Chocolate Bars
Chocolate Bars

Chocolate Maker=Luisa Abram


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Brazil  (São Paulo)
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4 records

Luisa Abram
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   81% cacao
Cocoa mass, organic cane sugar and cocoa butter.
Made in a facility that handles milk and Brazil nuts.
80g (2.8oz.), 110x170mm (4.3x6.7")
Vic's rating =        8  
Deb's rating =       7   
VDC: Nice flavor, but a bit grainy
DLA: I would call it a bit chalky
Chocolate made with wild cocoa from the Brazilian Amazon. Flavours: It begins with a licorous [sic] and sweet flavour with aroma of spices. Then comes citrus flavours and finishes with tannins that resemble a good glass of red wine.
origin = Brazil
Luisa Abram - 81% Rio Tocantins
   70% cacao
Wild cocoa mass, organic cane sugar and Amazonian cocoa butter.
Gluten free. Made in a facility that handles milk and nuts.
80g (2.8oz.), 110x170mm (4.3x6.7")
Vic's rating =      6    
Deb's rating =      6    
This chocolate bar is made with extremely rare cacao that grows spontaneously in different regions of the Amazon Rainforest (wild cacao) and is harvested by riverside communities that preserve the fruit's native trees. Each River represents a region with a different flavor profile.
Luisa Abram - Rio Acará 70%
   70% cacao
Wild cocoa mass, organic cane sugar and Amazonian cocoa butter.
Gluten free. Made in a facility that handles milk and nuts.
80g (2.8oz.), 110x170mm (4.3x6.7")
Vic's rating =      6    
Deb's rating =      6    
This chocolate bar is made with extremely rare cacao that grows spontaneously in different regions of the Amazon Rainforest (wild cacao) and is harvested by riverside communities that preserve the fruit's native trees. Each River represents a region with a different flavor profile.
Luisa Abram - Rio Cassiporé 70%
   70% cacao
Wild cocoa mass, organic cane sugar and Amazonian cocoa butter.
Gluten free. Made in a facility that handles milk and nuts.
80g (2.8oz.), 110x170mm (4.3x6.7")
Vic's rating =      6    
Deb's rating =       7   
This chocolate bar is made with extremely rare cacao that grows spontaneously in different regions of the Amazon Rainforest (wild cacao) and is harvested by riverside communities that preserve the fruit's native trees. Each River represents a region with a different flavor profile.
Luisa Abram - Rio Purus 70% -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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