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Center(s) IDENTIFIER    handle = 1442

2 records

  1. Centers / Ends
  2. Centers and Ends

 Centers / Ends 


Command examples:
Each Side, Centers Trade
On Your Own Side, Centers Trade
Centers Of Each Side, Pass Thru
Center 4, Walk And Dodge
Ends Fold

Description: Dancers near the center of the square (or formation) are called centers. Dancers on the outside of the square (or formation) are called Ends. The identification of Centers or Ends is independent of facing direction. Centers ("C") and Ends ("E") of some common formations:

With 8 dancers, there are several possibilities, depending on the formation:

The caller should use "Each Side, Centers" or "Center 4" in order to avoid the ambiguity present with the term "Centers" from a 1x8 Formation.

The following are encountered less frequently, or are referred to in the definitions:

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.


 Centers and Ends 


All line-type and column-type formations have ends and centers. The dancers who are nearest the center of the formation are centers, and the others are ends--regardless of their facing direction. In the diagram below, the centers are marked "C" and the ends are marked "E".

This definition is from CALLERLAB
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

Center(s) IDENTIFIER -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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