A2  AND  Singing call (Corner progression)  AND  Validated  --  107 items  --  2025-02-16

A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=7431
All Four Couples, Right And Left Thru,
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction,
Boys Run,
Ferris Wheel,
Centers Pass Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=995
Allemande Left Your Corner,
All Eight Swing Thru,
Three Quarter The Top,
All Cast Off 3/4 (to an Alamo Circle),
All Eight Left Swing Thru,
Allemande Left (new Corner),
Swing (new partner) & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1201
Heads Split Square Chain Thru,
Horseshoe Turn,
Pass & Roll Your Neighbor & Spread,
Switch The Wave,
Wheel And Deal,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1215
Heads Split Square Chain Thru,
Horseshoe Turn,
Pass & Roll Your Neighbor & Spread,
Switch To A Diamond,
Diamond Circulate,
Flip The Diamond,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=5097
Heads Split Square Thru 4,
Horseshoe Turn,
Single Circle To An Ocean Wave,
Remake The Wave,
Scoot And Weave,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=2110
Heads Square Chain Thru,
Swing Thru,
Switch To A Diamond,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Tag The Line,
Right Roll To A Wave,
Scoot Back,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=588
Heads Square Chain Thru,
Swing Thru,
Boys Run,
Girls 1/2 Circulate,
Hourglass Circulate,
Flip The Hourglass,
Girls Circulate,
Single Wheel,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1322
Heads Square Chain Thru,
Swing Thru,
Boys Run Right,
Ferris Wheel,
Centers Reverse Swap Around,
Pass & Roll Your Neighbor & Spread,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=2234
Heads Square Chain Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Split Counter Rotate,
Bend The Line,
Slide Thru,
Pass Thru,
Trade By,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1089
Heads Square Chain Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Scoot & Weave,
Linear Cycle,
Slide Thru,
Square Thru 3,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1029
Heads Square Chain Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Boys Run,
Reverse Flutter Wheel,
Slide Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=546
Heads Square Chain Thru,
Sides Half Sashay,
Touch 1/4,
Split Circulate,
Boys Trade,
Square Thru 3,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=6674
Heads Square Thru 4,
Swing Thru,
In Roll Circulate,
Scoot Chain Thru,
All 8 Circulate,
Swing And Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=956
Heads Square Thru 4,
Touch 1/4,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Boys Run,
Slide Thru,
Square Thru 3,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=957
Heads Square Thru 4,
Touch 1/4,
Scoot Chain Thru,
1/4 Thru,
Square Thru 3,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=3789
Heads Square Thru 4,
Sides Half Sashay,
Pass & Roll,
Trade Circulate,
Explode The Wave,
Chase Right,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=6675
Heads Star Thru & Spread,
Touch 1/4,
Transfer The Column,
Scoot And Weave,
Acey Deucey, Girls Twice,
Swing And Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1318
Heads Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru,
Trail Off,
Star Thru,
Centers Pass Thru,
Swing Thru,
Switch The Wave,
Tag The Line Full,
Ladies Right Roll To A Wave,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=2232
Heads Touch 1/4,
   Box Counter Rotate & Cross,
Centers 1/4 Out,
Pass & Roll Your Neighbor,
Spread And Slither,
Ferris Wheel,
Boys Recycle, Girls Reverse Half Sashay,
Boys Slip,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1240
Heads Touch 1/4, Box Transfer,
Sides Divide And Touch 1/4,
(each side) Trail Off,
Mini Busy,
Center Two Ladies Trade,
All Chain Reaction,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=5068
Heads Wheel Thru,
Swing Thru,
Switch To A Diamond,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Crossover Circulate,
Trade Circulate,
Promenade Home
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=4200
Heads Wheel Thru,
Swing Thru,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Hourglass Circulate,
Flip The Hourglass,
Trade Circulate,
Left Allemande (new corner),
Promenade Home (new partner)
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=2112
Heads Wheel Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Follow Your Neighbor & Spread,
Girls Run,
Boys Hinge,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Cast Off 3/4,
Square Thru 3,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=455
Heads Wheel Thru,
Veer Left,
Trade Circulate,
Cast A Shadow,
Single Hinge,
Trade Circulate,
Single Wheel,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1136
Heads Wheel Thru,
Veer Left,
Crossover Circulate,
Cast A Shadow,
Left Swing Thru,
Follow Your Neighbor (lefty),
Single Wheel,
Swing & Promenade
Contains Cast a Shadow from a sashayed right hand two-faced line, and a (lefty) follow your neighbor.
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=981
Heads Wheel Thru,
Veer Left,
Crossover Circulate,
Checkmate The Column,
Cast A Shadow,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=5043
Heads Wheel Thru,
Veer Left,
Mini Busy,
Chain Reaction,
Trade Circulate,
Allemande Left (new corner),
Swing (new partner) & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1189
Heads Wheel Thru,
All Pass The Ocean,
Girls Run Right,
(each side) Crossfire,
Scoot And Weave,
Single Wheel,
Pass Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1319
Heads Wheel Thru,
Pass & Roll,
Acey Deucey,
Out Roll Circulate,
Centers Run,
1/2 Tag,
1/4 Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=6672
Heads Wheel Thru,
Right And Left Thru,
Touch 1/4,
In Roll Circulate,
1/4 Thru,
Slide Thru,
Reverse Swap Around,
Swing And Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=6673
Heads Wheel Thru,
Right And Left Thru,
Touch 1/4,
In Roll Circulate,
1/4 Thru,
Explode And Touch 1/4,
Split Counter Rotate,
Walk And Dodge,
Swing And Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=4568
Heads Double Star Thru,
Separate Around One, Make A Line,
All Double Star Thru,
Step And Slide,
Track 2,
Outroll Circulate,
Swing (Corner), Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=3790
Heads Fan The Top,
Sides Half Sashay,
Chain Reaction,
Scoot Chain Thru,
All Eight Circulate,
Single Wheel,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=449
Heads Fan The Top,
Chain Reaction,
Switch The Wave,
Couples Circulate,
Boys Run,
Scoot Back,
Single Wheel,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1234
Heads Fan The Top,
Chain Reaction, Star 3/4,
Switch To A Diamond,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Tag The Line,
Right Roll To A Wave,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1236
Heads Fan The Top,
Chain Reaction, Star 3/4,
Switch To A Diamond,
Diamond Chain Thru,
1/2 Tag,
1/4 Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1157
Head Ladies Chain Across,
Heads Touch 1/4 & Spread,
Centers Pass The Sea,
Diamond Circulate,
Remake The Diamond,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=7425
Head Ladies Chain,
Heads Pair Off,
Step To A Wave,
Boys Run,
Slide Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=4198
Head Ladies Chain,
Sides Pass The Ocean,
Grand Swing Thru,
Single Hinge,
Checkmate The Column,
Turn & Deal,
Swing (corner), Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=4201
Head Ladies Chain,
Sides Pass The Sea,
Trade Circulate,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=4570
Heads Left Touch 1/4 & Spread,
In Roll Circulate,
Ends Bend,
Centers Walk & Dodge,
Split Square Chain Thru,
Centers Pass Thru,
Right Roll To A Wave,
Swing (Corner), Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1167
Heads Left Wheel Thru,
Swing Thru,
Spin The Windmill Right,
Turn & Deal,
Pass & Roll,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=4569
Heads Left Wheel Thru, Veer Right,
Outroll Circulate,
Step & Slide,
Horseshoe Turn,
Pass & Roll,
In Roll Circulate,
Swing (Corner), Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=3792
Heads Left Wheel Thru,
Pass Thru,
Right Roll To A Wave,
Scoot & Dodge,
Partner Hinge,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1191
Heads Pair Off,
Pass In,
Touch 1/4,
Checkmate The Column,
Mini Busy,
Chain Reaction,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=6676
Heads Pair Off,
Right And Left Thru,
Swing Thru,
Boys Run,
1/2 Tag,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Scoot Chain Thru (when she comes out),
Swing And Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1197
Heads Pass In & Spread,
Touch 1/4,
Split Transfer,
Slip, Slide, And Mix,
In Roll Circulate,
In Roll Circulate (again),
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=5099
Heads Pass In,
   Double Star Thru,
Pass & Roll,
Girls Run Right,
Bend The Line,
Touch 1/4,
Trade Circulate,
Promenade Home
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=549
Heads Pass Thru,
Separate Around 1 To A Line,
All Pass Thru,
Turn & Deal,
Double Pass Thru,
Girls U-Turn Back,
Pass & Roll,
1/4 Thru,
Veer Left,
Partner Trade,
Promenade Home
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=11419
Heads Pass Thru,
Clover And Square Thru 3,
Pass & Roll,
1/4 Thru,
Explode The Wave,
Tag The Line,
Right Roll To A Wave,
Scoot Back,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1192
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Spin The Windmill Left,
Crossover Circulate,
Centers Single Hinge,
Six By Two Acey Deucey,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Bend The Line,
Slide Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=3736
Heads Pass The Ocean,
   Swing Thru,
Ping Pong Circulate,
Chain Reaction,
In Roll Circulate,
Explode The Wave,
Step & Slide,
(Leads) Right Roll To A Wave,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1166
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Sides Half Sashay,
All Chain Reaction,
Centers Run Right,
Out Roll Circulate,
Explode The Line,
1/4 In,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=579
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Hourglass Circulate,
Flip The Hourglass,
Swing Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=982
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Grand Swing Thru,
Single Hinge,
Checkmate The Column,
Centers 1/4 Thru,
Flip The Diamond,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=555
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Spin The Windmill Right,
Turn & Deal,
Pass In & Roll,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1169
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Pass & Roll,
Acey Deucey,
Out Roll Circulate,
Left Turn Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=547
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Ping Pong Circulate,
Swing Thru,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Hourglass Circulate,
6 By 2 Acey Deucey,
Flip The Hourglass,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1320
Heads Pass The Sea,
Trade Circulate,
Switch To A Diamond,
Six By Two Acey Deucey,
Flip The Diamond,
Explode The Wave,
1/4 In,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=4202
Heads Pass The Sea,
Trade Circulate,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Hourglass Circulate,
Flip The Hourglass,
Explode The Wave,
1/4 In,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=4199
Heads Pass The Sea,
Trade Circulate,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Hourglass Circulate,
Flip The Hourglass,
Explode, Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=573
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Heads Wheel Thru,
Veer Left,
Grand 1/4 Thru,
Spin The Top,
Recycle Twice,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=556
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Heads Pass The Ocean,
1/4 Thru,
Explode The Wave,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=548
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Fan The Top,
Chain Reaction,
Switch To An Hourglass,
Hourglass Circulate,
Flip The Hourglass,
Girls Circulate,
Boys Run,
Promenade Home
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=448
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction, Star 3/4,
Switch To A Diamond,
Diamond Circulate,
Flip The Diamond,
Single Wheel,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1168
Heads Promenade Half,
Sides Pass The Ocean,
Boys Run,
Reverse Flutter Wheel,
Slide Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=561
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Right & Left Thru,
   Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction,
Switch To A Diamond,
Diamond Circulate,
Flip The Diamond,
Single Wheel,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=574
Heads Promenade 1/2,
   Lead Right,
Veer Left,
Grand 3/4 Thru,
Single Wheel,
Pass Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=4575
Heads Reverse Flutter Wheel,
Heads Star Thru & Spread,
Touch 1/4,
Bend The Line,
Load The Boat,
Pass & Roll,
Swing (corner), Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=2233
Heads Right And Left Thru,
   Half Sashay,
   Pass Thru,
Clover And Turn Thru,
Pass & Roll,
Split Counter Rotate Half,
And Cross,
Swing (the nearest girl) & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=2111
Heads Right And Left Thru,
   Left Wheel Thru,
Veer Right,
Centers Hinge,
Diamond Chain Thru,
Bend The Line,
Dixie Style,
Chain Down The Line,
   To A Promenade Home
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1155
Heads Single Circle To A Wave,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Spin The Windmill Right,
Girls Scoot And Weave,
Flip The Diamond,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=3788
Heads Slide Thru,
Double Pass Thru,
Horseshoe Turn,
Swing Thru,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Split Circulate,
Acey Deucey, Girls Twice,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=5100
Four Ladies Chain 3/4,
Head Position Fan The Top,
Chain Reaction,
Scoot And Weave,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=5096
Four Ladies Chain 3/4,
Head Position Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction,
Scoot Back,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Easy   ID=1140
Four Ladies Chain 3/4,
Head Position Pass The Ocean,
1/4 Thru,
Slide Thru & Roll,
Swing And Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=3786
Heads Touch 1/4 & Spread,
Acey Deucey,
Cast A Shadow,
Acey Deucey,
Cycle & Wheel,
Pass & Roll Your Neighbor & Spread,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=1321
Heads Touch 1/4 & Spread,
Acey Deucey,
Cycle And Wheel,
Pass & Roll,
Split Circulate,
Cast A Shadow,
Bend The Line,
Pass The Ocean,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=11464
Heads Wheel Thru,
Touch 1/4,
Split Transfer,
Partner Tag,
Wheel & Deal,
Centers Swap Around,
Square Thru 3,
Trade By,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=452
Heads Wheel Thru,
Veer Left,
Couples Circulate,
In Roll Circulate,
Single Wheel,
Pass & Roll,
Cast A Shadow, Trailing Centers Cast 3/4,
Promenade Home
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=550
Heads Wheel Thru,
Veer Left,
Split Counter Rotate 1/4,
Scoot Chain Thru,
1/4 Thru,
Scoot Back,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=5427
Heads Wheel Thru,
Pass The Ocean,
Boys Fold,
Peel & Trail,
Grand Swing Thru,
Spin The Top,
Boys Run,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=8884
Heads Wheel Thru,
Pass The Ocean,
Split Transfer,
Split Counter Rotate,
Right Roll To A Wave,
Turn Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=11499
Heads Wheel Through,
Single Circle To A Wave,
Boys Run,
Pass Through,
Chase Right,
Swing And Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=1188
Heads Double Star Thru,
Clover And Reverse Swap Around,
Pass The Ocean,
Center 4 Lockit, Others Explode,
All Chain Reaction,
Trade Circulate,
Explode And Slide Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=4985
Heads Fan The Top,
Spin The Windmill Right,
Trade Circulate,
1/4 Thru,
Switch To A Diamond,
Flip The Diamond,
Explode & Load The Boat,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=451
Heads Fan The Top, Sides Half Sashay,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Spin The Windmill Right,
Crossover Circulate,
Single Wheel,
Peel & Trail,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=642
Heads Fan The Top,
Scoot & Weave,
Scoot & Weave (again),
Explode And Pass In,
Centers Reverse Swap Around,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=996
Head Ladies Chain,
Sides Pass The Ocean,
Scoot Back,
Explode The Wave,
1/4 In,
Swing & Promenade
Makes use of Motivate (right hand waves, boys as centers,girls as ends).
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=4572
Heads Left Touch 1/4 & Spread,
Centers Pass The Sea,
Centers Switch To A Diamond,
Hourglass Circulate,
Cut The Hourglass,
Bend The Line,
Pass The Ocean,
Swing (corner), Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=478
Heads Pair Off,
Swing Thru,
Switch The Wave,
Tag The Line,
Boys Trade,
Boys Run,
Wheel & Deal,
Corner Swing & Promenade Home
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=8885
Heads Pair Off,
Touch 1/4,
Split Counter Rotate,
Triple Scoot,
Peel & Trail,
Swing, Slip, Slide, Slither,
Trade Circulate,
Promenade Home
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=5359
Heads Pair Off,
Touch 1/4,
Scoot And Weave,
Split Counter Rotate,
Transfer The Column,
Acey Deucey,
1/4 Thru,
Turn Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=584
Heads Pass In & Spread,
Pass Thru,
Turn & Deal,
Girls Pass Thru,
Pass & Roll,
1/4 Thru,
Switch The Wave,
Trade Circulate,
As Couples Box Counter Rotate 1/4,
Promenade Home
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=5356
Heads Pass The Ocean,
   Swing Thru,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Spin The Windmill Left,
Crossover Circulate,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=1183
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Sides Half Sashay,
Chain Reaction, Star 3/4,
Scoot & Weave,
Explode The Wave,
1/4 In,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=1225
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Centers Swing Thru,
Chain Reaction, Star 1/2,
Switch The Wave,
Bend The Line,
Load The Boat (half-sashayed lines),
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=599
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Chain Reaction,
Switch The Wave,
Couples Circulate,
Trade Circulate,
Cast A Shadow, Trailing Centers Cast 3/4,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=5357
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Swing Thru,
Switch To A Diamond,
Diamond Circulate,
Diamond Chain Thru,
   Boys Circulate,
Ferris Wheel,
Centers Pass Thru,
Star Thru,
Reverse Flutter Wheel And Promenade Home
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=650
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Spin The Windmill Right,
Turn & Deal,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=5358
Heads Pass The Ocean,
1/4 Thru,
Remake The Wave,
Split Counter Rotate,
Transfer The Column,
Explode & Roll,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=1158
Heads Pass The Sea,
Cast A Shadow,
Partner Hinge,
Swing & Promenade
A-2 singing call figure that includes a lefty Motivate, and a cast a shadow from lefty waves.
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=647
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Heads Pass The Ocean,
Swing Thru,
Single Wheel,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=633
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Pass The Ocean,
Ping Pong Circulate,
Scoot Chain Thru,
Clover And Lockit,
Chain Reaction,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=625
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Pass The Sea,
Chain Reaction,
Girls Run,
Couples Circulate,
Cast A Shadow,
1/2 Circulate,
Single Wheel,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=9260
Heads Promenade 1/2,
   Pass The Ocean,
Scoot & Weave,
Single Wheel,
Pass Thru,
Swing & Promenade
A2 -- Singer (Corner progression)   Medium   ID=1177
Heads Single Circle To A Wave,
Spin The Windmill In,
Single Wheel,
Boys Pass Thru,
Center 4 Right Roll To A Wave,
Others 1/4 In,
Swing & Promenade -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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