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 Orbit Circulate / Twin Orbit Circulate


From parallel waves: Right Orbit Circulate -- the dancers facing out in the right side ("right" and "left" are determined in relation to the dancers facing out) of the waves walk around the nearest end of their own wave, go across the set and face back in at the nearest end of the other wave (if started as a center) or at the nearest center of the other wave (if started as an end). The other six dancers do a Cross Circulate (i.e., do a regular Circulate and then half sashay to change tracks). Right hand waves finish as left hand waves and vice versa.
Left Orbit Circulate -- dancers facing out in the left side of the waves walk around the nearest end of their own wave, go across the set and face back in at the nearest end of the other wave (if started as a center) or at the nearest center of the other wave (if started as an end). The other six dancers do a Cross Circulate. Left hand waves finish as right hand waves and vice versa.
Twin Orbit Circulate -- All those facing out turn back and walk to the other wave (passing another "orbiter" on the way) -- ends go to centers and centers go to ends. The other four Cross Circulate.

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

ID: 2029 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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