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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Latch On ({fraction}) [C3A]
   (Lee Kopman 1975)
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From Tandem dancers, Facing dancers, or Back-to-Back dancers. EN: 10
Tandem の 2 人, 向かい合った 2 人, あるいは背中合わせの 2 人から. JP: 10

Right Roll To A Wave, Arm Turn 1/4 (or the designated fraction). EN: 20
Right Roll To A Wave をして, Arm Turn 1/4 (あるいは指示された fraction) をします. JP: 20

Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave. This is a 2-part call. EN: 30
右の Mini-Wave で終わり, 2 パートのコールです. JP: 30

Latch On
 Right Roll To A Wave
 Arm Turn 1/4


始めの formation:
As Couples Once Removed Latch On
 Once Removed As Couples Latch On

  1. For the first case, 'As Couples' is heard first, so you work As Couples to do the call 'Once Removed Latch On'. See diagrams below. EN: 40
    始めの場合, 'As Couples' が最初に聞こえるので, As Couples で 'Once Removed Latch On' のコールをします.次の図を見てください. JP: 40

    Imagine you start here
    where each dancer is a couple EN: 50
    1 人 1 人が couple だと思って
    コールを始めます JP: 50
     Once Removed Latch On
  2. For the second case, 'Once Removed' is heard first, so you work Once Removed to do the call 'As Couples Latch On'. Note that, for this case, the dancers in the set {, , , } are on every other plane in both the starting formation and the ending formation. Similarly, so are the dancers in the set {, , , }. EN: 60
    2 つ目の場合, 'Once Removed' が最初に聞こえるので, Once Removed で 'As Couples Latch On' のコールをしなければなりません.この場合に注意することは, {, , , } の人が, 始めと終わりの両方の formation で同じ仲間で, Once Removed の位置にいなければなりません.同様に, {, , , } の人が同じ仲間です. JP: 60

CALLERLAB definition for Latch On (fraction)

Choreography for Latch On (fraction)

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10-February-2025 07:55:32
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