From a 2 x 2.
Leaders do their part of a
as Trailers do their part of a
Reverse Split Swap.
Ends in a 2 x 2.
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Shake & Rattle advances each dancer clockwise one position
within the 2 x 2, and
changes the handhold that you have toward the Center of the 2 x 2.
Everyone can Roll.
Shakedown [C1] (Lee Kopman 1976):
From Back-to-Back Couples or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2 (all Leaders).
As one movement, Belles 1/4 Right & Run as Beaus Run & 1/4 Right (Roll).
Ends in Facing Couples.
Reverse Split Swap [C2] ("Skinny" Hall 1968):
From Facing Couples.
As one movement, Beaus Circulate & 1/4 Left as Belles 1/4 Left & Circulate.
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.
Single Shake & Rattle [C3B]:
From Tandem dancers, Facing dancers, or Back-to-Back dancers.
Leaders Single Shakedown (Right Roll To A Wave and Roll) as
Trailers Single Reverse Split Swap (Touch and 1/4 Out).
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