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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Catch {anything} {n} [C3A]
   (Johnny Preston 1981)

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From applicable formations. EN: 10
適切な formation から. JP: 10

Square Thru n To A Wave; do the anything call; Step & FoldEN: 20
Square Thru n To A Wave をし, anything call をして, Step & Fold をします. JP: 20

Ends in various formations. EN: 30
いろいろな formations で終わります. JP: 30

  • The anything call can be an 8-dancer call. EN: 40
    anything call は 8 人のコールが可能です. JP: 40
  • If the anything call is 'Lock' do a Lockit; if the anything call is 'Top' do a Fan The Top. EN: 50
    もし anything call が 'Lock' だったら Lockit をし, anything call が 'Top' だったら Fan The Top をします. JP: 50
  • In our opinion, the caller should always use the complete name for the anything call: a dancer who has learned Catch anything n but has not been exposed to Catch Top n would not necessarily know that 'Top' refers to a Fan the Top (as opposed to a Spin The Top, Relay The Top, Tag The Top, or some other call). EN: 60
    私たちの意見ですが, コーラーは anything call に対して常に完全な名前を使うべきです. Catch anything n は覚えたけど, Catch Top n の 'Top' が (Spin The Top, Relay The Top, Tag The Top, などのコールでなく) Fan the Top を意味するということを知らない人がいました. JP: 60
  • The anything call may end in a Diamond. If so, do a Step & Fold from a Diamond: Centers 1/2 Press Ahead as Points Fold to end in a T-Bone 2 x 2. EN: 70
    anything call は Diamond で終わるものも可能です. そのとき, Diamond からの Step & Fold: Centers は 1/2 Press Ahead, Points は T-Bone 2 x 2 の ends になるように Fold します. JP: 70

Catch Switch To A Diamond 3
 Square Thru 3 To A Wave
 Switch To A Diamond
 Step & Fold

Split Catch anything n [C3A]:
Split Square Thru n To A Wave; do the anything call; Step & FoldEN: 339
Split Square Thru n To A Wave をし, anything call をして, Step & Fold をします. JP: 339


  • Catch Motivate 3:
    This is a Catch anything 3 where the anything call is Motivate. EN: 80
    Catch anything 3 で, anything call が Motivate です. JP: 80

    From Eight Chain Thru: Square Thru on the 3rd hand do a full Motivate then Step & Fold. EN: 90
    Eight Chain Thru から: Square Thru on the 3rd hand, full Motivate をして, Step & Fold です. JP: 90
  • Catch 3 Motivate:
    This is an anything Motivate where the anything call is Catch 3. EN: 100
    anything Motivate で anything call が Catch 3 です. JP: 100

    From Facing Lines: do a full Catch 3 then Finish a Motivate (i.e., omit the first Circulate). EN: 110
    Facing Lines から: full Catch 3 をして, Finish Motivate (すなわち, 始めの Circulate を省略) です. JP: 110


  • Once Removed Catch Mix 3:
    From Facing Lines or Double Pass Thru: working Once Removed, do the call Catch Mix 3. EN: 120
    Once Removed で, Catch Mix 3 のコールをします. JP: 120
  • Catch Once Removed Mix 3:
    From Facing Lines: The call is Catch anything 3 with the anything call being Once Removed Mix. Each side Square Thru, but on the 3rd hand everyone does a Once Removed Mix, then each side Step & Fold. EN: 130
    向かい合った Line から: Catch anything 3 で, anything call が Once Removed Mix です. Each side Square Thru but on the 3rd hand, 全員で Once Removed Mix をし, each side Step & Fold をします. JP: 130

CALLERLAB definition for Catch 1, 2, 3, 4
CALLERLAB definition for Catch Anything [n]

Choreography for Catch anything {n}

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18-February-2025 09:01:18
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