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C4 definitions

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  1. (anything1 An Anchor) But (anything2)
  2. 1/4 (or 3/4) Cross
  3. 1/4 (or 3/4) Wheel To A Diamond
  4. {any Tag call} To A Diamond
  5. {anyone} Advance To A Column
  6. {anyone} Bring Us Together
  7. {anyone} By Pass
  8. {anyone} Cross Swivel
  9. {anyone} Swivel
  10. {anything Courtesy Turn} By(-By(-By)))
  11. {anything} Plus {n}
  12. {anything} To A Diamond
  13. {I-J-K-L} Change The Web
  14. {I-J-K} 1/4 The Alter
  15. About
  16. All Eight Chain
  17. Arky Star Thru
  18. Bail Out
  19. Barge Thru
  20. Barrel Of Fun
  21. Bias Trade Circulate
  22. Bits & Pieces
  23. Brace Yourself
  24. Cast A Net
  25. Cast An Anchor
  26. Catch All Eight
  27. Centers Cut Out
  28. Change A Web
  29. Change-O
  30. Cheerio
  31. Chip Off
  32. Circle To A Two-Faced Line
  33. Clean Sweep {fraction}
  34. Clear Out
  35. Clover Flow
  36. Collapse (The {formation})
  37. Connect The Diamond
  38. Convert The Triangle
  39. Criss Cross Follow To A Diamond
  40. Cross Breed Thru
  41. Cross Follow To A Diamond
  42. Cross Horseshoe Turn
  43. Cross Replace The Column
  44. Cross Scoot Apart
  45. Cross The Top
  46. Crosstown Roll
  47. Curli-Cross
  48. Curli-Cross The Top
  49. Curli-Pass
  50. Curli-Wheel
  51. Curlique
  52. Cut Across
  53. Cy-Kick
  54. Daisy Chain
  55. Deuces Wild
  56. Diamond Inlet
  57. Diamond Outlet
  58. Disperse
  59. Divi-Up
  60. Divide And Pair
  61. Dixie Chain
  62. Dixie Daisy
  63. Dixie Derby
  64. Dixie Twirl
  65. Dixie Wheel
  66. Dot Com
  67. Double Down
  68. Double Your Pleasure
  69. Ends Cut In
  70. Erase
  71. Everybody Chain
  72. Explosion
  73. Fall Into A Column
  74. Fan The Gating {anything}
  75. Fan Thru
  76. Ferris {anything}
  77. Ferris Trade And Wheel
  78. Flare The Star
  79. Flutter The Line
  80. Follow The Yellow Brick Road
  81. Go First Class
  82. Grand Parade
  83. Grand Sashay
  84. Grand Slide
  85. Grand Spin
  86. Grand Sweep
  87. Gravitate
  88. Hinge And Flutter
  89. Hinge And Trade
  90. Hit The Wall
  91. Hot Foot Spin
  92. Hourglass Inlet/Outlet
  93. Isolate
  94. Jam Thru
  95. Kick The Habit
  96. Linear Action But Cross It
  97. Long Trip
  98. Loop The Loop
  99. Make A Pass
  100. Make Me A Column

 (anything1 An Anchor) But (anything2) 


Do anything1 An Anchor, but replace the Centers Swing-Slip with Centers doing the anything2 call.

(anything An Anchor) But (anything)

 1/4 (or 3/4) Cross 


From a R-H Mini-Wave Box, Diamond with Centers in a R-H Mini-Wave, or other applicable formations.

  1. Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4);
  2. Those in a Line | Wave Centers Cross Run.

Ends in a Wave or Line.

1/4 Cross

Comments and Examples:

Always starts with the Right-Hand


1/4 Cross

 1/4 (or 3/4) Wheel To A Diamond 


From a L-H (for 1/4) or R-H (for 3/4) Two-Faced Line.

  1. Left Cast 1/4 (or 3/4);
  2. As one movement, Cast an extra 1/4 and Centers Hinge.

Ends in a R-H Diamond.

Comments and Examples:

Similar calls:

  • 1/4 (or 3/4) Wheel To An Hourglass:
    (from Parallel 2FL) replace the second part with Cast an extra 1/4 then Centers 1/2 Circulate
  • 1/4 (or 3/4) Wheel To An Interlocked Diamond:
    (from Parallel 2FL) add a Very Centers Slither at the end.

1/4 Wheel To A (D|H.G.|I.L.D.)

 {any Tag call} To A Diamond 


Do the tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position, then 1/2 Box Circulate.

Comments and Examples:

Tag To A Diamond: 1/2 Tag; 1/2 Box Circulate.

Flip To A Diamond: 1/2 Flip The Line; 1/2 Box Circulate.

(any Tag call) To A Diamond

 {anyone} Advance To A Column 


From Eight Chain Thru or other applicable columns (e.g., 1/4 Box).

  1. Those designated Walk, others Dodge;
  2. Circulate;
  3. Centers Trade;
  4. Circulate.

Ends in Mini-Wave Columns.

Comments and Examples:

Original definition says: those designated Walk, others Dodge, then first two Circulate Twice as last two Circulate, Trade and Circulate.

The first part (Those designated Walk, others Dodge) is not necessarily done in a box of 4. For instance, from a squared set after Heads Touch 1/4, the call can be Beaus Advance To A Column (6 walk, 2 dodge).

Lee Kopman 1974

(anyone) Advance To A Column

 {anyone} Bring Us Together 


From a Squared Set or applicable T-Bone formation.

Those designated (or Centers, if nobody is specified) Circle Left 1/2 then dodge one position toward flow direction as the Others individually turn to face promenade direction (usually a 1/4 Right), Single File Promenade 1/4 (to Face In), then Veer Right to end in Facing Lines.

Ends in Facing Lines.

Comments and Examples:

Although the definition sounds a little complicated, the dance movement is easy, smooth, and times out well.

From a Squared Set, "Heads Bring Us Together" has the heads move into the middle, Circle 1/2, and dodge Left. The sides promenade 1/4 and Veer Right. Ends in Facing Lines.

Variations: From a Trade By formation, "1/4 (or 3/4) Circle Bring Us Together" would have the Centers Circle 1/4 (or 3/4) then dodge Left, as the Ends individually turn 1/4 toward Promenade, Promenade 1/4 (and Face In), then Veer Right to end in Facing Lines.

Bring Us Together

 {anyone} By Pass 


From Facing Dancers.

  1. Pass Thru;
  2. Those not designated U-Turn Back.

Designated dancers are determined before the call starts (as in Bounce or Patch).

For instance, from an Eight Chain Thru, Centers By Pass ends in a Completed Double Pass Thru.

Comments and Examples:

A Girls By Pass is a Pass Thru followed by Boys U-Turn Back.

Holman Hudspeth 1968

(anyone) By Pass

 {anyone} Cross Swivel 


  1. Designated dancers Cross Fold;
  2. Designated dancers and those they meet Single Circle 1/2 in flow direction To A Wave.

(anyone) Cross Swivel

 {anyone} Swivel 


From a Couple.

Those designated Fold; In flow direction, Single Circle To A Wave.

Ends in a Mini-Wave.

Comments and Examples:

Beaus Swivel:
From a Couple. Beaus Fold, then continuing in that direction (i.e. to the left), Single Circle 1/2 To A Wave. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave.

Belles Swivel:
From a Couple. Belles Fold, then continuing in that direction (i.e., to the right), Reverse Single Circle 1/2 To A Wave. Ends in a L-H Mini-Wave.

anyone Cross Swivel:
From an applicable Line of 4 or Wave. Those designated Cross Fold; In flow direction, Single Circle To A Wave.

(anyone) Swivel

 {anything Courtesy Turn} By(-By(-By))) 


Do the anything call, which must end with flow (usually a Couples Cast movement such as a Courtesy Turn);
"By" means "A Quarter More + Slither";
"By-By" means "A Quarter More, Slither + Slide";
"By-By-By" means "A Quarter More, Slither, Slide + Slither".

Some callers omit the word "Thru" from the call.

(e.g., Turn & Left By-By is a Turn & Left Thru + 1/4 More + Slither + Slide).

Comments and Examples:

Right & Left (Thru) By-By: Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Slither, & Slide.

(any Courtesy Turn) By

 {anything} Plus {n} 


There are 3 variations of "Plus N":

  1. "Square The Bases Plus 2" means replace Split Square Thru 2 with Split Square Thru 4.
  2. "Sets In Motion Plus 1 (or Plus 2)" means that 1 (or 2) more of the dancers in the resulting Center Column have the first peel left, then next peel right.
  3. Plus N is a lateral dodging movement towards flow direction. The number indicates the number of half-positions to slide. For example, from a R-H Wave, a Recycle Plus 1 would be a Recycle then all 1/2 of a "Left" Truck.

    This version of Plus N requires that the previous call have lateral flow (e.g., Bounce, Recycle, Ah So, Wheel & Deal, Turn & Deal, Shove Off, (Outsides after a) Plenty, Shuffle The Deck, (Outsides after a) Swing & Circle, Shakedown, Ferris Wheel, Turn Over, (from Couple) Cast Off 3/4, (Outsides after) Take N).

(anything) Plus (n)

 {anything} To A Diamond 


The anything must end with a 'Centers Trade'.

Replace the final Centers Trade with a Centers Trade 1 & 1/2.

This concept applies to calls such as Coordinate, Reactivate, Cross Reactivate, and a few others such as Wipe Out.

(anything Coord|React) To A Diamond

 {I-J-K-L} Change The Web 


From a applicable generalized 1/4 Tag or applicable T-Bone 1/4 Box.
  1. Centers Arm Turn the first fraction;
  2. Very Centers Arm Turn the second fraction as End of Center Step Forward as Outsides adjust (usually a 1/2 Reverse Swap Around or 1/2 Swap Around as necessary) to form a Star;
  3. Star the third fraction;
  4. Very Centers Arm Turn the fourth fraction as dancer following them Veer Out (to become End of Center) as others adjust to form a Couple.
Ends in a 1/4 Tag.

(I-J-K-L) Change The Web

 {I-J-K} 1/4 The Alter 


From a Mini-Wave Box or Wave.

  1. Arm Turn the first fraction (I quarters);
  2. Centers Arm Turn the second fraction as Ends U-Turn Back;
  3. Diamond Counter Rotate the third fraction;
  4. Flip The Diamond.

Ends in a Wave.

(I-J-K) 1/4 The Alter



From a Wave.

Step Thru & 1/4 In.

Ends in Facing Couples.

Comments and Examples:

Same as Explode.


 All Eight Chain 


From a Circle or Squared Set.

Face your Corner; Right Pull By; (Left to the next for a) Courtesy Turn.

Ends in a Squared Set.

Also known as Chain All Eight.

Comments and Examples:

Similar to the C2 call Grand Chain Eight.

Cleo Harden 1955

All Eight Chain

 Arky Star Thru 


From Facing Couples.

Beaus do the Boys part, and Belles do the Girls part of a Star Thru.

(Everybody uses the inside hand)

Ends in Facing Couples.

Comments and Examples:

Equivalent to (Split) Pass In.

Dancers often do not make the full arch, but simply tap (inside) hands instead.

Arky Star Thru

 Bail Out 


From applicable formations.

Centers Short & Sweet and Counter Rotate 1/4 as Outsides 1/2 Circulate & Hinge.

This is a 2-part call.

Damon Coe and Ben Rubright 1995

Bail Out

 Barge Thru 


From Facing Lines (or R-H Tidal Wave).

1/2 Square Thru; Trade By.

Ends in an Eight Chain Thru Formation.

Manny Amor

Barge Thru

 Barrel Of Fun 


From Out-Facing Lines and other applicable Lines.

  1. Ends Bend as Centers Face In;
  2. Ends Arm Turn 1/2 as Centers Swing Thru;
  3. all Fan The Top.

Ends in Parallel R-H Waves.

Lee Kopman 1972

Barrel Of Fun

 Bias Trade Circulate 


From Parallel Waves.

As one movement, Bias Circulate and Spread.

Ends in opposite-handed Parallel Waves.

Comments and Examples:

Alternative definition: Leaders Crossover Circulate as Trailers Diagonal Box Crossover Circulate (using a L-H Star when starting from L-H Waves).

Bias Trade Circulate

 Bits & Pieces 


From Parallel Lines or applicable T-Bones.

Ends two "O" Circulates and Trade,
as Centers Peel & Trail and Ah So.

Parallel Waves end in Mini-Wave Columns.

Comments and Examples:

The original definition does not contain "O" Circulates.

If Centers start in Back-to-Back Couples, they Peel Off (to end on the same spot), adjust to a right-hand wave then Ah So.

If Centers start in Facing Couples, they step to a right-hand wave and do an Ends Trade, Centers Trade then Ah So.

Bits & Pieces is a 2-part call:

  1. Ends two "O" Circulates as Centers Peel & Trail;
  2. Ends Trade as Centers Ah So.

Bits & Pieces

 Brace Yourself 


From a Couple consisting of one Boy and one Girl.

Normal Couples Courtesy Turn as Half-Sashayed Couples U-Turn Back.

Ends in a Normal Couple.

Comments and Examples:

Brace Yourself is the last half of Brace Thru (formally called Half Breed Thru).

Brace Yourself

 Cast A Net 


From applicable formations (e.g., Parallel Two-Faced Lines or Waves).

1/2 Circulate; Very Centers Cast 3/4 as End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 on the outside (to become the very ends) as Others Trade; then the Center 4 Spread.

The Spread is blended into the Very Centers Cast 3/4 plus the Outsides Trade.

John Saunders 1973

Cast A Net

 Cast An Anchor 


From Mini-Wave Columns.

Cast Off 3/4; Center 6 Trade; Outside 4 Step Thru, Ends Bend, and Pass In as Center 4 Trade then Very Centers Trade.

Ends in a 1/4 Tag formation.

Cast An Anchor

 Catch All Eight 


From Facing Dancers or a Right-Hand Mini-Wave.

Right Arm Turn 1/2;
U-Turn Back while clapping hands;
Left Arm Turn full around (or as directed).

Catch All Eight

 Centers Cut Out 


From Parallel Lines or other applicable formations.

Centers Crossover Circulate as Ends Flip In (Run toward the Center).

Parallel Waves end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines, and vice-versa.

Comments and Examples:

The sister call is Ends Cut In.

Ron Schneider 1976

Centers Cut Out

 Change A Web 


From a 1/4 Tag, Starting Double Pass thru, or other applicable formations.

  1. Centers Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. Very Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends of Center Extend, as Outsides adjust to form two stars;
  3. Star 1 & 1/4 (yes, 5 spots);
  4. Very Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as dancer following them Extend to become the End of the Center Wave as Others adjust to form an In-Facing Couple.

Ends in a 1/4 Tag.

Jack Lasry 1968

Change The Web



From Columns.

First Two Circulate as Others Crossover Circulate.

Mini-Wave Columns end in Magic Columns.




From Columns.

Centers Trade, Spread, then Leaders U-Turn Back (Squeeze Like A Couple Up) as
Ends do a Leaders Run then Step Forward.

Ends in Facing Lines.


 Chip Off 


From applicable Parallel Lines.

Out-Facing Couple Link Up (Ends U-Turn Back then Split Circulate) as Others do a Centers Shove Off (Center Run toward the Center as End dodge inward).

Ends in Parallel Lines.

If starting from Back-to-Back Lines, the right-couple is preferred and everyone moves toward the right. The caller can say Left Chip Off to make the movement go toward the left.

Chip Off

 Circle To A Two-Faced Line 


From Facing Couples.

  1. Circle Left 1/2;
  2. Veer Left.

Ends in a Right-Hand Two-Faced Line.

Comments and Examples:

An optional fraction can be given, for example, Circle 1/4 (or 3/4) To A Two-Faced Line, in which case you Circle Left the given fraction, then Veer Left.


Circle (fract) To A Two-Faced Line

 Clean Sweep {fraction} 


From Facing Couples.

  1. Circle Left 1/4 (or the given fraction);
  2. Veer Left;
  3. Tag The Line;
  4. Right Roll To A Wave.

Ends in a Right-Hand Mini-Wave Box

Clean Sweep (fract)

 Clear Out 


From applicable formations.

Circulate; Lead End U-Turn Back; Centers Box Circulate; Out-Facing Centers U-Turn Back.

Mini-Wave Columns end in a Starting Double Pass Thru; Parallel Lines end in Facing Lines.

Lee Kopman 1975

Clear Out

 Clover Flow 


From Trade By Formation.

  1. Outsides Cloverleaf as Centers Pass Thru;
  2. Out-facers Cloverleaf as Others Pass Thru.

Ends in an Eight Chain Thru Formation.

Comments and Examples:

Same as Clover And Pass Thru; Clover And Pass Thru.

Bill Davis 1973


 Collapse (The {formation}) 


From Twin Diamonds or other applicable formations.

Ends Detour (1/2 Zoom & Hinge) as Centers Step & Fold.

Right-Hand Twin Diamonds end in Left-Hand Columns.

Collapse (The setup)

 Connect The Diamond 


From a Diamond with the points facing opposite directions.

Centers Hinge as Points do your part Lockit (Isolate); all Drop In.

Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.

Comments and Examples:

From a normal Diamond, Connect The Diamond feels a lot like Crossfire.

Lee Kopman 1974

Connect The Diamond

 Convert The Triangle 


From a Wave-Based Triangle.

Apex dancer 1/2 Press Ahead as Trailing Base dancer move behind Apex and 1/4 In as Leading Base dancer 1/2 Triangle Circulate.

Ends in a Tandem-Based Triangle.

Convert The Triangle (Wave-Based)

 Criss Cross Follow To A Diamond 


From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2.

Trailers Cross Your Neighbor & Spread as Leaders Box Circulate and Cross Extend.

A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Diamond.

Criss Cross Follow To A Diamond

 Cross Breed Thru 


From Facing Couples (or R-H Wave), where each Couple consists of one Boy and one Girl.

  1. Pass Thru;
  2. Normal Couples Left-Shoulder Partner Tag as Half-Sashayed Couples 1/4 Out.

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

Comments and Examples:

Cheat: Slide Thru; Those Facing Pass Thru.

Cross Breed Thru

 Cross Follow To A Diamond 


From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2.

Trailers Cross Your Neighbor & Spread as Leaders Box Circulate 1 & 1/2.

A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Facing Diamond.

Cross Follow To A Diamond

 Cross Horseshoe Turn 


From a 2 x 4 with the Ends in Columns facing Out.

Ends Cross Cloverleaf as the Centers Face In and Cross Trail Thru.

Generalized Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru.

Comments and Examples:

This is a 2-part call for the Centers.

Cross Horseshoe Turn

 Cross Replace The Column 


From Mini-Wave Columns.

3/4 Cross Invert The Column;
First two Counter Rotate 1/4 (& backup slightly) as #3 Step forward to #4 and Centers 2/3 Cross Cycle.

Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.

Comments and Examples:

Alternate definition: 1/2 Cross Invert The Column; Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers 1/2 CROSS Zoom then 2/3 Cross Cycle.

On Cross Replace The Column But anything, Centers replace the 2/3 Cross Cycle with the anything call.

Cross Replace The Column

 Cross Scoot Apart 


From a Mini-Wave Box or other applicable 2 x 2.

Trailers Cross Extend, Trade & Spread as Leaders Box Circulate 1 & 1/2.

A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Wave.

Jim Davis 1977

Cross Scoot Apart

 Cross The Top 


From a Wave or Facing Couples.

  1. Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. Fan the Top & Spread.

Ends in a(n opposite-handed) Wave.

Comments and Examples:

Equivalent to Spin the Top & Spread.

Holman Hudspeth 1968

Cross The Top

 Crosstown Roll 


From a (4-dancer) fractional tag position (i.e., Single 1/4 Tag, Mini-Wave Box, Single 3/4 Tag) or applicable Diamond.

Those with handholds (the mini-wave) 1/4 In, then pass by each other passing opposite shoulder from original handhold, turn an extra 1/4 toward same direction, then Exend. The others adjust as necessary to form a 2x2.

A 1/4 Tag, 3/4 Tag, or Diamonds ends in a 2x2; a 1/2 Tag ends in an opposite-handed 3/4 Tag.

Comments and Examples:

The movement for those in a Mini-Wave is like a Single Turn & Deal to end Back-to-Back, then Single Veer in flow direction to the next fractional tag position.

Paul Kubik 1974

Cross Town Roll



From Facing Couples.

  1. Curlique;
  2. Trailers diagonally left pull by.

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

Comments and Examples:

Curli-Cross was the basis for the A1 call anything And Cross.

Lee Kopman 1968


 Curli-Cross The Top 


From Facing Couples (or R-H Wave).

Curlique; Single Hinge; Fan The Top.

Ends in a R-H Wave.

Comments and Examples:

Sex-dependent call, since Curlique is involved.

Equivalent to Spin The Top.

Should not be used at C4, IMHO.

Ron Schneider 1973

Curli-Cross The Top



From applicable formations.

  1. Those Facing Curlique;
  2. Those Facing Pass Thru.

Comments and Examples:

E.g., from a Squared Set: "Heads start a Curli-Pass" is a Heads Curlique then Girls Pass Thru.




From Facing Couples or a R-H Wave.

  1. Curlique;
  2. Leaders Run as Trailers Cross Extend (to L-H), Trade, and 1/2 Press Back.

Ends in Facing Couples.




From (opposite sex) Facing Dancers.

Place right hands forward, Men palm out,
Ladies palm in, join hands to make an arch;
exchange places, Men turn 1/4 to the right,
as Ladies turn 3/4 to the left under the arch.

Ends in a right-hand mini-wave.

Comments and Examples:

Ending position is equivalent to Touch 1/4.

Clarence Watson 1963


 Cut Across 


From any 2x4.

Determine whether you are a Leader or Trailer in the 8-dancer formation; then, working in your Concentric Box:

  • Those identified as Leaders: do your part Partner Tag then Partner Trade, as
  • Those identified as Trailers: do your part Partner Trade then Partner Tag.

Ends in a 2x4.

Comments and Examples:

This is a hard, and often disorienting call.

Originally, the call was envisioned as starting from a Completed Double Pass Thru formation, but the definition can be done from any 2x4.

Bill Barton 1973

Cut Across



From Generalized 1/4 Tag and other applicable formations.

Centers 2/3 Recycle as Outsides do your part Beaus Kick Off.

A Generalized 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel Lines.


 Daisy Chain 


From a Right And Left Grand Formation.

Right Pull By; Left Turn Thru; Right Turn Thru;
Left Pull By; Right Turn Thru; Left Turn Thru;
Right Pull By; Left Turn Thru; Right Turn Thru;
Left Pull By; Right Turn Thru; Left Turn Thru.

Ends in a Right And Left Grand Formation.

Comments and Examples:

Daisy Chain is a Right And Left Grand but interrupted such that
dancers go forward two, back one, forward two, back one, etc.

Paul Little 1952

Daisy Chain

 Deuces Wild 


From Parallel Lines or other applicable formations.

Centers Trade as Outsides Zoom.

Deuces Wild

 Diamond Inlet 


From applicable Parallel Lines (e.g. Waves).

Lead End and adjacent dancer 2/3 Recycle as Others Inlet.

Ends in Twin Diamonds.

Diamond Inlet

 Diamond Outlet 


From applicable Twin Diamonds (normal Diamonds, or Interlocked Diamonds).

Centers Outlet as Points Do You Part Split Circulate then Hinge.

Ends in Parallel Waves or Inverted Lines.

Diamond Outlet

Diamond Outlet



From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem, or from other applicable formations.

Centers Counter Rotate 1/4 then Squeeze as Ends 1/2 Zoom, Hinge, then 2 Phantom Column Circulates.

Parallel Lines end in Parallel Lines.

Comments and Examples:

Obsolete C4 call.

Alternate definition: Detour; Centers work Cross, all Expand The Column.

The sister call, Disband is still used.




From applicable formations (e.g., a 1/4 Tag).

Centers Single Wheel as Ends Divide.

A 1/4 Tag ends in Facing Lines.


 Divide And Pair 


From a Starting Double Pass Thru, Trade By, or other applicable formations.

Centers Pair Off as Ends 1/4 Out and Cross Fold.

Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru formation.

Divide & Pair

 Dixie Chain 


From Single Double Pass Thru formation
(or from Facing Couples, in which case the Belle goes in front).

  1. Centers right pull by;
  2. all left pull by;
  3. Centers right pull by.

Ends in a Single Completed Double Pass Thru formation.

Comments and Examples:

From Single Double Pass Thru formation,
Dixie Chain is equivalent to Double Pass Thru.

Bill Owen 1952

Dixie Chain

 Dixie Daisy 


From Single Double Pass Thru formation
(or from Facing Couples, in which case the Belle goes in front).

  1. Centers right pull by;
  2. all left turn thru;
  3. Centers right pull by.

Ends in a Single Completed Double Pass Thru formation.

Comments and Examples:

Similar to Dixie Chain but on part 2, everyone does a Left Turn Thru instead of Left Pull By.

From Single Double Pass Thru formation,
Dixie Daisy is equivalent to U-Turn Back.

Bill Shymkus 1958

Dixie Daisy

 Dixie Derby 


From Single Double Pass Thru formation
(or from Facing Couples, in which case the Belle goes in front).

  1. Dixie Style to a Wave;
  2. Centers Trade & Spread as Ends Run.

Ends in a Right-Hand Two-Faced Line.

Comments and Examples:

Traffic pattern: The 'Ends Run' has the Ends making a loop on the outside as the Centers Trade & Spread on the inside.

Dixie Derby is used at C4. It is a 2-part call.

Dixie Derby

 Dixie Twirl 


From a One-Faced Line of 4.

As Couples California Twirl (Centers arch, couples trade with
each other by having the right-side couple go under the arch).

Ends in an opposite-facing One-Faced Line of 4.

Out-Facing Lines (the standard starting formation) become Facing Lines.

Roy Watkins 1959

Dixie Twirl

 Dixie Wheel 


From Single Double Pass Thru formation
(or from Facing Couples, in which case the Belle goes in front).

Centers Right Pull By;
all Left Pull By;
Centers Right Arm Turn full around then Step Thru.

Ends in a Completed Double Pass Thru.

Comments and Examples:

Similar to Dixie Chain except that the trailers (Beaus) do a full 360° turn instead of a final right pull by.

Ralph Kinnane 1960

Dixie Wheel

 Dot Com 


Those who can Roll, Others U-Turn Back

Lee Kopman

(anything) Dot-Com

 Double Down 


From Parallel Lines and applicable T-Bone 2x4s.

Out-Facing Ends and adjacent Centers (Outeractives) Circulate as Others Split Circulate Twice.

Comments and Examples:

Cross Double Down:
Out-Facing Ends and adjacent Centers Crossover Circulate as Others Split Circulate Twice.

Double Down

 Double Your Pleasure 


From Mini-Wave Columns.

#1 Peel Off as Others 1/2 Circulate & Trade;
Original #1 step forward as New #1 Peel Off as Others 1/2 Circulate & Trade.

Ends in Parallel Waves.

Comments and Examples:

Double Your Pleasure also be done from Columns of 3 to end in Twin Tandem-Based Triangles.

Double Your Pleasure

 Ends Cut In 


From Parallel Lines or other applicable formations.

Ends Crossover Circulate as Centers Flip Out (Run away from the Center).

Parallel Waves end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines, and vice-versa.

Comments and Examples:

The sister call is Centers Cut Out.

Ron Schneider 1976

Ends Cut In



From a Line or a Diamond.

Centers U-Turn Back (toward each other) as Ends do their part of Fan the Top.

Usually ends in a Diamond or a Line.

Jim Davis and Dave Hodson 1977


 Everybody Chain 


From a squared set.

Original Head Man face right, Original Side Man face left and Men diagonal pull by as Four Ladies R-H Star 1/2; Men courtesy turn Lady.

Repeat for a total of 4 times.

Comments and Examples:

Everybody ends at starting position.

Original Head Men progress 4 spots to their right (counter clockwise), as Original Side Men progress 4 spots to their left (clockwise).

Bob Gray 1964

Everybody Chain



From Columns.

#2 Press Out, and #1 and #2 Couples Circulate;
#3 1/2 Circulate & Trade as #4 Press Out & 1/2 Press Ahead; #3 and #4 1/2 Press Ahead (As Couples Extend).

Mini-Wave Columns end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.


 Fall Into A Column 


From a 1/4 Tag.

Centers 1/3 Recycle (Centers fold and adjust) then Press Ahead, as Ends have the appropriate someone Walk, others Dodge to end in Mini-Wave Columns.

The End who dodges is the End whose spot is to be filled by the center dancers.

From a R-H 1/4 Tag, Ends do a Beaus Walk, Belles Dodge;
from a L-H 1/4 Tag, Ends do a Belles Walk, Beaus Dodge.

Fall Into A Column

 Fan The Gating {anything} 


From Parallel Lines (or applicable T-Bones).

Centers Cast Off 3/4 then Very Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides Circulate 1 & 1/2; Those not in the Center 1x4 do the {anything} call.

The anything call is not done Concentric as with Fascinating anything.

Fan The Gating (anything)

 Fan Thru 


From Facing Couples or a R-H Wave.

Step to a Wave if necessary; Centers Trade; all Step Thru.

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

Comments and Examples:

Fan Thru is choreographically equivalent to Reverse Swap Around.

Tom Tarleton 1967

Fan Thru

 Ferris {anything} 


From Parallel Two-Faced Lines.

1/2 Press Ahead; Outsides work with Phantoms, all do the anything call.

Phantoms that end up between the Outsides and the Centers are removed at the end of the call.

Comments and Examples:

Since Ferris basically means As Couples Extend, then all do the anything call, you may occasionally encounter it from a 1/4 Line (As Couples Extend, then all do the given call).


Ferris (anything)

 Ferris Trade And Wheel 


From Parallel Two-Faced Lines.

Leaders Wheel & Deal as Trailers 1/2 Circulate, Very Centers Trade, then Wheel & Deal.

Ends in Starting Double Pass Thru.

Ron Schneider 1975

Ferris Trade & Wheel

 Flare The Star 


From Facing Couples.

Right-hand star, original Beaus 1/2 way across
and flip away (a left 3/4 turn) as original Belles star one full turn;
original Beaus Courtesy Turn the original Belles

Ends in Facing Couples.

Comments and Examples:

The ending position is equivalent to Flutter Wheel.

Ted Frye 1971

Flare The Star

 Flutter The Line 


From a Right-Hand Two-Faced Line.

Centers Trade; Couples Trade; Bend The Line.

Ends in Facing Couples.

Comments and Examples:

Flutter The Line is to Flutter Wheel
as Chain Down The Line is to Ladies Chain.

Chuck Bryant 1972

Flutter The Line

 Follow The Yellow Brick Road 


From Parallel Waves.

  1. Follow Your Neighbor & Spread & Slither;
  2. Ends Circulate 1 & 1/2 as Centers Follow Your Neighbor & Spread;
  3. Outside Couples Concentric Wheel & Deal as Others do an Ends Isolate (move up as in Fan The Top).

Ends in a R-H 1/4 Tag.

Follow The Yellow Brick Road

 Go First Class 


From Parallel Waves or other applicable Parallel Lines.

Leaders Switch as Trailers Scatter Circulate.

Parallel Waves end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.

Go First Class

 Grand Parade 


From a normal Squared Set.

Heads move in and right arm turn 1/2 with opposite;
Head Men left arm turn 3/4 as Head Lady step forward as
Side Lady veer right to become a partner with the Head Men as
Side Men courtesy turn Head Ladies;
all Promenade 1/2.

Ends in a Squared Set.

Repeat the above movement for a total of 4 times
(twice for Heads to the center, then twice for Sides to the center).

Comments and Examples:

Grand Parade is a zero - everyone ends where they started.

Mort Simpson 1974

Grand Parade

 Grand Sashay 


From a Right And Left Grand Formation (e.g., after Allemande Left).

Dosado, right pull by;
Seesaw, left pull by;
Dosado, right pull by;
Seesaw, left pull by.

Ends in a Right And Left Grand Formation.

Comments and Examples:

Same as Right And Left Grand except that a
Dosado or Seesaw (left-shoulder Dosado)
is inserted before each pull by.

The Burleson's definition says to bow before each pull by.

Rickey Holden 1949

Grand Sashay

 Grand Slide 


Same as Grand Square except that dancers do not
change their facing direction during the call.

Comments and Examples:

A Stable Grand Square.

Chip Hendrickson 1967

Grand Slide

 Grand Spin 


From a normal Squared Set.

Move forward and Slide Thru; Spin The Top; blending
into a Star Thru; walk forward and California Twirl.

Face partner; back up 3 steps as in Grand Square;
Face in, walk forward, and dosado (to face); then
Star Thru.

Repeat the above movement with new Heads and Sides.

Ends in a Squared Set.


Grand Spin

 Grand Sweep 


From a normal Squared Set.

Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4; Pass Thru; Step forward & Partner Trade.

Face partner; back up 3 steps as in Grand Square;
Face in, walk forward, and dosado (to face); then
Star Thru.

Repeat the above movement with new Heads and Sides.

Ends in a Squared Set.

Comments and Examples:

At completion of Grand Sweep, all dancers are halfway across the set.


Grand Sweep



From a generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formation.

Centers Hinge, Box Circulate, & Press Ahead (3/4 Linear Cycle);
as Ends Reverse Single Rotate 1/4 & Phantom Split Counter Rotate 1/4.

Usually ends in R-H Mini-Wave Columns.

Ben Rubright


 Hinge And Flutter 


From a Right-Hand Wave.

Single Hinge, Leaders U-Turn Back, Reverse Flutter Wheel.

Ends in Facing Couples.

Hinge And Flutter

 Hinge And Trade 


From Parallel Two-Faced Lines or Back-to-Back Lines.

Couples Hinge; Center Couples Trade; all As Couples Face In.

Ends in a Double Pass Thru Formation.

Comments and Examples:

Also known as Couples Hinge And Trade.

Single Hinge & Trade:
From a Non-T-Bone 2x2. Hinge; Centers Trade; all Roll.

Hinge & Trade

 Hit The Wall 


From a Trade By or other applicable formations.

Outsides Partner Tag as Centers Pass Out.

A Trade By formation ends in Back-to-Back Lines.

Claude Spheres 1975

Hit The Wall

 Hot Foot Spin 


From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru.

  1. Fan The Top;
  2. Very Centers Trade;
  3. Spin The Top.

Ends in Parallel Waves.

This is a 3-part call.

Harry Ed Dunkle 1968

Hot Foot Spin

 Hourglass Inlet/Outlet 


Hourglass Outlet
From a normal Hourglass.
Points Split Circulate as if in Waves then Hinge, as the Centers do like Very Centers Hinge, then Outlet (the End of the Center does an Outlet, as the Very Center does a Center Diamond Circulate then Extend).
Ends in Parallel Waves.
Hourglass Inlet
From Parallel Waves.
Out-Facing End and adjacent dancer 2/3 Recycle as In-Facing End and adjacent dancer do an Inneractive Diamond Recycle (In-Facing End 1/2 Diagonal Box Circulate as adjacent dancer Trail Off.
Ends in an Hourglass

Hourglass (Inlet|Outlet)



From a Line or Diamond.

Counter Rotate 1/4 with respect to the center of your Line or Diamond.


 Jam Thru 


From Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves).

  1. Pass Thru;
  2. Ends Cross Cloverleaf as Centers Pass Thru & Partner Tag.

Ends in Eight Chain Thru.

Holman Hudspeth 1969

Jam Thru

 Kick The Habit 


From any 2x4 or other applicable formations.

Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers do your part Leaders Kick Off.

Kick The Habit

 Linear Action But Cross It 


From Generalized 1/4 Tag.

Centers Hinge & Box Circulate 1 & 1/2 as Outsides Hinge & Trade; Very Centers Slither; Center Line Cast Off 3/4 as Others Phantom Hourglass Circulate.

Comments and Examples:

Same as Linear Action except a Very Centers Slither is inserted prior to the final Centers Cast Off 3/4.

Linear Action But Cross It

 Long Trip 


From Parallel Waves.

  1. Out-Facing End and adjacent Center (Outeractives) Squeeze
    as Others (Inneractives) Circulate;
  2. Center 4 Pass Thru as Others Cross Fold.
Ends in Eight Chain Thru.

Comments and Examples:

A Short Trip is the first 1/2 of a Long Trip.

Long Trip

 Loop The Loop 


From a Line of 4 with centers facing the same direction.

Centers Arch; Ends Run, step thru & Zoom as Centers California Twirl.

A half-sashayed one-faced line ends in Tandem Couples.

Comments and Examples:

Centers retain hands with each other throughout the call.

Vern Callahan 1965

Loop The Loop

 Make A Pass 


From a Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formation.

  1. Any Centers and Outsides who are directly facing do a Pass Thru;
  2. Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides Trade & Roll.

A normal 1/4 Tag ends in Facing Lines.

Make A Pass

 Make Me A Column 


From Parallel Two-Faced Lines.

Centers Walk as Ends Dodge; then both step forward

Centers Circulate as Ends Cross Fold (Cross Fire)

Ends in Columns.

Comments and Examples:

Similar to the C3B call Gee Whiz.

Make Me A Column

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