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CardSet=DP - Secret Wonders DP - Secret Wonders


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87 records

 Energy Top of page Bottom of page
Darkness Energy  Energy
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 0 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Quantity = 2  
Darkness Energy (Special Energy Card)  Energy
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 129 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Takumi Akabane   Rarity = Uncommon   Quantity = 1  
Fighting Energy  Energy
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 0 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Quantity = 10  
Fire Energy  Energy
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 0 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Quantity = 6  
Grass Energy  Energy
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 0 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Quantity = 18  
Lightning Energy  Energy
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 0 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Quantity = 7  
Metal Energy  Energy
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 0 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Quantity = 5  
Metal Energy (Special Energy Card)  Energy
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 130 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Takumi Akabane   Rarity = Uncommon   Quantity = 1  
Water Energy  Energy
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 0 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Quantity = 14  

 LV. X Top of page Bottom of page
Gardevoir LV. X  LV. X   Holographic
Character = Gardevoir   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 131 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ryo Ueda   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 130   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  

 Pokémon Top of page Bottom of page
Ampharos  Pokémon
Character = Ampharos   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 1 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Fighting +30   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
The tip of its tail shines brightly. In the olden days, people sent signals using the tail's light. LV. 52 #181
Arcanine  Pokémon
Character = Arcanine   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 22 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 100   Weakness = Water +30   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
Its proud and regal appearance has captured the hearts of people since long ago. LV. 48 #59
Bagon  Pokémon
Character = Bagon   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 76 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Atsuko Nishida   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Colorless +10   Resistance = Fighting -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day. LV. 11 #371
Bulbasaur  Pokémon
Character = Bulbasaur   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 77 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fire +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining nourishment from the seed on its back. LV. 14 #1
Burmy Plant Cloak  Pokémon
Character = Burmy   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 78 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 40   Weakness = Fire +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 1  
To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves. LV. 10 #412
Burmy Plant Cloak (Reverse Holo)  Pokémon   Reverse Holographic
Character = Burmy   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 78 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 40   Weakness = Fire +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Sinnoh   Caitlyn's rating = 2 (fair)   Quantity = 1  
To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves. LV. 10 #412
Burmy Trash Cloak  Pokémon
Character = Burmy   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 80 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 40   Weakness = Fire +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 1  
To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves. LV. 10 #412
Clefairy  Pokémon
Character = Clefairy   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 83 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Lee HyunJung   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
Corsola  Pokémon
Character = Corsola   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 84 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Midori Harada   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Grass +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
Many live in the clean seas of the south. They apparently can't live in polluted waters. LV. 32 #222
Damhirplex (Stantler)  Pokémon
Character = Stantler   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 113 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fighting +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
Starrt man auf sein Geweih, bekommt man das seltsame Gefühl, in dessen Mitte gezogen zu werden.
Diglett  Pokémon
Character = Diglett   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 85 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Takao Unno   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Water +10   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
A Pokémon that lives underground. Because of its dark habitat, it is repelled by bright sunlight. LV. 10 #50
Diglett (Reverse Holo)  Pokémon   Reverse Holographic
Character = Diglett   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 85 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Takao Unno   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Water +10   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
A Pokémon that lives underground. Because of its dark habitat, it is repelled by bright sunlight. LV. 10 #50
Donphan  Pokémon
Character = Donphan   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 48 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 100   Weakness = Water +20   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Johto   Quantity = 2  
It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit. LV. 48 #232
Draschel (Shelgon)  Pokémon
Character = Shelgon   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 64 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Colorless +20   Resistance = Fighting -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Hoenn   Caitlyn's rating = 3 (good)   Quantity = 1  
Die Zellen seines Panzers fingen an, sich zu verändern. Er fällt ab, sobald sich das PKMN entwickelt.
Dugtrio  Pokémon
Character = Dugtrio   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 24 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Water +20   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 0   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Caitlyn's rating = 3 (good)   Quantity = 1  
Its three heads move alternately, driving it through tough soil to depths of over 60 miles. LV. 46 #51
Duskull  Pokémon
Character = Duskull   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 86 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Hiroki Fuchino   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Darkness +10   Resistance = Colorless -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
Electabuzz  Pokémon
Character = Electabuzz   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 87 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Masakazu Fukuda   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fighting +20   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Caitlyn's rating = 3 (good)   Quantity = 1  
Half of all blackouts occur when this Pokémon appears at power plants and eats electricity. LV. 32 #125
Electivire  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Electivire   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 25 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 100   Weakness = Fighting +30   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 1  
It pushes the tips of its two tails against the foe, then lets loose with over 20,000 volts of power. LV. 50 #466
Electrode  Pokémon
Character = Electrode   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 26 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fighting +20   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 0   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity. LV. 42 #101
Entei  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Entei   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 4 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ryo Ueda   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Water +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
It is said that when it roars, a volcano erupts somewhere around the globe. LV. 43 #244
Farfetch'd  Pokémon
Character = Farfetch'd   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 49 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Lightning +20   Resistance = Fighting -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 2  
It can't live without the stalk it holds. That's why it defends the stalk from attackers with its life. LV. 26 #83
Flaaffy  Pokémon
Character = Flaaffy   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 50 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kagemaru Himeno   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fighting +20   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Johto   Caitlyn's rating = 3 (good)   Quantity = 1  
If its coat becomes fully charged with electricity, its tail lights up. It fires hair that zaps on impact. LV. 26 #180
Golem (Reverse Holo)  Pokémon   Reverse Holographic
Character = Golem   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 29 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Naoyo Kimura   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Grass +30   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 4   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It sheds its hide once a year. Its boulderlike body is so tough, even dynamite can't harm it. LV. 52 #76
Grimer  Pokémon
Character = Grimer   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 88 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Psychic +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 2  
It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth. LV. 15 #88
Growlithe  Pokémon
Character = Growlithe   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 89 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kagemaru Himeno   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Water +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 3  
A Pokémon with a loyal nature. It will remain motionless until it is given an order by its Trainer. LV. 20 #58
Hoppip  Pokémon
Character = Hoppip   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 90 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Motofumi Fujiwara   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 30   Weakness = Fire +10   Resistance = Fighting -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 3  
It drifts on winds. It is said that when HOPPIP gather in fields and mountains, spring is on the way. LV. 7 #187
Ivysaur  Pokémon
Character = Ivysaur   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 51 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kagemaru Himeno   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fire +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
When the bud on its back starts swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to indicate the flower's coming bloom. LV. 24 #2
Kanivanha (Carvanha)  Pokémon
Character = Carvanha   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 81 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Masakazu Fukuda   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Lightning +10   Resistance = Psychic -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Caitlyn's rating = 2 (fair)   Quantity = 1  
Sie begegnen jedem Gegner, der in ihr Revier eindringt, im Schwarm. Ihre Zähne durchdringen alles.
Kecleon  Pokémon
Character = Kecleon   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 52 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Mitsuhiro Arita   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fighting +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
IT can freely change its body's color. The zigzag pattern on its belly doesn't change, however. LV. 28 #352
Knacklion (Trapinch)  Pokémon
Character = Trapinch   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 115 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Sumiyoshi Kizuki   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Water +10   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Caitlyn's rating = 2 (fair)   Quantity = 1  
Es baut im Wüstensand eine Fallgrube, setzt sich in ihr auf den Boden und wartet auf Beute.
Kussilla (Smoochum)  Pokémon
Character = Smoochum   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 67 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Atsuko Nishida   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Psychic +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Baby   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
Dieses PKMN berührt alles mit den Lippen. Diese merken sich, was es mag und nicht mag.
Lickilicky  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Lickilicky   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 12 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kazuyuki Kano   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 110   Weakness = Fighting +30   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 4   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 1  
It wraps things with its extensible tongue. Getting too close to it will leave you soaked with drool. LV. 46 #463
Lickitung  Pokémon
Character = Lickitung   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 91 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fighting +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 2  
Instead of hands, it uses its tongue, which is twice its height. Its sticky saliva grips anything. LV. 27 #108
Lotad  Pokémon
Character = Lotad   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 92 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Saya Tsuruta   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Lightning +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
It looks like an aquatic plant and serves as a ferry to Pokémon that can't swim. LV. 13 #270
Loturzel (Lotad)  Pokémon
Character = Lotad   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 92 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Saya Tsuruta   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Lightning +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
Es sieht aus wie eine Wasser- pflanze. Es dient den PKMN, die nicht schwimmen können, als Fähre.
Ludicolo  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Ludicolo   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 13 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Mitsuhiro Arita   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 100   Weakness = Lightning +30   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
If it hears festive music, all its muscles fill with energy. It can't help breaking out into a dance. LV. 47 #272
Magmar  Pokémon
Character = Magmar   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 93 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Water +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 3  
Born in the spout of a volcano, its body is covered by flames that shimmer like the sun. LV. 27 #126
Mareep  Pokémon
Character = Mareep   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 94 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Atsuko Nishida   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Fighting +10   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 2  
Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking. LV. 11 #179
Miltank  Pokémon
Character = Miltank   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 55 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Mitsuhiro Arita   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Fighting +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
It is said that kids who drink MILTANK's milk grow up to become hearty, healthy adults. LV. 32 #241
Minun  Pokémon
Character = Minun   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 32 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Masakazu Fukuda   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting +10   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
It cheers on friends. If its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks. LV. 30 #312
Muk  Pokémon
Character = Muk   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 56 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Daisuke Ito   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Psychic +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
A toxic fluid seeps from its body. The fluid instantly kills plants and trees on contact. LV. 43 #89
Muschas (Shellder)  Pokémon
Character = Shellder   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 105 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Lightning +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Caitlyn's rating = 2 (fair)   Quantity = 1  
Es schwimmt rückwärts, indem es seine Schale öffnet und schließt. Es zeigt immer seine breite Zunge.
Nidoking  Pokémon
Character = Nidoking   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 34 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 130   Weakness = Psychic +30   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Stage 2   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
One swing of its mighty tail can snap a telephone pole as if it were a matchstick. LV. 55 #34
Nidoran ♂  Pokémon
Character = Nidoran ♂ Male   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 97 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Mitsuhiro Arita   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Psychic +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It scans its surroundings by raising its ears out of the grass. Its toxic horn is for protection. LV. 13 #32
Phanpy  Pokémon
Character = Phanpy   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 98 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Water +10   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 5  
It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back. LV. 14 #231
Phanpy (Phanpy)  Pokémon
Character = Phanpy   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 98 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Water +10   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Caitlyn's rating = 2 (fair)   Quantity = 1  
Trotz seiner geringen Größe ist es stark. Es kann einen Erwachsenen mühelos auf dem Rücken tragen.
Plusle  Pokémon
Character = Plusle   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 36 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Masakazu Fukuda   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting +10   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 2  
It cheer on friends with pom-poms made of sparks. It drains power from telephone poles. LV. 30 #311
Pottrott (Shuckle)  Pokémon
Character = Shuckle   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 109 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Emi Yoshida   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fire +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
In seiner Schale bewahrt es Beeren auf. Diese fermentieren zu einem leckeren Saft.
Psyduck  Pokémon
Character = Psyduck   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 100 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kagemaru Himeno   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Lightning +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 4  
If its usual headache worsens, it starts exhibiting odd powers. It can't remember doing so, however. LV. 15 #54
Quagsire  Pokémon
Character = Quagsire   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 60 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Sumiyoshi Kizuki   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Grass +30   Resistance = Lightning -20   Retreat Cost = 3   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
It has a sluggish nature. It lies at the river's bottom, waiting for prey to stray into its mouth. LV. 38 #195
Qwilfish  Pokémon
Character = Qwilfish   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 101 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kenkichi Toyama   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Lightning +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 2  
It shoots the poison spines on its body in all directions. Its round form makes it a poor swimmer. LV. 31 #211
Raikou  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Raikou   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 16 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ryo Ueda   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fighting +20   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
It is said to have fallen with lightning. It can fire thunderbolts from the rain clouds on its back. LV. 42 #243
Raticate  Pokémon
Character = Raticate   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 61 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fighting +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 0   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 2  
It whittles its constantly growing fangs by gnawing on hard things. It can chew apart cinder walls. LV. 29 #20
Rattfratz (Rattata)  Pokémon
Character = Rattata   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 103 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Mitsuhiro Arita   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 30   Weakness = Fighting +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 0   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
Es strotzt vor Lebenskraft und kann in jeder Umgebung leben. Es ist extrem vorsichtig.
Roserade  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Roserade   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 17 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 90   Weakness = Fire +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 1  
It attracts prey with a sweet aroma, then downs it with thorny whips hidden in its arms. LV. 37 #407
Sentret  Pokémon
Character = Sentret   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 104 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Midori Harada   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fighting +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 3  
It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas. LV. 11 #161
Shellos East Sea  Pokémon
Character = Shellos   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 106 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Lightning +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 2   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 2  
Its colors and shapes differ from region to region. In the Sinnoh region, two types are confirmed. LV. 23 #422
Shuckle  Pokémon
Character = Shuckle   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 109 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Emi Yoshida   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Fire +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
It stores berries in its shell. The berries eventually ferment to become delicious juices. LV. 25 #213
Spinda  Pokémon
Character = Spinda   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 111 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Atsuko Nishida   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fighting +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Hoenn   Quantity = 1  
No two SPINDA have the same pattern of spots. Its tottering step fouls the aim of foes. LV. 25 #327
Squirtle  Pokémon
Character = Squirtle   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 112 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kagemaru Himeno   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Lightning +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Caitlyn's rating = 2 (fair)   Quantity = 1  
It shelters itself in its shell, then strikes back with spouts of water at every opportunity. LV. 15 #7
Stantler  Pokémon
Character = Stantler   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 113 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kouki Saitou   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fighting +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 3  
Staring at its antlers creates an odd sensation as if one were being drawn into their centers. LV. 28 #234
Suicune  Pokémon   Holographic
Character = Suicune   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 19 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ryo Ueda   Rarity = Rare Holo   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Lightning +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
It races around the world to purify fouled water. It dashes away with the north wind. LV. 44 #245
Unown [K]  Pokémon
Character = Unown   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 68 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Daisuke Ito   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 60   Weakness = Psychic +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 2  
Shaped like ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or UNOWN came first. LV. 15 #201
Unown [O]  Pokémon
Character = Unown   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 70 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Daisuke Ito   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Psychic +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
Shaped like ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or UNOWN came first. LV. 12 #201
Unown [X]  Pokémon
Character = Unown   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 71 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kazuyuki Kano   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Psychic +10   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Quantity = 1  
Shaped like ancient writing, it is a huge mystery whether language or UNOWN came first. LV. 11 #201
Voltilamm (Mareep)  Pokémon
Character = Mareep   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 94 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Atsuko Nishida   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Fighting +10   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Johto   Caitlyn's rating = 2 (fair)   Quantity = 1  
Sein weiches Fell wird doppelt so dick, wenn sich Elektrizität aufbaut.
Voltorb  Pokémon
Character = Voltorb   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 117 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Satoshi Ohta   Rarity = Common   HP Value = 50   Weakness = Fighting +10   Resistance = Metal -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Basic   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It looks just like a Poké Ball. It is dangerous because it may electrocute or explode on touch. LV. 29 #100
Wartortle  Pokémon   Reverse Holographic
Character = Wartortle   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 75 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Uncommon   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Lightning +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Kanto   Quantity = 1  
It is said to live 10,000 years. Its furry tail is popular as a symbol of longevity. LV. 28 #8
Wormadam (Plant Cloak)  Pokémon
Character = Wormadam   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 41 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Mitsuhiro Arita   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 80   Weakness = Fire +20   Resistance =    Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Sinnoh   Quantity = 2  
When BURMY evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon's body. The cloak is never shed. LV. 36 #413
Wormadam (Trash Cloak)  Pokémon
Character = Wormadam   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 43 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Kazuyuki Kano   Rarity = Rare   HP Value = 70   Weakness = Fire +20   Resistance = Psychic -20   Retreat Cost = 1   Evolution Stage = Stage 1   Region = Sinnoh   Caitlyn's rating = 3 (good)   Quantity = 1  
When BURMY evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon's body. The cloak is never shed. LV. 38 #413

 Supporter Top of page Bottom of page
Bebe's Search  Supporter
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 119 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Uncommon   Quantity = 1  
Professor Oak's Visit  Supporter
Character = Professor Oak   Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 122 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Uncommon   Quantity = 1  
Team Galactic's Mars  Supporter
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 126 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ken Sugimori   Rarity = Uncommon   Quantity = 1  

 Trainer Top of page Bottom of page
Night Maintenance  Trainer
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 120 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Ryo Ueda   Rarity = Uncommon   Quantity = 3  
PlusPower (PlusPower)  Trainer
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 121 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Ryo Ueda   Rarity = Uncommon   Quantity = 1  
Potion  Trainer
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 127 / 132   Country = USA   Year = 2007   Illustrator = Shin-ichi Yoshikawa   Rarity = Common   Quantity = 8  
Trank (Potion)  Trainer
Card Set = DP - Secret Wonders   Card # in Set = 127 / 132   Country = Germany   Year = 2008   Illustrator = Shin-ichi Yoshikawa   Rarity = Common   Quantity = 1
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