Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Fan The Top, 1/2 Tag The Line, Girls Run, Reverse Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4, Touch 1/4, Boys Run, Veer Left, Bend The Line, Swing Corner, Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Right And Left Thru, Veer Left, Fan The Top, 1/2 Tag The Line, Girls U Turn Back, Right And Left Thru, Pass To The Center, Centers Partner Trade, Swing & Promenade
Heads Square Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Girls Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Cut The Diamond, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Square Thru, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Fan The Top, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Swing Thru, Girls Trade, Girls Run, Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Fan The Top, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Trade The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Girls Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Fan The Top, Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Left Allemande, Swing & Promenade
Heads Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, All Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor, Left Swing Thru, Girls Run, Bend The Line, Slide Thru, Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Touch 1/4 & Roll, Heads Slide Thru, Right And Left Thru, Veer Left, Bend The Line, Touch 1/4, Triple Scoot, Single Hinge, Fan The Top, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Swing Corner And Promenade Home
Heads Touch 1/4 & Roll, Heads Slide Thru, Right And Left Thru, Veer Left, Bend The Line, Touch 1/4, Triple Scoot, Single Hinge, Fan The Top, Slide Thru, Pass The Ocean, Explode The Wave, Swing Corner And Promenade Home
Head Ladies Turn Thru, Heads Star Thru, Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Fan The Top, Girls Run, Wheel & Deal, Girls Walk - Boys Dodge, Single Hinge, Centers Trade, Swing & Promenade
Head Ladies Turn Thru, Heads Star Thru, Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Fan The Top, Recycle, Boys Walk - Girls Dodge, Single Hinge, Centers Trade, Swing & Promenade
Head Ladies Turn Thru, Heads Star Thru, Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Fan The Top, Cast Off 3/4, Boys Run, Swing Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Box The Gnat & Slide Thru, Split The Outsides Around One To A Line, Single Circle 3/4 To A Column, Triple Scoot, Boys Run, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor, Left Swing Thru, Girls Trade, Girls Run, Couples Circulate, Keep Her And Promenade Home
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Bend The Line, Pass The Ocean, Circulate, Acey Deucey, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Crossfire, All 8 Circulate, Boys Run, Right And Left Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By, Star Thru, Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line, Star Thru, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Dosado, Step To A Wave, Grand Swing Thru, Spin The Top, Recycle, Sweep 1/4, Reverse Flutter Wheel, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Pass Thru, 3/4 Tag The Line, Centers Swing Thru, Others Trade, Extend, Boys Run Right, Couples Circulate, Wheel & Deal, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Pass The Ocean, Scoot Back, Acey Deucey, Swing Thru, Swing Thru (again), Boys Trade, Girls U-Turn Back, Promenade Home
Heads Promenade 1/2, Heads Come Down The Middle & 1/2 Square Thru, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Boys Run, Right & Left Thru, Load The Boat, Corner Swing & Promenade Home
Heads Promenade 1/2, Heads Come Down The Middle & Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Ferris Wheel, Centers Pass The Ocean, Centers Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Heads Come Down The Middle & Pass The Ocean, Extend & Swing Thru, Girls Fold, Peel The Top, Right & Left Thru, Pass The Ocean, Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, All 8 Circulate, Explode The Wave, Bend The Line, Pass The Ocean, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Right & Left Thru, Swing Thru, Spin The Top, Linear Cycle, Slide Thru & Roll, Swing & Promenade
Plus - SSD Week 10 -- Singer (Corner progression)EasyID=1620
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Come Down The Middle, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Single Circle To A Wave, Boys Trade, Boys Run, Couples Circulate, Wheel & Deal, Pass Thru, Trade By, Single Circle To A Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Girls Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Girls Trade, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru, Girls Fold, Peel Your Top, Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, Partner Trade, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Girls Trade, Girls Run, Tag The Line Face Right, Chain Down The Line, Slide Thru, Single Circle To A Wave, Rear Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Recycle, Sweep 1/4, Right & Left Thru, Pass The Ocean, Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Right & Left Thru, Square Thru 4, Star Thru & Roll, Star Thru & Roll (again), Single Circle To A Wave, Swing & Promenade
The Head Girl uses the same hand twice in a row! (i.e., Square Thru followed by Star Thru).
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Right & Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Boys Run Right, Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, Load The Boat, Swing & Promenade
4 Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Position Lead Right, Veer Left, Fan The Top, 1/2 Tag The Line, Split Circulate, Boys Run, Pass To The Center, Centers Trade, Swing & Promenade
Heads 1/2 Square Thru, Swing Thru, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Grand Swing Thru (again), Explode The Wave, Trade By, Right & Left Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads 1/2 Square Thru, All 1/2 Square Thru, Chase Right, Boys Run, Slide Thru, Pass To The Center, Centers Right & Left Thru, Full Turn, Swing & Promenade
Heads Square Thru 4, Swing Thru, Spin The Top, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Girls Cross Fold, Single Circle To A Wave, Rear Back, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Girls Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Fan The Top, Right & Left Thru, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Explode & Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Boys Trade, Boys Run, Girls Roll Him Away &, Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Split Circulate, Girls U-Turn Back, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Trade The Wave, Relay The Deucey, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Dosado, Swing Thru, Spin The Top, Right & Left Thru, Rollaway, Single Circle To A Wave, Rear Back & Slide Thru, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Dosado, Swing Thru, Boys Trade, Spin The Top, Right & Left Thru, Ladies Lead Dixie Style To A Wave, Trade The Wave, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Dosado, Swing Thru, Boys Trade, Boys Run Right, Bend The Line, Boys Walk & Girls Dodge, Single Hinge, Fan The Top, Slide Thru, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Dosado, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, Tag The Line, Face Right, Boys Hinge, Flip The Diamond, Girls Trade, Swing Thru, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Dosado, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, 1/2 Tag, Scoot Back, Boys Run, Slide Thru, Single Circle To A Wave - Rear Back, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Swing Thru, Spin The Top, Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, Partner Trade & Roll (to face), Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, 1/2 Tag, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Explode & Square Thru 3, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, 1/2 Tag, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Split Circulate, Boys Run, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Trade The Wave, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Single Hinge, Fan The Top, Right & Left Thru, Flutter Wheel, Slide Thru, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Girls Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, 1/2 Tag, Walk & Dodge, Boys Fold, Star Thru, Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Recycle, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Fan The Top, Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Allemande Left, Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Single Circle To A Wave, Boys Trade, Boys Run, Girls Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Cut The Diamond, Bend The Line, Pass Thru, Chase Right, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Single Circle To A Wave, Boys Trade, Ladies Fold, Peel The Top, Recycle, Sweep 1/4, Dive Thru, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Square Thru 4, Single Circle To A Wave, Fan The Top (Girls move up), Turn Thru & Courtesy Turn, Dixie Style To A Wave, (Boys start) Swing Thru, Chain Down The Line, Keep Her Promenade Home
Heads Star Thru & Spread, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Girls Do The Centers Part Of Load The Boat, All Step Forward, Boys Do The Centers Part Of Load The Boat, Girls U-Turn Back, Swing & Promenade Home
After the Wheel & Deal you can Zoom, Boys can then do the Ctrs Part First followed by the Girls
Heads Star Thru, California Twirl, Swing Thru, Ladies Fold, Peel The Top, Recycle, Sweep 1/4, Star Thru, Square Thru Five, Boys Fold, Swing & Promenade
Heads Star Thru, California Twirl, Single Circle To A Wave, Fan The Top, Boys Run, Ladies Trade, Wheel & Deal, Sweep 1/4, Right & Left Thru, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Swing Thru, Cast Off 3/4, Walk & Dodge, Slide Thru, Pass Thru, 3/4 Tag, Ends Face Right, Diamond Circulate, Cut The Diamond, Tag The Line, Leaders U Turn Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, All Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Load The Boat, Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Touch 1/4, Boys Run, All Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor, Trade The Wave, Explode The Wave, Bend The Line, Pass The Ocean, Explode And Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Touch 1/4, Boys Run, Dosado, Step To A Wave, Ladies Trade, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, Bend The Line, Pass The Ocean, Linear Cycle, Star Thru, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Touch 1/4, Girls Pass Thru, Centers Swing Thru, Others Cast Off 3/4, Center Wave Spin The Top, Each Side Fan The Top, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Touch 1/4 & Roll, Same 4 Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Right & Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Ferris Wheel, Centers Sweep 1/4, All Swing Your Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Reverse Promenade 1/2, Lead Left, Veer Right, Bend The Line, Go Up And Back, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Bend The Line, Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Half Sashay & Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Load The Boat, Pass Thru, Trade By, Swing Thru, Boys Trade, Turn Thru, Allemande Left, Swing & Promenade
Head Ladies Chain, Heads Slide Thru, Box The Gnat, Pass Thru, Pass The Ocean, Turn Thru, Center Boy Cross Run, Acey Deucey, Girls Square Thru 2, Boys Face In, Swing & Promenade
Head Ladies Chain, Sides Lead Right, Right & Left Thru, Spin Chain The Gears, Swing & Promenade
This is a corner progression, but if you have the heads lead right instead of the sides ( or if side ladies chain and the sides lead right) then it becomes a right hand lady progression.
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Couples Circulate, Chain Down The Line, Pass Thru, Partner Trade, Boys Walk Straight Across, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Crossfire, Column Circulate, Scoot Back, Column Circulate, Boys U-Turn Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Dosado To An Ocean Wave, Grand Swing Thru, Boys Run, Crossfire, Follow Your Neighbor, 1/2 Spread, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru & Bend The Line, Touch 1/4, Circulate, Boys Run, Left Swing Thru, Left Swing Thru (again), Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, Bend The Line, Centers Load The Boat, Ends Star Thru, Eight Chain 3, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Head Lead Right, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Ladies Hinge, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Boys Run, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Single Circle To A Wave, Acey Deucey, Swing Thru, Recycle, Square Thru 3, Trade By, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Single Circle To A Wave, Acey Deucey, Swing Thru, Recycle, Square Thru 3, Trade By, Single Circle To A Wave, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 And Come Into The Middle, Centers Fan The Top, Single Hinge, Walk And Dodge, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Fan The Top, 1/2 Tag The Line, Girls U-Turn Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around One To A Line, Touch 1/4, All 8 Circulate, Coordinate, Wheel & Deal, Square Thru, Girls 3, Boys 4, Girls Cloverleaf, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru, Centers In, All 8 Circulate, Crossfire, Boys Trade, Boys Fold, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru, Centers In, Crossfire, Split Circulate, Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Pass The Ocean, Spin The Top, Linear Cycle, Pass Thru, Centers Pass Thru, Girls U Turn Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass Thru & Cloverleaf, (New) Centers Square Thru 3, Single Circle To A Wave, Acey Deucey, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Grand Swing Thru, Girls Fold, Peel The Top, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Pass The Ocean, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Veer Right, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Ladies Cast Off 3/4, Diamond Circulate, Ladies Face In, Extend, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ladies Trade, Linear Cycle, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Step To A Wave, Ladies Trade, Linear Cycle, Star Thru, Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Same 4 Recycle & Pass Thru, Right & Left Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru, Dosado To A Wave, Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru, Explode The Wave (half-sashayed), Tag The Line, Face In, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Linear Cycle, Square Thru 4, All Pass The Ocean, Linear Cycle, Right & Left Thru, Dive Thru, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Girls Go Twice, Extend, Girls Trade, Swing Thru, Turn Thru, Trade By, Single Circle To A Wave, Step Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Recycle, Pass Thru, Tag The Line, Face In, Star Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Swing Thru, Girls Fold, Peel The Top, Right & Left Thru, Pass The Ocean, Swing Thru, Boys Trade, Girls Turn Back, Promenade Home
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Acey Deucey, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Explode And Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru, Square Thru 4, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Linear Cycle, Pass The Ocean, Ladies Trade, Recycle, Right & Left Thru, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Linear Cycle, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Trade The Wave, Ladies Trade, Swing & Promenade
Heads Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Scoot Back, Outsides Cloverleaf, Centers Fan The Top, Ping Pong Circulate, Scoot Back, Centers Recycle, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Plus - SSD Week 10 -- Singer (Corner progression)MediumID=653
Heads Promenade 1/2, Heads Star Thru & Pass Thru, Single Circle To A Wave, Boys Trade, Boys Run, Couples Circulate, Wheel & Deal, Pass Thru, Trade By, Single Circle To A Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Heads Come Down The Middle & Square Thru 4, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Fan The Top, Wheel & Deal, 1/2 Square Thru, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Heads Come Down The Middle, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Single Circle To A Wave, Boys Trade, Boys Run, Couples Circulate, Wheel & Deal, Pass Thru, Trade By, Single Circle To A Wave & Roll, Swing & Promenade Home
It's debatable whether or not dancers can Roll after a Single Circle to a Wave!
Heads Promenade 1/2, Heads Come Down The Middle, Touch 1/4, Boys Run, Pass The Ocean, Explode The Wave, Trade By, Dosado, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Boys Run Right, Promenade Home
Heads Promenade 1/2, Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Bend The Line, Slide Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Promenade 1/2, Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Fan The Top, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Boys Trade, Left Swing Thru, Girls Run, Couples Circulate, Promenade Home
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Square Thru 4, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, Couples Circulate, Chain Down The Line, Pass Thru, Chase Right, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, All 8 Circulate, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Couples Circulate, Crossfire, Walk & Dodge, Partner Trade, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Couples Circulate, 1/2 Tag, Trade & Roll, Eight Chain 1, Left Allemande, (come back &) Promenade Home
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Couples Circulate, 1/2 Tag, Trade & Roll, Right Pull By, Allemande Left, Come Back & Promenade Home
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Couples Circulate, 1/2 Tag, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Veer Left, Ferris Wheel, Centers Veer Left & Crossfire, (Centers) Walk & Dodge, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By, Swing Thru, Girls Fold, Peel The Top, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Come Down The Middle, Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Explode, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru, Spin The Top, Right & Left Thru, Pass The Ocean, Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru, Acey Deucey, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Touch 1/4, Circulate, Boys Run, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, 1/2 Tag, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Girls Trade, Recycle, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Explode The Wave, Chase Right, Boys Run, Right & Left Thru, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Single Hinge, Scoot Back, Single Hinge, Fan The Top, Recycle, Slide Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Linear Cycle, Reverse Flutter Wheel, Dixie Style To A Wave, Trade The Wave, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Linear Cycle, Slide Thru, Right & Left Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run, 1/2 Tag The Line, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Linear Cycle, Load The Boat, Pass Thru, Trade By, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Right & Left Thru, Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4, Pass Thru, Dosado, Step To Wave, Linear Cycle, Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Right & Left Thru, Pass The Ocean, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Swing Thru, Boys Run Right, Ferris Wheel, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Come Down The Middle, Slide Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Crossfire, Walk & Dodge, Right & Left Thru, Dive Thru, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Lead Right, Veer Left, Bend The Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru, Slide Thru, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade Half, Lead Right, Right And Left Thru, Veer Left, Couples Circulate, 3/4 Tag The Line, Boys Swing Thru, Girls U-Turn Back, Extend, Swing & Promenade
Heads Right & Left Thru, 1/2 Square Thru, All Right & Left Thru, 1/2 Square Thru, Chase Right, Single Hinge, Girls Trade, Swing Thru, Swing & Promenade
Heads Right & Left Thru, Half Sashay, Box The Gnat, Fan The Top, Extend, Girls Trade, Swing Thru, Boys Trade, Boys Run Right, Tag The Line (all the way), Girls Go Left, Boys Go Right, Swing & Promenade
Heads Slide Thru, Pass Thru, Circle To A Line, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Boys Circulate, Wheel & Deal, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Slide Thru, Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, Left Touch 1/4, Boys Run Left, Forward & Back, Box The Gnat, Square Thru 3, Chase Right, Swing & Promenade
4 Ladies Chain, Heads Pass Thru, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Pass The Ocean, Centers Circulate, Linear Cycle, Slide Thru, Dixie Grand, Swing & Promenade
4 Ladies Chain Across, Heads Pass The Ocean, Explode The Wave, Separate Around 1 To A Line, Pass The Ocean, Centers Circulate, Explode & Slide Thru, Dixie Grand, Swing & Promenade
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Girls Run, Left Touch 1/4, Coordinate (L-H), Couples Circulate, Bend The Line, Half Sashay, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
This is an unusual but well-timed and flowing
singing call sequence.
Please workshop L-H Coordinates, and Half Sashays
in the patter preceeding using this sequence.
Heads Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Boys Run Right, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Fan The Top, Left Square Thru 3, Swing & Promenade
Heads Square Thru 4, With The Sides Make A Right Hand Star, Heads Star Left In The Middle, Dosado, (back up and wink), Pass The Ocean, Linear Cycle, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Dosado, Step To A Wave, Girls Trade, Spin The Top, Box The Gnat, Fan The Top, Recycle, Star Thru & Roll, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Square Thru 4, Slide Thru, Touch 1/4, Peel The Top, Recycle, Single Circle To A Wave, Explode And Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor, 1/2 Spread, Swing & Promenade
Heads Touch 1/4, Those Boys Run Right, Single Circle To A Wave, Fan The Top, Turn Thru & Courtesy Turn, Dixie Style To A Wave, Boys Cross Run, Girls Trade, Single Hinge, Scoot Back, Swing & Promenade
Heads Separate Around Two To A Line, Load The Boat, Pass The Ocean, Boys Run, (each line) Wheel & Deal, (normal) Wheel & Deal, Slide Thru, Touch 1/4, Girls Run, Swing & Promenade
Mixed Sex Load the Boat;
Wheel & Deal from Tidal One-Faced Line
Heads Separate Around Two To A Line, Load The Boat, Pass The Ocean, Boys Run, (each line) Wheel & Deal, (normal) Wheel & Deal, Slide Thru, Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4, Swing & Promenade
Mixed sex Load the Boat;
Wheel & Deal from Tidal One-Faced Line
Heads Box The Gnat, Slide Thru, Swing Thru, Spin The Top, Right & Left Thru, Flutter Wheel - Sweep 1/4, Single Circle To A Wave - Rear Back, Star Thru & Roll, Swing Corner & Promenade Home
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Fan The Top (Two-Faced), Wheel & Deal, Reverse Flutter Wheel, Dixie Style To A Wave, Boys Circulate, Left Swing Thru, Girls Run Left, Promenade Home
Heads Lead Right And Circle To A Line, Up & Back, Touch 1/4, Coordinate, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru, Put The Lady In The Lead For A Double Pass Thru, Face Left, Promenade Home
Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Forward And Back, Pass Thru, Partner Trade, Boys Only Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Girls Dodge & Extend (to an OW), Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Extend, Swing & Promenade
Heads Lead Right, Pass Thru And Trade, Reverse Flutter Wheel And The Boys Roll, Coordinate, Cut The Diamond, Peel Off , Crossfire & Spread, Girls Circulate, Girls Cross Fold, Swing, Promenade Home
Heads Pass The Ocean & Fan The Top, Single Hinge, Walk & Dodge, Swing Thru, Girls Circulate Once, Spin Chain Thru, Boys Circulate Twice, Recycle, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2, Come Down The Middle, Square Thru 4, Right & Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Follow Your Neighbor (No Spread), All 8 Circulate, Now Spread, Swing & Promenade
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Come Down The Middle, Pass The Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Chain Down The Line, Pass Thru, Split Circulate 1 & 1/2, Fan The Top, Ends Cross Fold, Swing & Promenade
Uses a Split Circulate 1+1/2 from lines facing out, which results in a tidal wave. Workshop first !
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way, Come Down The Middle, Right & Left Thru, Square Thru 4, Dosado, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Girls Roll, Boys Run 1 & 1/2, Promenade Home
Heads Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To A Wave, Extend, Boys Trade, Left Swing Thru, Girls Circulate, Left Swing Thru (again), Explode The Wave, Swing & Promenade