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CALLERLAB - C3A Definitions

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79 records

Definitions in this section are from CALLERLAB
They are provided here for informational and educational purposes only.


 1/4 (or 3/4) Mix 


Starting formations - Right Hand Mini-Wave Box, a Diamond with the Centers in a R-H Mini-Wave, or other applicable formations.

Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4); those in a Line/Wave Mix. Ends in a Line or Wave. 1/4 (or 3/4) Mix is a 3-part call: Right Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4); Centers Cross Run; New Centers Trade.

1/4 Mix

 1/4 (or 3/4) The Deucey 


Starting formation - Parallel Ocean Waves.

1/4 The Deucey: Arm Turn 1/4; Centers Cast Off 1/4 as the Lead End Circulate as the Trailing End 1/2 Circulate; Center Star turn 1/4; those who meet (Center Wave) Cast Off 1/4 as lonesome Center move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate) to become the End of a Wave. Ends in Parallel Waves.

3/4 The Deucey: Same as 1/4 The Deucey except each of the four 1/4 turns is replaced with a 3/4 turn. Ends in Parallel Waves.

1/4 The Deucey

 1/4 Wheel The Ocean/Sea 


Starting formation - Left Hand Two-Faced Line.

Left Cast 1/4 (to end in Facing Couples); Finish Wheel The Ocean/Sea. (Ocean: Belles diagonally R-H Pull By; Sea: Belles Walk as Beaus Dodge.) Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. (Ocean: R-H Box; Sea: L-H Box.)

1/4 Wheel The (Ocean|Sea)

 3/4 Wheel The Ocean/Sea 


Starting formation - Right Hand Two-Faced Line.

Left Cast 3/4 (to end in Facing Couples); Finish Wheel The Ocean/Sea. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.

1/4 (or 3/4) Wheel The Ocean/Sea is a 2-part call.

3/4 Wheel The (Ocean|Sea)

 Anyone Hop 


Starting formation - Any applicable non T-Bone 2 x 2 (usually Facing Couples).

Designated dancers Walk as others Dodge; all Hinge. Ends in a Wave or Inverted Line.

Anyone Hop is a 2-part call.

(anyone) Hop

 Any Tagging Call Chain Thru 


Starting formations - depends on the "Any Tagging" call.

Do the Any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scoot Chain Thru. Ends in Parallel Waves.

(any Tag call) Chain Thru

 Anything Reaction 


Starting formations - depends on the "Anything" call

Do the anything call leaving off the final Extend, then do a full Chain Reaction. The anything call is usually a Scoot Back variation of a Tagging call. For example, Flip Reaction: From Parallel Waves. Flip Back Centers To A Wave then all Chain Reaction. Tag Reaction: From Parallel Lines. Tag Back To A Wave Centers To A Wave then all Chain Reaction. Note: For Tagging calls, there is an unspoken 'Back' (Scoot Back) in them (e.g., Tag Reaction means Tag Back Reaction).

(anything) Reaction

 Bias Circulate 


From Parallel Waves or other applicable formations.

Leaders Circulate as Trailers Diagonal Box Circulate. Parallel Waves end in Parallel Waves. Traffic pattern: From R-H Waves Trailers use a R-H Star; from L-H Waves Trailers use a L-H Star.

Bias Circulate

 Big Block Concept 


From Interlocked Blocks, Butterfly, "O" or other applicable formations.

Execute the given call working within Distorted Parallel Lines. At the completion of the call, each dancer must occupy one of the footprints of the original formation.


 Breaker Anything 


Starting formation - Right Hand & Left Hand Columns, Magic Columns, or applicable T-Bone 2 x 4s.

Ends Cast Off 3/4 as Centers Box Counter Rotate 1/4 and 1/2 Box Circulate; Center Line does the anything call (if the anything call is a number such as 1, 2, or 3, Cast Off that many quarters) as the others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). Usually ends in Parallel Lines, Twin Diamonds, or an Hourglass depending upon the anything call.

Breaker (anything)

 Catch 1, 2, 3, 4 


From facing couples: Square Thru, but on the indicated hand step to a wave, centers Trade, and all Step and Fold to finish in a box circulate formation. For example, Catch 3:

Catch (anything) (n)

 Catch Anything [n] 


Starting formations - Applicable formations.

Square Thru [n] To A Wave; do the anything call; Step & Fold. Ends in various formations.

Catch (anything) (n)

 Checker Board/Box Anything 


Starting formation - 2 x 4 (or other applicable formations) with precisely two Leaders in each Line. In the following diagrams, "L" designates the Leaders in each Line as "O" designates the other dancers. The dancers designated "O" by can be facing in any direction other than the same direction as the dancers designated "L" in their 1 x 4.

Checker Board Anything: The Leaders in each Line ("L" dancers) TRADE with each other as the others ("O" dancers) do the Anything call working in a distorted 1 x 4. Ends in a 2 x 4.

Checker Box Anything: The Leaders in each Line ( "L" dancers) TRADE with each other as the others ("O" dancers) do the Anything call working in a distorted 2 x 2. Ends in a 2 x 4.

Checker Board CONCEPT

 Couple Up 


Starting formation - Any applicable 2 x 2.

Box Circulate; Leaders U-Turn Back (toward the Center of the 2 x 2). Ends in a 2 x 2.

Couple Up is a 2-part call.

Couple Up

 Cross Chain Reaction 


Starting Formation - Any applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag.

Very Centers Jaywalk with diagonally facing outside dancers as the Ends of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 (around the outside); Centers of each side Hinge; Centers Star Circulate as Outsides Trade; Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4 as the others Phantom Hourglass Circulate. Ends in Parallel Lines.

Cross Chain Reaction

 Cross Counter 


Starting formation 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations.

Centers Trade The Wave, Cast Off 3/4 and Counter Rotate 1/4 as the Outsides Cross Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold. A R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines; a L-H 3/4 Tag. Ends in Parallel L-H Waves.

Cross Counter is a 3-part call.

Cross Counter



Starting formation - Applicable formations (usually a 3/4 Tag).

Outsides 1/4 Right (if Delight) or 1/4 Left (if Dilemma) and Circulate twice as the Centers Swing, Slip twice, and Cast Off 3/4. Usually ends in Parallel Lines. The Center's part of Delight/Dilemma is a 4-part call.


 Drift Apart 


Starting formation - A 2 x 4 formation.

Ends Split Circulate twice as Out-facing Centers Crossover Circulate and Circulate as In-facing Centers Circulate and Crossover Circulate. Ends in a 2 x 4.

Drift Apart is a 2-part call.

Drift Apart

 Ease Off 


Starting formation - Parallel Lines or other applicable formations.

Ends Zing as Centers (Concentric) Circulate and Face In. Parallel Lines end in a Double Pass Thru.

Ease Off

 Eight By Anything 


Starting formation - Applicable formations.

Outsides Grand Chain Eight and Roll as Centers do the anything call (working in the Center). Ending formation depends on the starting formation and the Anything call.

Eight By (anything)

 Exchange The Box 


Starting formation - 2 x 4 formation.

Do a total of four SPLIT CIRCULATES, except that when you become an In-facing Center do your next CIRCULATE to your diagonal opposite position (crossing over into the other Box). Exchange The Box can be fractionalized into fourths. The traffic pattern is such that as you are crossing to the other Box, you must physically stay to the outside of those who are still in their original Box. The In-facing Centers lead the Exchange and usually everyone else in their Box can follow them.

Exchange The Boxes (fract)

 Exchange The Triangle 


Starting formation - Twin Triangles.

Do a total of three Triangle Circulates except that when 1) you become the Apex dancer (for Apex-to-Apex Triangles), or 2) you become the In-Facing Base dancer (for Base-to-Base Triangles); do your next Circulate to the other Triangle. (From Apex-to-Apex Triangles, the Circulate is an Interlocked Triangle Circulate; from Base-to-Base Triangles, the Circulate is to the diagonal opposite position.) Exchange The Triangle can be fractionalized into thirds.

Exchange The Triangles (fract)

 Expand The Column 


Starting formation - 2 x 4 formation in which the Outsides are in Columns, or from other applicable formations.

Centers Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) as the Outsides Column Circulate twice. Columns end in Parallel Lines.

Expand (The Column)

 Explode The Top 


Starting formation - Parallel Lines.

Explode; End Beau Circulate 1 & 1/2 as End Belle Circulate, Veer inward, and U-Turn Back as Centers Touch 1/2 and the Very Centers Cast Off 3/4 while the other Center Step Ahead to form a R-H Star (Hint: the Center who Stepped Ahead should raise their Left hand to indicate that they are leading the Unwrap The Star); turn the Star 1/4 and the leader of the Unwrap walks forward as everyone else follows to Unwrap The Star, and everyone Face In to end in Facing Lines.

Explode The Top



Starting formation - Columns.

Trailers (#2 and #4 dancers) Press Out; Trailing Couple 1/2 Press Ahead; Outsides work Phantom: all Any Shoulder Turn & Deal. Ends in a Double Pass Thru.


 Finally Concept 


Starting formations - Various

Finally Any Concept Anything
Do the Anything call but only apply the given CONCEPT to the last part of the call. Ending formation depends on starting formation and Anything call and Any CONCEPT.


 Flare Out To A Line 


Starting formation - Parallel Two-Faced Lines and other applicable formations.

Leaders work away from the Center of the set to do a Turn To A Line as Trailers 1/2 Circulate. Parallel Two-Faced Lines end in an As Couples Wave.

Flare Out To A Line

 Follow To A Diamond 


Starting formation - A Mini-Wave Box or applicable 2 x 2 T-Bone.

Trailers Follow Your Neighbor & Spread as Leaders Box Circulate once and a half. A Right Hand or Left Hand Mini-Wave Box ends in a Diamond, a 2 x 2 T-Bone usually ends in a Wave.

Follow To A Diamond

 Follow Your Leader 


Starting formation - Parallel Waves.

Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate and Tandem Cross Fold as Trailers Follow Your Neighbor (Extend and Arm Turn 3/4); all Tandem Extend. Ends in Columns.

Follow Your Leader

 Grand Mix 


Starting formation - A Generalized Tidal Line.

Center pairs of dancers (3 pairs from an 8-dancer Tidal Line, 2 pairs from a 6-dancer Tidal Line) Grand (Working As Centers) Cross Run (like a Grand Slip-Slide); new Center pairs of dancers Trade (Grand Slip). Ends in a Tidal Line.

Grand Mix is a 2-part call.

Grand Mix

 Hinge The Lock 


Starting formation - Any applicable non T-Bone 2 x 2.

Hinge; Lockit. Ends in a Wave.

Hinge The Lock is a 2-part call.

Hinge The Lock

 Initially Any Concept Anything 


Starting formation - Various

Execute the first part of the Anything call using the given CONCEPT; then execute the remainder of the Anything call (i.e., without using the given CONCEPT). Ending formation depends on starting formation and Any CONCEPT and Anything call.

Initially CONCEPT

 Interlocked Little 


Starting formation - A Generalized 1/4 Line or other applicable formations.

Outsides 1/4 Right and Counter Rotate 1/4 (i.e., Little) as Centers Step And Cross Fold (Ends Cross Fold as Centers 1/2 Press Ahead). A Generalized 1/4 Line ends in Parallel Lines.

Interlocked Little

 Interlocked Plenty 


Starting formation - A Generalized 1/4 Line or other applicable formations.

Interlocked Little; Split Circulate twice (usually danced as a Tandem Partner Trade or Reverse The Pass); Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 and Roll as the Centers Concentric 1/2 Zoom. Usually ends in a 1/4 Tag.

Interlocked Plenty

 Interlocked Scoot (Back) 


Starting formation - A 1/4 Line.

Scoot Back with the dancers in your Interlocked Single 1/4 Tag (the dancers occupying the Interlocked Diamond footprints). Ends in a 1/4 Line.

Interlocked Scoot (Back)

 Jay Concept 


Starting formation - A Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations.

Work in a Distorted Box with the dancers with whom you would normally Jay Walk. At the end of the call re-establish the footprints of those four positions. Ending formation depends on starting formation.


 Keep Busy 


Starting formation - Parallel Two-Faced Lines.

Leaders Couples Circulate With The Flow as Trailers 1/2 Circulate, Very Centers Hinge, Flip The Diamond, Step & Fold. Ends in Parallel Waves.

Keep Busy is a 4-part call for the Trailers.

Keep Busy

 Latch On (fraction) 


Starting formation - Tandem dancers, Facing dancers, or Back-to-Back dancers.

Right Roll To A Wave, Arm Turn 1/4 (or the designated fraction). Ends in a Right Hand Mini-Wave.

Latch On (fraction) is a 2-part call.

Latch On (fract)

 Link Up 


Starting formation - Parallel Two-Faced Lines or Promenade (where those designated act as Leaders).

Leaders Cast Off 1/4 using the Outside dancer as the pivot point (Out Anchor 1/4), Roll and Press Ahead as the Trailers 1/2 Circulate and Cross Fire. Ends in Parallel Waves.

Link Up

 Lock The Hinge 


Starting formation - A Wave or a Two-Faced Line.

Lockit; Hinge. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.

Lock The Hinge is a 2-part call.

Lock The Hinge

 Locker's Choice 


Starting formation - Parallel Waves.

Lockit; Center Wave Lockit as Others Trade; Center Wave Hinge as Others Step & Fold. Ends in opposite-handed Parallel Waves.

Locker's Choice is a 3-part call.

Locker's Choice



Starting formation - Back-to-Back Couples or applicable 2 x 2 T-Bone (all Leads).

Belles Shakedown as Beaus Partner Tag. Back-to-Back Couples end in a R-H Mini-Wave Box.

Mini Chase

 Open Up The Column 


Starting formation - Columns.

#1 dancer Trail Off & Roll as #2 dancer Circulate, Peel Off & Roll as #3 and #4 dancers Circulate; Centers Cast Off 3/4; all Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves.

Open Up The Column

 Own The Anyone Anything By Anything 


Starting formation - Various

Designated dancers do their part of the first Anything call as the others do their part of the second Anything call. Ending formation depends on the starting formation and the Anything calls.

Own The (anyone) CONCEPT

 Patch (The) Anyone 


Starting formation - A Couple or Mini-Wave.

Hinge; designated dancers U-Turn Back in flow direction (Roll twice). Ends in a Couple or Mini-Wave. This is a 2-part call.

Note: Determine who are the designated dancers before doing the Hinge, not after. For example, from a Couple: Patch The Beaus is a Partner Hinge (now both dancers are Beaus) followed by original Beau U-Turn Back. Similarly, from Parallel Lines: Patch The Ends refers to the original Ends, not those who become Ends after the Hinge.

Patch (anyone)

 Peel Chain Thru 


Starting formation - Trade By or 3/4 Tag.

Centers Arm Turn 1/2 and Slip as outsides Cast Back and Touch 1/2; Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4 as others do their part of Fan The Top. A Trade By or R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Waves; a L-H 3/4 Tag ends in a Parallelogram.

Peel Chain Thru

 Plan Ahead 


Starting formation - Facing Lines or other applicable formations.

Centers Touch 1/4, Cross Concentric Vertical Tag The Line, Lead dancer Peel Left, Trailer dancer Peel Right to end as a Couple (as in Sets In Motion) as the Outsides Circulate once and a half, Hinge, Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag, and Face In. Facing Lines ends in a Double Pass Thru.

Plan Ahead

 Polly Wally 


Starting formation - Generalized Columns.

Ends 1/4 To Promenade, Step Ahead, Turn another 1/4 toward their initial turning direction, and adjust to end in Parallel Lines.

Centers 1/4 To Promenade, Step Ahead, 1/4 To Promenade, and Step Ahead (to become Leaders in Parallel Lines).

Polly Wally

 Quick Anything 


Starting formation - A 1/4 Box or Columns.

#2 dancer Press Out and do the Anything call with the dancer they meet (working Phantom if necessary) as the Others Circulate. Ending formation depends on the Anything call.

Quick (anything)

 Quick Step 


Starting formation - A 1/4 Box or other applicable formations.

#2 dancer Press Out and Phantom Ah So with the adjacent dancer as the Others Circulate. A 1/4 Box ends in Columns. Ending formation depends on starting formation.

Quick Step



Starting formation - Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations.

Centers Step & Fold, Peel & Trail as Outsides 1/4 Right, Counter Rotate 1/4, and Inward (Right or Left) Roll To A Wave. A Generalized 1/4 Tag ends in a Tidal Line.

Rally is a 2-part call for the Centers.


 Reach Out 


Starting formation - A Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable 2 x 2 T-Bones.

Trailers 1/2 Box Circulate and Phantom Run (Reverse Flip) as Leaders Box Circulate 1 & 1/2. A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Wave; a 2 x 2 T-Bone usually ends in a Diamond; Tandem Couples ends in a One-Faced Line.

Reach Out



Starting formation - An applicable non T-Bone 2 x 2.

Box Recycle; Step & Fold. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.

Recoil is a 2-part call.


 Release Anything 


Starting formation - A Generalized 1/4 Tag or Generalized 1/4 Diamond.

The End of the Center 4 Press Ahead as the un-approached Outside dancer (12-Matrix) Press Out; Outsides work with Phantoms (if necessary) and all do the Anything call.

Note: Phantoms that end between the Outside dancers and the Center are removed at the end of the call unless the anything call involves a concept which specifically includes phantoms (e.g., Release Triple Wave Ah So retains the Phantoms whereas Release Ah So doesn't).

Release (anything)

 Scatter Circulate 


Starting formation - Parallel Two-Faced Lines and other applicable 2 x 4 formations (such as Facing Lines, Back-to-Back Lines, and some T-Bones).

Ends Split Circulate as Out-facing Centers Crossover Circulate as In-facing Centers Concentric (Box) Crossover Circulate. Parallel Two-Faced Lines end in Parallel Waves.

Scatter Circulate

 Scoot The Diamond 


Starting formation - A Single 1/4 Tag.

Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold; all Diamond Circulate. Ends in a Diamond.

Scoot The Diamond

 Single Checkmate 


Starting formation - A 2 x 2 formation.

Leaders Box Circulate twice and 1/4 In (Box Transfer) as Trailers Box Circulate, 1/4 In, and Box Circulate. Ends in a 2 x 2.

Single Checkmate

 Single File Recycle/Recoil 


Single File Recycle - Starting formation A Single Double Pass Thru.

Centers act as Beaus while Ends act as Belles to do a facing Recycle (i.e., Centers Touch and Right-face U-Turn Back as Ends Veer Left to become the Ends of a R-H Wave).

Single File Recoil - Starting formation - A Single Double Pass Thru.

Single File Recycle; Step & Fold. Ends in a L-H Mini-Wave Box.

Single File Recycle/Recoil are each a 2-part call.

Single File (Recycle|Recoil)

 Slant Anything (By Anything) 


Starting formation - Parallel Two-Faced Lines and other applicable formations.

Trailers Dodge inward to form Facing Couples and take the first Anything call (working in the center) as Leaders do their part of the second Anything call. Ending formation depends on the starting formation and the Anything calls.

Slant (anything) (By anything)

 Snap The Lock 


Starting formation - Parallel Lines.

Partner Tag; Outsides Partner Tag as Centers Touch, Lockit, Step Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Lines.

Snap The Lock

 Something New 


Starting formation - Columns.

#1 and #2 dancers Couple Up as #3 dancer 1/2 Circulate and U-Turn Back as #4 dancer Circulate and Veer Out. Ends in a 1/4 Tag.
Alternative definition: First Two Couple Up as the Last Two Circulate & the Leader Inwardly Roll To A Wave.

Something New

 Spin Chain The Line 


Starting formation - A Tidal Wave, Facing Lines, or other applicable formations.

Arm Turn 1/2; Centers of each side Cast Off 3/4 and Spread as Very Centers Trade; Very Ends and Very Centers slide together and Cast Off 3/4. Ends in Parallel Lines.

Spin Chain The Line

 Spin The Pulley 


Starting formation - A Static Set (or from the formation obtained from a Static Set after Heads Step into the Center) or from a Wave between and perpendicular to Facing Couples.

Centers or those designated Arm Turn 3/4; all Triple Cross; Peel Off. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.

Spin The Pulley is a 3-part call.

Spin The Pulley

 Split Phantom Columns/Lines/Waves Concept 


Starting formation - A 4 x 4 Matrix, visualized as 4 adjacent Columns/Lines/Waves.

Split the 4 x 4 Matrix into two sets of adjacent Columns/Lines/Waves and work in the resulting 2 x 4 Matrix on each side. Ending formation depends on the starting formation.

Split Phantom Columns FORMATION

 Stable Concept 


Starting formation - various

Do the given call without changing your facing direction. Your ending position will be the same as if you had executed the call normally, but your facing direction will not change from your original facing direction. Ending formation depends on the given call and the starting formation.




Starting formation - A 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations.

Centers Trade The Wave, Hinge & Cross (Trailers diagonal Pull By using the outside hand) as the Ends Cross Cast Back and Pass In. A 3/4 Tag ends in an Eight Chain Thru.

Stampede is a 3-part call for the Centers and a 2-part call for the Ends.


 Strip (The Diamond/Hourglass) 


Starting formation - Twin Diamonds or an Hourglass.

Outside four 1/2 Zoom and Trade as the Very Centers Cast Off 3/4 as the Other Center (on the outside) Counter Rotate 1/4 to end as the Very Outside dancer. Strip The Diamond ends in a Tidal Line, Strip The Hourglass ends in a 3 By 1 Diamond.

Strip (The Diamond|Hourglass)

 Swap The Top 


Starting formation - Facing Couples.

Belles Extend (Left Hand) and Cast Off 3/4 as Beaus Run once and a half. Ends in a R-H Wave.

Swap The Top

 Swing Chain Thru 


Starting formation - Parallel Waves, Eight Chain Thru, or other applicable formations.

Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 1/4; Very Centers Trade; Centers Cast Off 1/4. Ends in Parallel Waves.

Swing Chain Thru is a 4-part call.

Swing Chain Thru

 Team Up 


Starting formation - Applicable formations.

Ends 1/2 Circulate and Hinge as Centers (working in the Center) do a Beaus Run as Belles Dodge. Ending formation depends on the starting formation.

Team Up

 The Gamut 


Starting formation - Parallel Lines with the Centers in Tandem.

Ends Circulate twice as the Centers Any Hand 3/4 Thru and Trade The Wave; all Cut The Diamond. Ends in Parallel Lines.

(anything) The Gamut

 Touch By fraction By fraction/anything 


Starting formation - A Single Double Pass Thru, the formation obtained from a Diamond after everyone 1/4 In, or other applicable formations.

Centers Touch the first given fraction and Spread as Others step forward; new Centers Touch the second given fraction or do the anything call. Usually ends in a Right Hand Diamond or a Right Hand Two- Faced Line. There are no default fractions for this call.

Touch By (fract) By (fract)

 Trade The Deucey 


Starting formation - Parallel Lines, Twin Diamonds, a Generalized Thar, or other applicable formations.

Centers Trade and Spread as the Ends Crossover Circulate. Ending formation depends on the starting formation.

Trade The Deucey

 Travel Thru 


Starting formation - Facing Couples, a R-H Wave, or other applicable formations.

Pass Thru; As Couples 1/4 Right. Ends in a R-H Two-Faced Line.

Travel Thru is a 2-part call.

Travel Thru

 Trip The Set 


Starting formation - Parallel Lines with the Ends Back-to-Back, or other applicable formations.

Ends Cross Fold and Roll as Centers (Concentric) 1/4 Out and Trade. Parallel Lines end in Facing Lines.

Trip The Set is a 2-part call.

Trip The Set

 Triple Diamond Concept 


Triple Diamonds consist of three adjacent Diamond formations some of which have positions occupied by phantoms.

The two most common types of Triple Diamonds are illustrated below.

Triple Diamonds are analogous to Triple Boxes [C1] and Triple Waves/Lines/Columns [C2].

Example: Triple Diamond, Flip The Diamond

Triple Diamond calls are (4 or less)-dancer calls, requiring you to work only with the dancers in your Diamond. The historical application of 8-dancer calls such as Diamond Chain Thru is considered improper at C3A.

Triple Diamond FORMATION

 Triple Play 


Starting formation - Columns.

#1 dancer Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In) as others 1/2 Circulate and Trade; in the new Center Columns #1 dancer Transfer (Trail Off & Roll) as the others 1/2 Circulate and Hinge; all Extend. Ends in Parallel Waves.

Triple Play

 Wind The Bobbin 


Starting formation - Columns.

#1 and #3 Peel Off and Circulate twice (around the Outside) as #2 and #4 1/2 Circulate, Cast Off 3/4, Very Centers Trade, and Cast Off 3/4. Ends in Parallel Waves.

Wind The Bobbin

 Wrap To A formation 


Starting formation - Columns.

#1 dancer: 1/2 Split Circulate and Phantom formation Circulate 2.
#2 dancer: Circulate, 1/2 Split Circulate, and Phantom formation Circulate.
#3 dancer: Circulate 2 & 1/2.
#4 dancer: Circulate 3.

All adjust as necessary to end in the given formation.

Wrap To (D|G|H.G.|I.L.D.)
21-January-2025 11:36:38
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