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 (Two) Ladies Star And Change


From a squared set: Designated active ladies (e.g., Head ladies) make a right hand star and pick up the first side man (immediately) and take him to her home spot and drop him off where he remains facing out. Continue the star to the first side lady and give her a left and pull her into the center as the head ladies stand facing out. (Side men are facing out one position to the right from home and head ladies are facing out one position to the left from home). Side ladies now star in the center by the right and pick up the first head man to take him to her home position and drop him off where he stays facing out, taking the head lady as a new partner (she is his opposite). Side ladies continue another couple of steps to the first head spot and step out at the right side of the side man already there (her opposite) to finish as a couple facing out. Finishes in a squared set, all couples facing out with opposites.

Al Appleton 1976

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

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