| Bill Martin | |
Square Dance Caller
Recordings by Bill Martin:-
County Fair Singing Call, Lucky 101 -
Down And Out Singing Call, Windsor 4952 -
Early In The Morning Singing Call, Windsor 4940 -
Girl I Adore Singing Call, Windsor 4945 -
Gypsy Singing Call, Windsor 4928 -
Honky Tonk Sounds Singing Call, Windsor 4930 -
How I Love Them Old Songs Singing Call, Windsor 4979 -
May The Circle Be Unbroken Singing Call, Lucky 11 -
Ruby Singing Call, Windsor 4935 -
Sing It! Singing Call, Lucky 102 -
Somebody Goofed Singing Call, Windsor 4976 -
When The Morning Comes Singing Call, Lucky 103 -
White Christmas Singing Call, Lucky 104