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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Loop & ({fraction}) Tag [C3B]
   (Emanuel Duming 1972)

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From a Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable "Z". EN: 10
起始队形为 Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, 或可适用的 "Z". CH: 10
Loop And (fraction) Tag:
Leaders Peel Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem (Peel The Deal); Extend to the given fractional Tag position. EN: 20
Leaders 做 Peel Off and Roll 并 Step Ahead, 同时 Trailers 成 Tandem 紧跟 Leaders (Peel The Deal); Extend 至给定的分数 l Tag 位置. CH: 20

Cross Loop And (fraction) Tag:
Leaders Trail Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem (Trail The Deal); Extend to the given fractional Tag position. EN: 30
Leaders 做 Trail Off and Roll 并 Step Ahead, 同时 Trailers 成 Tandem 紧跟 Leaders (Trail The Deal); Extend 至给定的分数 l Tag 位置. CH: 30
Note: From Tandem Couples, left-shoulders since you are doing a Trail Off movement. EN: 35
注意: 起始队形为 Tandem Couples 时, 要过左肩, 因为做的是 Trail Off 的动作. CH: 35
If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. EN: 40
如果没有给出分数 , 就做完整的 Tag The Line. CH: 40

Loop And Tag
 Loop And Zero Tag
(Peel The Deal)
 Finish Tag The Line
Cross Loop And Tag Your Neighbor
 Cross Loop And Zero Tag
(Trail The Deal)
1/2 Tag position
 Follow Your Neighbor

Loop And Tag and Cross Loop And Tag are Tagging calls, and hence there are many variations such as EN: 50
Loop And TagCross Loop And TagTagging 口令, 因此有许多变化形式, 例如 CH: 50

参见 Tagging Calls.

Peel The Deal [C4] (Vic Andrews 1963):
From a Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable "Z". As one movement, Leaders Peel Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem (i.e., Step Ahead, Peel Off, & Roll). Ends in a Single Double Pass Thru (Zero Tag) formation. Cheat: Tandem 3/4 Out. EN: 725
起始队形为 Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, 或可适用的 "Z". 做为一个单一、平滑的动作, Leaders 做 Peel Off and Roll 并 Step Ahead, 同时 Trailers 成 Tandem 紧跟 Leaders (即 Step Ahead, Peel Off, & Roll). 结束队形为 Single Double Pass Thru (Zero Tag). 简易跳法: Tandem 3/4 Out. CH: 725

Peel The Deal
Peel The Deal

Trail The Deal [C4] (Vic Andrews 1963):
From an applicable 2 x 2 or "Z". As one movement, Leaders Trail Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem. Ends in a Single Double Pass Thru (Zero Tag) formation. Cheat: Tandem Trade & Roll, passing left-shoulders if starting from Tandem Couples. EN: 425
起始队形为可适用的 2 x 2 或 "Z". 做为一个单一、平滑的动作, Leaders 做 Trail Off and Roll 并 Step Ahead, 同时 Trailers 成 Tandem 紧跟 Leaders. 结束队形为 Single Double Pass Thru (Zero Tag). 简易跳法: Tandem Trade & Roll, 若起始队形为 Tandem Couples 则过左肩. CH: 425

Trail The Deal
Trail The Deal

Choreography for Loop & (fraction) Tag

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14-February-2025 07:45:10
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