate,
Zip Code 1,
Funny Square Thru 2,
Swing & Circle 1/4,
Scoot & Ramble,
Zip Code 3 & 1/2,
Linear Action,
Left Remake,
Trade Circulate,
Trailers 1/4 Out & Roll,
Left Shakedown Centers Twice Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9171
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Catch 2,
Recycle With The Flow,
Walk Out To A Wave And Weave,
Dodge Detour,
The K,
Funny Square Thru 2,
Dodge Circulate,
Alter The Wave,
Center 4 Phantom Butterfly Magic Column Circulate,
Very Outsides Left Cast Back,
Switch To A Diamond,
Acey Deucey 1 & 1/2,
Flip The Galaxy,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9535
Heads Wheel Fan Thru,
Pass The Ocean,
Checkpoint Recycle By Turn & Deal,
Make Magic,
Magic Transfer The Column,
Chisel Thru,
Cross Concentric Pass The Ocean,
Catch 3,
Counter Rotate,
Reverse Explode,
1/2 Tag The "K",
Counter Rotate,
As Couples Box Transfer,
Trailing Centers Jaywalk,
Cycle & Wheel,
Centers 1/4 In & Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5349
Heads Wheel Thru,
Spin Chain Thru, Girls Circulate 2,
Boys Cross Back,
As Couples Scoot & Weave,
Crossfire & Weave,
Girls Cross Back,
As Couples Scoot & Weave,
As Couples Centers Kick Off,
New Centers Square Thru 3,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5339
Heads Wheel Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Split Recycle Along,
Spin The Top,
Grand Swing Thru,
Step Thru,
Sock It To Me,
Load The Boat,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10111
Heads Wheel Thru,
Touch 1/4 & Truck,
Girls Left Loop 1,
Triple Box Touch 1/4,
Triple Box Walk And Dodge,
Parallelogram Trade By,
Star Thru,
Parallelogram, 1/2 Crazy Right And Left Thru,
Triple Box Reverse Split Swap,
Circle By 1/4 By 1/2,
Step Thru,
Wheel And Deal, Centers Sweep 1/4,
Centers Right And Left Thru,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5330
Heads Wheel Thru,
Touch 1/4 & Roll,
Circle To A Wavers Motivate, Star 1/4,
Swing Thru,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Fan The Top,
Grand Swing Thru,
Ah Soers Percolate,
Stretch Shakedown,
Centers Recycle & Swap The Wave,
Pass Thru,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10128
Heads Wheel Thru,
Alter And Circulate,
Left Counter,
Touch 1/4,
Grand Single Cross And Wheel,
Single Cross And Wheel,
Double Pass Thru,
Peel Off & Roll,
Centers Pass Thru,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10104
Heads Wheel Thru,
Circle To A Wave,
Scoot Back,
Sets In Motion,
As Couples Extend,
Dodge Zing,
Crazy Circulate Twice,
Split Single Rotate 1/4,
Head Boys Run,
Siamese Peel And Trail,
Once Removed Diamond Circulate,
Dodge Bend The Line,
Zig Zag,
Cast A Shadow,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9576
Heads Alter The Wave Star 1/4,
Scoot & Counter,
2/3 Mini-Busy,
Hourglass Circulate 2,
Girls In Your Distorted Line Switch The Line,
Cut The Hourglass,
Girls Explode,
Centers Kick Off,
Phantom Circulate 2,
Girls 1/4 To Promenade,
Siamese Left Shakedown,
Dixie Diamond,
Drop In,
Ends Cross Kick Off,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9584
Head Boys Kick Off,
Girls Press Ahead,
Girls In Your Diagonal Wave Cross Roll To A Line,
Girls Phantom Butterfly Circulate,
3 By 1 Triangle Funny Circulate 3,
Outer 4 Do Your Part O Circulate,
Stack The Line,
Grand Chain Eight,
Swap Around,
Acey Deucey,
Split Catch 3,
Tandem Peel & Trail, Individually Roll,
Once Removed Left Touch 1/4,
Leads Start Wheel The Sea,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9578
Head Boys Kick Off,
Funny O Circulate 3,
Girls Kick Off,
Press Ahead,
Split Counter Rotate (same spot),
Scatter Scoot,
Split Counter Coordinate,
Tandem Switch The Line,
Tandem Switch To A Diamond,
Girls Box Counter Rotate Twice,
Concentric Circulate,
Finish Motivate,
Triple Box Trailers Circle By 1/4 & 1/4,
Linear Cycle,
Ends Slide Thru,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10122
Heads Come Into The Middle, All Concentric Touch 1/4,
Centers Follow Your Neighbor And Circle 1/4,
Left Scoot And Counter,
Cross Roll,
Ends 1/2 Circulate,
Tandem-Based Triangles Are Solid: All Cut The Diamond,
Center 6 Counter Rotate,
Hourglass Circulate,
Squeeze The Hourglass,
Reverse Cut The Galaxy,
Stack The Line,
Turn To A Line,
Cross Back,
Turn Thru,
Left Allemande
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5350
Heads Recycle,
Split Square Chain Thru To A Wave,
Trade Perk Up,
Ferris Wheel,
Cross Concentric Circle To A Wave,
In Tandem: Single Cross Trade & Wheel,
Transfer And Left 3/4 Thru,
Centers Mix,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9554
Heads Reverse Rotate Girls 1/4 Boys 1/2,
Sides Circle By 1/4 By 1/4,
Galaxy Circulate,
Reverse Flip The Galaxy,
Once Removed Single Wheel,
Centers Squeeze,
O Circulate,
O Split Counter Motivate,
O Those Facing Pass Thru,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5346
Heads Box The Gnat,
Split Square Chain Thru,
Trade By,
Chain The Square,
Couples Circulate,
Cross & Wheel,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears,
Lines Remake Thru,
Swing & Mix,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9570
Heads Catch 1,
Crossover Circulate,
Trailers Run,
Heads Press Ahead &Trade,
In Your Block Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Boys In Your Diagonal Line Cross Roll To A Wave,
Boys Truck,
Funny O Circulate,
Squeeze The "O",
Funny Butterfly Circulate 3,
Boys Squeeze,
Make Magic,
Those Facing Start Left Rotary Spin,
1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9548
Heads Catch 4,
Girls Run & Side Girls Roll,
Funny Square Thru 2,
Centers Box Circulate & Roll,
Chisel Thru Centers Roll,
Split Swap,
Eight Circulate,
Reverse Split Swap,
Acey Deucey,
Split Catch 3,
Centers Zing,
All 1/4 In Centers Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9561
Heads Catch 4,
Ignore Center Boys For Press Left,
Switch Motivate,
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond,
Funny Diamond Circulate 2,
Funny Diamond Chain Thru,
Outer 4 Belles Press Right,
Out Roll Circulate,
End Girl Left Loop 3,
Sets In Motion,
Those Facing Start Pass & Roll,
Split Motivate, Don't Turn The Star,
Boys Run,
Crossover Circulate 1 & 1/2,
1/4 In,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5342
Heads Circle To A Wave,
Those Facing Touch 1/4,
All Split Counter Rotate 1/4,
Hocus Pocus, Centers 1 & 1/2,
3 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Lines Left Swing Thru Thru,
1/2 Reverse Crazy Turn & Deal,
Square Thru 3,
Horseshoe Turn,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9156
Heads Circle By 1/2 By Fan The Top,
Scoot & Plenty,
In Roll Circulate,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Grand Cross Trade & Wheel,
2/3 Mini-Busy,
Hourglass Circulate,
Squeeze The Hourglass,
Galaxy Circulate,
Unwrap The Galaxy,
Cross Invert The Column 1/2,
Leads Wheel The Sea,
Cross Concentric Scoot Back,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9569
Heads Cross & Turn,
Lateral Substitute,
Acey Deucey,
Split Swap,
8 Circulate,
Split Catch 3,
Split Counter Motivate,
Chain Down The Line,
Split Swap The Axle,
Slide Thru,
Split Trade Circulate,
Those Facing Start Cross Chain Thru,
Centers Right Roll To A Wave,
& Circle 1/4,
Chain Reaction,
Centers Counter Rotate 1/2,
Stretch Explode,
Ends Slide Thru Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9537
Heads Dixie Diamond,
Centers Box Circulate & Roll,
Jaywalk & Left Little,
Switch Motivate,
Once Removed Single Wheel,
Boys In Your Distorted Column Dixie Style To A Wave,
Split Counter Rotate,
Walk & Dodge,
8 Circulate,
Split Catch 2,
Trailers Run,
Shakedown Centers Twice Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9583
Heads Dixie Sashay,
Boys Jaywalk,
3 By 1 Triangle Chain Thru,
Hocus Pocus,
Split Counter Rotate,
Boys Crossover Circulate,
Pass In Centers Twice,
Walk Out To A Wave,
Press Ahead,
Butterfly Zing,
Boys Reverse Truck,
Tandem Fan The Top,
Scatter Scoot Chain Thru,
2/3 Recycle,
1/4 In Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10103
Heads Double Star Thru, Roll, & Spread,
Chisel Thru,
Catch 2 (ers) Coordinate,
Centers 1/4 Thru,
Exchange The Diamonds,
Reverse Flip The Diamond,
Grand Swing Thru,
Swing Along,
Circulate, Girls Go 1/2 More,
Hourglass Circulate,
Squeeze The Hourglass, And,
The Girls Shazam,
Center Diamond Flip The Diamond,
Move Along And Make Lines,
Split Swap,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9564
Heads Face,
Butterfly Zing,
Outer 4 Phantom All Touch 1/4,
Reverse Truck,
Inside Offset Wave Mix,
Girls Press Ahead,
In Your Block Zing,
Boys Phantom Left Touch 1/4,
Triple Cross,
Center 4 Circulate,
Siamese Peel & Trail,
Cut The Diamond,
Alter The Wave,
End Boys Ripple The Wave,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
Invert The Column 1/2,
Crazy Scoot Back,
8 Circulate 2,
Explode & Outsides Roll Centers Backaway Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5348
Heads Fan The Top,
Scoot & Little,
Cross Back,
Scoot Chain Thru To A Wave,
Boys Explode The Wave,
Clover And Flutter Wheel With The Flow,
Make Magic,
Those Facing Start Rotary 2/3 Recycle,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10118
Heads Lead Right,
Veer Left,
Reverse Rotate 1/2,
Grand Cross Trade And Wheel,
Rotate 1/4,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
Centers Swing Thru,
Chain Down The Line,
Grand Chain 8,
Boys Reverse Split Swap,
Circle To A Wave,
Tally Ho,
R.L.G. (7/8 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10117
Heads Lead Right,
Alter And Circulate,
Switch To A Diamond Chain Thru,
   Girls Circulate,
Boys Hinge,
Unwrap The Diamonds,
Hinge Along,
Ah So,
Grand Single Cross Trade And Wheel,
Twist And Split Swap,
Pass Thru,
Trade By,
Left Allemande (1/4 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10126
Heads Lead Right,
Beaus Walk Belles Dodge,
Hocus Pocus,
Bend The Line,
Cross The K,
Pass Thru,
3/4 Tag & Little More,
1/2 Press Ahead,
Triple Waves Switch The Wave,
Offset Lines In Roll Circulate,
Partner Hinge,
Parallelogram Centers Trade,
Triple Boxes Pass Thru,
Triple Boxes Left Shakedown,
Trade By,
Eight Chain 2,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10058
Heads Left Spin The Top & Circle 1/4,
Girls Spin The Top,
Linear Action,
Flip Back,
Leaders Press Ahead,
In Your Block Zing & Girls Roll,
In Your Block Split Dixie Style To A Wave,
Boys Press Ahead,
As Couples Peel The Top,
Very Centers Trade,
Wheel & Deal,
Cross Trail Thru,
1/4 In, Centers Roll & Back Away,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9540
Heads Left Split Dixie Sashay,
Fascinating 2/3 Recycle,
Cut The Diamond,
Parallelogram Trade Circulate,
End Girls Left Loop 3,
Split Recycle,
Swap The Wave,
Single Rotate 1/4,
Vertical Tag The Line,
Partner Trade, Centers Roll,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10114
Heads Left Touch 1/4,
Heads Walk And Dodge,
Circle To A Line,
Touch 1/4,
Cross Invert The Column 1/4,
Center 6 Circulate 1 & 1/2,
Galaxy Circulate,
Flip The Galaxy,
All 8 Flip Your Neighbor,
Left Allemande (7/8 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4129
Heads Left Wheel Fan Thru,
Chain The Square,
Couples Circulate,
Bend The Line,
Touch 1/4,
3 By 1 Checkmate,
Out Roll Circulate,
Work 2/3: Stretch Cycle And Turn & Deal,
Couples Circulate,
Mini Busy,
Scoot & Cross Ramble,
Magic Column Circulate,
Those Facing Start A Rotary Mix,
Diamond Circulate,
Unwrap The Diamond,
Centers Walk And Dodge, Other Girl Run Right,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10125
Heads Left Wheel Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Peel To A Diamond,
Diamond Circulate,
Triple Trade,
Drop Out,
The Axle,
Grand Chain 8,
Reverse Truck,
Reverse Explode,
Offset Lines Here Comes The Judge,
Cross And Turn,
Offset Lines Hubs Trade Back,
Split Trade Circulate,
Girls Run,
Right And Left Thru & 1/4 More,
Parallelogram Couples Circulate,
Parallelogram Centers Trade,
Reverse Truck,
Bounce The Boys,
In Single File Go Dixie Style, L.A
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10112
Heads Left Wheel Thru,
Catch 2,
Spin The Top,
1/2 Crazy Alter The Wave,
Pass & Roll Your Neighbor,
Cast A Shadow,
Turn To A Line (GBBGGBBG 4FL),
Here Comes The Judge,
Wheel And Deal,
Fan The Top,
Checkpoint Turn And Deal By,
   Turn And Deal,
Peel To A Diamond,
Reverse Cut The Diamond,
Alter The Wave,
Left Allemande (3/4 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5336
Heads Left Wheel Thru,
Left Swing Thru,
Switch To A Diamond,
Exchange The Diamonds,
Flip The Diamond & Roll,
Square Chain Thru,
Stretch Wheel The Sea,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=7293
Heads Pair Off,
Pass In,
Touch 1/4,
All 8 Circulate 1 & 1/2,
Center 6: 1/3 Invert The Column,
Galaxy Funny Circulate 2,
Centers 1/4 Thru,
Girls Diamond Circulate,
Centers Flip The Diamond, Others Bend The Line,
Little More,
Single Cross Trade & Wheel,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9536
Heads Pass In,
Walk Out To A Wave,
Here Comes The Judge,
Prefer The Ends For Stack The Line,
Switch To A Diamond,
Diamond Circulate,
Drop Left,
Tag Your Neighbor & Spread,
Heads Recycle, Side Boy Press Right,
Sides 1/4 In & Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11495
Heads Pass In,
Grand Chain 8,
Once Removed Square Thru 2,
Stack The Line,
Hocus Pocus,
Magic Coordinate,
Parallelogram Percolate,
Triple Line Cross Roll,
Triple Wave Explode The Wave,
Single Rotate 1/4,
Criss Cross Your Neighbor,
Swing Thru,
Cross By,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5329
Heads Pass Out,
Pass In,
Touch 1/4,
Split Counter Motivate,
Swing Thru,
Split Counter Coordinate,
Chain Reaction,
Alter & Circulate,
Left Swing The Fractions,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10489
Heads Pass Out,
Pass In,
Chisel Thru,
Pass The Ocean,
[2/3 Recycle] Er's Percolate,
Chase Your Neighbor,
Split Counter Rotate,
3/4, Invert The Column,
Very Centers Shazam While The Others Counter Rotate,
Triple Lines 1/2 Tag,
Triple Boxes, Ignore The Side Boys For Circulate,
Each Wave, Slip And Slide,
Triple Boxes Circulate,
Single Bounce The Boys,
Double Pass Thru,
Stack The Line,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10123
Heads Pass Out,
Rotary Spin,
Linear Cycle,
Grand Chain 8,
Pass Thru,
Beaus Run,
Invert The Column 3/4,
3 By 1 Triangle Circulate,
Interlocked 3 By 1 Triangle Funny Circulate Twice,
Centers Switch To A Diamond,
Heads Jaywalk,
Girls Cut The Diamond,
Boys Squeeze,
Spin The Windmill, Outsides Right,
Girls Run,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5354
Heads Pass Thru,
   Separate Around 1 To A Line,
1/2 Crazy Circulate,
Split Dixie Style,
Dodge Girls Run,
Spin The Top,
Single Hinge,
Walk Out To A Wave,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10116
Heads Pass Thru,
Lateral Substitute,
Chase Right,
Walk And Dodge,
Split Square Chain Thru,
Pass Thru & Wheel The Ocean,
Circulate, Centers Go 1/2 More,
All Squeeze The Hourglass,
Centers Shazam,
Girls Disconnected Diamond Circulate,
Boys Disconnected Left Swing Thru,
Outsides Bend The Line,
Girls Jaywalk,
Flip The Diamond And Circle 1/4,
Follow Your Neighbor,
Follow Thru,
Vertical Tag Back,
R.L.G. (5/8 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5351
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Swing & Circle 1/4,
Cross Concentric Swing & Mix,
Grand Left Swing Thru,
Cross Concentric Spin The Top,
Each Side Explode The Wave,
Cross Clover And Fan The Top,
Cross Extend,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10124
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Alter The Wave And Circle 1/2,
   (getout: dixie grand, L.A.),
Extend Twice,
Little More,
Peel And Trail,
Very Ends Ripple 7 (all the way),
Step Thru,
Wheel The Sea,
Left Swing Thru,
Reverse Truck,
Flip Your Neighbor,
Triple Box Cross Back,
Wheel The Ocean,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9546
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Center Girls Trade,
Scoot Chain Thru & Cross Ramble,
Double Pass Thru,
Peel & Trail,
Swing Along,
Ends Ripple 2 & 1/2,
Split Counter Rotate,
3 By 1 Transfer The Column,
Reverse Truck,
Boys 1/2 Press Ahead,
Boys Disconnected Wave Mix,
Center 6 Girls Work Tandem Swing Thru,
Siamese Catch 3,
Transfer & Left 1/2 Tag,
File To A Line,
8 Circulate,
Reverse Cycle & Wheel,
Centers 1/4 In & Backaway Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9544
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Girls Walk & Dodge,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Girls Left Swing Thru,
1/2 Reverse Crazy Ah So,
1/2 Invert The Column,
Alter & Circulate,
Funny Pass Thru Twice,
Little More,
Split Recycle,
Pass In Centers Roll & Backaway Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5345
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Veer Left,
Cross & Wheel,
Hocus Pocus, Centers Roll,
Lead End Run,
Split Catch 3,
Tandem Left Swing Thru,
Alter & Circulate & Roll,
Dixie Grand,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9558
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Fan The Top,
Checkpoint Recycle By Turn & Deal,
Pass Thru,
Switch To A Diamond,
All 8 Spin The Top,
Swing The Fractions Girls 4/5,
Center 6 Magic Column Walk & Dodge,
The Axle But Cast Off 1/4 & Roll,
Triple Grand Chain Eight,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4119
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Swing Along,
Split Percolate,
Lines Left Shakedown Thru,
Tally Ho,
Split Counter Coordinate,
Stretch Turn And Deal & Roll,
Sets In Motion,
Switch And Circle 1/4,
Cross Roll To A Wave And Circle 1/4,
Boys 2/3: All Eight Recycle,
Cut The Diamond,
Reverse Explode,
Twist And Fan The Top,
Boys Ah So,
Ladies Stretch 2/3 Recycle,
Lead Boys Run,
Ladies Box Counter Rotate 1/4 & Spread,
Boys Do A Beaus Jay Walk,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5335
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Sets In Motion,
Boys Tag Your Neighbor & Spread,
Chain Reaction,
1/2 Crazy Partner Tag,
Cross Concentric Shakedown,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9542
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Extend Sets In Motion,
As Couples Scoot & Weave,
Bounce The Boys,
Trail To A Diamond,
Squeeze The Diamond,
Diamond Circulate,
Boys Start 1/4 Thru,
Truck (parallel waves),
Zing Centers Roll & Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5325
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Follow Thru,
Scoot & Weave,
Relay The Top,
Centers Kick Off,
New Centers Swing Thru & Spread,
(L) Scoot & Little More,
Trade Perk Up,
Ends Ripple 2 & 1/2,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9532
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Funny Pass Thru,
Interlocked 3 By 1 Triangle Circulate,
Magic 6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Chain Reaction,
Tag Your Neighbor,
Stack The Line,
Cross Invert The Column 1/2,
Girls Kick Off,
Tandem Peel The Top,
2/3 Recycle,
Tandem Centers Run,
Zing & Centers Roll Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5344
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Jaywalk & Counter,
Couples Circulate,
Turn To A Line,
Checkpoint Counter Rotate 1/4 By Fan The Top,
Beaus Run Along,
Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears,
Single Cross Trade & Wheel,
Centers Criss Cross Your Neighbor, Others Zing,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10102
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot And Counter,
Swap The Wave,
Finish Rotary Spin,
Alter And Circulate,
Criss Cross Your Neighbor,
Hocus Pocus,
Magic File To A Line,
Couples Circulate,
Do Your Part: Girls Wheel And Deal, Boys Turn And Deal,
Star Thru,
Reverse Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10113
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot And A Little More,
Hubs Trade Back,
Centers Single Cross Trade And Wheel,
Crazy Circulate Two Spots,
Centers Counter Rotate,
Cross Trade And Wheel,
Criss Cross The Shadow,
Chain Down The Line,
Chisel Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Trail To A Diamond Chain Thru,
Cast A Shadow,
2/3 Recycle,
Left Allemande (3/4 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5353
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot Chain Thru & Cross Ramble,
Double Pass Thru,
Peel & Trail,
Swing Along,
Ends Ripple The Wave,
Cross By,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10115
Heads Pass The Sea,
Switch To A Diamond,
   And Circle 1/4,
Centers Explode,
   Split Catch 3,
Peel And Trail,
Swing Along,
Hocus Pocus,
Split Trade Circulate,
Dixie Grand,
Left Allemande (1/8 promenade)
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=5340
Heads Pass The Sea,
Alter The Wave, Turn The Diamond 3/4,
Boys Kick Off,
Girls Swing Thru & Spread,
All Scoot & Weave,
Left Swing The Fractions,
Cross By,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10121
Heads Pass The Sea,
Ping Pong Circulate,
   And Circle 1/4,
Drop Left,
Follow Your Neighbor,
1/2 Exchange The Diamonds,
   Chain Thru,
Parallelogram Out Roll Circulate,
Parallelogram Lines Left Chase Thru,
Left 1/2 Tag,
Offset Waves Left Swing Thru,
Offset Waves In Roll Circulate,
Triple Waves Explode The Wave,
Triple Boxes Shakedown,
Chase Left,
Triple Scoot,
Hocus Pocus,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9547
Heads Pass The Sea,
(L) Scoot & Plenty Replace Split Circulates With Tally-Ho,
Switch & Circle 1/4,
Chain Reaction,
Vertical Grand Chain Eight,
Lines Reverse Split Swap Thru,
Ends Bend,
Girls Cross Kick Off,
Boys Pass In,
Left Split Dixie Diamond,
Cut The Diamond,
Centers Cross Back,
Ends Ripple 1,
Explode Ends Roll Centers Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9567
Heads Press Ahead,
Sides Single Rotate 1/4,
Zip Code 1,
Split Grand Chain Eight,
Boys Kick Off,
Concentric Turn & Deal,
Reverse Truck,
Partner Tag,
In-Facers Press Ahead,
In Your Block Girls Kick Off,
In Your Block Zig Zag,
Boys Phantom Run Right,
Swap Around,
Centers Square Thru 2,
All U-Turn Back,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9533
Heads Press Ahead & Hinge,
Chain Reaction,
Perk Up,
Cross & Wheel,
Cast Back,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
Single Cross & Wheel,
Centers Cast Left 3/4,
Outsides Zing,
Stretch Recycle,
Centers Swap Around,
Square Thru 2,
Twist And Nothing,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9553
Heads Reverse Split Swap Twice,
Cross Concentric Single Wheel,
Reverse Tandem Dixie Diamond Girls Individually Roll,
Ignore Side Men For Triangle Circulate Chain Thru,
Walk & Dodge,
8 Circulate,
Split Square Chain The Top To A Wave,
Lateral Substitute,
Perk Up,
Cross Roll To A Wave,
End Boys Ripple 2,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10119
Heads Reverse Split Swap,
Single Circle To A Wave,
Stretch Swap The Wave,
Beaus Run,
Transfer The Column,
(getout: dixie grand, L.A. (5/8 promenade)),
Stretched Box, Tandem, Belles Run,
(getout: L.A. (3/8 promenade)),
Cross Ramble,
Double Pass Thru,
Boys Run,
Cross Invert The Column 1/2,
Crossover Circulate,
1/2 Circulate,
All 8 Bend The Line,
At Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10133
Heads Slide Thru,
Cross The K,
Pass Thru,
Boys Press Ahead,
Boys Trade,
Stagger Touch 1/4,
Stagger Trade By,
Stagger Swap Around,
Girls Truck,
Hocus Pocus,
Circulate 1 & 1/2,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9566
Heads Slide Thru,
In Tandem Split Swap,
Hocus Pocus,
Hubs Trade Back,
8 Circulate,
Ah So,
Magic Circulate,
Turn To A Line,
Outer 4 Belles Ripple 1 & 1/2,
Funny Diamond Circulate 3,
Cut The Diamond,
Triple Wave Recycle & Roll,
8 Circulate Centers Twice,
Explode & Outsides Roll Centers Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10106
Side Ladies Chain (backaway),
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Split Counter Rotate,
Centers Switch The Wave,
Checkpoint Chain Down The Line,
   By Chain Down The Line,
(Lines Forward & Back),
Left Touch,
Cross Concentric,
   Chain Down The Line,
(Lines Forward & Back),
Pass Thru,
Girls Cross Kickoff,
Boys Pass Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Squeeze The Hourglass,
Galaxy Circulate,
Cut The Galaxy,
Reverse Promenade Home
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9556
Face The Fourth Position,
O Transfer & Partner Tag,
O Pass & Roll,
Girls U-Turn Back,
Reverse Truck (butterfly),
Outer 4 Phantom Touch 1/4,
Center 4 Phantom Pass Out,
Girls "O" Turn Thru,
Funny O Circulate 4,
Those Who Can Tandem All Squeeze,
Outsides Press Ahead,
Near 4 Trade,
Prefer End Girls For In Roll Circulate,
Cycle & Wheel,
Centers Shakedown,
Outsides Rollaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=9563
Near 2 Reverse Split Swap Couple #2 Press Ahead Couple #3 Reverse Single Rotate 1/2 Couple #4 Reverse Single Rotate 1/4,
Cycle & Wheel,
Catch 4,
Center 4 Box Circulate,
4/5 Swing The Fractions,
Near Wave Trade The Wave,
Boys Run,
Bend The Line,
Brace Thru,
Hocus Pocus,
The Axle,
Pass The Ocean,
Stretch Recycle, Centers Sweep 1/4,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Hard   ID=9447
Heads Alter The Wave,
Spin The Windmill Right,
Right Roll To A Wave,
Centers Pass The Ocean & Circle 1/4,
All 8 Recycle Boys Roll,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
(girls crash boys two f line),
Boys 1/2 Tag,
Boys Counter Rotate 1/2,
Trade The Wave,
Triple Box Counter Rotate,
Triple Scoot 1 & 1/2,
Center 6 Swing Thru 1 & 1/2 (not grand),
Centers Work Concentric All Explode,
Centers Slide Thru & Backaway,
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Hard   ID=10127
Heads Come Into The Middle, And,
   All Concentric Touch 1/4,
Cross Concentric,
   Single Cross Trade And Wheel,
Walk And Dodge,
Split Grand Chain 8,
(getout: rlt, star thru, promenade),
Grand Chain 8,
Split Grand Chain 8,
Pass Thru,
Wheel The Sea,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Left Allemande (1/4 promenade)
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1021
Heads Spin The Top,
Scoot & Cross Ramble,
Swing Thru,
Split Circulate Double,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1024
Heads Square Chain Thru,
Catch 3,
Transfer The Column,
Vertical Tag Back,
Left Swing Thru,
Square Thru 3,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1020
Heads 1/2 Square Thru,
Alter & Circulate,
Criss Cross Your Neighbor,
Split Circulate,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1026
Heads Square Thru 4,
Chain The Square,
Centers Recycle,
Centers Square Thru 3,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1027
Heads Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru,
Stack The Line,
Alter & Circulate,
Sets In Motion,
Centers Explode Square Thru 2,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1025
Heads Wheel Thru,
All Right & Left Thru, Veer Left,
Sets In Motion,
Center 6 Funny Circulate,
Center Wave Swing Thru,
All Outlet,
Scoot Back,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1014
Heads Wheel Thru,
Catch 2,
Split Circulate 1 & 1/2,
Exchange The Diamonds,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Centers Left Swing Thru & Spread,
Points Face In,
Centers Turn Thru,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1011
Heads Circle By 1/4 By Swing Thru,
Boys Run,
Forward & Back,
Right & Left Thru,
Cross The "K",
Pass Thru,
Step And Squeeze,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1010
Heads Circle By 1/4 By Swing Thru,
1/4 Thru,
Swing Thru,
Explode Chisel Thru,
Pass The Ocean,
Single Wheel,
Pass Thru,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1015
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Swing & Circle 1/4,
Outlet & Weave,
Ping Pong Circulate,
Relay The Top,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1013
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction,
Switch To A Diamond,
Lines Swing Thru Thru,
Exchange The Diamonds,
Relocate The Diamond,
Flip The Diamond & Roll,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1016
Heads Pass The Ocean & Circle 1/4,
Swing & Circle 1/4,
Outlet & Weave,
Boys Run,
Bend The Line,
Slide Thru,
Square Thru 3,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1028
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Counter,
Scatter Scoot,
Alter The Wave,
Square Thru 3,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1017
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Little,
Boys Run,
Swing Along,
Spin The Top,
Explode Touch 1/4,
Scoot Back,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1019
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Little,
Boys Run,
Swing Along,
Swing Thru,
Recycle Twice,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1018
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Little,
Boys Run,
Swing Along,
Boys Run,
Ferris Wheel,
Centers Pass Thru,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=1022
Heads Split Catch 4,
3 By 1 Transfer The Column,
Centers 1/4 Thru, Ends Pass In,
Ping Pong Circulate,
Left Swing Thru & Roll,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=1023
Heads Split Swap,
Work 1/2 Crazy: Swing Thru & Swap The Wave,
Track 2,
All 8 Circulate,
Swap The Wave,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=1012
Heads Touch 1/4,
Triple Cross,
Walk Out To A Wave,
Single Cross Trade & Wheel,
Walk Out To A Wave,
Fan The Top,
Grand Swing Thru,
Linear Cycle,
Swing & Promenade
C2 -- Stir the bucket   Easy   ID=4127
Heads Reverse Single Rotate 1/4,
Sides Split Swap,
Twist And,
(Centers Start) Split Dixie Sashay,
Mini Busy & Roll,
Boys Touch 1/4,
Ladies Zing,
Swing Along,
Step & Slide,
All 1/4 In, Outsides Roll
C2 -- Static Set ➔ Zero Line   Medium   ID=1196
Heads Reverse Cross And Turn,
Wheel And Reverse Swap Around,
Pass The Ocean,
Concentric Lockit,
Boys Disconnected Line Cross Roll To A Wave,
Girls Disconnected Line Cross Roll To A Wave,
Concentric Recycle,
Double Pass Thru,
Pass Thru,
Twist And Left Split Square Chain The Top,
(Zero Line)
C2 -- Zero Line ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6295
(Zero Line)
Grand Chain Eight,
Veer Left,
Crossover Circulate,
Scoot & Counter,
Trade Motivate,
Split Circulate,
C2 -- Zero Line ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5421
(Zero Line)
Left Touch 1/4,
Invert The Column 3/4,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey 1 & 1/2,
Flip The Diamond,
C2 -- Zero Line ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6299
(Zero Line)
Left Touch 1/4,
Grand Cross Your Neighbor,
Concentric Turn & Deal,
Centers Walk & Dodge,
Put Centers In,
Cast Off 3/4,
Split Trade Circulate,
Step & Fold,
In Tandem Do A (Facing) Recycle,
In Tandem Reverse Explode,
All Trail Off,
Pass The Sea,
Allemande Left
C2 -- Zero Line ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=3651
(Zero Line)
Pass The Ocean,
Crazy Scoot Back,
Boys Run,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Zero Line ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=6420
(Zero Line)
Touch 1/4,
Walk Out To A Wave & Slither,
As Couples Follow Thru,
Beaus Run,
Triple Trade,
Swing Along,
Flip Your Neighbor,
Split Counter Coordinate,
Promenade Home
C2 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=3649
(Zero Line)
Pass Thru,
Boys Run,
Crazy Scoot Back,
Boys Run
(Zero Line)
C2 -- Zero Box ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=3650
(Zero Box)
Swing Thru,
Boys Run,
1/2 Tag,
Crazy Scoot Back,
Trade & Roll,
Pass Thru,
C2 -- Zero Box ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=3646
(Zero Box)
Touch 1/4,
Crazy Scoot Back,
Boys Run,
Slide Thru,
C2 -- Zero Box ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=3647
(Zero Box)
Right & Left Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Follow Your Neighbor,
Crazy Scoot Back,
C2 -- Zero Box ➔ Zero Line   Easy   ID=6296
(Zero Box)
Pass The Ocean,
Swing Along,
Switch To An Interlocked Diamond,
Interlocked Diamond Circulate,
4 Boys Cross Roll To A Wave,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Boys Circulate,
Mini Busy,
Reverse Explode,
Bend The Line
(Zero Line) -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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