From Facing Lines or other applicable formations.
- Centers
- 1. Pass Thru;
- 2. Face Out (turn 1/4 in place away from the center of the set);
- 3. Partner Trade;
- 4. Pass Thru.
- Ends
- Walk forward (using Circulates) to Pass 3 dancers (right-shoulders) and
immediately after passing the third dancer
- Face In (turn 1/4 in place towards the center of the set).
Facing Lines end in an Eight Chain Thru.
Load The Boat is a 4-part call.
Fra Facing Lines:
| før Load The Boat | |
| |
| |
| |
| efter Centers Pass Thru mens Ends Pass 1st dancer(1/4) | | efter Centers Face Out mens Ends Pass 2nd dancer(1/2) | | efter Centers Partner Trade mens Ends Pass 3rd dancer(3/4) | | efter Centers Pass Thru mens Ends Face In (færdig) |
Fra Inverted Lines:
| før Load The Boat | |
| |
| |
| |
| efter Centers Pass Thru mens Ends Pass 1st dancer(1/4) | | efter Centers Face Out mens Ends Pass 2nd dancer(1/2) | | efter Centers Partner Trade mens Ends Pass 3rd dancer(3/4) | | efter Centers Pass Thru mens Ends Face In (færdig) |
The caller may have just the Ends or just the Centers do the call. For example,
- Just the Centers Load The Boat
- Ends (only) Load The Boat while Centers do something else
When the starting formation is other than Facing Lines,
don't necessarily expect to end facing someone at the
completion of the call (i.e., the ending formation could be
The Ends can not start in Columns. That is, Load The Boat can not be done from
formations such as a starting Double Pass Thru.
Normally Load The Boat is done without touching hands.
However, when learning the call or dancing with inexperienced dancers,
it often helps if the Centers touch hands after each
part, especially after the Face Out.
The Ocean Wave rule applies to Load The Boat. For instance,
Load The Boat can be done from a R-H Wave of 8.
Hint for the Centers: After the Face Out, lightly touch hands with your new Partner
(this makes your new partner aware of you and helps to orient them!)
before doing the Partner Trade.
- Load The Boat, Centers To A Wave:
Load The Boat, but Centers go 7/8 (i.e., Pass Thru, Face Out, Partner Trade, and
1/2 Pass Thru (i.e., Step To A Wave)).
Load The Boat But (Centers) anything [NOL]:Centers replace the final Pass Thru with the anything call.
anything The Boat [C4]:
Do the anything call; Finish Load The Boat (i.e., do the last 3/4
of Load The Boat: Centers Face Out, Partner Trade, and Pass Thru as the
Ends Pass 2 dancers right-shoulders and Face In).