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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Linear Action [C1]
   (Lee Kopman 1982)

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From a Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra 1/4 Tag eller 3/4 Tag, Wave mellem parallelle Mini-Waves, 1/4 eller 3/4 Lines, eller Two Faced Line mellem parallelle Mini-Waves. DK: 10

Centers Hinge & Box Circulate 1 & 1/2 as Outsides Hinge & Trade; those who meet (Center 4) Cast Off 3/4 as the Others move up (as in Chain Reaction). EN: 20
Alle laver Hinge. Centers laver Box Circulate 1 & 1/2 mens Outsides Trade. Dem der mødes laver Cast Off 3/4 mens de andre Move Up (Som i Hourglass Circulate). DK: 20

Ends in Parallel Waves, Parallel 3 & 1 Lines, or a Parallelogram (if outside dancers end on the same spot). EN: 30
Ender i Parallelle Waves, Parallelle 3 & 1 Lines eller i et parallellogram (hvis Outsides ender på samme plads). DK: 30

Linear Action
Centers Box Circulate 1 & 1/2
mens Outsides Trade
Those who meet Cast Off 3/4
as Others move up EN: 40
Linear Action
Centers Box Circulate 1 & 1/2
mens Outsides Trade
Those who meet Cast Off 3/4
as Others move up EN: 40
Dancers ( and ; and ) end on the same spot and therefore take Right-hands. EN: 50
Danserne ( og ; og ) ender på same plads i Right-hand Mini Waves. DK: 50

  • Everyone starts with a HingeEN: 60
    Alle starter med en HingeDK: 60
  • When the Outsides start in a L-H Mini-Wave, a common mistake is for the Outsides to 1/4 In & Step to R-H! From a Mini-Wave, Hinge & Trade is the same as Arm Turn 3/4, hence a L-H setup remains a L-H setup. EN: 70
  • The final Centers Cast Off 3/4 can be an Arm Turn 3/4, or a 'Push' Cast Off 3/4. EN: 80
    Den afsluttende Centers Cast Off 3/4 kan enten være Arm Turn 3/4, eller en 'Push' Cast Off 3/4. DK: 80

Fra en usædvanlig position:

Linear Action
Centers Box Circulate 1 & 1/2
mens Outsides Trade
Those who meet Cast Off 3/4
as Others move up EN: 40

Linear Action But anything [C1V]:
Do a Linear Action but replace the Centers Cast Off 3/4 with the Centers doing the anything call. EN: 563
Udfør Linear Action men erstat Centers Cast Off 3/4 med anything Callet. DK: 563

Linear Action But Cross It [C4]:
Do a Linear Action but after the Centers Box Circulate 1 & 1/2, do a Very Centers Slither and then complete the call. EN: 562

Linear Cycle [Plus] (Dave Hodson og Lee Kopman 1979):
From a Wave or applicable Line of 4. Hinge; Leaders Fold behind Trailers (who do not adjust); Any Shoulder Double Pass Thru; Peel Off in direction of Shoulder Pass to end in Facing Couples. This is a 4-part call. From a Wave, Linear Cycle is similar to Recycle And Sweep 1/4EN: 561

CALLERLAB definition for Linear Action

Choreography for Linear Action

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21-January-2025 17:26:58
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