Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS)
Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS)
Csds2 3.34  (May 2024)  
is the latest version 

Getin/Getout -- Special Report

Figure 3.7 displays the Getin/Getout Special Report. The purpose of the report is to help identify getins or getouts that may be missing from the selected database. For each call within the selected levels to reduce, the output file contains a listing of all records in the selected database that contain that call. An additional call (or handle) to find may be specified, in which case the output records will also contain this call. For example, using the parameters specified above (Figure 3.7), an output file named SQDBSPCL.OUT will be created that lists all records within the GETOUT database that contain an A2 or A2V level call and the call Allemande Left. The contents of the output file is sorted by the calls within levels A2 and A2V.

Verify levels checks all records in the selected database to be sure that the level specified in the record is correct. Levels can become incorrect if calls were moved from one level to another.

Database is the database for which the report is to be generated.

Output file is the name of the output file. Upon completion, this file can be deleted, printed, or viewed.

Browse displays the system 'save as' dialog box which allows an output file pathname to be specified.

Levels to reduce is a range of levels to be processed.

Additional call (or handle) to find is an additional call or handle that must also be in each record.

Process un-matched records, when checked, writes those records within the selected database whose level is within the range specified by Levels to reduce, but were not already output. Effectively, this outputs all records that are actually outside the Levels to reduce, and all records that are inside the Levels to reduce but do not contain the Additional call (or handle) to find.

OK starts the report generating process.

Cancel closes this window without generating any report.


Getin/Getout special report (sample)

Output fields in the report are as follows:

https://www.ceder.net/csds/usermanual/frm_sqdb_specialreport.php -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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