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 Promenade Family


A promenade is a walk around the set by some or all dancers. The active dancers may go as individuals or as couples. They may go in promenade direction (counterclockwise when viewed from above) or wrong way promenade direction. They may travel all the way around the set or a shorter distance. When not all dancers are active, there is a further choice of traveling around the inside or outside of the set. All of these alternatives are determined by the call.

5.a. Couples (Full, 1/2, 3/4)

Starting formations: Promenade, Squared Set, Right and Left Grand Circle (men facing counterclockwise, women facing clockwise)

Command examples:
Promenade, Keep Walking
Promenade, Don't stop, don't slow down
Promenade Home
Heads Promenade 1/2
Heads Promenade Half Way
Sides Promenade 3/4
All Promenade to the ladies home position

Dance action: If necessary, adjust to a Promenade formation as follows:
  • From a Squared Set, as a couple, turn to face promenade direction.
  • From a Right and Left Grand Circle, those facing promenade direction step forward and to the inside while the others turn around in a comfortable direction.

Each couple, as a unit, walks forward around the circle the designated amount or as otherwise directed. On the command "Promenade Home" the couples promenade to the man's home position.

If certain couples are named, they promenade around the outside of the set, unless instructed otherwise.

At the end of the promenade each couple turns, as a unit, to face the center of the set.

Ending formations: Promenade (e.g., Promenade, Keep Walking), Squared Set (e.g., Promenade Home), or couples facing in on the outside of the set (e.g., Sides Promenade 3/4; Heads Square Thru 3).

Timing: 1/4: 4, 1/2: 8, 3/4: 12, Full: 16

Styling: When all promenade, the man's distance from the center of the set is slightly greater than that of a Star Promenade. He should be moving forward around the circle, not pivoting in place. However, if the formation becomes too spread out, the women will have to travel too far and too fast to meet proper timing.

There are several alternative handhold positions used while promenading. While CALLERLAB recommends the Skater's position (described below), new dancers should be taught the handhold position in popular use in their region and at their club.

Experienced dancers may choose among the various promenade handholds based on club and regional standards, the previous call, the caller's timing, and their partner's preferences.

In addition to the handhold positions mentioned below, on a designated dancers Promenade a specified distance from a Squared Set (e.g., Heads Promenade 1/2), the couple handhold is also acceptable.

While Promenade is not a sex-dependent call, the following descriptions are given assuming a normal couple:

Skater's position: Right hand in right hand, left hand in left hand. The man's hands are palm up, right forearm over the woman's left arm. Her hands are palm down in man's hand. Joined hands should be positioned equally between partners. Some dancers move their hands in time to the music as they promenade. Others hold them rigidly.

Skirt Skater's position: Left hands joined in front of the man. Right hands joined at right side of woman's waist.

A variation of Skirt Skater's has the woman's right hand holding and working her skirt (see "Skirt Work" in "Part 4: Additional Detail: Styling: Other styling terms and issues"). The man's right hand is in the middle of her lower back.

Varsouvienne position: Left hands joined in front. Woman's right arm bent, palm up near shoulder. Man's right arm behind woman's shoulder, his right hand face down in her right palm.

Ending the promenade (no twirl): As the dancers reach their final destination, they turn as a couple, to face in and change their handhold, if necessary, to that of a couple handhold.

Ending the promenade (twirl): See "Twirls" in "Part 4: Additional Detail: Styling: Other styling terms and issues". A few steps before the end of the Promenade the man must lead the twirl so that it finishes as the couple arrives home.

From a Skater's position, the man leads the twirl by letting go with his left hand and raising their joined right hands, gently guiding the woman through a clockwise twirl underneath. At the end, the woman lets go with her right hand, and offers the man her left hand to end with a normal couple handhold, facing across the set.

Alternatively, the man leads the twirl by letting go with his right hand and raising their joined left hands, gently guiding the woman through a clockwise twirl underneath. As she completes the twirl, he changes hands so that he finishes guiding her with his right hand. They end with a normal couple handhold, facing across the set.

From Skirt skater's or Varsouvienne positions, the man leads the twirl by raising the joined left hands, gently guiding the women through a clockwise twirl underneath. As she completes the twirl, he changes hands so that he finishes guiding her with his right hand. They end with a normal couple handhold, facing across the set.

After the twirl, it is common in some areas for dancers to balance away and then clap outside hands with each other (flat palms, fingers pointed upward), ending as a couple facing into the square.

Same sex Promenade: Dancers use Couple Handhold or Skater's position. If the call is Promenade Home, the caller must further specify what is to be done since promenading to the man's home doesn't make sense.

Inactive dancers should take a step toward the center of the set to assist the active dancers in their trip around the outside. After all active dancers have passed by, the inactives can step backward to return to place.

Comments: All promenades should be more than a quarter of the way around the set. If a promenade would go less, then the dancers should add a full promenade.

The Promenade that goes in a clockwise direction is called "Wrong Way Promenade" or "Promenade, Wrong Way". It was dropped from the Mainstream program in 1989 and its use at Mainstream would require teaching or careful delivery by the caller. See "Part 4: Additional Detail: Commands: Extensions like Reverse Wheel Around".

In the unusual case of a Wrong Way Grand followed by a Promenade, the man steps to the inside and turns around, the woman steps to the outside, and both Promenade.

5.b. Single File Promenade

Starting formations: Infacing Circle Of 8, Squared Set, Columns

Command examples:
Women Promenade Inside, Go Single File
4 Ladies Promenade Inside; Get back home and Swing your guy
4 Ladies Promenade Inside The Ring, Come Back And Give Your Man A Swing
All Promenade Single File; Ladies Backtrack
Promenade Single File; Men turn in and Star by the Right
Promenade; Put the Lady in the Lead, Go Single File
Promenade Go Single File, Ladies Lead And Strut A While
Circle Right; Drop hands; Single File Promenade
Circle Left; Drop hands; Single File Promenade
Circle Left; Same direction, Single File Promenade
Circle Left; Reverse back single file
Couple 1, turn your backs on your partner and Promenade around the outside of the set
Left Touch 1/4; Single File Promenade Home

Dance action: Initial turn: If the dancers have a facing direction around the set (e.g., Columns, Promenade and put the lady in front), no initial turn is necessary. If the dancers are circling they will turn to face the circling direction. If 4 dancers are designated from a Squared Set (e.g., Ladies Single File Promenade), they will step into the center and face promenade direction.

Actives move forward around the set (on the inside, or outside if so directed), in single file (one behind another). The next call determines when the dancers stop and what they do next.

Ending formation: determined by the next call

Timing: Four dancers promenade inside to home: 8

Styling: In Single File Promenade man's arms are held in natural dance position; woman's hands on skirt, working with the natural swinging motion.

When there are active dancers promenading around the outside of the set, the inactive dancers should take a step toward the center of the set to assist the active dancers in their trip around the outside. After all active dancers have passed by, the inactives step backward to return to place.

In some areas, while 4 active dancers promenade inside, the inactive dancers clap in time to the music.

Comment: In the past Single File Promenade has not been used with fractions. Recently some callers are extending the fractional Promenade dance action to Single File Promenade. Dancers do not face in after they have promenaded the requested amount.

5.c. *Wrong Way Promenade

Like promenade, except the couples promenade clockwise.

5.d. Star Promenade

Starting formation: 4-dancer star in the center of the set and 4 dancers around the outside of the set

Command examples:
Men Center With A Left-Hand Star, Go Once Around; Pick Up Your Partner With An Arm Around;
Star Promenade
4 Men Make A Left-Hand Star; Pick Up Your Partner With An Arm Around; Star Promenade
4 Ladies Make A Right-Hand Star; Pick Up Your Partner With An Arm Around; Star Promenade
Heads Make A Right-Hand Star; Pick Up Your Corner With An Arm Around; Star Promenade
Heads Make A Left-Hand Star; Pass Your Corner And Pick Up The Same Sex; Star Promenade

Dance action: Directed dancers (e.g., men) form (or are already in) a star and turn it. When they encounter the next directed dancer (e.g., partner) they become a couple, and promenade while retaining the center star.

Ending formation: Promenade or Wrong Way Promenade with centers forming a star; the dancers will be closer together than usual because of the star and arm around the waist.

Timing: 1/2: 6, 3/4: 9, Full: 12, Full plus a back out at home: 16

Styling: The center star uses the same styling as Right- or Left-Hand Stars. Couples in the star have their adjacent arms around each other's waists in a modified couple's hold. Any women on the outside use their outside hand for skirt work. Any men on the outside have their outside hand on their waists or at their sides.

Comments: Here are some calls used while Star Promenading:
(women on the outside) Girls Backtrack
Centers Back Out With A Full Turn Around And A Little Bit More; Join 16 and Circle Left
Boys Raise Your Left Hands; Girls Duck Thru To The Partner; Right And Left Grand
Back Out At Home

Here is an example of 2-dancer stars being used with Star Promenade:
Head Men Make A Left Hand Star; Pick Up Your Partner With An Arm Around And Star Promenade; She Picks Up Her Corner With An Arm Around And Keep On Moving; Now He Picks Up His Partner; All Bend The Big Line.

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

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