From a Completed Double Pass Thru formation.
Beaus (left-side dancers) work around the outside in a wide loop for 3 Column Circulates as
Belles (right side dancers) work inside for 3 Column Circulates.
Ends in Parallel Right-Hand Waves.
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| vor Track 2 | | part-way | | (fertig) |
Visualize two trains passing each other on opposite direction tracks:
- Beaus on outside track;
- Belles on inside track.
In your unit, you have a Leader and a Trailer.
The trailer can place a hand on the Leaders back, then proceeding like that,
the First Couple does an exaggerated Partner Trade as others follow them in
single file, stepping forward to end in Parallel R-H Waves.
Track 2 is equivalent to Tandem Partner Trade & Tandem Touch.
Cheat: Leaders Trade, Pass Thru, Trade By, Step To A Wave.
Left Track 2 [NOL]:
Do the Mirror Image of
a Track 2. That is, Beaus go inside as Belles go outside, passing left-shoulders,
to end in Parallel L-H Waves.
Track n [C1] (Dick Bayer und Gus Greene 1976):
From a Completed Double Pass Thru.
Tandem Partner Trade;
Extend n times.