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CALLERLAB - C1 Definitions

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97 records

Definitions in this section are from CALLERLAB
They are provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

  1. (Any Tagging Call) Back to a Wave
  2. (Anything) Chain Thru
  3. (Anything) the Windmill
  4. (Anything) to a Wave
  5. 2/3 Recycle
  6. 3 by 2 Acey Deucey
  7. Ah So
  8. All Eight Recycle
  9. Alter the Wave
  10. Block Formation
  11. Butterfly Formation / Concept
  12. Cast Back / Cross Cast Back
  13. Chase Your Neighbor
  14. Checkover
  15. Circle By
  16. Concentric Concept
  17. Counter Rotate
  18. Cross and Turn / Reverse Cross and Turn
  19. Cross By
  20. Cross Chain Thru / Cross Chain And Roll
  21. Cross Extend
  22. Cross Roll to a Wave/Line
  23. Cross Your Neighbor
  24. Cut the Galaxy
  25. Cut the Interlocked Diamond
  26. Dixie Diamond
  27. Dixie Sashay
  28. Flip Back
  29. Flip the Galaxy
  30. Flip the Interlocked Diamond
  31. Flip the Line (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full)
  32. Follow Thru
  33. Galaxy Circulate
  34. Galaxy Formation
  35. Interlocked Diamond Circulate
  36. Interlocked Diamond Formation
  37. Jaywalk
  38. Linear Action
  39. Little
  40. Magic Column Formation / Concept
  41. Make Magic
  42. O Formation / Concept
  43. Pass the Axle
  44. Percolate
  45. Phantom Formation / Concept
  46. Plenty
  47. Press Ahead
  48. Ramble
  49. Regroup
  50. Relay the Shadow
  51. Relay the Top
  52. Reverse Explode
  53. Reverse Rotate
  54. Reverse Single Rotate
  55. Reverse Wheel and (Anything)
  56. Rotary Spin
  57. Rotate
  58. Scatter Scoot
  59. Scatter Scoot Chain Thru
  60. Scoot & Little
  61. Scoot & Ramble
  62. Shakedown
  63. Siamese Concept
  64. Single Rotate
  65. Split Dixie Diamond
  66. Split Dixie Style to a Wave
  67. Split Square Chain the Top
  68. Split/Box Recycle
  69. Square Chain the Top
  70. Square the Bases
  71. Squeeze
  72. Squeeze the Hourglass/Galaxy
  73. Step and Flip
  74. Step and Fold
  75. Stretch Concept
  76. Substitute
  77. Swing and Circle (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full)
  78. Swing the Fractions
  79. Switch the Line
  80. Switch to an Interlocked Diamond
  81. T-Bone Formation
  82. Tag Back to a Wave
  83. Tally Ho
  84. Tandem Concept
  85. Tandem-Based Triangle Calls
  86. The Axle
  87. Triangle Formation / Triangle Circulate
  88. Triple Box/Column/Line/Wave Concept
  89. Twist and (Anything)
  90. Twist the Line
  91. Vertical Tag (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full)
  92. Vertical Tag Back to a Wave
  93. Weave
  94. Wheel and (Anything)
  95. Wheel Fan Thru
  96. With the Flow
  97. Zing

 (Any Tagging Call) Back to a Wave 


Part 1: Do the "Any Tagging Call" to the 1/2 Tag position. Part 2: Scoot Back.

(any Tag call) Back (To A Wave)

 (Anything) Chain Thru 


[This is a draft definition awaiting approval by the Challenge Committee.]
All do the "anything" call, then the very centers Trade and the center 4 Cast Off 3/4. If the "anything" call is a Triangle or Diamond Circulate, the word "Circulate" is conventionally omitted (e.g., Inpoint Triangle Chain Thru, Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru).

(anything Diamond) Chain Thru

 (Anything) the Windmill 


From any appropriate formation: The centers (or everyone, if the call is an 8-person call) do the "Anything" call. Then the centers Cast Off 3/4 while the ends face as directed and Circulate twice (or as directed). For example, Mix the Windmill In.

(anything) The Windmill (dir)

 (Anything) to a Wave 


From wherever is appropriate for the "Anything" call: The "Anything" call must have as its final action a Step Thru or Extend. Do the "Anything" call, except for the final Step Thru or Extend.

For example, in Square Chain Thru to a Wave, the dancers would do all of the call except for stepping forward on the final Left Turn Thru:

Square Thru 3 to a Wave:

Additional applications include Scoot Chain Thru To A Wave, Load the Boat Centers to a Wave, Percolate Outsides to a Wave, Flip Back to a Wave, or Tag Back to a Wave to a Wave.

When used with Tagging Calls Back to a Wave, some callers prefer to say "Centers to a Wave". For example: Flip Back Centers to a Wave, or Tag Back to a Wave Centers to a Wave.

Do not be confused by calls which contain "to a Wave" as part of their name (e.g. Dosado to a Wave, Single Circle to a Wave, Tag Back to a Wave, Cross Roll to a Wave).

(anything) To A Wave CONCEPT

 2/3 Recycle 


From a wave only: Do the first two parts of Recycle, i.e., Centers Fold (and all adjust to a box circulate formation), then Box Counter Rotate 1/4.

2/3 Recycle

 3 by 2 Acey Deucey 


From anywhere there are two groups of three that can Triangle Circulate, and a center two that can Trade (e.g., twin diamonds, or an hourglass): The very center two dancers Trade while the two triangles Circulate.

3 By 2 Acey Deucey

 Ah So 


From a wave or line: With each half of the wave/line working as a unit, the ends Cross Fold and the centers follow along so as to keep each mini-wave or couple intact. If the ends start out facing the same way, they pass right shoulders as they go.
Teaching Hint: This call is a more general version of Wheel and Deal - the centers are just turned around.

Ah So

 All Eight Recycle 


From quarter tag, or wave between parallel mini-waves: The centers do a Recycle, working wider than normal, and moving outside the others. Meanwhile, the outsides move forward and do a facing couples Recycle or Split Recycle, as appropriate. This ends in quarter tag.

All 8 Recycle

 Alter the Wave 


From a wave: All Swing, then the centers Cast Off 3/4 while the ends U-Turn Back. All Counter Rotate the diamond 1/2 (formerly called "turning the star 1/2"), and Flip the Diamond. Ends in a wave.
One can also "Counter Rotate the Diamond" by other amounts than 1/2. For example, Alter the Wave, but Counter Rotate the Diamond 3/4:
Teaching Hint: One can think of the Counter Rotate as two Diamond Circulates (except that the centers of the diamond remain centers throughout).

Alter The Wave

 Block Formation 


A block is a 4x4 matrix in which no 2 real bodies have a real body between them. There is 1 space between all bodies in a block: in front, in back, left and right. In blocks you can do only 4-person calls (or sequences of calls) that start and end in a 2x2 formation, e.g. Partner Trade, Partner Tag, Pass Thru, Touch 1/4, Star Thru, Square Thru, Wheel Thru, etc. When doing a call in a block, each dancer works only with the dancers in his block; all block calls start and end on the same 4 spots on the floor, e.g., In Your Block, Walk and Dodge:

For some calls, e.g., In Your Block, Square Chain Thru, the dancers are working in a wave during the call's action. In that case, the waves are slightly offset from each other, just as the blocks are slightly offset, e.g., In Your Block, Square Chain Thru:


 Butterfly Formation / Concept 


A butterfly is a column formation with the ends of the column separated by 2 positions. Butterfly Circulate From a butterfly: All dancers move forward one position along the path below:

Other Butterfly calls, such as Split Circulate, Walk and Dodge Any call which can be done from General Columns (columns, double pass thru, etc.), and which ends in general lines or columns, can be done from a butterfly. The dancers act as though the ends were close together; however, they end on the original 8 spots on the floor. For example, "Butterfly Double Pass Thru":

The ending formation is always the same as though the ends stepped together, everyone did the call, and the ends slid apart again - the same eight spots on the floor are occupied at the end of the call as when it began.


 Cast Back / Cross Cast Back 


Cast Back From any formation with definite leads, who must not be facing directly toward or away from the flagpole center: Starting in a tandem, the lead dancer always does the call; elsewhere, the caller must designate a dancer. The designated dancer Peel Off and step forward to stand beside the other dancer. The other dancer does not move. This call cannot be fractionalized.

Cross Cast Back

From a couple facing out of a 2x2 formation: Starting in tandem couples, the lead dancers always do the call; elsewhere, the dancers must be designated. The designated dancers Trail Off and step forward to stand beside the other dancers. The others do not move. This call cannot be fractionalized.

Cast Back

 Chase Your Neighbor 


From couples back to back: Start a Chase Right, blending into a Follow Your Neighbor: The original beaus begin the Chase Right, meet each other, and Cast Off 3/4. The original belles begin the Zoom action, but after passing each other, they "Fold and Roll" to finish as the ends of a wave.

Chase Your Neighbor



From columns: The #1 and #2 dancers Checkmate while dancers #3 and #4 Circulate, Cast Off 3/4, Slither, and As Couples Extend. Ends in parallel two-faced lines.


 Circle By 


From facing couples: This call requires that two fractions, m and n, be called as part of its name, e.g., "Circle By 1/4 and 1/2". All join hands and Circle Left m. Then Touch and Cast Off n. If n is "Nothing", you just step to the wave. The second fraction (n), may be replaced by another call, as in "Circle By 1/2 and Recycle". In that case, the Cast Off is replaced by the call specified. In this example, the dancers would Circle Left 1/2, Touch, then Recycle, ending in facing couples.

Circle By (fract) By (anything)

 Concentric Concept 


From any appropriate formation (half the dancers must be centers and half must be outsides): The centers do the call in their group, while the outsides work with each other and do the call around the outside. The following diagrams show who works with whom on a Concentric call:

The last two formations shown are really the same; the grouping on the left is used if the caller only says "Concentric..." or the Concentric call doesn't start in diamonds. The grouping on the right is used when the caller says "Concentric Diamond, ..." or when the Concentric call can only be done from diamonds (e.g., Concentric Diamond Circulate).

If the Concentric call is being done from general lines or general columns, and the call starts and ends in a 2x2 box (e.g., Concentric Star Thru), the following rule applies: If the ends begin as though in columns, they finish as though in columns; if they begin in lines, they finish in lines. e.g., Concentric Star Thru:

If the Concentric call ends in a 2x2 box but starts elsewhere (e.g., Concentric Recycle from a tidal wave), the following rule applies: The outside dancers adjust so that the long axis of the ending formation is at right angles to the long axis of the starting formation. For example, Concentric Crossfire:

Concentric Recycle:

Concentric Reverse Explode:

Concentric Single Hinge:

Concentric Step and Fold:

Concentric Diamond, Step and Fold:

Concentric Trade the Wave:

Common applications include:
  • From starting DPT: Star Thru, Slide Thru, Pass In/Out, Touch 1/4
  • From completed DPT: Chase Right, Shakedown
  • From tidal wave: Recycle, Ah So
  • From tidal line: Wheel & Deal, Turn and Deal, 1/2 Tag

Concentric CONCEPT

 Counter Rotate 


From any formation with no dancers facing directly toward or away from the flagpole center: Each dancer moves forward the designated number of quarters (1/4 unless otherwise specified) around the flagpole center of the formation, staying the same distance from that center as though he were on a wheel turning about that center. With each quarter he Counter Rotates, the dancer faces a new wall (i.e., he turns 90°).

The original outsides always finish as outsides, and the original centers always finish as centers. For example, "Points Counter Rotate 1/4":

Teaching Hint: From parallel waves, people tend to try to Split Counter Rotate. Describing the action, from that formation only, as "Concentric Box Counter Rotate" helps a great deal.

Counter Rotate (fract)

 Cross and Turn / Reverse Cross and Turn 


Cross and Turn
From facing couples: The beaus Right Pull By with each other as the belles U-Turn Back (turning toward the beaus). Ends in couples back to back.

Reverse Cross and Turn
From facing couples: The belles Left Pull By with each other as the beaus U-Turn Back (turning toward the belles). Ends in couples back to back.

Cross & Turn

 Cross By 


From a Thar, Wrong-way Thar, or Parallel Waves: Do 1/2 a Circulate, Sashaying as you go, and joining opposite hands from initial handhold. Ends in a Wrong-way Thar, Thar, or Ocean Wave between vertical Mini-waves.

Cross By

 Cross Chain Thru / Cross Chain And Roll 


Cross Chain Thru
From eight chain thru: All Right Pull By, then the ends Courtesy Turn while the centers Left Hand Star 1/2 to end in another eight chain thru formation. The star ends as though the centers had done a Cross Trail Thru.

Note: By definition, "Cross Chain Thru and Roll" is the same as Cross Chain and Roll.

Cross Chain And Roll
From Eight Chain Thru: All Right Pull By. The outsides Courtesy Turn and Roll while the centers Left Hand Star 1/2, to end in parallel waves.

Cross Chain Thru

 Cross Extend 


From a Single 1/4 Tag or Box Circulate: Extend but move on a slight diagonal so as to end in a formation whose handedness is the opposite from that of the starting formation. Cross Extend from a Right-Hand Single 1/4 Tag will end in a Left-Hand Box Circulate. Cross Extend from a Right-Hand Box Circulate will end in a Left-Hand Single 3/4 Tag.

Notes: Cross Extend is a 4-dancer call. The common 8-dancer starting formations are 1/4 Tag and Ocean Waves.

From a 1/4 Tag, since those in the center wave are most aware of its handedness, it is important for them to meet the outside dancers with the correct hand.

From Ocean Waves there is a tendency for the original leaders to cross or half sashay with each other. This would be incorrect because the two Box Circulate formations should not interact. The original leaders simply move straight ahead and adjust to form a couple in the resulting 3/4 Tag formation.

Cross Extend

 Cross Roll to a Wave/Line 


From a line or wave: The centers Cross Run while the ends Run. The centers pass outside of the ends as they Cross Run.

Cross Roll (To A Line|Wave)

 Cross Your Neighbor 


From box circulate: This is a Follow Your Neighbor with those going in using the opposite hand from usual. Those facing in walk forward on a slight diagonal to meet each other with their original outside hands (thought of by some as Cross Extend) and Cast Off 3/4, while those facing out Fold and Roll.

Teaching Hint: This is a Follow Your Neighbor with the trailers using the opposite hand from which they are holding their partner.

Cross Your Neighbor

 Cut the Galaxy 


From a galaxy: Centers Galaxy Circulate while the points slide together and Trade (Star 1/2). Finishes in a thar or promenade.

Cut The Galaxy

 Cut the Interlocked Diamond 

 Dixie Diamond 


From facing couples or facing tandems: All Dixie Style to a Wave. Then the centers Hinge while the ends U-Turn Back (turning toward each other). Ends in a right-hand diamond.

Dixie Diamond

 Dixie Sashay 


From facing couples or tandems: As a single smooth motion, Dixie Style to A Wave and Slither, to form a two-faced line. This call cannot be fractionalized.

Dixie Sashay

 Flip Back 


From a wave: Flip The Line 1/2, then Scoot Back. Ends in a box circulate formation. This call has two parts.

Flip Back

 Flip the Galaxy 


From a galaxy: Centers Galaxy Circulate while the points Run to the nearest center. Finishes in a thar or promenade.

Flip The Galaxy

 Flip the Interlocked Diamond 


From interlocked diamonds (twin): The points Flip the Diamond, while the centers Interlocked Diamond Circulate.

Interlocked Diamond FORMATION

 Flip the Line (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full) 


From waves only: Centers Run and all any-shoulder Tag the Line the given fraction (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full). Any shoulder means: From right-hand waves, use a right shoulder pass; from left-hand waves use a left shoulder pass.

Flip The Line

 Follow Thru 


From a box circulate, T-bone, or single quarter tag: All 1/2 Scoot Back. Ends in a wave, two-faced line or diamond.

Follow Thru

 Galaxy Circulate 


From a galaxy: Each dancer moves forward one spot along the circulate path shown below.

Galaxy Circulate

 Galaxy Formation 


A Galaxy is composed of a center box and an outside diamond.


 Interlocked Diamond Circulate 


[This is a draft definition awaiting approval by the Challenge Committee.]

Diamond Circulate to the next position in your Interlocked Diamond.

Interlocked Diamond FORMATION

 Interlocked Diamond Formation 



From dancers facing directly or on an angle: Like a Pass Thru, except the dancers do not have to be facing directly. Each dancer finishes on the other dancer's starting spot, facing opposite the way that dancer was facing.


 Linear Action 


From quarter or three-quarter tag, wave between parallel mini-waves, quarter or three-quarter line, or two-faced line between parallel mini-waves: All Hinge. Centers Box Circulate 1 1/2, as outsides Trade. Those who meet Cast Off 3/4, as others move up (as in Hourglass Circulate) to form parallel waves or lines.

Linear Action



From one-quarter tag or three-quarter tag: Outsides Quarter Right, or as directed. They then Counter Rotate 1/4 while the centers Step and Fold. Ends in parallel waves or lines. The quartering direction for the outsides may be specified, as in "Left Little" or "Right Little" (outsides go left or right, respectively).

Little, Outsides Out.

From twin diamonds: Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 while the centers Step and Fold. Ends in parallel general lines.


 Magic Column Formation / Concept 


A Magic Column consists of the ends of one column and the centers of the other column. The dancers act as though they were in a column together, beginning and ending on those four spots.

Do the call as usual, but if you move from end to center or center to end, follow the Magic Column Circulate path. Note that a single magic column is neither right- nor left-handed. You must follow the Magic traffic pattern, and perform any action using the hand appropriate to your position at that point in the call.

Magic Column Circulate
From magic columns: Each dancer moves forward along one of the two circulate paths shown below:

If an end and a center are facing each other, they pass using the end's inside shoulder (the center dancer moves first). This takes the place of the right-shoulder rule. So Magic Column Circulate 1 1/2 would end like so:

Teaching Hint: You can point out that the ends are holding opposite hands from the centers - e.g., the ends have right hands joined, and the centers have left hands joined.

If you leave the circulate path (e.g., in Magic Column Transfer, shown below), just finish the call as usual. In this example, the ending wave is left-handed because the centers have lefts before the final Extend:

In the case of Magic Column Walk and Dodge, the rules are the same: Those who are doing the Walk follow the circulate path, and those doing the Dodge (and thus leaving the circulate path) just slide sideways as usual:

Note: Magic column calls are only permitted where complete magic columns exist. It would be improper, for example, to call "Magic Walk and Dodge" from an inverted box in isolation.

Note: At C-1 this concept is restricted to right or left-hand Magic Columns only.

Magic Column CONCEPT

 Make Magic 


From general columns: Any center and outside dancers who are facing each other do a Pass Thru, as any center who is facing in, does a pull by with the diagonally opposite dancer, using outside hands. If all four centers are facing in, they Cross Trail Thru.

Make Magic

 O Formation / Concept 


[This is a draft definition awaiting approval by the Challenge Committee.]
An "O" is a column formation with the centers spread apart (2 spaces between them). Any call that can be done from General Columns (Columns, Double Pass Thru, etc.), and which ends in General Lines or General Columns, can be done from "O" Formation.

O Circulate
From an O: Each dancer moves forward one spot along the circulate path shown below:

Other O calls
Any call which can be done from General Columns (Columns, Double Pass Thru, etc.), and which ends in General Lines or General Columns, can be done from an O. The dancers act as though the centers were close together; however, they end on the same 8 spots on the floor.

For example, "O Double Pass Thru":

O Walk and Dodge:

O Swing Thru:

But can't O Swing Thru from here:

That last one is an O Magic Column. There is no such thing as an "O Wave". The O Swing Thru above only works because the O looks like a distorted eight chain thru formation.

The effect of an O call is exactly the same as having the centers slide together, doing the call, and having the new centers move away from the center so that the original 8 spots on the floor are again occupied.

Common applications include Circulate, Split Circulate, and Walk and Dodge.


 Pass the Axle 


From eight chain thru: All Pass Thru, the centers Pass Thru while the ends Cross Cast Back. All Swing, and the new centers Trade.

Pass The Axle



From appropriate parallel waves or lines, or eight chain thru: Circulate, 1/2 (Half) Circulate. The center 4 (those in the wave) Hinge and Cross. Meanwhile, the ends Turn Thru or Left Turn Thru as appropriate. From most places (e.g., waves) this ends in lines back to back. It can be done from anywhere the Circulate, 1/2 (Half) Circulate gives a definite center wave.

"Percolate But" means the Hinge and Cross is replaced by the "But" call. The ends complete the call as usual.


 Phantom Formation / Concept 


A Phantom is a non-existent dancer with whom you may be asked to work. A Phantom formation (e.g., after Heads Wheel Thru, Swing Thru, Heads Hinge) has the dancers arranged as shown below. Some of the dancers are in lines at the head, and some are in lines at the side. Each dancer acts as though he or she were in parallel waves or lines with all the Phantom positions occupied by real dancers.

It is also possible to have a phantom formation where some of the dancers feel like they're in columns (as below). However, this variation is not appropriate for use at C-1.

Consider Phantom Circulate:

Common applications include Couples Circulate, Cross Over Circulate, Tag the Line, Turn and Deal, Wheel and Deal, Ferris Wheel, Acey Deucey, Trade the Wave, Recycle, Ah So, Circulate, Trade Circulate.




From 1/4 Tag or 3/4 Tag: This call has 3 parts:

  1. Little
  2. Split Circulate 2 (formerly called "Turn the Star 1/2")
  3. Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 and Roll while the centers 1/2 Zoom to form a wave
Ends in quarter tag.

Notes: The caller can vary the number of Split Circulates (e.g., "Plenty, do 3 Split Circulates", "Plenty, but Split Circulate 3").

From Diamonds, if you want the points to go as they are, the proper usage is "Plenty, points go as you are". The command "Plenty" would start with the points doing a 1/4 Right.

Since the first part is a Little, the outside dancers normally begin with a Quarter Right but the caller can tell them to quarter in a different direction (e.g., "Plenty, outsides face in", "Left Plenty" (the outsides quarter left), "Right Plenty" (the outsides quarter right).

Scoot and Plenty
From quarter tag: Scoot Back, then Right Plenty or Left Plenty, depending on the hand with which the Scoot Back was done. The outsides can also take a direction, as in "Scoot and Plenty, Outsides Out."

Left Scoot and Plenty
From left-hand quarter tag only: (This usage is to be avoided, except when helping the dancers since this call is no different from Scoot and Plenty from this formation.) Scoot Back, then Left Plenty. The outsides always go to the left.

Notes: Traditional usage says that on a Plenty the outsides go to the Right. This makes sense because they shouldn't be responsible for the handedness of the ocean wave behind them. Traditional usage has the outsides on a Scoot and Plenty from a left-hand quarter tag go to the left. This makes sense because it is one call and the dancers just used the left hand on the Scoot Back, so they should automatically continue to the left after the Scoot Back.

From a left-hand quarter tag, the command "Scoot Back and Plenty" is two calls, and the outsides should go to the right even though "Scoot and Plenty would have them go to the left. It is unfortunate that these two similar-sounding phrases have a different dance action. Callers should avoid trying to trick dancers in this way.

On a Left 3/4 Tag and Plenty, dancers will go to the right. Use Left 3/4 Tag and Left Plenty to have the dancers go to the left.

From a left-hand quarter tag, Scoot Chain Thru and Plenty will have the dancers go to the right. Use Scoot Chain Thru and Left Plenty to have the dancers go to the left.


 Press Ahead 


From any appropriate formation: Those designated move one dancer position forward. Example: #1 Press Ahead:

Note: This is not the same as Extend.

Press Ahead



From one-quarter tag or three-quarter tag: The outsides separate and Slide Thru with each other, while the centers Single Wheel and Slide Thru.




From parallel lines, waves, or T-bones with the ends in lines, only: The centers Trade and Roll while the ends Quarter Out, Trade with each other, and "O" Circulate to become the ends of lines facing.


 Relay the Shadow 


From a tidal wave: All Swing. The center six Cast 3/4, while the ends Counter Rotate 1/4, meet the very centers, Single Hinge & Spread. The other four do the centers' part of a Cast a Shadow (i.e., leaders "shadow", trailers Extend, Hinge, and Extend).

Relay The Shadow

 Relay the Top 


From parallel waves: All Swing. The centers Arm Turn 3/4 while the ends 1/2 Circulate, to create a star between two mini-waves. The star turns 1/4, while the others Trade. The center four dancers in the 6-person wave now Cast Off 3/4, while the others move up (as in Hourglass Circulate). Ends in parallel waves.

Relay The Top

 Reverse Explode 


From a wave: All Step Thru and Quarter Out. Ends in couples back-to-back.

Reverse Explode (generic)

 Reverse Rotate 


Working As Couples, the designated outside dancers turn 1/4 in place to face reverse promenade direction and Counter Rotate the designated fraction (or 1/4, if none is specified) around the outside of the square, while the other dancers step forward into the middle.

Reverse Rotate (from SqSet)

 Reverse Single Rotate 


Working individually, the designated outside dancers turn 1/4 in place to face reverse promenade direction and Counter Rotate the designated fraction (or 1/4, if none is specified) around the outside of the square, while the other dancers step forward into the middle.

Reverse Single Rotate (from SqSet)

 Reverse Wheel and (Anything) 


From any formation with exactly two couples as outsides and facing out: The outside couples As Couples Wrong-Way Promenade 1/4 and As Couples Face In, while the other dancers do the "anything" call. For example, Reverse Wheel and Touch 1/4.

Reverse Wheel And (anything)

 Rotary Spin 


From eight chain thru: Everyone does a Right Pull By, then the centers step to a left-hand wave and Cast Off 3/4 while the ends Courtesy Turn and Roll. Ends in parallel right-hand waves.

Rotary Spin



From a static square, or a static square with some couples facing out (e.g., after Heads Pass Thru): Working As Couples, the designated outside dancers turn 1/4 in place to face promenade direction and Counter Rotate the designated fraction (or 1/4, if none is specified) around the outside of the square, while the other dancers step forward into the middle. This is a restricted definition for C-1, using only the permitted formation of a static square.

In this diagram, dancers #1, 2, 7, & 8 are the ones designated to Rotate.

Rotate (from SqSet)

 Scatter Scoot 


From parallel waves: Leads All Eight Circulate while the others Scoot Back.

Scatter Scoot

 Scatter Scoot Chain Thru 


From waves only: The leads All Eight Circulate while the trailers Scoot Chain Thru.

Scatter Scoot Chain Thru

 Scoot & Little 


From quarter tag: Scoot Back, then Little or Left Little, according to the hand with which the Scoot Back was done, or outsides go as directed (as in "Scoot and Little, Out on the outside").

Scoot and Little:

Left Scoot and Little From left-hand quarter tag only: [This usage is to be avoided, except when helping the dancers - since this call is no different from Scoot and Little from this formation.] Scoot Back, then Left Little. The outsides always go to the left.

Scoot & Little

 Scoot & Ramble 


From quarter tag: Scoot Back, then Ramble.

Scoot & Ramble



From a 2x2 formation with everyone as leaders only: As one continuous move, Quarter Right, Box Counter Rotate 1/4, and Roll. This call can not be fractionalized.


 Siamese Concept 


From a formation composed of 2 tandems and 2 couples: Same as "In Tandem or As Couples": Those who are in the tandems work in tandem, and those in the couples work as couples, and everyone does the 2- or 4-dancer call specified.


 Single Rotate 


Working individually, the designated outside dancers turn 1/4 in place to face promenade direction and Counter Rotate the designated fraction (or 1/4, if none is specified) around the outside of the square, while the other dancers step forward into the middle.

In this diagram, dancers #1, 2, 7, & 8 are the ones designated to Single Rotate.

Single Rotate (from SqSet)

 Split Dixie Diamond 


From 2 appropriate T-bones: Those facing Right Pull By and Quarter In, then all Left Touch 1/4 to form parallel waves. Now the new centers Hinge, while the ends U-Turn Back. Ends in diamonds.

Split Dixie Diamond

 Split Dixie Style to a Wave 


From a T-bone: Those facing Right Pull By and Quarter In, then all Left Touch 1/4.

Split Dixie Style To A Wave

 Split Square Chain the Top 


From a T-Bone: Those facing right Pull By and Quarter In, then all Left Spin the Top and Left Turn Thru to end as couples back to back.

Split Square Chain The Top

 Split/Box Recycle 


From box circulate formation: Without letting go hands with the leads, the trailers Extend and U-Turn Back, to end with their original outside hands joined. The leads follow along, becoming the ends of the resulting wave.

From 2x2 formations where half the box is a couple and the other is a right-hand mini-wave: Those in the couple do a facing-couples Recycle, and those in the mini-wave do a Split Recycle. This ends in a right-hand wave.

This can't be done when the mini-wave is left-handed:

Where not otherwise ambiguous, it is permissible to call simply, "Recycle" when you mean "Split Recycle". For example, from columns, you could call "Outsides Partner Tag while the centers Recycle" and the meaning is clear. From parallel waves, though, "Recycle" and "Split Recycle" are different, and one must not be called when the other is meant.

Split Recycle

 Square Chain the Top 


From facing couples: Right Pull By, Quarter In, Left Spin The Top, and Left Turn Thru to end as couples back to back.

Square Chain The Top

 Square the Bases 


From facing lines: The centers Square Thru 3 while the ends Pass Thru, Ends Bend and start a Split Square Thru 2 (finishing with the centers). Now, all Trade By.

Square The Bases



From any appropriate 2-dancer formation: If side by side, the designated dancers Trade and slide apart. If far apart, they slide together and Trade. In case of conflict, the centers move before the ends (e.g., from a facing diamond). For example, from columns, "Ends Squeeze" gives a butterfly:


 Squeeze the Hourglass/Galaxy 


From an hourglass or a galaxy: The center six Squeeze. Squeezing an hourglass results in a galaxy and vice versa:

Squeeze The Hourglass

 Step and Flip 


From lines or waves: The centers step forward as the ends run.

Note: Step and Flip is best called from lines facing out or from inverted lines with the centers facing out. If called from two-faced lines or waves, the ending formation is a "Z", used primarily at C-2 and beyond.

Step & Flip

 Step and Fold 


From an inverted line, a wave, or a diamond only: The centers step forward and the ends Fold to end in a box circulate formation, tandem couples, or t-bone.

Example of Step and Fold:

Step & Fold

 Stretch Concept 


From all appropriate formations: The modifier "Stretch" is used as a prefix, applied to two- or four-person calls only. Do the 2- or 4-person call as usual, but the people who end in the center move to the center spots farthest from the dancers they had been working with (by moving along the long axis of the formation). For example, Stretch Recycle:

or Stretch Shake Down

or Stretch Turn and Deal

or Stretch Touch 1/4

or Stretch Touch:

If the centers cannot move along the long axis of the formation to get away from the ends they'd been working with, then the call is improper. For example, Stretch Swing Thru is not proper from here:

because after the Swing Thru, the centers would have to move along the short axis of the formation to get away from the ends.

Similarly, one may not call Centers Stretch Touch 1/4 from here

because the centers weren't working with the ends on the Touch 1/4.

Note: The examples above are here only to clarify the definition. They do not necessarily represent good usage, particularly Stretch Turn and Deal from left-hand two-faced lines. Common applications include Recycle, Ah So, and Turn and Deal (from right-hand two-faced lines).

Teaching Hint: This call is usually danced with those coming to the center actually going to the far center spots, rather than first completing the move on their own side.




From Tandem Couples: Lead couple makes an arch and backs up while the trailing couple moves forward ducking under the arch. No one changes facing direction. Ends in Tandem Couples.

Other formations are possible and the caller is responsible for making it obvious which dancers are to arch. Usually they are active or designated. Depending on the facing directions of those making the arch, they may move forward or backwards. Those going under the arch may move forward, backwards, or even sideways. Examples: From a Trade By formation, Centers Arch and Substitute Over The Ends. From a Squared Set, Heads Touch 1/4 and Substitute (Over The Sides). From a Galaxy, Centers Substitute Over One, or Those In The Wave-Based Triangle, Substitute.


 Swing and Circle (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full) 


From quarter tag, three-quarter tag, diamonds (but not facing diamonds), or a wave between parallel miniwaves: The dancers in the wave Swing. Now the very center dancers Trade while the outer six move as shown in the diagrams below. Then the outside dancers turn, if need be, to end in a quarter tag. This ends Swing and Circle 1/4.

Repeat the entire above action, if necessary:

  • once more, for Swing and Circle 1/2
  • twice more, for Swing and Circle 3/4
  • three more times, for a full Swing and Circle

e.g., Swing and Circle 1/4:

Swing & Circle (fract)

 Swing the Fractions 


From parallel waves, or other appropriate formations: Those who can Turn 1/4 by the Right, those who can Turn 1/2 by the Left, those who can Turn 3/4 by the Right, those who can Turn 1/2 by the Left, and those who can Turn 1/4 by the Right.

e.g., from right-hand waves:

or from left-hand waves:

For each part of the call, there must be a dancer performing this part and the immediately preceding or following one. For example, the call is not proper from Magic Columns.

This is a 5-part call, with each arm turn being one part. "Swing the Fractions 4/5" is common.

Swing The Fractions

 Switch the Line 


From a general line: Centers Run, while the ends Cross Run. In cases where dancers would collide, those doing the Cross Run move outside of those doing the Run; otherwise, all the usual shoulder passing rules apply.

Switch The Line

 Switch to an Interlocked Diamond 


From parallel waves/lines: Centers Run, while the ends do their part of Interlocked Diamond Circulate.

Switch To An Interlocked Diamond

 T-Bone Formation 


Definition: A T-Bone formation is one where some people are in lines or waves and some are in columns, e.g.,

To do a call "T-Bone", do your part of the call, regardless of how the other people are facing. For example:

The caller does not actually say the words "T-Bone". Dancers are expected to recognize the formation and do the call accordingly.


 Tag Back to a Wave 


From a line or wave: 1/2 Tag and Scoot Back. Ends in box circulate formation. This call has two parts.

Tag Back (To A Wave)

 Tally Ho 


From parallel waves or lines, trade-by, and 2x4 T-Bones: All 1/2 Circulate. The centers Hinge and 1/2 Box Circulate, while the outsides Trade. Those who meet Cast 3/4 while the other four Hourglass Circulate, to form parallel waves or lines, or a parallelogram.


 Tandem Concept 


Similar to the "As Couples" concept, but the two dancers that work as a unit are a tandem. Nobody ever comes between the dancers in a tandem. For example, Tandem Swing Thru:

or Tandem Quarter Thru:

Common applications include Touch 1/4, Hinge, Scoot Back, Swing Thru, Walk and Dodge.


 Tandem-Based Triangle Calls 


In a Tandem-based Triangle, the apex is the trailer. Mentally add a phantom in front of the apex to make a box of four. Now such calls as Peel Off, Peel and Trail, and Trail Off can be done treating the Tandem-Based Triangle as a box of four.

Tandem-Based Triangle Peel & Trail:

Tandem-Based Triangle FORMATION

 The Axle 


From trade-by or completed double pass thru: The centers Pass Thru, if they can, while the ends Cross Cast Back. All Swing, and the new centers Trade.

(anything) The Axle

 Triangle Formation / Triangle Circulate 


[This is a draft definition awaiting approval by the Challenge Committee.]

Triangle Formation
A triangle consists of an apex and either a (mini) wave-base or a tandem-base. Triangles are found as parts of a galaxy, hourglass, twin diamonds, and various other formations.

Teaching Hint: Every dancer has one shoulder toward the inside of the triangle. After Triangle Circulate, that same shoulder is still toward the center.

Inpoint/Inside/Outpoint/Outside Triangles
Various formations, including Twin Diamonds and Point-to-Point Diamonds, contain Triangles.

Inside Triangle: The Center 6 form the Triangles.

Outside Triangle: The Outside 6 form the Triangles.

The footprints of twin diamonds, with the outside 4 in tandem, contain additional Triangles. Each of these triangles has one point as the apex and two of the center 4 as the base.

Inpoint Triangle: Each point facing in is an apex.

Outpoint Triangle: Each point facing out is an apex.

Tandem-based/Wave-based Triangles
Various formations, especially a Galaxy, contain triangles that may be identified by the formation of their "base". A wave-based triangle has the dancers in the base usually in a mini-wave (also possible: a couple). A tandem-based triangle has the dancers in the base usually in a tandem (also possible: facing or back-to-back dancers).

Examples of various Triangle Circulates:


 Triple Box/Column/Line/Wave Concept 


This concept establishes three groups of 4 dancers each; the dancers in each group are in either a box, column, line, or wave. Since there are 12 spots and only 8 actual dancers, 4 of the spots will be vacant (occupied by phantom dancers). Calls are executed by working with your group of 4. Examples of the spots and who works with whom:

Common Triple Box calls are Circulate, Counter Rotate, Right and Left Thru, Scoot Back, Shakedown, Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, and Wheel Thru. Common Triple Wave/Line/Column calls are Swing Thru, Mix, Switch the Wave, Pass and Roll, Touch 1/4, and Dixie Style to a Wave.


 Twist and (Anything) 


From a line, centers facing the same way: The centers step forward and Partner Trade while the ends face, move in, and do the Anything call - which will involve only the original ends unless otherwise specified. For example, "Twist and Square Thru 2":

Twist and Split Square Thru 2:

Twist and Pass Out:

Twist and Nothing:

Twist And (anything)

 Twist the Line 


From a line, centers facing the same way, and sexes arranged appropriately: The centers step forward and Partner Trade while the ends face, move in, and Star Thru. This is a sex dependent call (because of the Star Thru).

Twist The Line

 Vertical Tag (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full) 


From box circulate, facing couples, etc.:

  • Dancers in a trailing couple have the belle step in front of the beau, forming a tandem
  • Dancers in a leading couple Single Wheel
  • Dancers in a mini-wave have the leads Fold

Then all finish a Tag The Line (i.e., walk forward for as many tag positions as indicated).

Vertical Tag:

Vertical 1/2 Tag:

Vertical (fract) Tag (The Line)

 Vertical Tag Back to a Wave 


From box circulate, facing couples, etc.: Vertical 1/2 Tag, then Scoot Back. Ends in box circulate formation. This call has two parts.

Vertical Tag Back (To A Wave)



From box circulate: The leads do 1/2 a Box Circulate while the trailers walk forward on a slight diagonal to meet each other with their original outside hands (thought of by some as Cross Extend) and Hinge. From single eight chain thru: All Pass Thru, and the ends Quarter Right while the centers Left Touch 1/4 (this is like Touch and Weave).


 Wheel and (Anything) 


From any formation with exactly two couples as outsides and facing out: The outside couples As Couples Promenade 1/4 and As Couples Face In, while the other dancers do the "anything" call. For example, Wheel and Touch 1/4:

Wheel And (anything)

 Wheel Fan Thru 


From facing couples: Start a Wheel Thru, but as the beaus meet, they Trade (by the right) and then all complete the Wheel Thru.

Wheel Fan Thru

 With the Flow 


From facing couples, with each couple having sideways body flow - as a couple - resulting from the previous call or with exactly one dancer in each couple moving forward: This is a flowing Walk and Dodge. The leading dancer in flow direction walks forward, as the other dancer dodges into the space being vacated.

With The Flow



From a box circulate or tandem couples: Leaders Zoom but only turn 3/4 (270 degrees) as they go (similar to Quarter Out and Run). Trailers Circulate and Quarter In. Zing is also proper from various 3 & 1 boxes, T-Bone boxes, and from an isolated Tandem.

Points Zing:

09-December-2024 13:01:40
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