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 Teacup Chain Like A Daisy Chain


A very difficult movement unless the caller can cue nearly the whole thing. This is a Teacup movement in which the ladies move two positions to the right and then back one to the left, now two to the right again and back one to the left etc. until all reach home and (hopefully) original partners. The principal thing to remember for the ladies is, if you have reached your second position to the right by starring, you go back one position to the left in a star; if you have reached your second position to the right by moving directly to the right, you go back one position to the left directly. Head ladies star by the right 3/4, side ladies to the right for a right arm turn. New head ladies star left once and a quarter and the new side ladies go to the right for a right arm turn at the heads. (So far it's just like a Teacup Chain). At the heads continue the right arm turn for two full revolutions. The ladies who did the left hand star to the side positions will come back into the center with another left hand star three quarters to come back to the head position they just left for a right arm turn. New head ladies (who have just been turned twice around by the right) go directly back to the left for a left arm turn at the sides twice around. The new head ladies once again go in and star left once and a quarter while the new side ladies (after being turned twice around by the left) go to the right for a right arm turn. New head ladies star left once and a quarter while the new side ladies go to the right for a left forearm turn twice around. New side ladies (who have just starred left once and a quarter) go back into the center to star left 3/4 while the new head ladies (who have just been turned twice around by the left) go back to the left for a right arm turn twice around. New head ladies now star by the left once and a quarter while the new side ladies go to the right for a left arm turn. New head ladies star by the right 3/4 while the new side ladies go to the right where all turn partners by the left and await the next call.

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

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