SIO's article: THIS MONTH WE TAKE PRIDE in saluting a pair of square dance pioneers through whose
efforts the square dance world has been brought more closely together. In 1951,
Carl and Varene Anderson had a dream, a concept for a giant event that would
attract dancers from all parts of the country for three days of dancing and meetings —
something more than just a festival but rather a showcase for square dancing. Carl and
Varene, together with a handful of ardent supporters set out to create the first, the
original, National Square Dance Convention in Riverside, California.
The target date was May 30, 1952. There had been no precedent. Up until this time,
different communities had their round-ups and festivals, but a convention? That was
something entirely different. With only a few months to plan and with word-of-mouth
providing the major part of the promotion, the Andersons and their team of workers
developed a program which was to be the prototype for the 30 conventions that would
follow. While the first convention may seem small by today's standards, it was so
successful that the idea of having a National was picked up by other communities and
the yearly event grew, both in size and in effectiveness.
Over the years, the Andersons have played an important role in the growth of the
National, serving continuously on its executive committees. In acknowledging the part
the Andersons played with this event over the years, we also salute their "baby," the
annual, National Square Dance Convention.
It is with pride, therefore, that we include the Andersons as a part of the Square
Dance Hall of Fame and add their portrait with those of others who have given so much
of themselves, unselfishly, to the cause of American Square Dancing.