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 Follow Your Neighbor


Starting formation - Box Circulate. TIMING - 6

Dancers facing in release hands with the person next to them (their "neighbor") and step straight forward, join adjacent forearms with the one they meet, and turn three-quarters (270°) to become centers of a new wave. At the same time, the dancers facing out follow their "neighbors" by moving forward in a three-quarter looping turn (270°), turning towards their "neighbor" to finish adjacent to their "neighbor" as the ends of the new ocean wave.

When done from right-hand boxes, the dancers facing in turn by the right hand and the dancers facing out loop around right-face, to finish in a left-hand ocean wave. When done from left-hand boxes, the dancers facing in turn by the left-hand and the dancers facing out loop around left-face, to finish in a right-hand ocean wave.

STYLING: The facing in dancers use a forearm turn in the center, blending into hands up position as they meet their "neighbor" in the ocean wave. To enhance the flowing action of the dance, facing out dancers execute a flowing three quarter looping turn as opposed to an abrupt spot turn.

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Follow Your Neighbor

ID: 3781
  Handle=514 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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