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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Central Concept [C3A]
   (Bill Heimann)

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Do the Centers part of the anything call. EN: 10
anything コールの centers のパートを行います. JP: 10

If the starting formation is a 2 x 4 and if the Centers part of the anything call can be done from either a 1 x 4 or a 2 x 2 (e.g., Counter or Detour), then work in the 2 x 2. For this case, the caller should specify in which setup the dancers are to do the call (e.g., Each Wave do a Central Counter). EN: 20
もし始めの formation が 2 x 4 で, anything コールの centers のパートが 1 x 4 と 2 x 2 のどちらからでも出来るとき (例えば, CounterDetour) は, 2 x 2 で動きます. この場合, コーラーはダンサーにどちらの setup で動くか (例えば, Each Wave do a Central Counter) を指示すべきです. JP: 20

Central Spin The Windmill
 Cast Off 3/4
Central Ease Off:

Central Ease Off
 Split Circulate & 1/4 In

Here is a partial list of calls that might be done Central at C3B: EN: 30
C3B で Central が使えるコールの一部のリスト: JP: 30

Choice Counter Cross Counter
Cross Ramble Delight | Dilemma Detour
Dodge anything Ease Off Explode The Diamond
Fan Chain Thru Hocus Pocus Horseshoe Turn
Interlocked Counter Interlocked Little Interlocked Little More
Interlocked Rally Interlocked Ramble Little
Little More Load The Boat Ramble
Rally Regroup Relocate
Scramble Spin The Windmill Stampede
Team Up Trip The Set TurnStyle

Note that the above list of calls only includes calls in which the Centers remain Centers throughout the entire call. For example, on calls such as Sets In Motion or on Strut Right | Left, the Centers do not end as the Center 4 dancers. On these calls there are normally some outside dancers who end in the Center. Hence, on the Central version of these calls, since there are no outside dancers involved it is ambiguous where the dancers end. Do they leave space for phantoms? EN: 40
注釈: 上記のコールリストには, コールの間中 centers が centers に居続けるものだけを載せています. 例えば, Sets In MotionStrut Right | Left では, centers は center の 4 人では終わりません. これらのコールでは, 普通 outside のある人が center で終わります. したがって, これらのコールの Central では, どこで終わるかがあいまいです. Phantom のために場所を残しますか? JP: 40

Choreography for Central Concept

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21-January-2025 17:03:40
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