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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Step & Flip [C1]
   (author unknown)

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From a Line or other applicable 4-dancer formation. EN: 10
Fra Line. DK: 10

Centers Step Ahead as Ends Run into the adjacent Center position. EN: 20
Centers laver en Step Ahead mens Ends laver Run ind til den ledige Center-position (som i eks. Flip the Diamond) DK: 20

Ends in either a Box (2 x 2) or a "Z" (4 spots within a 2 x 3 Matrix). EN: 30
Ender enten i en Box (2 x 2) eller i et "Z" (4 pladser i en 2 x 3 Matrix). DK: 30

Step & Flip is similar to Step & Fold [C1] except that on a Step & Flip the original Ends always finish holding hands with each other. EN: 40

Step & Flip
Step & Flip

Step & Flip

(ends in a 2 x 6 Matrix
i.e., two 2 x 3 Matrices) EN: 50
(ender i en 2 x 6 Matrix
dvs. to 2 x 3 Matrixer) DK: 50
Step & Flip

(ends in a 3 x 4 Matrix
i.e., two 2 x 3 Matrices) EN: 60
(ender i en 3 x 4 Matrix
dvs. to 2 x 3 Matrixer) DK: 60

  • From a Wave, Step & Flip ends in a "Z" whereas Step & Fold ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 70
    Fra en Wave vil Step & Flip ende i en "Z" formation mens Step & Fold ender i en Mini-Wave Box. DK: 70
  • The 'Step' of Step & Flip is a step ahead, which often (but not always) is the same as a Press Ahead. 'Flip' means Run into the adjacent position (as in Flip The Diamond). EN: 80
  • Unlike Step & Fold, Step & Flip can be done from any line of 4. Upon completion of the call, the original Ends are adjacent to each other. From Parallel Lines, Step & Flip is done in each Line, and nobody crosses the center line to the other half of the set. EN: 90
    Step & Flip er meget lig Step & Fold, undtagen at ved Step & Flip vil de originale Ends altid slutte med at holde hinanden i hånden. DK: 90
See also Step & Fold [C1] og Step And anything [C2].

CALLERLAB definition for Step and Flip

Choreography for Step & Flip

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06-November-2024 02:58:24
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